M.Phil course and contents

Course Title
Credit Hours
IBGE-701 Genetics-I
4 (4+0)
IBGE-702 Biochemistry-I
4 (4+0)
IBGE-703 Tissue Culture
4 (4+0)
IBGE-704 Gene Regulation & Expression
4 (4+0
IBGE-705 Lab-I
2 (0+4)
IBGE-706 Genetics-II
4 (4+0)
IBGE-707 Biochemistry II
4 (4+0)
IBGE-708 Recombinant DNA technology
4 (4+0)
IBGE-709 Elements of Biotechnology
4 (4+0)
IBGE-710 Lab II
2 (0+4)
IBGE-711 Advanced Molecular Biology
4 (4+0)
IBGE-712 Microbial Biotechnology
4 (4+0)
IBGE -713 Environmental Biotechnology
4 (4+0)
IBGE-714 Agricultural Biotechnology
4 (4+0)
IBGE-715 Biotechnology Lab.
2 (0+4)
IBGE -716 Current Research Trends in Biotechnology 2 (2+0)
IBGE-717 Safety consideration for Biotechnology Processes 2 (2+0)
IBGE-720 Advanced Genetics
4 (4+0)
IBGE-721 Advanced Molecular Biology
4 (4+0)
IBGE-722 Plant Genetic Engineering
4 (4+0
IBGE-723 Molecular and Microbial Genetics
4 (4+0)
IBGE -724 Current Research Trendsin Molecular Genetics 2 (2+0)
IBGE-725 DNA Technology Lab. III
2 (0+4)
IBGE- M. Phil Thesis-on the basis of research project
IBGE- PhD Thesis-on the basis of research project
IBGE- M. Phil Seminar-I
IBGE- M. Phil Seminar-II
IBGE- PhD Seminar-I
M. Phil/PhD Biotechnology
IBGE-701 Genetics-1
Physical and chemical structure of DNA, base of DNA, base pairing and
base helix. anti parallel orientation of DNA strands, factors that
determine the structure of DNA, fluctuation of the structure. denaturation
and strand separation, reanylation, DNA heteroduplexes, multiple copies
of base sequences in eukaryotics DNA, circular and superhelical DNA,
twisted circulars, single stranded in superhelicals, repeated sequences,
left handed DNA helices, the structure of RNA, central Dogma,
identification of DNA as genetic material, properties of genetic material,
storage and transformation from parents to offspring, chemical stability
of DNA, the ability of DNA to change, DNA repair: Photo reactivation,
excision repair, recombinant repair, SOS repair, DNA replication,
precursors, enzymology, events, leading and lagging strand, replication
in eukaryotes.
IBGE-702 Biochemistry-I
Molecular logic of living organisms: cell, structural features, prokaryotic
and eukaryotic cells, distinctive features of animals and plant cells:
composition of living matter, biochemical, macromolecule, water
physical properties, amino acids and peptides, structural features,
classification on the basis of their R groups, peptides or chain of amino
acids biological activities, proteins, globular proteins, enzymes,
properties and clones of enzymes, effect of substrate on enzyme
catalyzed reaction, enzyme inhibitions, regulation of enzymatic action,
vitamins and trace elements in the function of enzymes.
IBGE-703 Tissue Culture
Plant tissue culture: introduction, history and importance of tissue
culture. Methods of plant tissue culture: callus culture Organogenesis,
somatic embryogenesis, and protoplast isolation and fusion.
Special techniques used in tissue culture: anther and pollen culture,
micropropagation, production of secondary metabolites by plant cell
culture,. Improvement of plant via plant cell culture: production of variant
plants from selected cells, selection for stress resistance, production of
disease resistance plants.
IBGE-704 Gene Regulation and Expression
Gene expression: regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes, the
operon model Lac: an indelible operon, positive control of Lac operon by
CAP and cyclic AMP. Regulation of gene expression and development
in eukaryotes: cellular differentiation in higher eukaryotes: genetic
control of development in Drosophilae, mechanism of regulation of
transcription in eukaryotes: hormonal control of gene expression,
genetic control of immune response: components of immune system;
genetic control of cell division, oncogenes and protooncogenes
IBGE-705 Lab-I
Laboratory regulations and safety training: safe handling of pH mater,
autoclave, chemicals and others. Preparation of stock and working
solutions. Preparation of media (Liquid and sami-liqued and semi-solid),
explant preparation, callus culture and Organogenesis, liquid
suspension culture, micropropagation, and plant regeneration.
IBGE-706 Genetics-II
Enzymatic synthesis of RNA, prokaryotes, insite selection, chain
initiation, elongation, termination, enzymology, post transcription
modification of RNA, transcription in eukaryotes, post transcriptional
modification in eukaryotes: protein synthesis, the genetic code, transfer
RNA and amino acyle synthetase ribosome, codon-anticodon
interaction, selection of current AUG codon for initiation, initiation of
protein synthesis in prokaryotic,
elongation, termination, post
transitional modification, difference in between prokaryotic and
eukaroytic cells.
IBGE-707 Biochemistry-II
Cell membrane, components of cell membrane, properties and
functional components, the ATP cycle and cell bioenergetics, ATP a
major chemical link between energy yielding and energy requiring cell
activities, chemistry of ATP, roll of ATP in active transport across
membrane: glycolysis, phases in glycolysis, citric acid cycle, steps,
regulation, electron transport, oxidative phosphorylation and regulation
ATP production, photosynthesis, photosynthetic organisms, light and
dark phases, light absorbing pigments, electron flow, photorespiration, a
problem in temperate agriculture.
IBGE-708 Recombinant DNA Technology
Isolation of nucleic acid: radioactive labeling of nucleic acids, restriction
endonuclease, properties of restriction enzymes determining the sites of
cuts, restriction mapping, plasmid, isolation of plasmid DNA, cloning to
restriction fragment in plasmid , purification complementary strand of
DNA, hybridization by blotting, determining of base sequence of DNA,
preparation of DNA complementary to RNA,. Vectors, joining of DNA
fragment by addition of homopolymers, blunt end libation, joining with
linkers, generation of fragments by hydrodynamic shear, detection of
recombinant molecules, physical method of identifying the plasmid
containing foreign DNA, cloning of single stranded DNA production of
proteins from cloned genes.
IBGE-709 Elements of Biotechnology
Biotechnology, conventional biotechnology, tissue and cell culture,
microorganisms, single protein, industrial chemicals, protein with
industrial application, protein with medicinal application, . Dairy
fermentation and degradation of pollutants. Plants: regeneration of
plant from protoplasts and callus tissue, the Ti plasmid of Agrobacterium
tumefaciens , direct gene transfer, Electroporation and microprojectil
guns, herbicide tolerant plants, disease and insect resistance varieties,
high lysine corn, enhanced nitrogen utilization.
Animals: microingection, gene expression in transgenic organisms, virus
resistant transgenic chickens, secretion of viable proteins in milk of
transgenic animals. Somatic cell gene therapy treatment of human
IBGE-710 Lab-II
Preparation of material for DNA extraction, isolation and purification,
DNA digestion with restriction enzymes, electrophoresis, southern
transfer, hybridization.
IBGE -711 Advanced molecular Biology
regulation of gene and there products in prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
general aspects of regulation the lactose system and operon model,
mechanism of CAMP-CRP complex and the repressor molecular aspect
of mutation, types, mutagenesis and impacts of characters. Mutagens.
Base analogue,
chemicals, intercalating substances, reversion.
Bacteriophages. types, lytic and lysogenic properties, genetic
organization, taking over host cell, and growth. Transducing particles,
generalized and specialized particles. Plasmids, general properties and
types. Sex plasmid F and its derivatives. Drug resistance R plasmid,
colocinogenic or col plasmids Agrobacterium Ti plasmid. recombinant
DNA and genetic engineering terminology. restriction enzyme and their
properties, sides of cuts and restriction mapping. vectors, DNA cloning
insertion of particular DNA molecule into a vector of host cell by
restriction cutting detection of recombinant molecules.
IBGE-712 Microbial Biotechnology
Prokaryotes and eukaryotes, bacteria, growth of bacteria, identification
of nutritional requirements of bacteria, the physical organization of
bacteria, metabolic regulation in bacteria, nitrogen fixing and tumor
inducing bacteria, Bacteriophages, general properties of phages, life
cycle of phages, properties of phages, infected bacterial cultural, T type
phages, E. coli. a phase E. coli. phage X174, filamentous phages, single
stranded RNA phages, lysogenic phages, life cycle, general properties.
immunity to infection, decision between lytic and lysogenic cycles,
transducing phages, properties of specialized transducing particles,
properties of generalized transducing particles.
IBGE-713 Environmental Biotechnology
Environmental biotechnology and society, environmental assessment of
environment, extreme environment, disposal of domestic and industrial
waste and pollutants, microbial transformation, bioremediation of soils
and water microbial deodorization, coal and oil desulphurization.
IBGE-714 Agricultural Biotechnology
Plant breeding, cell and tissue culture, plant transformation, methods of
transformation in plants including competence, Electroporation,
microinjection, particle gun. Agrobacterium biology: methods for
assessing transformation, transgenic plants for herbicides, pests, fungal,
bacterial and viral resistance, transgenic plants for nitrogen fixation and
ice minus bacteria. producing proteins and animal cell culturing,
requirements of small and large-scale cell culture: transgenic expression
system: stable expression system virus as a expression as vectors.
IBGE-715 Biotechnology Lab.
Construction of DNA library, genomic library, restriction length
polymorphism, polymarase chain reaction, randomly amplified
polymorphic DNA, application of these techniques.
IBGE-716 Current Research Trends in Biotechnology
Latest developments in areas of current interest will be dealt with, this
course will cover the topics, which are important otherwise but cannot be
included in any other course. the course contents will be heavily based
on reviews and research publications and the faculty will determine its
contents from time to time.
IBGE-717 Safety Consideration for Biotechnology Processes
laboratory tips: maintaining of hygienic and sterilized environment,
discipline and organization, handling of equipment and materials: Extra
care in use of certain highly carcinogenic chemicals, radioactive
labeling, UV Tranilluminator and restriction enzymes etc., precautions
taking during the process of transformation: handling of transgenic
material, disposal of toxic wastes.
IBGE- M.Phil Thesis -on the bases of research project
The student will undertake experimental work on the topic of research
allotted during the third semester and submit a thesis, which will be
evaluated on the bases of experimental results, obtained, quality of
manuscript, oral presentation of research work and viva voce
IBGE-M.Phil Seminar-1
The student will deliver a seminar on a topic allotted by a seminar
IBGE-720 Advanced Genetics
Genetic material, properties of genetic material,
storage and
transmission of genetic information, transmission of information from
parents to progeny, chemical stability of DNA, ability of DNA to change.
DNA replication : basic rule of replication, semiconservation fashion,
enzymology, precursors, replication in prokaryotes, polymerization
reaction in linear double stranded DNA. Replication of circular DNA’s
discontinuous replication, replication in eukaryotes.
DNA repair: SOS repair, excision repair, photoreaction, recombination
repair. Transcription: precursors, enzymology, transcription in
prokaryotes, promoter and their importance, initiation, elongation and
termination of transcription. Post transcriptional modification.
Transcription and posttranscriptional modification in eukaryotes.
Translation: codons and their universality, prerequisites of protein
synthesis, protein synthesis in prokaryotes, ribosome, tRNA`s enzymes,
precursors, initiation, elongation and termination of polypeptide chain,
post transnational modification, protein synthesis in eukaryotes.
IBGE-721 Advanced Molecular Biology
regulation of gene and there products in prokaryotes and eukaryotes,
general aspects of regulation the lactose system and operon model,
mechanism of CAMP-CRP complex and the repressor molecular aspect
of mutation, types, mutagenesis and impacts of characters. Mutagens.
Base analogue,
chemicals, intercalating substances, reversion.
Bacteriophages. types, lytic and lysogenic properties, genetic
organization, taking over host cell, and growth. Transducing particles,
generalized and specialized particles. Plasmids, general properties and
types. Sex plasmid F and its derivatives. Drug resistance R plasmid,
colocinogenic or col plasmids Agrobacterium Ti plasmid. recombinant
DNA and genetic engineering terminology. restriction enzyme and their
properties, sides of cuts and restriction mapping. vectors, DNA cloning
insertion of particular DNA molecule into a vector of host cell by
restriction cutting detection of recombinant molecules.
IBGE-722 Plant Genetic Engineering
Modern Plant breeding: Novel approaches to strengthen plant breeding
program including: artificial mutation, tissue culture and genetic
engineering and recombinant DNA techniques. Introduction and
importance of plant genetic engineering. Role of different enzymes and
their analysis in molecular biology. Role of vector and plasmid in genetic
engineering. vectors for gene cloning. cultural tools and techniques for
genetic engineering (restriction fragments length polymorphism, yeast
artificial chromosome, polymrerase chain reaction) Rapid clonal
propagation, and crop breeding. plant transformation ( direct gene
transfer, transfer of gene through Agrobacterium). Study of expression
of cloned gene.
IBGE-723 Molecular and Microbial Genetics
Eukaryotic viruses, basic structure of nucleic acid and life cycle. some
DNA and RNA viruses of animals and plants and their importance in
molecular biology research. tumor virus, retroviruses, transformation,
integration of viral DNA consequences of integration. viral oncogenes,
carcinogenes and oncogenes, oncogenes and cancer, activation of
oncogenes. transposable elements, transposition, detection of
transposition in bacterial, type of bacterial transposons, modes of
transposition in bacteria. genetic phenomena mediated by transposons
in bacteria. Transposable elements in eukaryotes. Plants and bacterial
gene expression in nitrogen fixing legume root nodules, infection,
nodules, location of genetic determinants in nodule formation, rhizobium
genes and plant genes in modulation. genetic colonization of plant by
Agrobacterium infection and tumor growth, tumor inducing Ti plasmid, its
structure, organization of integrated T-DNA, function encoded in Ti
plasmid DNA, transcription. examples of DNA cloning and genetic
engineering from latest publication.
IBGE-724 Current Research Trends in Molecular Biology
Latest developments in areas of current interest will be dealt with, this
course will cover the topics, which are important otherwise but cannot be
included in any other course. the course contents will be heavily based
on reviews and research publications and the faculty will determine its
contents from time to time.
IBGE-725 DNA Technology Lab III
Preparation and characterization of chromosomal plasmid and
bacteriophage DNA and RNA. Mini project to clone a specific gene in
E.coli. techniques used in molecular biology.
IBGE-717 Safety Consideration for Biotechnology Processes
laboratory tips: maintaining of hygienic and sterilized environment,
discipline and organization, handling of equipments and materials: Extra
care in use of certain highly carcinogenic chemicals, radioactive
labeling, UV transilluminator and restriction enzymes etc., precautions
taking during the process of transformation: handling of transgenic
material, disposal of toxic wastes.
IBGE-718 Thesis -on the basis of Research Project
The student will undertake experimental work on the topic
of research allotted during the third semester and submit a
thesis, which will be evaluated on the bases of
experimental results, obtained, quality of manuscript, oral
presentation of research work and viva voce examination.
IBGE-M.Phil Seminar-II
The student will deliver a seminar on a topic allotted by a seminar
IBGE- PhD Seminar
IBGE- PhD Thesis
Courses: IBGE-701, IBGE-702, IBGE-706.
Fundamentals of Biochemistry, D. Voet, J. G. Voet, C.W. Pratt,
(1999), Jhon Wiley & Sons.
Principles of Biochemistry, A.L. Lehininger, D,L. Nelson and M.M.
Cox (1993), Worth pulishers.
Biochemistry, G. Zubay, Fourth Edition (1998), WCB publisher.
Molecular Biology, Daved Freifelder, Second Edition (1987),
Jones & Barlet Publisher, Boston.
Principle of Genetics, E.J. Gardner, M.J. Simmons and D.P.
snudtrad, Eight Edition (1991)
Jhon Wiley & sons, New York.
Courses: IBGE-711, IBGE-709
Molecular Biology of the Cell, B. Alberts. D. Bray, J. Lewis. M.
Raff, K. Roberts and J.D. Watson,
Principle and Molecular Biology, L. J. Kleinsmith and V.M. kish,
second Edition(1995),
Harpins Collins Publishers, New York.
Plant Molecular Biology Manual, Station. B. Gelvin, Robberet A.
Schilperoort, Desh Pal S. Verma, (1988), Kluwer Acadimic Publishers,
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, Robert A. Mayers (1995),
VCH Publishers, New York.
Courses: IBGE-721, IBGE-720, IBGE-723
Advanced Molecular Biology, Puhlar, A. and N.K. Timmis (1985),
Springer-Verlag, New
Courses:IBGE-703, IBGE-708 IBGE-709, IBGE-715, IBGE-711, IBGE-714,
Plant Biotechnology, S.H. Mantell (1985), Springer- Verlag, New
Principle of Plant Biotechnology: an introduction to genetic
engineering in plants. S.H. Mantel, J.A. Mathews, R.A. Mckee
(9185), Blackwell Scientific Publication, Oxford, London, Boston.
Biotechnology in 21st Century, Ayyana, C. (1993), McGraw Hill
Molecular Biotechnology, Principle and Applications, Glick, B.R.
(9196), A.S.M. Press
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, J.M. and Walkar and E,B,
Gingold, third Edition (9193),
Royal Chemistry Society
Plant Biotechnology, M. W. Fowler, G. S. Warrenand M. Moo-
young (1992, Elsvier Science
Animal Biotechnology, Comprehensive Biotechnology, I.A. Philips
and M. Moo-Young (1989),
Elsevier Science
Molecular Biotechnology, Maulick and Patel (1994), John Wiley
and Sons
Plant Tissue Culture Manual, K. Lindesey, (19970, Kluwer
Academic Publisher, Netherlands
Courses: IBGE-708, IBGE-715, IBGE-724, IBGE-704
Smith(1995), Marcel dekker, New York
DNA cloning 2: Expression System a Practical Approach, D.M.
Glover and B.D. Hames
(9195), IRL Press
DNA fingerprinting, M. Krauezak and J. Schmidtke (1994),
Bioscientific Oxford
Courses: IBGE-721, IBGE-713, IBGE-723
Environmental Microbiology, Mitchell (1995),,Marcel Dekker,
Seventh Edition (1994), Prentice hall
Molecular Biology of Bacteria, J.W. Dab, Second Edition (1994),
John Wiley and Sons
Microbial Biotechnology, Fundamentals and Applications, Glzar,
A.W. (1995), W.H. Freeman
Courses: IBGE-708, IBGE-709, IBGE-715, IBGE-722
Gel Electrophoresis of
Hames, Second Edition (1990),
Nucleic Acids, D. Rickwood and B.D.
IRL Press
Courses: IBGE-719
Preparing Scientific Illustration, A Guide to Better Posters,
Presentation and Publications,
M.H. Briscoe, Second Edition (1993),
Longmans Scientific
Course: IBGE-709, IBGE-713
Environmental Biotechnology; Principle and Applications, M.
Moo-Young, W.A. Anderson
Chakarabarty (1996), Kluwer
Acadimicv Publishers.
Enzyme In Industry, W. Gerhartz (1990), VCH Germany
Industerial Biotechnology, Malik, V.S. Malik (1992), Oxford Press.