
Curriculum Vitae
Fanny Sie
Mobile: 416 300 3729
Date of Last Update: November 16, 2014
University Education
2007 – 2008
Masters of Management of Innovation (MMI)
The University of Toronto, Faculty of Health Policy
Management and Evaluation (HPME)
1999 – 2002
Radiation Therapy, M.R.T.(T), BSc
The University of Toronto, Faculty of Medicine/
The Michener Institute of Applied Health Sciences
1995 – 1999
Human Biology, HonsBSc
The University of Toronto, Faculty of Arts and Science
Scholarships and Awards
Winner of the George Reason Memorial Cup
(Technical Exhibit) at the CAMRT 61st Annual
Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba
Ontario Association of Medical Radiation Technologist
Student Leadership Award
Academic/Athletic Excellence Award, University of
Academic scholarships, University of Toronto and
Miller Thomson National Scholarship Foundation
Governor General’s Academic Bronze Medal for
highest GPA
Fanny Sie
Masters of Management of Innovation (MMI)
BSc, Radiation Sciences
BSc(Hons), Human Biology
Additional Qualifications
Elekta/IMPAC training (Electronic Medical Record software Practice Management, Image Management, Technical
Support, Record/Verify systems for oncology specific
treatment delivery, medical chart archiving strategies)
Diploma, Radiation Therapist, M.R.T. (T)
2014 – Present
MaRS Innovation
Manager, Technology and Venture Development
(Head of Medical Imaging)
MaRS Discovery District, Toronto, Ontario
2012 – 2014
MaRS Innovation
Project Manager, Physical Sciences/Medical Devices
(Medical Imaging)
MaRS Discovery District, Toronto, Ontario
2011- 2012
MaRS Innovation
Manager, Technology Assessment
Physical Sciences/Medical Devices (Imaging)
MaRS Discovery District, Toronto, Ontario
Fanny Sie
2009- 2011
Clinical Applications Business Analyst
ELEKTA/Impac Oncology Systems
Southlake Regional Cancer Center, Newmarket, Ontario
2003 - 2008
Combined role Research & Developer/Radiation Therapist,
Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
2002 - 2003
Radiation Therapist,
Princess Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario
Commercial Activities
2010 – present
Multi-million dollar license to Elekta closed Commercialization of a software platform, which uses low
frequency ultrasound in the detection of apoptosis for
treatment monitoring in cancer patients. This intellectual
property originates out of Sunnybrook Health Science Center
(Toronto). Activities include licensing, co-ordinating a multisite trial, exploring regulatory approval paths, acquiring
intellectual property and developing collaborations between
academia, clinicians and industry.
2010 – present
2.5 M Series A Financing closed (Lead investor –
Horizon Ventures – Li Ka Shing) and 20.0 M contract
with US Center for Disease Control closed.
Commercialization of a software platform invented by a
clinician scientist from St Michael’s Hospital (Toronto) used
for the risk analysis and evaluation of infectious diseases
through the creation of a start-up company, namely
BioDiaspora ( The BioDiaspora
platform is currently in use by the US and EU Centers for
Disease Control and the Public Health Agency of Canada.
Activities include business/intellectual property strategy,
revenue modelling, preparing and acquiring investment, Clevel recruitment and the execution of contracts in various
verticals (health organizations, insurance, mass gatherings
such as the UK Olympic Games).
2010 – present
Raised 500K for product development within academia
and industry Commercialization of a microfluidic based
bioprinter. This intellectual property originates out of The
University of Toronto (Biomaterial Engineering). Activities
Fanny Sie
include initiating relationships between engineers and
clinicians to accelerate the required data for regulatory
approval for intended medical applications (ie. functional skin
generation for those patients suffering from large surface
area burns.)
2010 – present
Commercialization of a breast density platform
(hardware/software), which may be retrofitted with current
mammography device infrastructure. This intellectual
property originates out of Sunnybrook Health Science
Center. Activities include investigation of global policy and
reimbursement for breast density measurement as an
adjunct to current mammography practice.
2010 – present
Options with industry partners are in progress Commercialization of the use of visualization
agents/radiosensitizers in cancer treatment delivery. This
intellectual property originates out of University Health
Network - Princess Margaret Hospital. Activities include
acquiring intellectual property and creating collaborations
with the global industry leaders in mammography (ie. GE,
2012 - 2012
Organizer of Hacking Health Toronto – Developers,
Clinicians and Designers collaborate to develop a proof-ofconcept software application as a potential solution for
existing clinical health challenges.
Professional Affiliations
Advisory board member for The Medical Device
Commercialization Center (MDCC), a Center of Excellence
for Commercialization and Research.
2008 – 2008
Student internship at Amgen Canada – Evaluation and
strategy generation to current commercialization
policies/practices. Supervisor: Nick Kuryluk
2008 – 2008
Business strategy generated for Baylis Medical and founder
of surgical instruments (patent pending) – Proposed financial
relations for negotiations ie. licensing agreements.
2008 – 2008
Business strategy for market entry created for a start-up
company - Industry Dynamics specializes in
hardware/software solutions to facilitate telephony-internet
Fanny Sie
2004 - current
Member of Radiation Therapist Research Committee
2004 – current
Member of the American Registry of Radiologic
2004 – current
Member of the Canadian Association of Radiation
2004 – current
Member of The Society of Clinical Research Associates, Inc.
2003 – current
Elekta Oncology Systems Synergy International
Development Group
2002 – current
Member of the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation
2002 - current
Member of the Ontario Association of Medical Radiation
2002 – current
Member of College of Medical Radiation Technologist of
1999 – 2002
Student representative for the Ontario Association of Medical
Radiation Technologist
1999 – 2002
Student representative for The Joint Curriculum Committee
of the Radiation Sciences program
1999 – 2002
The Program Advisory Committee and The Executive
Advisory Committee for the Radiation Therapy program
1999 – 2002
Student representative for the Radiation Therapy graduating
class of 2002
Certifications and Licensures
Contrast Media Injection certification
College of Medical Radiation Technologists of Ontario
American Registry of Radiation Technologists
Fanny Sie
Published Abstracts:
1. F. Sie, T. Purdie, G. Bootsma, K. Franks, D. Jaffray. Intra-fraction Monitoring of
Tumour Position at Treatment Delivery in Lung Patients Receiving Hypofractionated
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). International Journal of Radiation
Oncology, Biology, and Physics, TBD, 2007.
2. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, A. Parent, C.Euler, C. Catton. P. Chung, A. Griffin, P. Ferguson,
J. Wunder, M. Sharpe, J. Moseley, B. O’Sullivan, R. Bell, D. Jaffray. Optical
Navigation-assisted Surgical Planning for Sarcoma Patients Receiving Pre-operative
Radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology, TBD, 2007.
3. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, D. Moseley, D.A. Jaffray. An Efficiency Study of an Optical
Approach for Routine Patient Positioning and Intra-fraction Monitoring. International
Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and Physics, 6(3): p S636, 2006.
4. W. Chu, T. Craig, K. Wiltshire, K. Brock, D. Moseley, E. Chan, E. White, F. Sie, J
Hensel, J. Stainsby, M. Sussman, A. Bayley, P. Chung, M. Milosevic, C. Catton, P.
Warde, M. Gospodarowicz, C. Menard. Image-Guided Radiotherapy with ConeBeam CT after Prostatectomy: Evaluating the Impact on PTV Margin. Radiotherapy
and Oncology 81(Suppl 1): S221, 2006.
5. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, A. Parent, C. Euler, C. Catton, P. Chung, A. Griffin, P.
Ferguson, J. Wunder, M. Sharpe, B. O’Sullivan, R. Bell, D. Jaffray. Navigationassisted Surgical Planning and Design in Multi-Modal Sarcoma Management.
Sarcoma, 2006.
6. A. Parent, C. Euler, E. White, F. Sie, M. Sharpe, A. Griffin, T. Craig, P. Ferguson, P.
Chung, C. Catton, J. Wunder, B. O’Sullivan. Daily cone-beam CT image guidance
for lower extremity soft tissue sarcoma: the clinical experience with three
dimensional isocentre verification and volumetric target assessment. Sarcoma,
7. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, J. Siewerdsen, E. White, C. Chiarot, G. Wilson, T. Haycocks,
D.A. Jaffray. The Optical Wand Navigational System: An Aid in Daily Pre-treatment
Patient Positioning within A Radiotherapy Department. Interactions, Canadian
Medical Physics Newsletter, 51(2): p72, 2005.
8. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, J. Siewerdsen, E. White, C. Chiarot, G. Wilson, T. Haycocks,
D.A. Jaffray. An Integrated Navigation System for Routine Use in Radiotherapy
Patient Positioning. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 72(Suppl 1): S54, 2004.
9. M. Sharpe, J. Bissonette, L. Dawson, D. Moseley, H. Alasti, F.Sie, D. Jaffray.
Volumetric Image-Guidance in Extracranial Radiosurgery for Patients with Stage I/II
Medically Inoperable Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Radiotherapy and Oncology,
72(Suppl 1): S4, 2004.
Fanny Sie
10. E. White, T. Haycocks, F. Sie, D. Moseley, M. Sharpe, K. Wiltshire, C. Catton, D.
Jaffray. A Preliminary Investigation into the use of Cone-Beam CT for Image
Guidance during Radiotherapy of the Prostate. Princess Margaret Conference,
Manuscripts in Press
1. T. Purdie, J. Bissonnette, K. Franks, A. Bezjak, D. Payne, F. Sie, M. Sharpe, D.
Jaffray. Cone-Beam Computed Tomography for On-line Image Guidance of Lung
Stereotactic Radiation Therapy: Localization, Verification and Intra-Fraction Tumour
Position. Submitted, International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, and
Physics Nov 06.
Manuscripts in Progress
F. Sie, G. Bootsma, D. Moseley, C. Catton, D. Jaffray. Efficiency of a
Navigation Method for Daily Pre-treatment Positioning in Radiotherapy of the
Pelvis. Anticipated manuscript submission.
F. Sie, G. Bootsma, C. Catton, P. Ferguson, J. Wunder, B. O’Sullivan, R. Bell,
D. Jaffray. Navigation-assisted Surgical Planning and Design in Multi-Modal
Sarcoma Management. Anticipated manuscript submission.
F. Sie, G. Bootsma, T. Purdie, K. Franks, A. Bezjak, D. Jaffray. An Optical
Strategy for 4D Planned Target Position Confirmatin during Stereotactic Body
Radiation Treatment Delivery in Early stage Lung Cancer Patients.
Anticipated manuscript submission.
Podium Presentations (Peer reviewed/Selected by competition)
1. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, A. Parent, C.Euler, C. Catton. P. Chung, A. Griffin, P.
Ferguson, J. Wunder, M. Sharpe, J. Moseley, B. O’Sullivan, R. Bell, D. Jaffray.
Optical Navigation-assisted Surgical Planning for Sarcoma Patients Receiving
Pre-operative Radiotherapy. European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and
Oncology, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.
2. G. Bootsma, A. Kriegerm L. Lordachita, C. Piron, J. Richmond, G. Sela, F.Sie, M.
Filleti, C. Rocca, A. Kirilova, K.Brock, D.A. Jaffray, M. Haider, C. Menard. A
System for Prostate Intervention in a 1.5T MRI Scanner in the Supine Position.
Fanny Sie
International Soceity for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, Berlin, Germany,
3. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, D. Moseley, D. Jaffray. An Optical Approach to Patient
Positioning and Monitoring. 4th Annual Radiation Medicine Conference, Plenary
presentation, Kingsbridge, Ontario, 2007.
4. F.Sie, G. Bootmsa, D. Moseley, D. Jaffray. The Optical Wand Localization(OWL)
project: A Point Speaks Volumes. Gynecological Annual Retreat, Princess
Margaret Hospital, Toronto, Ontario.
5. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, J. Siewerdsen, E. White, C. Chiarot, G. Wilson, T.
Haycocks, D.A. Jaffray. An Integrated Navigation System for Routine Use in
Radiotherapy Patient Positioning. Canadian Association of Radiation Oncology,
18th Annual Scientific Meeting, Halifax, Nova Scotia, 2004.
6. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, J. Siewerdsen, E. White, C. Chiarot, G. Wilson, T.
Haycocks, D.A. Jaffray. The Optical Wand Navigational System: An Aid in Daily
Pre-treatment Patient Positioning within A Radiotherapy Department. WesCan,
Annual Scientific Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, 2004.
7. G. Bootsma, A. Krieger, C. Piron, J. Richmond, G. Sela, M. Filleti, F. Sie, C.
Rocca, A. Kirilova, K. Brock, D. Jaffray, M. Haider, C. Ménard. A System for
Prostate Intervention in a 1.5 T MRI Scanner in the Supine Position.
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM), Berlin,
Germany, 2007.
Podium Presentations (Invited)
1. F. Sie, Li, Winnie, D. Jaffray. Image Guidance from a Therapists Perspective.
Elekta/IMPAC Users Meeting, Los Angeles, California.
2. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, J. Siewerdsen, E. White, C. Chiarot, G. Wilson, T. Haycocks,
D. Jaffray. The Optical Wand 3-Dimensional Navigation System. Elekta Synergy
Research Group Meeting, Crawley, UK.
3. F. Sie, T. Purdie, A. Bezjak. Image guidance integration for hypofractionated
Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) for medically in-operable non-small
cell lung cancer patients. Image Guidance Radiation Therapy Course offered 5
times annually for radiation oncologists, physicists, radiation therapists, and
industry, 2006-current.
4. F. Sie. Demonstration of image guidance tools for radiation treatment and
delivery. Imaging modalities (X-Ray volume imaging (Cone-Beam CT),
fluoroscopy, electronic portal imaging), Immobilization tools, and workflow
regimes for optimal radiation tumour targeting, 2006-current.
Fanny Sie
Poster Presentations (Peer reviewed/Selected by competition)
1. F. Sie, T. Purdie, G. Bootsma, K. Franks, D. Jaffray. Intra-fraction Monitoring of
Tumour Position at Treatment Delivery in Lung Patients Receiving
Hypofractionated Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT). American
Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Los Angeles, California, 2007.
2. G. J. Bootsma, F. Sie, J. H. Siewerdsen, D. J. Moseley, D. A. Jaffray. Automatic
Optical Tracking System Calibration for Radiation Therapy. American
Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), 49th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, 2007. Submitted.
3. T.G. Purdie, F. Sie, G. Bootsma, K. Franks, D. Moseley, J-P Bissonnette, A.
Bezjak, D.A. Jaffray. Optimizing Inter and Intra-Fraction Target Localization
Accuracy in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy with Integration of OnLine Optical Navigation and Dynamic Volumetric Imaging. 15th International
Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, Toronto, Ontario,
2007. Submitted.
4. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, D. Moseley, D. Jaffray. An Efficiency Study of an Optical
Approach for Routine Patient Positioning and Intra-fraction Monitoring. American
Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,
5. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, A. Parent, C. Euler, C. Catton, P. Chung, A. Griffin, P.
Ferguson, J. Wunder, M. Sharpe, B. O’Sullivan, R. Bell, D. Jaffray. Navigationassisted Surgical Planning and Design in Multi-Modal Sarcoma Management.
Connective Tissue Oncology Society, Venice, Italy, 2006.
6. W. Chu, T. Craig, K. Wiltshire, K. Brock, D. Moseley, E. Chan, E. White, F. Sie, J
Hensel, J. Stainsby, M. Sussman, A. Bayley, P. Chung, M. Milosevic, C. Catton,
P. Warde, M. Gospodarowicz, C. Menard. Image-Guided Radiotherapy with
Cone-Beam CT after Prostatectomy: Evaluating the Impact on PTV Margin.
European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Leipzig, Germany,
7. A. Parent, C. Euler, E. White, F. Sie, M. Sharpe, A. Griffin, T. Craig, P.
Ferguson, P.Chung, C. Catton, J. Wunder, B. O’Sullivan. Daily cone-beam CT
image guidance for lower extremity soft tissue sarcoma: the clinical experience
with three dimensional isocentre verification and volumetric target assessment.
Connective Tissue Oncology Society, Venice, Italy, 2006.
8. F. Sie, G. Bootsma, J. Siewerdsen, E. White, C. Chiarot, G. Wilson, T. Haycocks,
D. Jaffray. The Optical Wand Navigational System: An Aid in Daily Pre-treatment
Fanny Sie
Patient Positioning within A Radiotherapy Department. WesCan, Annual
Scientific Meeting, Calgary, Alberta, 2004.
9. F. Sie, S. Mckinnon. Stereotactic Radiation Therapy. CAMRT 61st Annual
Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2004.
10. G. J. Bootsma, F. Sie, J. H. Siewerdsen, D. J. Moseley, D. A. Jaffray. Automatic
Optical Tracking System Calibration for Radiation Therapy. American
Association of Physicists in Medicine (AAPM), 49th Annual Meeting, Minneapolis,
Minnesota, 2007. Submitted.
11. T.G. Purdie, F. Sie, G. Bootsma, K. Franks, D. Moseley, J-P Bissonnette, A.
Bezjak, D.A. Jaffray. Optimizing Inter and Intra-Fraction Target Localization
Accuracy in Lung Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy with Integration of OnLine Optical Navigation and Dynamic Volumetric Imaging. 15th International
Conference on the Use of Computers in Radiation Therapy, Toronto, Ontario,
2007. Submitted.
Visiting Scholar Activities
2 Day visit to the Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni Van Leeuwenhoek
Zienkenhuis (NKI-AVL) to observe and evaluate current intensity
modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) for patients of the head and neck.
1. Optical Navigation (Princess Margaret Hospital, Elekta Oncology Systems,
Claron Technologies)
a. Development and evaluation of hardware and software for optimal
radiation therapy patient positioning for tumour targeting.
i. Calibration of stereoscopic IR emitting camera (Polaris, NDI,
Waterloo) and CCD based camera (Microntracker, Claron
Technologies, Toronto).
ii. Non-clinical phantom studies for system characterization.
iii. Radiation delivery room design (ie. Outfitting linear accelerator with
optical tools)
iv. Clinical feasibility study protocols written and co-ordinated (For
patients treated for genitourinary, gynaecological, head and neck,
and CNS cancers). Approved by internal Research Ethics Board
v. Implementation into current radiation delivery study protocols (For
patients treated for cancers of the liver, lung, connective tissue, and
general palliation). REB approved.
vi. Education Modules for staff (oral presentations, practical labs,
intranet site)
vii. Statistical data analysis
viii. First author manuscript anticipated submission March 2007.
Fanny Sie
b. Development and evaluation of hardware and software for the purpose of
planning surgical excision strategies for sarcoma patients receiving preoperative radiation therapy.
i. Calibration
ii. Non-clinical phantom studies for system characterization
iii. Optical system mobile unit design
iv. Clinical feasibility studies written and co-ordinated (REB Approved)
v. Statistical data analysis
vi. First author manuscript anticipated submission June 2007.
c. Development of a theoretical model for micro-environment measurement
using optical tools during biopsy of gynaecological cancers.
i. Calibration
ii. Hardware design tested in operating theatre
iii. Modelled workflow
2. Cone-Beam CT
a. Integration and implementation of image guidance protocols using conebeam for accurate tumour targeting.
i. Non-clinical phantom quality assurance testing
ii. Educating hardware and software to radiation therapists
iii. Elekta Synergy research member for clinical development of
commercial platform
iv. Image guidance modelling for various anatomical sites for accurate
tumour targeting.
3. Interventional MRI (Princess Margaret Hospital, Johns Hopkins University,
a. Development and evaluation of hardware and software for image
registration of retrospective images to real-time patient anatomy for biopsy
targeting for prostate patients with recurrent tumours.
i. Calibration
ii. Design of targeting tools
iii. Non-clinical phantom studies for system characterization
iv. MRI suite outfitted with image guidance system.
4. Immobilization
a. Development and evaluation of immobilization devices used to position
patients for stereotactic radiosurgery of the lung and liver.
i. Design and implementation of an abdominal compression frame
used mechanically depress diaphragm during respiration to
minimize tumour motion for accurate targeting.
ii. Aid in the development and implementation of an industry (Elekta
Oncology Systems) designed Active Breathing Control (ABC)
device to actively reproduce diaphragm excursion during respiration
for accurate targeting.
Fanny Sie
2008 – present
Stronach Regional Cancer Center - Training multi-disciplinary
medical and radiation oncology health care teams in the use,
configuration and clinical processes necessary for the
implementation of developmental hardware and software for cancer
management ie. electronic charting, image guidance and linear
accelerator based radiation treatments.
2006 – 2008
Image Guided Radiation Therapy Course
2005 – 2008
Stereotactic Body Radiation Education and Training
2004 – 2008
Optical Wand Localization System Education and Training
2004 - 2008
Cone-Beam CT Education and Training
2002 – 2008
University of Toronto/The Michener Institute Radiation Therapy
Available upon request.
Fanny Sie