School Tennis Organizer

School Organizer
Volunteer Position Description
To promote and develop tennis at all school levels in both private and public
sectors by building partnerships with the area schools within an established
geographic school district.
Assess the local school district to determine which schools are offering
tennis in their curriculum or after school programs
Work closely with school district, physical education curriculum
developers/directors, athletic directors, and individual school personnel to
promote tennis as a curriculum subject and extracurricular activity (i.e.
school tennis clubs and interscholastic leagues)
Under supervision of USTA SC, coordinate school trainings for teachers, after
school staff, parents, volunteers, and tennis instructors involved in schoolbased tennis programs
Assist in recruiting and training School Tennis Ambassadors to assist with
teacher trainings, class visits, lunchtime demos, motivational assemblies,
PTA/PTO meetings, and tennis festivals to create interest for tennis
In conjunction with USTA SC staff, work with schools, parks & recreation
departments, community organizations, and local tennis facilities to link
school children to after school programs and Jr. Team Tennis
Help form teams from local schools during the regular Jr. Team Tennis
Coordinate equipment loaning and sharing programs to maximize equipment
Assist in fundraising efforts to support tennis programming (special events,
donations, grants)
Communicate with Section/District Schools Coordinator on program
development, submit required reporting and attend trainings as requested
Sign up for the USTA Adopt-A-School program
Passion to promote and develop tennis in schools
Commitment and skills to make connections between schools, after school
programs, and organizations providing tennis playing opportunities in the
Strong communication skills to promote the benefits of the USTA School
Tennis Program with schools and community organizations
Knowledge of community, local programs and resources
Ability and willingness to meet deadlines and provide follow-up evaluation as
Must submit to a background check
Ability to work closely with local CTA and JTT Programs
Works with:
District/Section School Tennis Coordinator
NJTL Organization
JTT Coordinator
USTA tennis clothing, equipment and materials provided as needed to
perform responsibilities
Opportunity to attend the state conferences, trainings, and workshops with
other tennis leaders
Satisfaction in helping make a difference in the lives of students through
Time Commitment/Travel Demands:
Peak seasons/dates:
2-year commitment; school vacations are off-season
Required Meetings:
Committee Meetings (TBD)
Annual Meeting (TBD)
Monthly time commitment:
Estimated 20-40 hours during school year (flexible schedule)