學歷 美國賓夕法尼亞大學博士 國立交通大學管理學院院長 國立交通大學資訊管理研究所 教授兼所長 簡歷 國立交通大學應用藝術研究所 教授兼所長 國立交通大學計算機中心 主任 曾獲教育部教學特優獎 國科會傑出研究獎 黎漢林 講座教授兼院長 全域最佳化 研究領域 全球供應鏈 決策支援系統 ◎ 期刊論文 1 Han-Ying Kao, Chia-Hui Huang, and Han-Lin Li, “Supply Chain Diagnostics with Dynamic Bayesian Networks”, Computers and Industrial Engineering, 49(2), 339-347, 2005. (SCI) 2 Han-Lin Li, and Li-Ching Ma, “Detecting and Adjusting Ordinal and Cardinal Inconsistencies through a Graphical and Optimal Approach in AHP Models”, Computers & Operations Research, 2005. (Accepted) (SCI). 3 Han-Lin Li, and Han-Ying Kao, “Constrained Abductive Reasoning with Fuzzy Parameters in Bayesian Networks”, Computers & Operations Research, 32(1), 87-105, 2005, SCI. 4 Han-Lin Li, and Jung-Fa Tsai, “Treating Non-Positive Variables in Generalized Geometric Global Optimization Programs”, Journal of Global Optimization, Accepted, 2005, SCI. 5 Han-Lin Li, and Han-Ying Kao, “Causal Reasoning from Imperfect Experiments and Fuzzy Information”, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 6(1), 44-51, 2004. 6 Han-Lin Li, and Chang-Jui Fu, “A Linear Programming Approach for Identifying a Consensus Sequence on DNA Sequences”, Bioinformatics, 21, 1838-1845, May 2005. 7 Han-Ying Kao, and Han-Lin Li, “A Diagnostic Reasoning and Optimal Treatment Model for Bacterial Infections with Fuzzy Information”, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 77(1), 23-37, 2005, SCI. 8 Jung-Fa Tsai, and Han-Lin Li, “On Optimization Approach for Multidisk Vertical Allocation Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 165(3), 843-846, 2005, SCI. 9 Chian-Son Yu, and Han-Lin Li, A Global Optimization Method for Nonlinear Fractional Programs”, PanPacific Management Review, 6(2), 46-63, 2003. 10 Han-Lin Li, Jung-Fa Tsai, and Nian-Ze Hu, “A Distributed Global Optimization Method for Packing Problems”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 54(4), 419-425, 2003, SSCI/SCI. 11 Han-Lin Li, Ching-Ter Chang, and Jung-Fa Tsai, “Approximately Global Optimization for Assortment Problems using Piecewise Linearization Techniques”, European Journal of Operational Research, 140, 584-589, 2002, SCI. 12 Jung-Fa Tsai, Han-Lin Li, and Nian-Ze Hu, “Global Optimization for Signomial Discrete Programming Problems in Engineering Design”, Engineering Optimization, 34, 613-622, 2002, SCI. 13 Nian-Zu Hu, Jung-Fa Tsai, and Han-Lin Li, “A Global Optimization Method for Packing Problems”, 工業工程學刊, 19(1), 2002, EI. 14 Jing-Rung Yu, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, and Han-Lin Li, “General Fuzzy Piecewise Regression Analysis with Automatic Change-Point Detection”, Fuzzy Set and Systems, 247-257, 2001, SCI. 15 Han-Lin Li, Yi-Hsin Liu, Valentin Matache, and Po-Lung Yu, “A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Minimizing a Convex Fr’echet Differentiable Function on a Certain Hyperplane”, Journal of Mathematical Analysis Applications, 253, 290-296, 2001, SCI. 16 Chian-Son Yu, and Han-Lin Li, “An Algorithm for Generalized Fuzzy Binary Linear Programming Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research 133, 496-511, 2001, SCI. 17 黎漢林,余強生,洪大為 「一個解決層級分析問題的目標規劃方法」,管理研究學報, 1, No.1, 2001. 18 Han-Lin Li, and Jung-Fa Tsai, “A Fast Algorithm for Assortment Optimization Problems”, Computer and Operation Research, 28, 1245-1252, 2001, SCI. 19 黎漢林,許宏舟,李東昇,「分散式資料庫檔案配置之最佳化模式」,工業工程學刊, 2000. 20 Han-Lin Li, and Chian-Son Yu, “Solving Multiple Objective Quasi-convex Goal Programming Problems by Linear Programming”, International Transactions in operational Research, 109, 59-82, 2000, EI. 21 Han-Lin Li, “A Robust Optimization Model for Stochastic Logistic Problems”, International Journal of Production Economics, 64, 385-397, 2000, SCI. 22 Han-Lin Li, “Incorporating Competence Sets of Decision Makers by Deduction Graphs”, Operations Research, 47(2), 1999, SCI. 23 Han-Lin Li, and Chian-Son Yu, “A Fuzzy Multiobjective Program with Quasiconcave Membership Functions and Fuzzy Coefficients”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems 1999, SCI. 24 Jing-Rung Yu, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng, and Han-Lin Li, “A General Piecewise Necessity Regression Analysis based on Linear Programming”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 105, 429-436, 1999, SCI. 25 Han-Lin Li, and Chian-Son Yu, “Comments on Fuzzy Programming Nonlinear Membership Functions”, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 101, 109-113, 1999, SCI. 26 黎漢林,「以能力集擴展方法建立策略聯盟模式」,工程科技通訊, 35 期, 1999. 27 Han-Lin Li, “Solve Least Absolute Value Regression Problem using Modified Goal Programming Techniques”, Computers and Operations Research, 25(12), 1137-1143, 1998, SCI. 28 Han-Lin Li, and Chian-Son Yu, “A Global Optimization Method for Nonconvex Separable Programming Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 117, 275-292, 1998, SCI. 29 Han-Lin Li, and Jing-Rung Yu, “General Piecewise Regression Analysis with Automatic Change-Point Detection”, Intelligent Data Analysis, 3, 75-85, 1998. 30 Han-Lin Li, and Ching-Ter Chang, “An Approximate Approach of Global Optimization for Polynomial Programming Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 107(3), 625-632, 1998, SCI. 31 Han-Lin Li, and Ming-Chich Hsieh, “Solving Facility Layout Optimization Problems with Clustering Constraints”, Environment and Planning B.: Planning and Design, 25, 299-308, 1998, SCI. 32 Han-Lin Li, and Ching-Ter Chang, “An Approximately Global Optimization Method for Assortment Problems”, European Journal of Operational Research, 105, 604-612, 1998, SCI. 33 張錦特,黎漢林,「道路地藉查詢效率之改善」,臺灣工路工程, 24(7), 1998. 34 黎漢林,徐開平,「空間配置規則之推導」,建築學報 (Journal of Architecture), 23, 1997. 35 黎漢林,夏莉芬, 「中國的進諫藝術 – 以 HIC 及 PAC 理論解析」 ,歷史月刊 (Historical Monthly), 6 月號, 1997. 36 Han-Lin Li, T. C. Chang Wang, and C. H. Hwang, “Building a Classification Tree of Logo Design – the Case of Japan”, Language of Design, 4(3), 1996. 37 Han-Lin Li, “An Efficient Method for Solving Linear Goal Programming Problems”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 9(2), 467-471, 1996, SCI. 38 黎漢林,「以習性, 資訊, 能力解析決策案例 – 何以韓信能而馬謖不能」,管理信息系統 (Management Information System, China) (大陸教委會), 第八期, 1996. 39 何文傑,黎漢林,「地理資訊擷取之最佳方法」,運輸季刊, 24(2), 1995. 40 Han-Lin Li, and C.T. Chou, “A Global Approach for Nonlinear Mixed Discrete Programming in Design Optimization”, Engineering Optimization, 22, 109-122, 1994, SCI. 41 Han-Lin Li, “A Global Approach for 0-1 Polynomial Programs”, Computers and Operations Research, 21(9), 319-327, 1994, SCI. 42 Han-Lin Li, “Global Optimization for Mixed 0-1 Programs with Convex or Separable Continuous Functions”, Journal of the Operational Research Society, 45(9), 1068-1076, 1994, SCI. 43 Han-Lin Li, and Po-Lung Yu, “Optimal Competence Set Expansion using Deduction Graphs”, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 1, 75-91, 1994, SCI. 44 Han-Lin Li, “A Global Approach of General Mixed 0-1 Fractional Programming”, European Journal of Operational Research, 74, 234-245, 1994, SCI. 45 Han-Lin Li, and C.C. Yang, “Using Integer Programming to Find Minimum Deduction Graphs for Accomplishing Inferences”, International Journal on Policy and Information, 3(2), 1992. 46 Han-Lin Li, “An Approximate Method for Local Optima for Nonlinear Mixed Integer Programming Problems”, Computers & Operations Research, 19(5), 435-444, 1992, SCI. 47 Han-Lin Li, “Solving Probabilistic Multiobjective Decision Problems by Constructing Maximum Probabilistic Deduction Graphs”, Journal of Information Science and Engineering, 7(2), 1991. 48 Han-Lin Li, and C.C. Yang, “Abductive Reasoning by Constructing Probabilistic Deduction Graphs for Solving the Diagnosis Problem”, Decision Support Systems, 7(3), 1991, SCI. 49 Han-Lin Li, and C.C. Yang, “Integrating Integer Programming and Probabilistic Deduction Graphs for Probabilistic Reasoning”, Journal of Systems Integration, 1, 1991. 50 黎漢林,吳文玲,「台北都會區人口與土地使用成長模擬系統 – 目標尋優模式設計」,運 輸計畫季刊,19(2), 1990. 51 Han-Lin Li, “An Expert System for Evaluating Multicriteria Transportation Network Planning”, Microcomputer in Civil Engineering, 3(2), 1988. 52 Han-Lin Li, “Solving Discrete Multicriteria Decision Problems based on Logic – based Decision Support Systems”, Decision Support Systems. 3(2), 1987, SCI. 53 黎漢林,廖彩雲,「運輸路網改善評估之專家系統雛型設計」,運輸計畫季刊, 17(1), 1988. 54 黎漢林,謝其政,「都市運輸與土地使用整合模式設計」,交大管理學報, 6(2), 1987. 55 黎漢林,劉士仙,「空間價格均衡理論及其在貨物運輸路網規劃之應用」,交大管理學報, 6(2), 1987. 56 Han-Lin Li, “To Build a Data-Knowledge Base Management System in Personal Computers by Integrating dBase III and Micro-PROLOG”, International Journal on Policy and Information, 10(1), 1986. 57 Han-Lin Li, “To Develop a Relational Data-Knowledge Base System for Solving Decision Problems with Large Data”, Information Science and Engineering, 2(1), 1986. 58 黎漢林,劉士仙,「台灣地區進口煤之空間價格均衡模式設計」,台灣銀行季刊, 1986. 59 黎漢林,「都會區人口分布之目標尋優系統設計 – 以台北都會區為例」,都市與計劃, 1986. 60 黎漢林,「公共投資分派之階層群策型多目標規劃法」,都市與計劃, 第十卷, 1985. 61 黎漢林,「台北市都市計劃資訊系統(TUBRAN)的運作」,都市與計劃, 第十一卷, 1985. 62 Han-Lin Li, and D. Vining, “Population Dispersal from Core Regions”, in D.A Hichs (eds) Prospect and Policies for Economic and Urban-Regional Transformation. JAI Press Inc., 1983. ◎ 研討會論文 1 Chia-Hui Huang, and Han-Lin Li, “Influence Diagrams: A Rough Set Approach”, Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society of New Zealand 2004 (Annual ORSNZ 2004), pp. 189-197, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov. 27-29, 2004. 2 Han-Ying Kao, Chia-Hui Huang, and Han-Lin Li, “Answering Queries on Graphical Decision Models with Fuzzy Parameters: Algorithms and Comparisons”, The 4th IASTED International Conference on Modeling, Simulation, and Optimization (MSO 2004), Kauai, Hawaii, USA, Aug. 17-19, 2004. 3 Chia-Hui Huang, Han-Ying Kao, and Han-Lin Li, “Web Services for Forward Integration in International Tourism Supply Chains: A Case Study of Tourism in Thailand”, International Conference on Electronic Business, Singapore, Dec. 9-13, 2003. 4 Han-Ying Kao, Chia-Hui Huang, and Han-Lin Li, “An Optimization Model for Dynamic Supply Chain Diagnostics and Decision-Making”, European Applied Business Research Conference, Venice, Italy, Jun. 9-13, 2003. 5 Jung-Fa Tsai, and Han-Lin Li, “Convexification Strategies for Signomial Programming Problems”, International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management (IEMP ‘03), Porto, Portugal, 2003. 6 Jung-Fa Tsai, and Han-Lin Li, “A Global Approach for Nonlinear Fractional Programming”, The 6th Applied Mathematical and Modeling (APMOD 2002), Varenna (Lecco), Italy, 2002. 7 Han-Lin Li, Jung-Fa Tsai, and Nian-Ze Hu, “A Design of Global Optimization System”, The 3th Symposium on Nonlinear Analysis, Optimization Analysis, Methodology and Applications (NAOMA), Taipei, Taiwan, 2002. 8 黎漢林,馬莉菁,葉台英,張李志平,「矛盾下的抉擇-決策球的運用」,《中華民國習慣領 域第九屆研討會論文集》, 2001. 9 Han-Ying Kao, Jia-Jane Shuai, and Han-Lin Li, “Probabilistic Reasoning in Supply Chain Management,” The 5th International Conference on Industrial Engineering-Theory, Application and Practice, Hsinchu, Taiwan, Dec. 10-12, 2000. 10 Han-Ying Kao, Chia-Hui Huang, Jing-Rung Yu, and Han-Lin Li, “Business Adoption of Internet-Enabled SCM Systems – A Transformation Dynamics”, The 11th International Conference on Information Management, Kaohsiung, May 20-21, 2000. 11 Jung-Fa Tsai, Nian-Ze Hu, and Han-Lin Li, “A Global Optimization Method for Packing Problems”, The 5th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2000. 12 Han-Lin Li, Nian-Ze Hu, Jung-Fa Tsai, “Comparison of Four Global Optimization Methods for Generalized Geometric Programming”, The 8th Bellman Contiuum, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2000. 13 Han-Lin Li, Nian-Ze Hu, Jing-Rung Yu, and Jung-Fa Tsai, “A Design of a Global Optimization Package using Piecewise Linearization Techniques”, The 5th Annual International Conference of Industrial Engineering Theory, Applications and Practice, Taiwan, 2000. 14 黎漢林,張李志平,余菁蓉,陳孟敏,「以領域圈及領域球展現習慣領域」,《中華民國習 慣領域第八屆研討會論文集》, 頁 4-1, 4-8, 2000. 15 Jung-Fa Tsai, Nian-Ze Hu, and Han-Lin Li, “A Design of Web-GIS – Integration of Yellow Book, Map, and Multimedia”, The Proceeding of the 7th Conference on Habitual Domains, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 1999. 16 Han-Lin Li, “Solving AHP Problem by a Modified Goal Programming Method”, The 13th MCDM International Conference , Capetown, South Africa, 1997 17 黎漢林,「習慣的轉換與企業再造 – 心知力的萃鍊」,《中華民國習慣領域第四屆論文研 討會論文集》, 1996. 18 黎漢林,徐開平,「空間配置規則之推導」,《國際電腦輔助設計研討會論文集》, 頁 20-42, 1995. 19 黎漢林, “Deduction of Optimal Learning Rules from Large Observations”, 《人工智慧研討會論 文集》, 頁 113-116, 1995. 20 黎漢林,謝昀澤,「決策與推理 – 以推理圖解析決策案例」,《中華民國習慣領域第三屆 研討會論文集》, 頁 1-26, 1995. 21 黎漢林,潘鳳娟,「公共政策與社會溝通 – 以台灣核四爭議為例」,《中華民國習慣領域 第三屆論文研討會論文集》, 頁 87-98, 1995. 22 黎漢林,邱晨瑜,「亞當夏娃受試探之行為反應與解析」,《中華民國習慣領域第二屆論文 研討會論文集》, 1994. 23 游伯龍,黎漢林,陳亭羽,周素華,蔡碧紋,林昭成,「對策新解 – 習慣領域之應用」, 《中華民國習慣領域第一屆論文研討會論文集》, 1993. 24 Han-Lin Li, C.C. Yang, and W.B. Horng, “Probabilistic Deductive and Abductive Reasoning by Using Probabilistic Deduction Graphs and Integer Programming”, Proceedings of 4th International conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of AI, 1991. 25 Han-Lin Li, “Solve the Diagnosis Problem by Constructing Probabilistic Deduction Graphs in Microcomputers, “Proceedings IEEE TENCON '91 Conference, New Delhi, India, 1991. 26 Han-Lin Li, C.C. Yang, and W.B. Horng, “Probabilistic Deductive and Abductive Reasoning by Using Probabilistic Deduction Graphs and Integer Programming”, Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of AI, 1991. 27 Han-Lin Li, “Solve Nonlinear Integer Program by a Nonlinear Programming Method”, Proceedings of Asia Pacific Operational Research (APORS '91), Beijing, China, 1991. 28 Han-Lin Li, “Solve Assumption Based Truth Maintenance Systems by Constructing Deduction Graphs”, Proceedings of International Computer Symposium, 1990. 29 Han-Lin Li, “K-DB III: A Knowledge-Data Base Management System in Personal Computers”, Proceedings of National Computer Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan, 2, 605-614, 1987. 30 Han-Lin Li, “To Use RDBMS as a Building Tool of Data-Knowledge Base System”, Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Expert Systems & Applications, France, 1986. 31 Han-Lin Li, “To Develop a Data-Knowledge Base Management System by Utilizing Relational DBMS”, Proceedings of Applications of Artificial Intelligence IV, SPIE Conference, Austria, 1986. 32 Han-Lin Li, “A Logic-based Decision Support Systems for Solving Discrete Multicriteria Decision Problems”, Proceedings of International Conference on MCDM VII. Japan, 1986. 33 Han-Lin Li, “To Design a Data-Knowledge Base System by Utilizing RDBMS”, Proceedings of National Conference Computers III, Taiwan, 1985. 34 Han-Lin Li, “Urban Transportation Network Design, the MCDM Approach”, Proceedings on Conference of Highway Technology & Management, Taiwan, 1983. ◎ 其他著作 1 [專利]黎漢林,李俊慶,「Web-Base 網際資訊的存取方法及裝置」,民 89 年, 中華民專利證書 發明第 133530 號. ◎ 著作 1.黎漢林,「供應鏈管理與決策 – 最佳化方法之運用」,民 93 年, 儒林公司. 2.黎漢林,許景華,李明純,張李志平,「供應鏈管理與決策」,民 89 年, 儒林公司. 3.黎漢林,李俊慶,林立中,「網際地理資訊系統設計」,民 88 年, 儒林公司. 4.黎漢林,「都市計畫規劃支援系統 – 以台北市為例」,民 75 年, 松崗圖書公司 5.Han-Lin Li, and Jia-Jane Shuai, “The Three Vs of Global Competitiveness”, in Chun-Yen Chang, and Po-Lung Yu (eds) Booming in the Information Technology Era. World Scientific, 2001. 6.Han-Lin Li, and Jia-Jane Shuai, “A Decision Support System for Incorporating Competences of a Software Company”, in Yang Shi, and Milan Zeleny (eds) New Frontiers of Decision Making for the Information Technology Era. World Scientific, 2000. 7.D. Vining, and Han-Lin Li, “Population Dispersal From Core Regions”, in D.A. Hichs (eds) Prospect and Policies for Economic and Urban-Regional Transformation, JAI Press. Inc, 1983.