New Lanark Conservation Trust Formation In 1972 a working group was established to consider the future of New Lanark, in the light of the financial crisis threatening the work of the New Lanark Association and the sale of the mills to a scrap metal company. The most radical option recommended by the Working Group in its Report to the County of Lanark, published in 1973, was to attempt the seemingly impossible task of complete restoration and revitalisation of the decaying industrial village. As a direct result, the New Lanark Conservation Trust was formed in 1974 under the chairmanship of Harry Smith (then Provost of the Royal Burgh of Lanark). The Trust appointed Jim Arnold as Director of the project. Harry Smith stood down as Chairman in March 2003, but remains a member of the Board of Trustees; this continuity and long-term commitment has contributed in large measure to the unexpected success of the venture. The Trust is governed by a Board of up to 12 Trustees who serve in a voluntary capacity. In 1989, New Lanark Trading was established as a wholly owned commercial subsidiary of the Trust to operate the Visitor Centre including Gift Shop and Catering. All surpluses are returned to the Trust by covenant. In 1997, a second subsidiary company, New Lanark Hotels Ltd. was established on the same basis to operate the New Lanark Mill Hotel and self-catering accommodation. Objectives The Trust is a registered charity and, together with New Lanark Association, which owns the village housing, is responsible for the long term care of the buildings, all of which are Category A Listed. The Conservation Trust aims to preserve New Lanark, not as a museum, but as a living, working community, with a resident population and new opportunities for employment. The village can no longer earn its living from cotton-manufacturing, and the strategy of the Trust has been to diversify the economy of New Lanark with development of the village as a major visitor attraction as a prime objective. In addition, several businesses rent commercial office, workshop or retail space from the Trust. In total there are around 200 permanent jobs in the village. as well as a Training Partnership between Motherwell College and New Lanark Mill Hotel. The Trust also operates an Education Policy which aims to encourage the use of New Lanark as an educational resource, and to respond to national and international interest in the site through the provision of information, resources and appropriate publications. An extract form the Trust Deed is reproduced overleaf. Capital funding for the massive programme of restoration undertaken to date has been secured from the appropriate national and local government agencies, principally, in the early years. the Historic Buildings and Monuments Directorate (now Historic Scotland) the Scottish Development Agency and the Regional and District Councils. During the 1980s, the Manpower Services Commission provided the labour costs associated with a very large Community Programme linked to building restoration. In recent years major capital grants have come from Scottish Enterprise Lanarkshire (formerly Lanarkshire Development Agency), the European Regional Development Fund via the Strathclyde European Partnership, and the Heritage Lottery Fund. Historic Scotland and South Lanarkshire Council may also contribute to capital projects where they are eligible for grant support. To date around £25 million has been channelled in to the restoration of New Lanark and thousands of jobs for local people have been provided since this massive conservation project began. The economic impact on the wider community in South Lanarkshire is substantial, and the presence of a World Heritage Site has done much to improve the cultural profile of this part of Scotland. Among many awards for restoration and tourism, the Trust also holds a Best Practice Award from the British Urban Regeneration Association. Revenue funding has always been difficult to achieve and sustain. Since the inscription of New Lanark as a World Heritage Site, Historic Scotland and South Lanarkshire Council have each agreed to contribute an annual sum of approximately £89,000 towards the costs of building maintenance. This agreement runs for three years (till 2005) after which it will be reviewed. All other costs, including Management and Administrative salaries, have to be funded from revenue generated through the New Lanark Visitor Centre, the New Lanark Mill Hotel and self-catering, hydro-electricity production and associated business activities such as commercial tenancies. In 2003, The Trust secured support from the Heritage Lottery Fund for 5 years to employ an Education & Access Officer. The revenue support from the public agencies is constantly under review and has never been granted on other than a relatively short-term basis. This situation forces the Trust to adopt an uncompromisingly commercial approach in all its operations. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ NEW LANARK MILLS LANARK ML11 9DB. Tel +44 (0) 1555 661345 Fax +44 (0) 1555) 665738 e-mail New Lanark Conservation Trust is a Scottish Charity No. SCO 08552 File ref: 5a.18.1 updated November 2003 Extract from the New Lanark Conservation Trust Deed “The objects of the Trust shall be to promote and secure by charitable means, but not otherwise, the restoration and preservation of the historic village of New Lanark which objects shall without prejudice to the foregoing generality include such of the following as in the sole discretion of the Trustees shall be considered desirable, having regard to the financial resources available to the Trust: (a) the restoration and management of those buildings and others in and around New Lanark belonging to the Trust and the maintenance and development of any land and waterways or watercourses belonging to it; (b) securing so far as is possible that buildings restored by the Trust shall be occupied and/or put to use with the aim of bringing about the complete revitalisation of the village of New Lanark; (c) stimulating public interest both national and international in the village of New Lanark and its surroundings by means of exhibitions, lectures and the publishing of books and pamphlets supporting research work and by the provision of facilities for visitors in and /or near the village; (d) the formation of or assistance to any public museum or public-owned collection of local and national documents, records, artefacts, paintings, photographs or other antiques pertaining to the history of the village of New Lanark and/or the industrial development of Scotland; (e) assisting New Lanark Association Limited which is a body recognised as charitable by the Inland Revenue, to secure the restoration of property owned by it in the village of New Lanark”. NOTES: The New Lanark Conservation Trust was formed in 1974 and reconstituted in 1984, following the acquisition by Compulsory Purchase Order of the former industrial area of the mills. New Lanark Association is the village housing association, formed in 1963. The number of Trustees is maintained at not fewer than five nor more than twelve. Each of the Trustees holds office for a period of three years but on the expiry of this period is eligible for reappointment as a Trustee. Trustee Emeritus: At their meeting of 26.10.93 Trustees agreed that Trustees Emeritus would be a suitable mechanism for retiring Trustees to retain their interest and their support for the Trust. Friends of New Lanark Membership of the Friends of New Lanark is open to any individual who wishes to support the work of New Lanark Conservation Trust. For more information about activities and subscriptions, visit the website at, or e-mail on NEW LANARK MILLS LANARK ML11 9DB. Tel +44 (0) 1555 661345 Fax +44 (0) 1555) 665738 e-mail New Lanark Conservation Trust is a Scottish Charity No. SCO 08552 File ref: 5a.18.1 updated November 2003