List of the scientific publications of the Dr. Sci., Professor Khodataev K.V. 1. Dmitry Bychkov, Igor Esakov, Lev Grachev, Kirill Khodataev. Effective Area of Microwave Discharge Interaction with EM Beam Exciting It. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 4-8 January 2010, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 20101002. 2. Igor I.Esakov, Lev P.Grachev, Kirill V.Khodataev, Viacheslav A.Vinogradov and D.M.Van Wie. A System of Deeply Subcritical Microwave Discharges in a Supersonic Air Stream. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 4-8 January 2010, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2010-1197. 3. Konstantin K. Aleksandrov, Igor I. Esakov, Lev P. Grachev, Kirill V. Khodataev, Pavel B. Lavrov, Alexander A. Ravaev. Boundary-Layer Control Based on Localized Plasma Generation: Development of the Microwave System. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 4-8 January 2010, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2010- 1003. 4. Igor I. Esakov, Kirill V. Khodataev, Pavel B. Lavrov, Alexander A. Ravaev. Electrodynamic Problems of Boundary-Layer Control Method Based on Array of Microwave-Heated Elements. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 48 January 2010, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2010-1006. 5. Alexander A. Ravaev, Igor I. Esakov, Kirill V. Khodataev, and Pavel B. Lavrov. Physical Grounds of Excitation of Linear Electromagnetic Vibrators in Proximity of a Conducting Surface. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 4-8 January 2010, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2010-0834. 6. Konstantin V. Alexandrov, Eugeny B. Alfeev, Lev P. Grachev, Igor I Esakov, Alexei I. Khomenko.and Kirill V. Khodataev. Experimental study of surface-volumetric discharge transition at various polarization and angle of falling of microwave radiation. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 4-8 January 2010, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2010-1193. 7. Kirill V. Khodataev. The Nature of Surface MW Discharges. 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 4-8 January 2010, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 20101378. 8. Igor I. Esakov, Lev. Grachev, Kirill V. Khodataev, Alexander A.Ravaev, Nina F. Yurchenko, Pavel Vynogradskyy, Alexander Zhdanov. Initiated Surface Microwave Discharge as an Efficient Active Boundary-Layer Control Method. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2009889. 9. Kirill V. Khodataev. Microwave breakdown threshold at low and high pressure. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2009-1410. 10. Kirill V. Khodataev. Numerical study of the contactlessly fed vibrators system destined for at surface airflow heating. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2009-1228. 11. Konstantin V. Alexandrov, Eugeny B. Alfeev, Lev P. Grachev, Igor I Esakov, Alexei I. Khomenko, Kirill V. Khodataev, Vyacheclav A. Vinigradov. Experimental investigation of a surface discharge in focused beam of microwave radiation at wavelength of 2.5cm and 8.9cm. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2009-845. 12. N.Yurchenko, Yu.Paramonov, P.Vinogradskyy, Pavlovskyy, A.Zdanov, M.Lasarian, I.Esakov, K.Khodataev, A.Ravaev. Control flow characteristics using localized plasma discharges. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2009-1227. 13. Dmitry V. Bychkov, Igor I. Esakov, Lev P. Grachev, Kirill V. Khodataev, David M. Van Wie. Electrical Discharge in Deeply Subcritical Field of Microwave Beam in a HighSpeed Air Stream and in Propane-Air Mixture. 47th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibition. 5-8 January 2009, Orlando, Florida. Paper AIAA 2009-1551. 14. Konstantin V. Alexandrov, Igor I. Esakov, Lev P. Grachev and Kirill V. Khodataev. Experimental study of detonation in propane-air mix initiated by pulse microwave discharge. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 7-10 January 2008, Reno, NV, USA. Paper AIAA-2008-1406 15. Kirill V. Khodataev. Propagation of Microwave Subcritical Streamer Discharge Against Radiation by Brunching and Looping. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 7-10 January 2008, Reno, NV, USA. Paper AIAA-2008-1405 16. Igor I.Esakov, Lev P.Grachev, Kirill V.Khodataev, Viacheslav A.Vinogradov, David M.Van Wie. Deeply subcritical MW discharge in the submerged stream of propane-air mixture. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 7-10 January 2008, Reno, NV, USA. Paper AIAA-2008-1403 17. Vladimir L. Bychkov, Igor I.Esakov, Lev P.Grachev, Kirill V.Khodataev. A microwave discharge initiated by loop-shaped electromagnetic vibrator on a surface of radiotransparent plate in airflow. 46th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 7-10 January 2008, Reno, NV, USA. Paper AIAA-2008-1407 18. Kirill Khodataev . Various types of initiators for attached undercritical MW discharge ignition. 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 8-11 January 2007, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2007-0431 19. Kirill V. Khodataev. Standing Sub-Compressed Detonation Wave in Hypersonic Combustible Mix Flow Sustained by Undercritical Microwave Discharge. 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 8-11 January 2007, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2007-1026 20. Kirill V. Khodataev. Factors defining propagation of microwave subcritical streamer discharge against radiation. 7th Workshop on Magneto-Plasma Aerodynamics, March 27-29, 2007, Moscow, Russia 21. Igor Esakov, Lev Grachev, Kirill Khodataev and David Van Wie. Microwave Discharge in Quasi-optical Wave Beam. 45th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 8-11 January 2007, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2007-0433 22. Kirill V. Khodataev. Electrodynamics of many vibrators system for fuel ignition. 44rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 9-12 January 2006, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-20061211 23. Kirill V. Khodataev. Investigation of undercritical microwave discharge ability to propagate limitlessly by continuous branching of the streamer. 44rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 9-12 January 2006, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2006-0789 24. Igor Esakov, Lev Grachev, Kirill Khodataev and David Van Wie. Efficiency of PropaneAir Mixture Combustion Assisted by Deeply Undercritical MW Discharge in Cold HighSpeed Airflowt. 44rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 9-12 January 2006, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2006-1212 25. K.V.Alexandrov, L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, V.V.Fedorov, and K.V.Khodataev. Domain of existence of various types of microwave discharge in quasi-optical electromagnetic beams. Technical Physics, 2006, Vol. 51, No. 11, pp. 1448-1456) 26. Kirill V. Khodataev. Weak detonation wave ignition and sustaining in over CJ-speed flow by means of undercritical microwave discharge. Symposium on «Thermo-chemical and plasma processes in aerodynamics». Sankt-Petersburg. 19-21 June, 2006 27. V.L.Bychkov, I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev, A.Yu.Lomteva. A formulation of experiments on propane injection to longitudinal DC discharge in a supersonic airflow. 2nd International Workshop and Exhibition on Plasma Assisted Combustion (IWEPAC2), September 19-21, 2006 28. K.Khodataev. Numerical Modeling of the Combustion, Assisted by the Microwave Undercritical Attached Discharge in SupersonicFlow. 43nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 10-13 January 2005, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2005-0985 29. K.Khodataev. The Power Effectivity of a Microwave Undercritical Attached Discharge, Initiated by Resonant Vibrator. 43nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 10-13 January 2005, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2005-0596 30. Esakov, L. Grachev, K. Khodataev, and D. Van Wie. Efficiency of Microwave Discharges for Propane Ignition in Cold High-Speed Airflows. 43nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 10-13 January 2005, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2005- 0989 31. K.Khodataev. Development scenario and main parameters of different types of the microwave streamer discharges. Proc. of 6th Workshop on Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics for Aerospace Applications. May 24-27, 2005. Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, Russia. V.2, pp. 556-564 32. K.Khodataev. Electrodynamics of the undercritical microwave discharges. Proc. of 6th Workshop on Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics for Aerospace Applications. May 24-27, 2005. Institute of High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, Russia 33. Kirill V. Khodataev. The initial phase of initiated undercritical microwave discharge. Proc. of 43-rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 10-13 January 2005, Reno, NV, USA. Paper AIAA-2005-0598 34. V. Bychkov, I. Esakov, L. Grachev, K. Khodataev, A. Askinazy, P. Kuznetsov, B. Farmakovsky, and D. VanWie. Creation of Radio Transparent Materials on a Basis of Metallic Microwires in Glass Isolation for Fuel Ignition Systems with a Help of Microwave Discharges. 43rd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting and Exhibit, 10-13 January 2005, Reno, NV, USA. Paper AIAA 2005-1198 35. Kirill V. Khodataev. The physical basis of the high ability of the streamer MW discharge to a resonant absorption of MW radiation. 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 5-8 January 2004, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2004-0180 36. Kirill V. Khodataev. Numerical modeling of the lateral force creation by surface undercritical microwave discharge. 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 5-8 January 2004, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2004-0672 37. Igor Esakov, Lev Grachev, Kirill Khodataev and David Van Wie. Experiments on propane ignition in a high-speed airflow with a help of deeply undercritical microwave discharge. 42nd AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 5-8 January 2004, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2004-0840 38. I.I.Esakov, V.L.Bychkov, L.P. Grachev, K.V. Khodataev. Plasma-Aerodynamic Forces Created by Microwave Discharge// The International Symposium “Thermochemical a and plasma processes in aerodynamics. Saint-Petersburg. 12-14 July 2004. Paper, p.24 39. Kirill V. Khodataev. Pinch-effect in resonant streamer discharge of high-pressure in microwave open resonator. //Международная научно-техническая конференция «Портативные генераторы нейтронов и технологии на их основе». ВНИИА им. Н.Л. Духова, 18-22 октября 2004г, Москва 40. V. L. Bychkov, L. P. Grachev, I. I. Esakov, A. A. Ravaev, and K. V. Khodataev . Longitudinal DC Electric Discharge in a Supersonic Air Flow. Technical Physics Vol. 49, No. 7, 2004, p. 833 41. K.V.Alexandrov, L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, S.M.Pokras and K.V.Khodataev. Pulsed microwave discharge inatmospheric air in the focus of two-mirror resonator. Technical Physics, V.48, No. 1 / January 2003. 42. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov and K.V.Khodataev. Magnetohydrodynamic instabilities of a pinch resonant streamer microwave discharge. Technical Physics, V.48, N. 5/ May 2003 43. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. Creation of the elevating and pushing forces in a supersonic flow with the help of a microwave discharge. // Abstracts of The Fifth Workshop on Magnetoplasma dynamics for Aerospace Applications. 7-10 April 2003. Moscow, Russia 44. Igor I. Esakov, Lev P. Grachev and Kirill V. Khodataev. Investigation of an Undercritical Microwave Discharge in Air Flow near a Body and its Influence on the Aerodynamics of the Body. 41st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting 6-9 January 2003, Reno, NV. Paper AIAA-2003-0529 45. S.Popovic, L.Vuskovic, I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev and K.V.Khodataev. Subcritical microwave streamer discharge at the surface of a polimer foil. //Appl. Phys. Letters, v.81, Nu.11, pp.1964-1965 46. K.V.Alexandrov, L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov and K.V.Khodataev. Surface streamer microwave discharge. Technical Physics, V.47, N. 7/ July 2002 47. O.I.Voskoboynikova, S.L.Ginzburg, V.F.D’achenko, K.V.Khodataev. Numerical investigation of subcritical microwave discharge in high-pressure gas.// Tech. Phys. Vol.47, No. 8, pp. 955-960 48. K.V.Khodataev. Numerical modeling of a supersonic flooded air jet with highly undercritical microwave discharge. //Proc. of The Fourth Workshop on Magnetoplasma dynamics for Aerospace Applications. 9-11 April 2002. Moscow, Russia. PP. 232-239 49. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. The Pinch-Effect in Microwave Resonant Streamer Discharge at High Gas Pressure. 5th International Workshop “STRONG MICROWAVES IN PLASMAS”. Russia, August 1 – 9, 2002 50. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov,S.G.Malyk and K.V.Khodataev. Two-Mirror Resonator for Studing High-Pressure Electrodeless Microwave Discharge.//Technical Physics, Vol. 46, No.6, 2001, pp. 709-717 51. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. The pinch-effect in microwave discharge at gas of high pressure. 4th Symposium “Current Trends in International Fusion Research” March 12-16, 2001, Washington, DC, U.S.A. Book of abstracts, 64-66 52. I.Esakov, L. Grachev, and K. Khodataev, D. Van Wie. Investigation of the Undercritical Microwave Streamer Gas Discharge for Jet Engine Fuel Ignition. AIAA Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference, 32nd, and Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop, 4th, Anaheim, CA. Jun 11-14, 2001. AIAA Paper 2001-2939 53. K. Khodataev. The Ignition of the Combustion and Detonation by the Undercritical Microwave Discharge. AIAA Plasmadynamics and Laser Conference, 32nd, and Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop, 4th, Anaheim, CA. Jun 11-14, 2001. AIAA Paper 2001-2941 54. R.J.Exton, R.J.Balla, B.Shirinzadeh, G.J.Brauckmann, G.C.Herring, W.C.Kelliher, J.Fugitt, C.J.Lazard, K.V.Khodataev. On-board projection of a microwave plasma upstream of a Mach 6 bow shock. //Physics of plasmas, v.8, No. 11 (November 2001), pp.5013-5017 55. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. The pinch effect in microwave resonant streamer discharge and its possible applications. //Proc. of the international workshop “Strong microwaves in plasmas (2-9 August 1999”, Nizhny Novgorod), 2000 , v.1 pp. 291-305 56. V.S.Barashenkov, L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, B.F.Kostenko, K.V.Khodataev and M.Z.Yuriev. Breakdown in air in a rising microwave field . Technical Physics, V.45, N. 10 / October 2000 57. V.S.Barashenkov, L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, B.F.Kostenko, K.V.Khodataev, M.Z.Yur’ev. Threshold for cumulative resonant microwave streamer discharge in a high-pressure gas. //Technical physics, Vol. 45, No11, 2000, pp.. 1406-1410 58. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. The pinch effect in microwave resonant streamer discharge. //Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2000, #3. Series: Plasma Physics (5). P. 138-140 59. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. Plasmagasdynamic experiments in Russia and prospects of plasma technology aplications in aerodynamics. //Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. 2000 #3. Series: Plasma Physics (6). P. 141-145 60. K.V.Khodataev. Theory of the microwave high-pressure discharge. //Proc. of IV International workshop “Microwave discharges: fundamentals and applications”, September 18-22, 2000. Zvenigorod, Russia, pp. 35-44. (Yanus-K, Moscow 2001) 61. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. Parameters of plasma in the resonant channel microwave streamer discharge of high pressure. //Proc. of The 2nd Workshop on Magnetoplasma Aerodynamics in Aerospace Applications. 5-7 April 2000, Moscow, Russia, pp. 154-162 62. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. The pinch effect in microwave resonant streamer discharge. YIII Ukrainian Conference and School on Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion. Alushta (Crimea), September – 16, 2000. BOOK of Abstracts. P.153 63. S.L.Ginzburg, V.F.Diachenko, V.V.Paleichik and K.V. Khodataev. Calculation of characteristics of the radiation from generator with a virtual cathode. Technical Physics, V.44, No. 2 / February 1999 64. Khodataev K.V. The pinch effect in the microwave resonant discharge in a dense gas. Тезисы докладов XXVI Звенигородской конференции по физике плазмы и УТС (59 апреля 1999 г., г. Звенигород), П-С2-26. 65. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov and K.V.Khodataev. Microwave streamer discharge in a supersonic air flow. Technical Physics, V.44, N. 11 / November 1999 66. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov and K.V.Khodataev. Range of existence of self-sustained , subcritical microwave streamer discharge. Technical Physics, V.44, No. 11 / November 1999 67. I.I.Esakov, L.P.Grachev, K.V.Khodataev. The review of plasmagasdynamic experiments in Russia - Conclusions and prospects of plasmatechnology applications in aerodynamics. AIAA International Balloon Technology Conference, and Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop, 3-rd,.Norfolk, VA, 1-5 November, 1999, AIAA Paper 99-4821 68. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov and K.V.Khodataev. Features of the development of pulsed microwave discharges in various gases in a quasioptical beam. Technical Physics, V.43, No. 4 / April 1998 69. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov and K.V.Khodataev. Initiated subcritical microwave streamer dischargeand the problem of global elimination of freons from the Earth’s atmosphere. Technical Physics, V.43, N. 12 / December 1998 70. K.V.Khodataev. The plasma effects in air dynamics. The gas discharge theory model in aerodynamic calculations. //Proc. supplement of 2-nd Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop. Waterside Marriott Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 24-25 April, 1998, pp. 309-338 71. K.V.Khodataev, A.Ershov. Experimental investigation of a possibility of a MW streamer gas discharge application for fuel ignition in jet engine. //Proc. supplement of 2-nd Weakly Ionized Gases Workshop. Waterside Marriott Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, 2425 April, 1998, pp. 339-350 72. K.V.Khodataev, B.R.Gorelik. Diffusion and drift regimes of propagation of plane ionozation wave in microwave field.//Fizika plasmy. 1997, Т.23, №3, сс. 236-245 (in Russian) 73. K.V.Khodataev. Physics of super undercritical streamer discharge in UHF electromagnetic wave. Proc. XXIII ICPIG, 17-22 July 1997, Toulouse-France, Contributed papers, IV-24 74. K.V.Khodataev. Physics of the Undercritical Microwave Discharge and Its Influence on the Supersonic Aerodynamics and Shock Waves. //Proc. of Workshop on Weakly Ionized Gases. USAF Academy, Colorado 9-13 June 1997, v. 1, pp. L-1 - L-12 75. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin and K.V.Khodataev. Development stages of electrodeless microwave discharge //Zurnal technicheskoi fiziki, 1996, т.66, в. 7, сс. 3245 (in Russian) 76. G.I.Batskih, K.V.Khodataev. Physics of super undercritical streamer discharge and its application for ozone layer safety. //Proc. of III Intern. Workshop “Strong microwaves in plasma” (Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, August 7-17, 1996), Inst. of Appl. Phys. RAS, 1997, v. I, p. 285-290 77. G.I.Batskih, K.V.Khodataev. The proposed global system of atmosphere cleaning from ozone destructive freons in continuous UHF discharges. //2nd Practical conf. “Sustainable development: system analysis in ecology” (Sebastopol, Ukraine, September 9-12, 1996), Conference abstracts, 1996, p.60 78. G.I.Batskih, K.V.Khodataev. The workable global system of atmosphere cleaning from ozonedestructive freons in continuous UHF undercritical discharges. //Proc. of “International Ecological Congress” (Voronezh, Russia, September 22-28, 1996), sec. B4, O-12 79. K.V.Khodataev. Front of avalanche ionization of electronegative gas in a static electric field. //Fizika Plasmy. 1995, Т.21, №7, сс.605-610 (in Russian) 80. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin and K.V.Khodataev. Front velocity of stimulated microwave discharge in a wave beam. //Zurnal technicheskoi fiziki, 1995, т.65, в.5, сс.21-30 (in Russian) 81. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin and K.V.Khodataev. High-frequency breakdown in air at presence of vibrator. //Zurnal technicheskoi fiziki, 1995, т.65, в.7, сс.60-67(in Russian) 82. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin and K.V.Khodataev. Скорость распространения ионизационно-дрейфовой волны пробоя. //Zurnal technicheskoi fiziki, 1995, т.65, в.11, сс.86-92(in Russian) 83. L.P.Grachev, N.N.Gritsov, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin and K.V.Khodataev. Body heating in airflow. //Zurnal technicheskoi fiziki, 1995, т.65, в.1, сс.167-171 (in Russian) 84. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin, K.V.Khodataev, V.V.Tsyplenkov. Evolution of structure of a gas discharge at a microwave focus as a function of pressure. // Tech. Phys. 39(1), January 1994, pp. 40-48 85. A.V.Bodronosov, K.A.Vereshchagin, V.A.Gorshkov, V.V.Smirnov, K.V.Khodataev, V.A.Shakhatov. Fast two-wavelength CARS thermometry of gas discharges. //Quantum Electronics, 24(6), pp. 832-835, (1994) 86. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin, K.V.Khodataev. Discharge in air in quasioptical microwave resonator. //Tech. Phys. 39(2), February 1994, 130-136 87. K.V.Khodataev. Hydrodynamic processes in a plasma of superpower high-frequency discharge. //himicheskaia fizika, 1993, т.12, в.3, с. 303-315 (in Russian) 88. K.Khodataev. The avalanche ionisation of electronegative gas in super critical electric field without preionization. //Proc. of the ICPIG-XXI, Bochum, 1993, v.1, p.205-206 89. K.Khodataev, A.Klimov, A.Gridin. The shock wave dispersion in pulsed glow discharge. Proc. of the ICPIG-XXI, Bochum, 1993, v.1, p.293-294 90. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, K.V.Khodataev, V.V.Tsyplenkov. High-frequency air breakdown at presence of metal sphere. //Fizika plasmy, 1992, т.18, в.3, сс. 411-415 (in Russian) 91. L.P.Grachev, I.I.Esakov, G.I.Mishin, K.V.Khodataev, V.V.Tsyplenkov. Photographic record of development of high-pressure discharge in wave beam. //Sov. Tech. Phys. Lett. 18(11), November 1992, 737-739 92. K.V.Khodataev. Gas dynamic processes in extra high power high frequency discharge plasma. //Proc. of the ICPIG-XX (Piza, 1991), invited papers 1991, pp. 207-217 93. K.V.Khodataev, S.L.Ginzburg, V.F.Diachenko. The 3-D kinetic nonstationary simulations of high-current REB ingection into a dense gas. //Proc. of the ICPIG-XX, Piza, 1991, vol. 3, pp. 719-720