e-Course [2352] - Functional Tech

e-Course [2352] - Functional Tech - Excel XP
e-Course [2352] - Functional Tech - Excel XP: Learn basic Excel XP startup skills
including: basic features and techniques; printing; column and row options; cell
formatting; styles; worksheets; functions and formulas; handy things to know; working
with objects; outlines; data manipulation; importing and exporting; charting; templates;
conditional formats; macros; lookup tables; and customization.
e-Unit [23521] - Excel XP - Basic Skills: Learn basic Excel XP startup skills
including: features; formulas and functions; things to know; printing; formatting
cells; column and row options; and styles.
e-Lesson [235211] - Excel XP - Basic Features & Functions: Learn
basic Excel XP essentials including: working with toolbars; the Excel task pane;
keyboard moves; entering information into a spreadsheet; using a template; auto
entry; editing a cell; spell check; renaming a workbook; selecting ranges;
entering values in a range; and auto fill.
e-Lesson [235212] - Excel XP - Basic Formulas: Learn basic Excel XP
formula skills including: entering formulas; auto sum and auto sum list; basic
functions; inserting functions in formulas; editing functions; using auto calculate;
modifying formulas with range borders; and checking errors in formulas.
e-Lesson [235213] - Excel XP - Basic Things To Know: Learn basic
Excel XP skills including: cut, copy and paste; using the paste options button;
using the paste list; using the cliboard task pane; creating an absolute reference;
drag down fill; drag and drop editing; using undo and redo; and using help.
e-Lesson [235214] - Excel XP - Basic Printing Skills: Learn basic Excel
XP printing skills including: print preview and page set up; printing selected
ranges; creating headers and footers; changing print gridlines; repeating row and
column labels; using page break preview; and setting and removing a print area.
e-Lesson [235215] - Excel XP - Basic Cell Formatting 1: Learn basic
Excel XP cell formatting skills including: formatting using the toolbar;
formatting using the dialog box; rotating text in a cell; wrapping text in a cell;
shrinking text in a cell; cell alignment and indentation; and number formatting.
e-Lesson [235216] - Excel XP - Basic Column & Row Options: Learn
basic Excel XP column and row options including: selecting columns and rows;
changing column width; changing row height; hiding and unhiding columns;
hiding and unhiding rows; inserting a column; inserting a row; inserting selected
cells; deleting a column or row; and deleting selected cells.
e-Lesson [235217] - Excel XP - Basic Cell Formatting 2: Learn basic
Excel XP cell formatting skills including: using the Clear command; using the
Merge & Center button; changing vertical alignment in a cell; splitting cells;
using the Borders button; drawing cell borders; using the Fill button; using the
format painter; applying AutoFormat; customizing AutoFormat options; and
using the Extend List & Formula feature.
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e-Lesson [235218] - Excel XP - Basic Styles: Learn basic Excel XP style
skills including: creating a style by example; applying a style; modifying a style;
and merging styles.
e-Unit [23522] - Excel XP - Intermediate Skills: Learn intermediate Excel XP
skills including: tips and tricks; working with worksheets; formulas and functions;
and working with objects.
e-Lesson [235221] - Excel XP - Intermediate Tips & Tricks 1: Learn
intermediate Excel XP tips and tricks including: working with zoom; full screen
mode; splitting a worksheet window into panes; freezing and unfreezing panes;
and sorting lists.
e-Lesson [235222] - Excel XP - Intermediate Worksheets: Learn
intermediate Excel XP worksheetskills including: selecting worksheet; renaming
worksheet; coloring worksheet tabs; inserting a worksheet; removing a
worksheet; changing the order of worksheets; and grouping worksheets for onestep changes.
e-Lesson [235223] - Excel XP - Intermediate Fomulas & Functions 1:
Learn intermediate Excel XP formulas and functions including: creating a 3-D
formula; using 3-D ranges; dragging 3-D formulas; assigning a name to a cell;
jumping to a cell using the name box; using range names in formulas; creating
range names; replacing cell addresses in range names; and deleting range names.
e-Lesson [235224] - Excel XP - Intermediate Formulas & Functions 2:
Learn intermediate Excel XP formula and function skills including: creating a 3D range using range names; creating a 3-D range name; using 3-D range names
in formulas; creating an IF function; creating a DATE function; formatting a
date; and editing a function.
e-Lesson [235225] - Excel XP - Intermediate Tips & Tricks 2: Learn
intermediate Excel XP tips and tricks including: using Find & Replace; running
AutoFilter; changing formatting with Find and Replace; creating a custom
AutoFilter; disabling AutoFilter; and the Search task pane.
e-Lesson [235226] - Excel XP - Intermediate Work With Objects 1:
Learn intermediate Excel XP object skills including: inserting a draw object;
drawing a line; formatting a line; drawing an arrow; selecting filled and unfilled
objects; moving and resizing an object; adding text to an object; changing an
object’s fill and text color; and deleting an object.
e-Lesson [235227] - Excel XP - Intermediate Work With Objects 2:
Learn intermediate Excel XP object skills including: adding 3-D effects to an
object; using 3-D options; adding a shadow to an object; drawing a text box;
inserting a picture; formatting a picture or graphic; inserting a diagram; and using
diagram layout options.
e-Unit [23523] - Excel XP - Advanced Skills: Learn advanced Excel XP skills
including: formulas and outlines; data manipulation; data exporting and importing;
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charting; lookup tables; linked worksheets; workbooks, templates and conditional
formatting; macros and customization.
e-Lesson [235231] - Excel XP - Advanced Formulas & Outlines: Learn
advanced Excel XP formula and outline skills including: using labels in
formulas; using multiple stacked headings in a forula; using an intersecting cell
name in a formula; creating an outline group; collapsing and expanding an
outline; changing outline settings; clearing an outline; and using auto outline.
e-Lesson [235232] - Excel XP - Advanced Data Manipulation 1: Learn
advanced Excel XP data skills including: creating an Excel database; sorting
records; using data validation; validating data using a list; creating an error
message for users; clearing data validation restrictions; creating sub-totals from a
list; creating sub-totals in a list; using a data form to view records; making
changes to data form records; adding a new record in data form; defining criteria
in a data form; and deleting a data form record.
e-Lesson [235233] - Excel XP - Advanced Data Manipulation 2: Learn
advanced Excel XP data skills including: using a criteria range; using a criteria
range to search a list; showing all records after a filter is complete; working with
comparison criteria; using the advanced AND condition; using the advanced OR
condition; copying filtered records; using database functions; exporting data to
other applications; importing data from a text file; importing data from an Access
file; and breaking a link by removing the query function.
e-Lesson [235234] - Excel XP - Advanced Charting: Learn advanced
Excel XP charting skills including: adding or removing chart guidelines;
formatting a chart axis; changing the axis scaling; formatting a chart data series;
adding a different series from a different worksheet; using a secondary axis in a
chart; changing a data series chart type; adding a trendline to a chart; creating a
custom chart type; and applying a user-defined chart type.
e-Lesson [235235] - Excel XP - Advanced Tables & Worksheets:
Learn advanced Excel XP table skills including: sorting a table by header row;
sorting a table numerically; sorting a table by date; sorting a table using multiple
columns; creating a formula in a table cell; using a function in a table cell;
formatting the results of a formula; displaying field codes; updating formula
results in a table; importing an Excel worksheet; linking an Excel worksheet;
creating an Excel worksheet; inserting an Excel worksheet object; and editing an
Excel worksheet object.
e-Lesson [235236] - Excel XP - Advanced Workbooks & Templates:
Learn advanced Excel XP workbook, conditional format and template skills
including: cascading multiple open workbooks; tiling multiple open workbook
windows; copying information between workbooks; saving multiple workbooks
as a workspace; closing all workbooks at one time; removing a conditional
format; applying conditional formatting; making changes to conditional
formatting; adding conditional formatting; adding records in conditional
formatted cells; and removing a conditional format; saving a workbook as a
template; opening a template for use; making changes to a saved template; and
deleting an old template.
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e-Lesson [235237] - Excel XP - Advanced Tools & Techniques 1:
Learn advanced Excel XP tools and techniques including: copying a value
between worksheets; copying formulas between worksheet; using the paste
special command; protecting a worksheet; assigning a password to a workbook;
removing a password from a workbook; setting up a VLOOKUP table; setting us
a VLOOKUP function; setting up an HLOOKUP table; and setting up an
HLOOKUP function.
e-Lesson [235238] - Excel XP - Advanced Tools & Techniques 2:
Learn advanced Excel XP tools and techniques including: the IF function; the
nested IF function; the AN condition with the IF function; the ROUND function;
limiting the precision of numbers; displaying dependent arrows; displaying
prededent arrows; using the Trace Arrow button; and using the Error Checking
e-Lesson [235239] - Excel XP - Advanced Macros & Customization:
Learn advanced Excel XP macro and customization skills including: adding
commands to a custom menu; recording a macro; assigning a shortcut key;
assigning a macro to a menu; running a macro; deleting a macro from a menu;
writing a macro; entering macro commands; entering a macro command; testing
a macro from the code window; creating a custom toolbar; adding a custom
button to a toolbar; assigning a macro to a button; changing the button image;
attaching a custom toolbar to a workbook; deleting a custom toolbar; and creating
a custom menu.
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