Curriculum Vitae – Expert Witness in Nephrology, Kidney Diseases

Stanley Goldfarb, M.D., F.A.C.P.
January, 2000
801 Muirfield Road
Bryn Mawr, PA 19010
Department of Medicine
100 Centrex
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
3400 Spruce Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103
Office – 215 614 0904
December 18, 1943
Brooklyn, New York
Married: Rayna Lynn Block
Children: Rachael Fay, 1977
Michael Louis, 1980
Secondary Education:
Poly Prep Country Day School
Princeton University
B.A. 1961-1965
University of Rochester School of Medicine
M.D. 1965-1969
University of Pennsylvania
M.A.(hon.) 1985
1966-1967 Student Research Fellow - American Cancer
Society, Department of Pathology, College of
Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University
1969-1970 Intern in Medicine, Hospital of the University
of Pennsylvania
1970-1972 Residency in Medicine, Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania
1972-1974 Postdoctoral Fellow in Nephrology- Hospital of
the University of Pennsylvania
1974-1975 Chief Medical Resident, University of
Pennsylvania - VA Hospital
1970-1976 Captain, Pennsylvania Army National
1974-1975 Clinical Instructor in Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania School of
1975-1981 Assistant Professor of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania School
of Medicine
1981-1990 Associate Professor of Medicine,
University of Pennsylvania School of
Medicine (Tenure)
1990- 1992 Professor of Medicine (Tenure),
University of Pennsylvania School of
1993- 1996 Clinical Professor of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania School of
Professor of Medicine
University of Pennsylvania School of
Consultant in Nephrology, Wilmington
Veterans Administration Hospital
Staff Physician, Renal Electrolyte Section and
Department of Medicine, Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania
1975-1978 Research and Education Associate of the
Veterans Administration Hospital
1978-1988 Coordinator of ID 205 Course in Clinical
Physiology Renal Section, University of
Pennsylvania School of Medicine
1978-1981 Co-Director, Stone Evaluation Center
Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania
1987-1988 Acting Chief, Renal Electrolyte Section
1988-1990 Associate Director- Clinical Research CenterUniversity of Pennsylvania
1988- 1992 Co-Chief, Renal-Electrolyte Section, Hospital of the
University of Pennsylvania
1990-1992 Program Director- General Clinical Research
Center- University of Pennsylvania
1992-1996 Senior Vice President for Medical
Affairs - Graduate Health System
1996- Vice Chairman for Network Development- Department
of Medicine- University of Pennsylvania School of
1997- Senior Vice Chair for Clinical Affairs- Department of
Medicine- University of Pennsylvania Health System
1978-1986 Secretary, Subspecialty Committee on
Nephrology American Board of
Internal Medicine (Nephrology Board)
1983-1985 Member Nephrology Subcommittee for
MKSAP VII - American College of Physicians
1986-1988 Member Nephrology Subcommittee for MKSAP
VIII -American College of Physicians
1986-1987 Member (representing National Kidney
Foundation) Committee on Clinical PrivilegesNephrology - American College of Physicians
1980-1981 Member Medical Sciences Task Force for the
Comprehensive Qualifying Examination
National Board of Medical Examiners
1987-1992 Representative of the National Kidney
Foundation to the Council of Subspecialty
1988-1994 Member - Subspecialty Committee on
Nephrology - American Board of Internal
Medicine (Nephrology Board)
1989- 1991 Representative of the American Society
of Nephrology to the Intersociety Council for
Research in Kidney and Urological Diseases
Member Health and Public Policy CommitteeAmerican Society of Nephrology
Member Health and Public Policy CommitteeNational Kidney Foundation
1989- 1991 Member National Medical Advisory Board of
the National Kidney Foundation
Member National Scientific Advisory Board of
the National Kidney Foundation
1991-1993 Chairman, Council on Diabetic Nephropathy,
National Kidney Foundation
Secretary, American Board of Internal
Medicine Committee on Recertification in
Member Dean's Ad Hoc Advisory Committee on
Appointment and Promotion, Harvard Medical
Chair, Nominating Committee, American
Society of Nephrology
Representative of the American Society of
Nephrology to the Council of Subspecialty
Societies of the American College of Physicians
Council Chairman- 1992-1995
1993-1996 Member of the Board of Regents of the
American College of Physicians
Pre-Reviewer for the ACGME- Nephrology
Subspecialty Programs
1994-1996 Member Scientific Program Subcommittee of
the American College of Physicians
1994-1996 Member Career Change Task Force of
the American College of Physicians
Member Nephrology Coalition Task Force:
Defining the Nephrologist
Member Publication Policy Committee of
the American College of Physicians
1997- 1998 Member Managed Care Advisory Group- The
American College of Physicians
Member Scientific Program Subcommittee of
the American College of Physicians
Chair- Managed Care Subcommittee- American
College of Physicians/American Society of
Internal Medicine
Diplomate, American Board of Internal
Diplomate, American Board of Internal
Medicine (Nephrology)
New Jersey
# MD012132E
# 61009
# C10004490
Ward Rounds: General Medicine (4 weeks)
Renal-Electrolyte Service - Renal Rounds (8 weeks)
Morning Report - (4 weeks)
Interdepartmental 205 - Lecturer in Renal Component
1997Attending Physician- Renal Service
Ward Rounds: General Medicine (4 weeks)
Morning Report - (4 weeks)
Interdepartmental 205 - Course Director for Renal- 1980-1988
1976-1979 Housestaff Training Program Review Committee
1978-1983 Procedure Utilization Review Committee
1983-1992 Intern Selection Committee, Department of
1985-1992 Quality Assurance Committee, Department of
1987-1989 Member Medical School Committee on
Continuing Medical Education
1987-1991 Member Department of Medicine Capitol
Resources Allocation Committee
1987-1988 Member Search Committee - Chairman of Medicine
Presbyterian University of Pennsylvania Medical
1987-1988 Member Review Committee for Neural Science
Institute, University of Pennsylvania
1987-1989 Member, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee
1988-1990 Member,
Committee; Medical School
1988-1992 Member, Executive Committee, Diabetes Center
1997- Member - CME Council
1997- Member- UPHS Medical Directors Council
1998- Chair- Department of Medicine Quality Improvement Committee
1993-1996 Member, The Medical Board
1993-1995 Chairman, Corporate Rehabilitation Committee
1993-1996 Member, Education Committee
Board Directorships 1993-1996
Member Board of Directors
Parkview Hospital
City Avenue Hospitals
1993-1996 Founder’s Medical Group
New York State Regents Scholar
Cum Laude, Princeton University
Student Cancer Research Award, Monroe County Medical
Recipient, Clinical Investigator Award, National Institute of
Arthritis, Metabolic and Digestive Disease
Who's Who in American Jewry
Who's Who in World Jewry
Who's Who in Frontier Science and Technology
1986,1987,1988Achievement Award, National Kidney Foundation of the
Delaware Valley
National Volunteer Award- National Kidney Foundation
Who's Who in the East
Who's Who Science and Engineering
Who's Who in America
Who’s Who in Medicine
Associate, American College of Physicians
Membrane Transport Workers Union
American Federation for Clinical Research
American Society of Nephrology
American College of Clinical Pharmacology (Fellow)
New York Academy of Sciences
Fellow, American College of Physicians
American Society of Mineral Research
International Society of Nephrology
John Morgan Society
American Society for Clinical Investigation
Fellow, College of Physicians of Philadelphia
American Medical Association
American Journal of Kidney Disease -1992-1996
Annals of Internal Medicine
American Journal of Physiology
Journal of Clinical Investigation
Archives of Internal Medicine
Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine
Mineral and Electrolyte Metabolism
Kidney International
Veterans Administration
European Journal of Medicine
New England Journal of Medicine
American Journal of Digestive Diseases
Life Sciences
Proceedings National Academy of Sciences
Circulation Research
American Journal of Digestive Disease
Journal of Critical Illness
Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Journal of the American Medical Association `
1) Hypocalcemic and PTH inhibitory actions of WR 2721
American Cancer Society, IN135C, 1982
2) Hypocalcemic and PTH-inhibitory mechanisms of WR 2721
NIH, NAIM DDK, AM31826, 1983-1986
3) Pathogenesis of altered renal function in juvenile diabetes, Juvenile
Diabetes Foundation, 1986-1988
4) Polyol pathway and Glomerular Filtration in Diabetes,
1987-1990- DK39727
5) Characteristics of Uropontin Metabolism in Normals and in Patients
with Urolithiasis, DCI Joint Clinic Voluntary Research and
Development Fund- 1992,
1) Regulation of Renal Calcium and Phosphate Excretion, NIH, 32R01HL00340, 1984-1987
2) Nephrology Training Grant, NIH, S-T 32-AM 07006, 1982-1987
3) NIH IROl-DK-44513 " Tubulointerstitial Kidney Cells and the
Response to Glucose" 12/1/91;
4) Molecular Mediators of Renal Cell Growth- Project 3 in George
M. O'Brien Renal Research Center Application NIH DK-45191:
Project Period: 12/1/91; P.I.: Eric G. Neilson M.D. Project
Leaders: Stanley Goldfarb, M.D. Fuad N. Ziyadeh, M.D;
1) VA Merit Review Board in Nephrology, 1988-1991
1) Member, Special Study Section- National Institutes of Health,
2) Reviewer, Abstract Selection International Society of Nephrology IXth
Congress, Los Angeles, CA 1984
3) Reviewer, Abstracts - American Society of Nephrology Washington,
4) Head, Ca-PO4 Program - American Society of Nephrology - 1985
5) Member, National Program Committee - American Society of
Nephrology - 1988-89
6) Head, Clinical Nephrology Program - American Society of Nephrology 1991
7) Scientific Reviewer for the National Osteoporosis Society
1) Member, Organizing Committee - National Kidney Foundation of the
Delaware Valley - Annual Ball, 1985
2) Member, Medical Advisory Board - National Kidney Foundation of the
Delaware Valley, 1985 - 1991
3) Chairman, Medical Advisory Board - National Kidney Foundation of
the Delaware Valley, 1989-1991
4) Member, Board of Directors-National Kidney Foundation of the
Delaware Valley, 1989-1991
5) Co-Chair, Annual National Kidney Foundation of the Delaware Valley Golf Outing, 1985 -1990
6) 1994- Wharton Health Care Program Mentor- Graduate Program in
Health Care Management . Wharton School of the
University of Pennsylvania
Member- Program CommitteePhiladelphia 1995-1998
8) Councilor - College of Physicians of Philadelphia 1998
Original Publications
1) Goldfarb, S., Richart RM, Okagaki T: Nuclear DNA content in
endolymphatic stromal myosis. Am. J. Obstet. and Gynec. 106: 524-529,
2) Goldfarb S, Richart RM, Okagaki T: A cytophotometric study of
nuclear DNA content of cyto- and syncytiotrophoblast in trophoblastic
disease. Cancer 27: 83-91, 1971.
3) Feldman HA, Goldfarb S, McCurdy DK: Recurrent radiographic dyeinduced renal failure. JAMA 229: 72, 1974.
4) Goldfarb S, Beck LH, Agus ZS and Goldberg M: Tubular sites of action
of cyclic AMP on renal PO4 reabsorption. Proc. 1st International Conf. on
Phosphate, Paris, France, June 1975.
5) Goldfarb S, Cox M, Singer I and Goldberg M: Acute hyperkalemia
induced by hyperglycemia: hormonal mechanisms. Ann. Int. Med.
84:426-432, 1976.
8) Eisenberg J and Goldfarb S: The clinical use of prothrombin time as a
screening test. Clin. Chem. 22: 1644, 1976.
9) Westby GR, Goldfarb S, Agus ZS and Goldberg M: The acute effects of
growth hormone on renal calcium and phosphate excretion in the dog.
Metabolism 26: 525-530, 1977.
10) Goldfarb S, Westby GR, Agus ZS and Goldberg M: Renal tubular
effects of chronic phosphate depletion. J. Clin. Invest. 59: 770-779,
11) Emmett M, Goldfarb S, Agus ZS and Narins RG: The pathophysiology
of acid-base change in chronically phosphate-depleted rats: bone-kidney
interaction. J. Clin. Invest. 59: 291, 1977.
12) Goldfarb S, Bosanac P, Goldberg M and Agus ZS: Effects of calcium
on renal phosphate reabsorption. Am. J. Physiol. 234: F22-F28, 1978.
13) Goldfarb S, Strunk B, Singer I, Goldberg M: Paradoxical glucoseinduced hyperkalemia: combined aldosterone-insulin deficiency. Am. J.
Med. 59: 901, 1975.
14) Goldfarb S, Beck LH, Agus ZS and Goldberg M: Dissociation of
tubular sites of action of saline, PTH and DbCAMP on renal tubular
phosphate reabsorption. Nephron 21:221-229, 1978.
15) Lau K, Goldfarb S, Grabie M, Agus ZS and Goldberg M: Mechanism
of lithium induced hypercalciuria in rats. Am. J. Physiol. 234:E294E300, 1978.
16) Grabie M, Lau K, Agus ZS, Goldberg M and Goldfarb S: Role of
parathyroid hormone in the hypercalciuria of chronic phosphate
depletion. J. Min. and Electrolyte Metab. 1:279-287, 1978.
17) Cowgill LD, Goldfarb S, Lau K, Slatopolsky E and Agus ZS: Evidence
for an intrinsic renal tubular defect in mice with familial
hypophosphatemic rickets. J. Clin. Invest. 63:1203-1210, 1979.
18) Lau K, Wolf C, Nussbaum P, Weiner, B, DeOreo P, Agus ZS and
Goldfarb S: Differing effects of acid versus neutral phosphate therapy of
hypercalciuria. Kidney Int. 16:736-742, 1979.
19) Mitnick P, Goldfarb S and Agus ZS: Calcium and phosphate
metabolism in tumoral calcinosis. Ann. Int. Med. 92:482-487, 1980.
20) Lau K, Agus ZS, Goldberg M and Goldfarb S: Renal tubular sites of
altered Ca and PO4 transport in phosphate depleted rats. J. Clin. Invest.
64:1681-1687, 1979.
21) Goldfarb S: Juxtamedullary and superficial nephron phosphate
reabsorption in the cat. Am. J. Physiol. 239:F336-F332, 1980.
22) Grabie M, Nussbaum P, Goldfarb S, Walker BR, Goldberg M, Agus
ZS: Effects of a-methyldopa on renal hemodynamics and tubular
function in man. Clin. Pharm. and Therap. 27:522-527, 1980.
23) Wasserstein A, Hill G, Goldfarb S, and Goldberg M: Recurrent TTP
after viral infection: clinical and histological simulation of chronic
glomerulonephritis. Arch. Int. Med. 141:685-688, 1981.
24) Goldfarb S: Phosphate transport in superficial and juxtamedullary
nephrons in the cat: evidence for nephron heterogeneity. Adv. Exp. Med.
Biol. 128:67-70, 1980.
25) Mitnick PD, Greenberg A, DeOreo PB, Weiner BM, Coffman TM,
Walker BR, Agus ZS, Goldfarb S: Differing renal effects of two nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, indomethacin and oxaprozin, in man.
Clin. Pharm. Therap. 28:680-689, 1980.
26) Lau K, Goldfarb S, Goldberg M and Agus ZS. Effects of PO4
administration of tubular calcium transport. J. Lab Clin. Med. 99:317324, 1982.
27) Mitnick PD, Greenberg A, Coffman T, Kelepouris E, Wolf CJ and
Goldfarb S. Effects of two models of hypercalcemia on renal acid base
metabolism. Kid. Int. 21:613-620, 1982.
28) Goldfarb S: Effects of calcium on ADH action in the cortical collecting
tubule perfused in vitro. Adv. Expt. Med. Biol. 151:111-115, 1982.
29) Jorkasky D and Goldfarb S: Abdominal wall hernia complicating
chronic ambulatory peritoneal dialysis. Am. J. Nephrol. 2:323-325, 1982.
30) Lau YK, Wasserstein A, Westby GR, Bosanac P, Grabie M, Mitnick P,
Slatopolsky E, Goldfarb S and Agus ZS: Proximal tubular defects in
idiopathic hypercalciuria: resistance to phosphate administration. Min.
Elect. Metab. 7:237-250, 1982.
31) Goldfarb S: Effects of calcium on ADH action in the cortical collecting
tubule perfused in vitro. Am. J. Physiol. 243 (Renal Fluid Electrolyte
Physiol. 12): F481-F486, 1982.
32) Goldstein C, Braunstein S and Goldfarb S. Idiopathic syndrome of
inappropriate antidiuretic hormone release. Ann. Int. Med., 99: 185-189,
33) Glover D, Riley L, Carmichael K, Spar B, Glick J, Kligerman MM,
Agus, ZS, Slatopolsky E, Attie M, and Goldfarb S: Hypocalcemia and
inhibition of parathyroid hormone secretion after administration of
WR2721 (a radioprotective and chemoprotective agent). N. Engl. Journ.
Med., 309: 1137-1142, 1983.
34) Kimmel P, Goldfarb S. Effect of isoproterenol, cyclic AMP and
antidiuretic hormone on potassium transport in cortical collecting
tubule. Am. J. Physiol., 246 :F804-F810, 1984.
35) Goldstein C, Walker B, Goldfarb S. Comparative effects of oxaprozin
on renal hemodynamic and electrolyte excretion. Seminars in
Rheumatology, 15 suppl. 27-35, 1985.
36) Goldfarb S, Walker BR, Agus ZS. The uricosuric action of oxaprozin.
J. Clin. Pharm. 25 :144-149, 1985.
37) Attie MF, Spar BM, Wolf J, Fallon M, Slatopolsky E, and Goldfarb S.
Studies of the hypocalcemic action of WR2721. Journ. Clin. Inves.
75:1191-1197, 1985.
38) Glover D, Shaw L, Glick JM, Slatopolsky E, Weiler C, Attie M, and
Goldfarb S. Treatment of hypercalcemia associated with parathyroid
cancer with WR2721: A unique hypocalcemic agent and inhibitor of PTH
secretion. Annals Intern. Med. 103:55-58, 1985.
39) Garrick R, Ziyadeh F, Jorkasky D, Goldfarb S: Bartter's Syndrome - a
unifying hypothesis. Am. J. Nephrology, 5:379-384, 1985.
40) Morrison G, Spar B, Walker B, Goldfarb S. The renal effects of
indoramin. J. Cardiovascular Pharm. 8 (Supl 2): 525-532, 1986.
41) Weiss J, Walker ST, Fallon M, and Goldfarb S. In Vivo and in vitro
effect of WR-2721 in experimental hypercalcemia in the rat. J. Pharm.
and Exp. Ther. 238: 969-973, 1986.
42) Goldfarb S, Simmons D and Kern E.O. Amelioration of glomerular
hyperfiltration in experimental diabetes by myo-inositol supplementation
and Sorbinil. Trans. Assoc. Amer. Phy. 99:67-72, 1986.
43) Wasserstein A, Stolley P, Goldfarb S, and Agus ZS. Case control
study of risk factors for calcium nephrolithiasis. Mineral Elect. Metab.
13:85-95, 1987.
44) Webster GD, Goldfarb S, Norcini JJ, Shea JA, and Murray LN.
Performance of a dangerous answer subtest within a subspecialty
certifying examination. Medical Education, 21, 426-431, 1987.
45) Weaver ME, Morrissey J, McConkey C, Goldfarb S, Slatopolsky E,
Martin KJ. WR2721 inhibits parathyroid adenylate cyclase. Am. J.
Physiol. 252: E197-E201, 1987.
46) Goldfarb S. Nephrology Forum: The role of diet in the pathogenesis
and prophylaxis of calcium nephrolithiasis - Kidney Int. 34: 544-555,
47) Goldfarb S, Kern EFO, Simmons D: The role of polyol pathway
activation in the pathogenesis of altered glomerular hemodynamic
function in experimental diabetes mellitus in the rat. Proceedings,
Second Workshop on Animal Models of Diabetes, ed. Shafrir E and
Renold A., 517-522, 1988.
48) Baker L, Dahlem S, Goldfarb S, Kern E, Stanley CA, Egler J, and
Heyman S. Hyperfiltration and renal disease in glycogen storage disease,
Type I. Kidney Int. 35,1345-1350, 1989.
49) Garrick R, Goldfarb S. The differential diagnosis and renal
pathophysiologic effects of hypercalcemia. Am. J. Kid. Dis. 12, 160163,1989
50) Attie MF, Goldfarb S, Fallon M, Shaker J, and Carmichael K. Effects
of WR-2721 on parathyroid hormone secretion and bone. Proceedings
First International Conference on Alternative Action of PTH. In press,
51) Shaker J, Attie MF, Goldfarb S, Fallon M. WR-2721 attenuates bone
loss after hindlimb tenotomy in rats. J. Bone & Min Res. 4. 885-90, 1989
52) Ziyadeh FN, Snipes ER, Watanabe M, Alvarez RJ, Goldfarb S, Haverty
TP. The effects of high glucose on cell growth and matrix production in
mouse proximal tubule cells in culture: Inhibition of cell proliferation,
stimulation of cell hypertrophy and increased transcription of
procollagens Type IV and Type I. American Journal of Physiology. 259
(Renal Fluid Electrol. Physiol. 28) F704-F714,1990
53) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh FN, Kern EFO, Simmons DA, Ziyadeh FN. Effects
of polyol pathway inhibition and dietary myo-inositol on glomerular
hemodynamic function in experimental diabetes mellitus in rats .
Diabetes 40: 465-472, 1991.
54) Ziyadeh FN, Simmons DA, Snipes EA, Goldfarb S. Effect of myoInositol on cell proliferation and collagen transcription and secretion in
proximal tubule cells cultured in elevated glucose. J Am Soc Nephrology,
1, 1220-1229,1991.
55) Wolf G, Neilson EG, Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh FN. The influence of glucose
concentration on angiotensin II-induced hypertrophy of proximal tubular
cells in culture. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications.
176, 902-909 1991.
56) Spinler S and Goldfarb S. Nephrotoxicity of contrast media following
cardiac angiography: pathogenesis, clinical course, and preventive
measures, including the role of low osmolality contrast media. Annals of
Pharmacotherapy. 26: 56-72, 1991.
57) Rudnick MR, Goldfarb S, Murphy M.The role of mannitol and other
prophylactic regimens in contrast media induced acute renal failure
Coronary Artery Disease 2 1047-1052,1991.
58) Rocco MV, Chen Y, Goldfarb S, and Ziyadeh FN. Elevated glucose
levels stimulate transforming growth factor beta expression and
bioactivity in murine proximal tubule cell culture. Kidney Int. 41, 107115,1992.
59) Lemann J, Bidani AK, Bain RP, and the Collaborative Study of
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition in Diabetic Nephropathy (S
Goldfarb, Site PI). Use of the serum creatinine to estimate glomerular
filtration rate in health and early diabetic nephropathy. Am J Kid Dis 16:
236-243, 1990
60) Rodby R, Amjad A, Rohde R and the Collaborative Study of
Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibition in Diabetic Nephropathy (S
Goldfarb, Site PI). Renal scanning 99mTc DTPA glomerular filtration rate
determination compared with iothalamate clearance GFR in diabetics. Am
J Kid Dis 20: 569-573, 1992
61) Goldfarb S, Spinler S, Berns JS, and Rudnick R. Low osmolality
contrast media and the risk of contrast media associated nephrotoxicity.
Investigative Radiology. 28 Suppl 5:S7-10; discussion S11-2, 1993.
62)Dawson P. Goldfarb S Latchaw RE. Hill JA. Cohen, MD. Low osmolality
contrast media and the risk of nephrotoxicity- - DISCUSSION.
Investigative Radiology. 28(Suppl 5):S 11-S 12, 1993 Nov
63)Goldfarb S. Morris TW. Latchaw RE. Hill JA. Cohen MD. Enge IP.
The physiologic effects of contrast media on the heart- discussion.
Investigative Radiology. 28(Suppl 5):S 47, 1993 Nov
64) Hill J, Winniford M, Cohen B, Van Fossen D, Murphy M, Halpren E,
Ludbrook PA, Wexler L, Rudnick M, and Goldfarb S, for the Iohexol
Cooperative Group. Multicenter trial of Ionic vs Non-ionic contrast media
for cardiac angiography. American Journal of Cardiology, 72: 770-775,
65) Sasse , E A, Doumas, B T, Lemann Jr, J and The Collaborative Study
Group (S Goldfarb, Site PI). Urinary Albumin in Relation to Urinary Total
Protein in Patients with Established Diabetic Nephropathy. Annals of
Internal Med. (1989) Vol III, No. 4 pp 343.
66) Bain R, Rohde R, Hunsicker L G, McGill J, Korbin S, Lewis E J, and
The Collaborative Study Group (S Goldfarb, Site PI). A Controlled Clinical
Trial of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition in Type 1 Diabetic
Nephropathy: Study Design and Patient Characteristics. J. Am. Soc.
Nephrol. (1992) Vol 3: S97-S103.
67) Bleyer AJ, Fumo P, Snipes EA, Goldfarb S, Simmons DA, Ziyadeh FN.
Polyol pathway mediates high glucose-induced collagen synthesis in
proximal tubule. Kidney International. 45(3):659-66, 1994
68) Lewis MD Edmund J, Hunsicker MD Lawrence G, Bain Raymond P,
Rohde BS Richard D, for Collaborative Study Group (S Goldfarb, Site PI),
The Effect of Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibition in Diabetic
Nephropathy. New England Journal of Medicine, 329, 1456-1463,1993.
69) Rudnick, MR, Berns JS, Cohen RM, and Goldfarb, S. Nephrotoxic
risks of renal angiography: Contrast media-associated nephrotoxicity and
atheroembolism. A critical review. American Journal of Kidney Diseases.
24(4):713-27, 1994.
70) Breyer, JA, , Hunsicker LG, Bain RP, Lewis EJ, Rohde RD, for
Collaborative Study Group (S Goldfarb, Site PI)Angiotensin Converting
Enzyme Inhibition in Diabetic Nephropathy. Kidney Int, 45, S-156-S-160,
71) Rudnick M, Goldfarb S, Wexler L, et al. Nephrotoxicty following
cardiac angiography. A double-blind multicenter trial of ionic and nonionic contrast media in 1194 patients. Kidney International. 47(1):254261, 1995
72) Berns, JS, Imperiale A, Goldfarb S. Are cytotoxic agents beneficial in
idiopathic membranous nephropathy ? Journal of the American Society
of Nephrology. 5(8):1553-1558, 1995
73) Hebert, L, Bain RP, Verme, D et al for Collaborative Study Group (S
Goldfarb, Site PI) Remission of nephrotic range proteinuria in type I
diabetes. Kidney International, 46, 1688-1693, 1994.
74) Cheng, JWM, Charland S, Goldfarb S, Spinler S. Effects of renal
function on recainam pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. Clin
Pharmacol Ther , 57, 492-498, 1995.
75) Goldfarb, S. Brailer, D. And Katz, F. Proving the link between
outcomes and resource utilization. Medical Interface. 8, 79-84, 1995.
76) Brailer, D, Goldfarb S, Katz, F, and Horgan, M. Improving
performance with clinical decision support. Journal on Quality
Improvement. 22, 443-456 1996.
77) Rodby, R, Firth L, Lewis E J, and The Collaborative Study Group (S
Goldfarb, Site PI). An economic analysis of Captopril in the treatment of
diabetic nephropathy. Diabetes Care 19, 1051-1061, 1996
78) Cheng JW, Charland SL, Shaw L, Kobrin S, Goldfarb S, Stanek E,
and Spinler S. Is the volume of distribution of digoxin reduced in
patients with renal dysfunction? Determination of pharmacokinetics by
fluoresence polarization assay. Pharmacotherapy 17, 584-590, 1997.
79)Mange K, Matsuura D, Cizman B, Soto H, Ziyadeh FN, Goldfarb S,
Neilson EG Language guiding therapy: The case of dehydration versus
volume depletion Annals of Internal Medicine 127: (9) 848-853 1997
80) Rudnick MR, Berns JS, Cohen RM, Goldfarb S. Contrast mediaassociated nephrotoxicity Seminars in Nephrology 17: (1) 15-26 1997
81) Goldfarb S and Henrich W. Update in nephrology. Annals of Internal
Medicine. 128,49-56,1998
82) Min W, Shiraga H, Chalko C, Goldfarb S, Krishna GG, Hoyer JR.
Quantative studies of human urinary uropontin excretion. Kidney
International 53, 189-193, 1998
83) Spinler SA. Nawarskas JJ. Boyce EG. Connors JE. Charland SL.
Goldfarb S. Predictive performance of ten equations for estimating
creatinine clearance in cardiac patients. Iohexol Cooperative Study
Group. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 32:1275-83, 1998
84) Goldfarb, S. The utility of decision support, clinical guidelines, and
financial incentives as tools to achieve improved clinical performance. The
Joint Commision Journal on Quality Improvement. 25, 137-144,1999
Manuscripts In Preparation
Goldfarb, S, Brailer D, Kim L. A new from of clinical knowledge for
bedside evaluation: The role of hospital cohort analysis in clinical care
Hormones, Autacoids, and the Kidney Contemporary Issues in
Nephrology.Vol 23 ed. by Goldfarb, S. and Ziyadeh, F.N., Churchill
Livingstone, Philadelphia, 1991.
Workshops in Disorders of Fluid and Electrolytes ed by S. Goldfarb and
H. Szerlip. Churchill Livingstone, New York, 1993.
Mini-symposium on Diabetic Nephropathy ed by S. Goldfarb. American
Journal of Kidney Disease. 22, 721-736,1993
Editorial Reviews, Chapters, Letters:
1) Goldberg M, Agus ZS and Goldfarb S: Renal handling of calcium,
phosphate and magnesium. In The Kidney, ed. by Brenner and Rector,
Saunders and Co., Philadelphia, PA, 1976.
2) Goldberg M, Agus ZS and Goldfarb S: Renal handling of calcium and
phosphate. In Perspective in Renal Physiology, ed. by K. Thurau. MTP
Publishing Co., Baltimore, MD, 1976.
3) Goldberg M, Agus ZS and Goldfarb S: Renal handling of calcium and
phosphate. In Kidney and Urinary Tract Physiology II, ed. K. Thurau.
(International Review of Physiology, vol. II), University Park Press, 1976.
4) Goldfarb S and Agus ZS: The kidney in adrenal and pituitary diseases.
In The Kidney in Systemic Diseases, ed. by W. Suki and G. Eknoyan,
5) Lau K, Goldfarb S and Goldberg M: The effects of PTH on phosphate
transport. In Renal Handling of Phosphate, ed. by S. Massry, Plenum
Press, 1980.
6) Agus ZS, Goldfarb S and Wasserstein A: Disturbances in calcium
phosphate and magnesium balance. In The Kidney, ed. by B. Brenner
and F. Rector, 2nd ed., W.B. Saunders Co., 1981.
7) Agus ZS, Wasserstein A and Goldfarb S: PTH, calcitonin, cyclic
nucleotides and the kidney. In Annual Review of Physiology, Andreoli TE,
ed., Ann. Rev., Inc., 1981.
8) Agus ZS, Goldfarb S and Wasserstein A: Mineral metabolism in health
and disease, in Contemporary Nephrology, ed. by S. Klahr S. Massry,
Plenum Pub. Corp., New York, NY, 1981.
9) Greenberg A and Goldfarb S: Acid base disturbances in the surgical
patient, in Medical Care of the Surgical Patient, ed. by Division of
General Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, School of Medicine,
Lippincott, 1982.
10) Agus ZS, Goldfarb S and Wasserstein A: Calcium transport in the
kidney, in Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Experimental
Pharmacology, Ullrich K, ed., Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1980.
11) Agus ZS, Goldfarb S and Wasserstein A: Renal tubular transport
defects, in Internal Medicine, Stein, J., ed., Elsevier North-Holland, 1982.
12) Agus ZS, Goldfarb S and Wasserstein A: Diagnosis and treatment of
disorders of the serum calcium and phosphate, in Essentials of
Nephrology for Primary Care Physicians, Schrier RW, ed., W.B.
Saunders, Co., March, 1981.
13) Agus ZS, and Goldfarb S: Disorders of calcium and phosphate
metabolism, in Medical Clinics North America, L. Beck ed., W.B.
Saunders, Co., March, 1981.
14) Agus ZS, Wasserstein A, Goldfarb S: Clinical disorders of calcium
and magnesium metabolism, in Symposium on Fluid and Electrolyte
Metabolism, ed. by B. Brenner, American Journal of Medicine 72:473488, 1982.
15) Agus ZS, Goldfarb S, and Wasserstein A: Renal regulation of calcium
balance. In Physiology and Pathology of Electrolyte Metabolism, eds.
Seldin DW and Giebisch G. Raven Press, NY, 1985.
16) Goldfarb S, Kelepouris E: Disorders of Calcium and Phosphate
Metabolism, in Pathophysiology of Electrolyte and Renal Disorders. ed.
H. David Humes. Churchhill Livingstone, Inc., 1985.
17) Goldfarb S, Goldstein C. Renal and electrolyte disorders in, Text Book
of Medicine. ed. A.R. Myers, Harwal Publishing Co., Philadelphia, 1986.
18) Goldfarb S, Agus ZS. On the mechanism of polyuria
hypercalcemia. Invited editorial. Am. J. Nephrol. 4:69-76, 1984.
19) Agus ZS and Goldfarb S: Disorders of calcium metabolism, in
Disorders of Fluid and Electrolyte Metabolism. Ed. by DeFronzo R, and
Arieff A. Churchill Livingstone Inc., 1984.
20) Goldfarb S, Ntoso KA. Disorders of Magnesium Metabolism, in
Internal Medicine. Stein, J., Ed. Little Brown Co. Boston, 1986.
21) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Disorders of Phosphate Metabolism, in,
Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. Little Brown Co., Boston, 1986.
22) Garrick R and Goldfarb S. Hypo and Hypercalcemia, in Manual of
Renal Therapeutics. Ed. by R.J. Glassock, Churchill Livingstone Inc.,
23) Goldfarb S and Garrick R. Nephrolithiasis, in Textbook of Internal
Medicine. Ed. by Kelly, W. Lippincott, Phila, 1989.
24) Ziyadeh, FN, Kern EFO, Goldfarb S. Metabolic and Biochemical
Abnormalities in the Pathogenesis of Diabetic Nephropathy in the Kidney
in Diabetes Mellitus. Ed. by Brenner BM and Stein JH, vol 20, p 87114,1989.
25) Goldfarb, S. Dietary factors in the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. CPC
Series in Metabolic Bone Disease. vol 3,#2,1989. ed. by D. Zackson,
Triclinica, New York.
26) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh, FN. Renal and electrolyte disorders (2nd ed.)in,
Text Book of Medicine. ed. A.R. Myers, Harwal Publishing Co.,
Philadelphia, in press, 1993
27) Goldfarb S and Garrick R. Nephrolithiasis, in Textbook of Internal
Medicine. Ed. by Kelly, W. (2nd edition) In press, 1990
28) Ziyadeh F.N., and Goldfarb, S. The role of the renal interstitium in
Diabetic Nephropathy. Kidney International, 39:464-476, 1991.
29) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh FN- Letter to the Editor, New England J.
Medicine, Glomerular lesions and microalbuminuria in diabetes.
30) Goldfarb, S. Diet and Nephrolithiasis. in Endocrine and Metabolism
Clinics of North America. Nephrolithiasis ed. by Lynwood H. Smith.
Saunders and Co., in press 1990.
31) Goldfarb S, Ntoso KA. Disorders of Magnesium Metabolism, in
Internal Medicine. Stein, J., Ed. 3rd Edition Little Brown Co. Boston,
32) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Disorders of Phosphate Metabolism, in,
Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. 3rd Edition Little Brown Co., Boston,
33) Kobrin S, Goldfarb S. Common consultative problems in nephrology:
Magnesium Deficiency. Seminars in Nephrology. 1991.
34) Kobrin S, Goldfarb S. Hypocalcemia and hypercalcemia, in Acid Base and Electrolyte Disorders. ed. by HJ Androgue. Contemporary
Mangement in Critical Care. Churchill Livingstone NY. 1991.
35) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Nephrolithiasis. in Scientific American
Medicine. Rubinstein E, and Federman D. ed. Scientific American, NY
36) Goldfarb S. Kidney Complications of Diabetes Self-Study Unit.
Pennsylvania Academy of Diabetes. in press 1994
37) Goldfarb S, Sharma K. Diabetic Nephropathy. in Current Practice in
Medicine. ed. by R. Glassock. Current Medicine. in press 1994.
38) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Disorders of Phosphate Metabolism, in,
Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. 4th Edition C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis
39) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. The Kidney in Diabetes in, Internal Medicine.
Stein, J. Ed. 4th Edition C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis 1994.
40) Goldfarb, S. The approach to the patient with diabetic nephropathy,
in A Primer in Nephrology. ed by A Greenberg. National Kidney
Foundation. NY in press 1994.
41) Goldfarb S, Kobrin, S. Disorders of Magnesium Metabolism in,
Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. 4th Edition C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis
42) Goldfarb S, Kobrin, S. Renal tubular transport defects, in, Internal
Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. 4th Edition C.V. Mosby Co., St. Louis 1994..
43) Ziyadeh F.N., and Goldfarb, S. The role of the renal interstitium in
Diabetic Nephropathy. in Current Topics in Pathology; Tubulointerstitial
and Cystic Diseases of the Kidney. Ed by S. Dodd and C.L. Berry. In
press, 1994
44) Goldfarb S. Diet and nephrolithiasis. [Review] Annual Review of
Medicine. 45:235-43, 1994.
45) Goldfarb, S. Patient Management Problem in Diabetic Nephropathy.
Scientific American, NY. 1994.
46) Ziyadeh FN and Goldfarb S. The Diabetic Renal Tubulointerstitium.
In Tubulointerstitial and Cystic Disdeases of the Kidney. Dodd, SM (ed).
Springer, 1995. 175-202,
47) Goldfarb S .Invited editorial. Physicians in control of the capitated
dollar- do unto others. Annals of Internal Medicine. 123(7):546-547,
48) Rudnick M, Berns J, Cohen R, and Goldfarb S. New concepts in the
pathogenesis and therapy of Contrast Media Induced Nephropathy.
Current Concepts in Nephrology and Hypertension. In press 1996
49) Goldfarb S, Kobrin S. Disorders of Magnesium Metabolism, in
Internal Medicine. Stein, J., Ed. Little Brown Co. Boston, 1996.
50) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Disorders of Phosphate Metabolism, in,
Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. Little Brown Co., Boston, 1996.
51)Goldfarb S, Kobrin, S. Renal Tubular Disorders, in Internal Medicine.
Stein, J., Ed. Little Brown Co. Boston, 1996.
52) Goldfarb S. Nephrolithiasis, in, Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. Little
Brown Co., Boston, 1996.
53) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Diabetic Nephropathy, in, Internal Medicine.
Stein, J. Ed. Little Brown Co., Boston, 1996.
54) Invited Book Review. New England Journal of Medicine, in press
1996: Goligorsky and Stein Acute Renal Failure, new concepts and
therapeutic strategies
55) Sharma K, and Goldfarb, S. Acid Base Disorders in. Pulmonary
Medicine. Ed by, Fishman, AP. In press 1996.
56) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Nephrolithiasis. in Scientific American
Medicine. Section 10, topic XII, p 1-10. Rubinstein E, and Federman D.
ed. Scientific American, NY 1996
Goldfarb S, Kobrin S. Disorders of Magnesium Metabolism, in Internal
Medicine. Stein, J., Ed. Mosby & Co., Baltimore, 1998.
57) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Disorders of Phosphate Metabolism, in,
Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed. Mosby & Co., Baltimore, 1998
58) Goldfarb S, Kobrin, S. Renal Tubular Disorders, in Internal Medicine.
Stein, J., Ed. Mosby & Co., Baltimore, 1998.
59) Goldfarb S. Nephrolithiasis, in, Internal Medicine. Stein, J. Ed.
Mosby & Co., Baltimore, 1998
60) Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Diabetic Nephropathy, in, Internal Medicine.
Stein, J. Ed. Mosby & Co., Baltimore, 1998
October 23, 1976
"Workshop in electrolytes and acid base balance"
Pascack Valley Hospital Annual Symposium
March 10, 1977
"Tubulo-interstitial renal disease"
Hazelton General Hospital
November 1979
Chairman, Scientific Session-American Society
Clinical Research, Annual Meeting, 1980
May 1980
Chairman, Scientific Session-American Federation of
Clinical Research, Annual Meeting, 1980
October 1980
Medical Grand Rounds
University of Connecticut
School of Medicine
Hartford, Conn
November 1980
Special Seminar
University of Utah
School of Medicine
Salt Lake City, Utah
March 1982
Research Seminar
Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Bronx, New York
April 1982
Clinical Pathologic Conference
Temple University Hospital
Philadelphia, PA
October 1982
Research Conference
Jefferson Medical College
Philadelphia, PA
November 1982
Research Conference
Department of Physiology
New York Medical College
New York, NY
December 1982
Chairman, Scientific Session
American Society of Nephrology
Annual Meeting
December 1982
Guest Speaker, Annual Meeting of Ohio
National Kidney Foundation
Toledo, Ohio
December 1982
Visiting Professor
Medical Grand Rounds
Medical College of Ohio
Toledo, Ohio
March 1983
Visiting Professor
S.U.N.Y. - Stony Brook
New York
March 1983
Visiting Professor
University of Texas - Health Sciences Center
San Antonio, Texas
January 1984
Visiting Professor
LSU School of Medicine
New Orleans, LA
March 1984
Visiting Professor
Medical College of Virginia
Richmond, VA
May 1984
Visiting Professor
George Washington University
School of Medicine
Washington, DC
November 1984
Visiting Professor
Baystate Medical Center
Springfield, MA
February 1985
Research Seminar
Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Bronx, NY
September 1985
International Symposium:
Developments in the Use of Alpha-Receptor
Antagonism in Cardiovascular Disease.
Cologne, West Germany
October 1985
Lecturer - Update in Nephrology Course
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
August 1986
Visiting Professor
University of Texas
Health Science Center
San Antonio, TX
December 1986
Guest Lecturer
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, TN
January 1987
Medical Grand Rounds
Medical College of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
September 1987
Second International Workshop on
Animal Models in Diabetes
Geneva, Switzerland
February 1988
Invited Lecturer
Polyol Pathway and Diabetic Complications
Juvenile Diabetes Foundation
Symposium -San Diego, CA
June 1988
Visiting Professor
Medical College of New York
Valhalla, New York
January 1989
Visiting Professor
University of Alabama at Birmingham
Birmingham, Ala.
February 1989
Medical Grand RoundsRutgers-NJ Medical School
Department of Medicine
Camden, N.J.
March 1989
Invited Speaker
NIH Symposium on Diabetic Nephropathy
Bethesda, Md.
October 1989
Invited Speaker
Update in Nephrology Course
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Mass.
October 1989
Invited Speaker
Annual Meeting
Pennsylvania Society of Nephrology
Pittsburgh, PA
December 1989
Visiting Professor
Albert Einstein School of Medicine
Bronx, New York
March 1991
Visiting Professor
Renal Division
Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
April 1991
Invited Speaker
American College of Physicians Annual Meeting
New Orleans, LA
April 1991
Visiting Professor
Tulane University School of Medicine
Renal Division
New Orleans, LA
October 1991
Invited Speaker
Update in Nephrology Course
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Mass.
February 1992
Invited Speaker
Reading Hopsital
Reading, PA
September 1992
Invited Speaker
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, NC
November 1992
Invited Speaker
Annual Meeting
American Society of Nephrology
Baltimore, Md.
January 1993
Visiting Professor
Temple University Residency
Program in Internal Medicine
Scranton, PA
March 1993
Visiting Professor
Henry Ford Hospital
Detroit, Michigan
May 1993
Visiting Professor
University of Iowa School of Medicine
Iowa City, Iowa
October 1993
Official American College of Physicians Representative
Pennsylvania Chapter of the American College of Physicians
Pittsburgh, PA
November 1993
Invited Lecturer
National Meeting
American Society of Nephrology Annual Meeting
Boston, Mass
November 1993
Invited Lecturer
Annual Graduate Symposium
University of Santo Domingo
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
February 1994
Official American College of Physicians Representative
Delaware Chapter of the American College of Physicians
Wilmington, DE.
August 1994
Visiting Speaker
University of Oklahoma Seminar
"Nephrology and Cardiology Update for the Practicing Physician"
Tulsa, Oklahoma
November 1994
Official American College of Physicians Representative
Minnesota Chapter of the American College of Physicians
Minneapolis, MN
February 1995
Invited Lecturer
Team Rounds (Medical Grand Rounds)
ìBetween a rock and a hard place - Stone Disease in the 90’sî
Columbia-Presbyterian Medical Center
New York, NY
April, 1995
Invited Lecturer
1995 Healthinfo Managed Health Care Congress
Washington, DC
May 1995
Update in Nephrology
Annual Scientific Session
American College of Physicians
Atlanta, GA
July 1995
Invited Lecturer
AHCPR-ACP Conference
Defining Healthcare at the Specialist-Generalist Interface
Chicago, Ill
November, 1995
Invited speaker
National meeting of the American Society of Nephrology
New therapeutic options in Acute Renal Failure
San Diego, CA
November, 1995
Invited speaker
Measuring Outcomes Across Integrated Delivery Systems
Zitter Group Conference
San Francisco, CA
April 1996
Update in Nephrology
Annual Scientific Session
American College of Physicians
San Fransisco, CA
August, 1996
Invited speaker
Measuring Outcomes Across Integrated Delivery Systems
Zitter Group Conference
Washington, DC
December, 1996
Invited Speaker
USC Graduate Internists Society 44th Annual Session
Los Angeles, CA
December, 1996
Invited Speaker
Wharton Symposium on Health Care Delivery
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA
March, 1997
Invited speaker
17th International Symposium on Critical Care Medicine
Brussels, Belgium
March, 1997
Update in Nephrology
Annual Scientific Session
American College of Physicians
Philadelphia, PA
August, 1997
Invited Lecturer
American Society of Nephrology Board Review Course
San Francisco, CA
March, 1998
Update in Nephrology
Annual Scientific Session
American College of Physicians
San Diego, CA
June, 1998
Update in Nephrology
Annual Scientific Session
American Diabetes Assoc.
Chicago, ILL
August, 1998
Invited Lecturer
American Society of Nephrology Board Review Course
San Francisco, CA
Singer I, Relman AS, Strunk B and Goldberg M. Hyperglycemia induced
hyperkalemia, diabetes, and hypoaldosteronism. Proc. 6th Ann. Mtg.
Society of Nephrology, November 1973, p.42.
Goldfarb S, Strunk B, Relman AS, Singer I and Goldberg M. Paradoxical
glucose-induced hyperkalemia: combined aldosterone-insulin deficiency.
Clin. Res. 23:469A, 1974.
Goldfarb S, Beck LH, Agus ZS and Goldberg M. Dissociation between the
sites of action of PTH and saline on renal phosphate reabsorption. Clin.
Res. 23:528A, 1974 (presented at National Mtg AFCR, Atlantic City, May
4, 1974).
Goldfarb S, Agus ZS and Goldberg M. The acute effects of growth
hormone on renal Ca++ and PO4 reabsorption. ASN Abstracts 33:1974.
Goldfarb S, Agus ZS and Goldberg M. Tubular sites of action of cyclic
AMP on renal PO4 reabsorption. ASN Abstracts 33:1974 (presented at
National Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology, Washington,
DC, November 24, 1974).
Goldfarb S, Cox M, Singer I and Goldberg M. Paradoxical glucose
induced hyperkalemia: combined aldosterone and insulin deficiencies.
Abstracts of American College of Physicians. (Presented at National Mtg,
American College of Physicians. (Presented at National Mtg, American
College Physicians, April 8, 1975, San Francisco, CA).
Beck L, Goldfarb S, Goldberg M and Agus ZS. Renal PO4 reabsorptive
capacity (TmP) in the acute vs. chronic parathyroidectomized dog. Clin.
Res. 23:355A, 1975.
Eisenberg J and Goldfarb S. Clinical utility of prothrombin time: a model
for evaluating screening tests. Abstracts of American College of
Physicians. (Presented at National Meeting, American College of
Physicians, April 8, 1975, San Francisco, CA).
Goldfarb S, Westby GR, Goldberg M and Agus ZS. Chronic phosphate
depletion (CPD): proximal tubular function and hypercalciuria. Clin. Res.
24:401, 1976. (Presented at National Mtg - American Federation of
Clinical Research Atlantic City, May 1, 1976).
Emmett M, Goldfarb S, Agus ZS and Narins RG. The pathophysiology of
acid-base changes in phosphate depletion (PD): bone-kidney interactions.
ASN Abstracts, 1976.
Goldfarb S, Bosanac P, Goldberg M and Agus ZS. Enhancement of
phosphate reabsorption by calcium: a micropuncture study. Clin. Res.
25:433A, 1977. (Presented at National Mtg. AFCR, Washington, DC, May
4, 1977.)
Cowgill L, Goldfarb S, Goldberg M, Slatopolsky E, and Agus ZS. Nature of
the renal defect in familial hypophosphatemic rickets. J. Clin. Invest.
1977. (Presented at National Mtg, AFCR, Washington, DC, May 4, 1977).
Grabie M, Goldfarb S, Lau K, Agus ZS and Goldberg M. Enhancement of
the hypercalciuria (HC) of phosphate depletion by parathyroidectomy
(PTX). Clin. Res. 25:433A, 1977.
Lau K, Goldfarb S, Agus ZS and Goldberg M. Chronic lithium (Li)
treatment in the rat: a model for post-absorptive hypercalciuria (HC).
Clin. Res. 25:399A, 1977.
Goldfarb S, Bosanac P, Goldberg M and Agus ZS. Enhancement of
phosphate (PO4) reabsorption by calcium (Ca++): a micropuncture study.
Clin. Res. 25:433A, 1977.
Lau K, Agus ZS, Goldberg M and Goldfarb S. Chronic phosphate
depletion: change in segmental calcium and phosphate reabsorption.
Kidney Int. 12:485A, 1977. (Presented at the National Mtg, ASN,
Washington, D.C., Washington, D.C., November 21, 1977).
Lau K, Nussbaum P, Goldberg M, Goldfarb S and
proximal tubular dysfunctions underlying the
absorptive hypercalciuria. Kidney Int. 12:469A,
National Mtg, ASN, Washington, DC, November 21,
Agus ZS. Evidence of
"phosphate leak" in
1977. (Presented at
Lau K, Wolf C, Nussbaum P, Agus ZS and Goldfarb S. Acid vs phosphate
therapy in idiopathic hypercalciuria (IHC): effects on calcium and acid
excretion. Kidney Int. 12:457A, 1977. (Presented at National Mtg, ISN,
Montreal Canada, June 14, 1978).
Nussbaum P, De Fronzo R, Agus ZS, Goldberg M and Goldfarb S.
Dissociation of proximal tubular (PTR) sodium (Na) and phosphate (PO4)
transport by phlorizin (PHZ). Kidney Int. 12:459A, 1977. (Presented at
National Mtg, ASN, Washington, DC November 21, 1977).
Lau K, Agus ZS, Goldberg M and Goldfarb S. Effect of phosphate on
calcium reabsorption: tubular sites of action. Clin. Res. 26:468A, 1978.
(Presented at National Mtg, AFCR, San Francisco, CA, May 1, 1978).
Nussbaum P, De Fronzo R, Lau K, Goldberg M, Agus ZS and Goldfarb S.
Interactions of insulin, phlorizin, and PTH on renal tubular phosphate
transport. Clin. Res. 26:472A, 1978.
Nussbaum P, Grabie M, Walker B, Goldfarb S, Goldberg M, and Agus ZS.
The acute and chronic effect of -methyldopa on renal tubular function.
Clin. Res. 26:292A, 1978.
Nussbaum P, Lau K, DeFronzo R, Goldberg M, Agus ZS and Goldfarb S.
Interactions of insulin, phlorizin and PTH on renal tubular phosphate
transport. (Presented at the National Meeting ASN, New Orleans, LA,
November 21, 1978.)
Goldfarb S. Evidence for heterogeneity of PO4 transport between
superficial (S) and juxtamedullary (J) nephrons: combined A-V
extraction, micropuncture and clearance studies in the cat. Clin. Res.
27:415A, 1979.
Mitnick PD, DeOreo P, Weiner B, Walker B, Goldberg M, Agus ZS and
Goldfarb S. Renal effect of oxaprozin (WY2173), a non-steroidal antiinflammatory agent in man. Clin. Res. 27:425A, 1979.
Wasserstein A, Lau K, Mitnick PD, Slatopolsky E, Goldfarb S and Agus
ZS. Renal functional characteristics of idiopathic hypercalciuria (IH).
Clin. Res. 27:433A, 1979.
Mitnick PD, Wolf C and Goldfarb S. Acid-base effects of hypercalcemia
primary hyperparathyroidism (HCHP) in rats. Clin. Res. 27:425A, 1979.
(Presented, National Meeting, 1979).
Mitnick PD, Goldfarb S and Agus ZS. On the mechanism of
hyperphosphatemia in tumoral calcinosis (TC). Clin. Res. 27:425A, 1979.
Lau K, Stom MC, Goldberg M, Goldfarb S, Gray RW, Lemann J Jr and
Agus ZS. Evidence for a humoral phosphaturic factor in oncogenic
hypophosphatemic osteomalacia. Clin. Res. 27:421A, 1979.
Kimmel P, and Goldfarb S. Effect of isoproterenol, cyclic AMP and
antidiuretic hormone on potassium transport in cortical collecting
tubule. Clin. Res. 30:453A, 1982 (Presented, National Meeting, 1982).
Glover D, Riley LJ, Agus ZS, Slatopolsky E, Glick J and Goldfarb S.
Hypocalcemia and inhibition of PTH release after WR2721 (WR) -a radio
and chemotherapy protective agent. Clin. Res. 30:448A, 1982.
Glover D, Riley LJ, Agus ZS, Slatopolsky E, Glick J and Goldfarb S.
Hypocalcemia and inhibition of PTH release after WR2721 (WR) - A radio
and chemoprotective agent. Abstracts American Society of Nephrology,
1982 (Selected for presentation at National Meeting, 1982).
Shareghi GR, Goldfarb S, Agus ZS. Characterization of Mg++ transport in
medullary thick ascending limb of Henle. (Selected for presentation,
National Meeting, American Federation Clinical Research, May 1983.).
Shareghi GR, Goldfarb S, Agus ZS: Characterization of magnesium
transport in medullary thick ascending limb of Henle (Presented - VIth
International Workshop on phosphate and other minerals. Verona, Italy,
June, 1983).
Spar B, Riley L, Wolf J, Slatopolsky E, Attie M, and Goldfarb S: The
mechanism of the hypocalcemia induced by WR2721 (selected for
presentation, National Meeting of the American Society of Nephrology,
Washington, DC, 1983.
Wolfe J, Attie M, Goldfarb S: Studies of the hypocalcemic action of
WR2721 (Selected for presentation, National Meeting to American
Federation of Clinical Research, Washington, DC, 1984).
Weiss J, Wolf J, Slatopolsky E, Fallon M, Attie M, and Goldfarb S.
Chronic inhibition of PTH secretion and correction of Vit D induced
hypercalcemia by WR2721. (Selected for oral presentation, American
Society of Nephrology National Meeting, Washington, DC, 1984).
Weiss J, Fallon M, Goldfarb S. In Vivo and In Vitro effects of WR-2721 in
experimental Humoral Hypercalcemia of Malignancy (Selected for
presentation, plenary poster session, National Meeting, American
Federation of Clinical Research, Washington, DC, 1985).
Goldfarb S, Walker ST, Weiss J, Fallon M, Shaw L, and Attie M. In Vivo
and In Vitro evidence the sulfur (S) group activity mediates the bone and
parathyroid inhibitory and hypocalcemic action of WR2721. (Selected for
presentation, National Meeting, American Society of Nephrology, New
Orleans, LA, 1985).
Goldfarb S, Simmons D, Kern EFO. Amelioration of the hyperfiltration of
experimental diabetes by myo-inositol supplementation and Sorbinil.
(Selected for presentation, National Meeting, Association of American
Physicians, Washington, DC, 1986).
Kern EFO, Simmons P, Goldfarb S. Effects of dietary myo-inositol,
supplementation on renal hemodynamics in experimental diabetes (selected for oral presentation, National Meeting, American Society of
Nephrology, Washington DC, 1986).
Goldfarb S, Kern EFO, and Simmons D. Differential effects of
supplementary dietary inositol on glomerular hyperfiltration due to early
diabetes and high protein diet. (Selected for oral presentation - American
Society for Clinical Investigation National Meeting, San Diego, CA 1987).
Goldfarb S, Kern EFO, and Simmons D. Evidence for a role for polyol
pathway in the glomerular hyperfiltration of early diabetes. Selected for
oral presentation, 10th Congress of the International Society of
Nephrology. London, Great Britain, 1987).
Kern EFO and Goldfarb S. Medium myo-inositol deprivation inhibits rat
glomerular Na/K ATPase activity. Presented, American Society of
Nephrology, 1988.Kidney Int.35 431,1989.
Ziyadeh F, Haverty T, Watanabe M, Goldfarb S .Glucose and myo-Inositol
modulate collagen biosynthesis by proximal tubular cells in culture .
Presented, American Society of Nephrology, 1988 Kidney Int.35
Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh, F, , Haverty T. Effects of hyperglycemia on
proliferation in renal proximal tubular cells in culture-role of altered
cellular myo-inositol metabolism.Presented, American Society of
Nephrology, 1988.Kidney Int.35 428,1989.
Perlmutter J, Senesky D, Simmons D, Goldfarb S. Resistance to
vasoconstrictive response to adenosine in experimental diabetes.
Submitted, American Society of Nephrology, 1988.Kidney Int.35
Snipes, ER, Haverty TP, Goldfarb S, Ziyadeh F. Glucose-induced
transcription and secretion of collagens type IV and I in mouse proximal
tubules in culture: modulation by insulin. Clin Res.37,502A,1989
Perlmutter, J, Jacobs, J, Ziyadeh, F, Senesky, D, Simmons, D, Kern
EFO, Goldfarb, S. Reduced renal vasoconstrictive response to adenosine
and reversal by aldose reductase inhibition in acute experimental
diabetes. Clin Res.37,583A,1989
Ziyadeh F. Snipes, ER, Watanabe M, Alvarez RJ,Goldfarb S., Haverty TP.
Glucose-induced transcriptional control of cytoskeletal b-actin and
basement membrane procollagen type IV in proximal tubule: a cell
culture model of diabetic renal hypertrophy. Submitted to American
Society of Nephrology, 1989.
Snipes, ER,Ziyadeh F., Watanabe M, Alvarez RJ,Goldfarb S., Haverty TP.
High ambient glucose stimulates biosynthesis by cultured proximal
tubule cells of interstitial procollagen type I: Transcriptional control and
activation of an enhancer sequence. Submitted to American Society of
Nephrology, 1989.
F.N. Ziyadeh, E.R. Snipes, M. Watanabe, R.J. Alvarez, S. Goldfarb, & T.P.
Haverty.High Glucose Induces Cell Hypertrophy and Stimulates
Transcription of Basement Membrane Procollagen Type IV in Cultured
Proximal Tubule Cells. Presented XI Meeting International Society of
Nephrology, Tokyo, 1990
E Snipes, M. Watanabe, DA Simmons, S. Goldfarb and FN Ziyadeh.Polyol
Pathway activation in high glucose stimulation of procollagen
transcription and secretion in proximal tubule cells. Presented, American
Society of Nephrology, 1990. JASN 1:642, 1990
MV Rocco, S Goldfarb and FN Ziyadeh. Transforming Growth Factor-fl in
Proximal Tubule Cells: Production,Glucose-Induced Transcriptional
Control and Autocrine Role In Cell Proliferation. Presented, American
Society of Nephrology, 1990, JASN 1:448, 1990
FN Ziyadeh. J Perlmutter, M Watanabe, J Hoyer, J Tomaszewski, D
Senesky, S Goldfarb.Experimental Diabetes in the Rat is Characterized
by Tubulo-interstitial Collagen Type III Accumulation Prior to
Appearance of Glomerular Lesions. American Society of Nephrology,
1990, JASN 1:556,1990
Chalko, C, Krishna, G, Hoyer, J, Goldfarb, S. Characterization of urinary
Uropontin excretion in humans. Selected for presentation American
Society of Nephrology, 1992, in press.
Anand, S, Krishna, G, Grossman, R, Kapoor, S, Goldfarb,S. Pentoxifylline
ameliorates cyclosporine nephrotoxicity in humans. Selected for
presentation American Society of Nephrology, 1992, in press.
Sharma,K, Ericksen,M, Goldfarb,S, Ziyadeh,FN. Up -regulation of kidney
transforming growth factor gene expression in two rodent models of
spontaneous diabetes mellitus. Selected for presentation American
Society of Nephrology, 1992, in press.
Lewis EJ, Rhode RD, Bain RP, Lemann Jr J, and The Collaborative Study
Group (S. Goldfarb, Site P.I.), Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical
Center, Chicago, IL, the George Washington University, Rockville, MD,
and the Medical College of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, WI.Some
Characteristics of Patients Entering the Double-Blind Trial of Angiotensin
Converting Enzyme Inhibition to Slow the Progression of Diabetic
Nephropathy. Diabetes, Vol. 40, Supplement 1, 505A, 1991.
Bain RP, Lewis EJ, McGill JB, Hunsicker LG, Rohde RD and The
Collaborative Study Group (S. Goldfarb, Site P.I.), Baseline
Characteristics of 325 IDDM Patients Entered in Diabetic Nephropathy
Trial of Captopril vs Placebo. Bethesda, MD. Presented; 14th
International Diabetes Federation Congress, June 23-28, 1991. Diabetes,
Vol. 40, Supplement 1, 505A, 1991.
Lewis EJ, Bain R, Hunsicker LG and The Collaborative Study Group (S.
Goldfarb, Site P.I.) A Controlled Clinical Trial of Angiotensin-Converting
Enzyme Inhibition in Type 1 Diabetic Nephropathy. , Rush Medical
College, Chicago, IL, George Washington University, Washington, DC,
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. Presented to the Congress of the
International Society of Nephrology, June 13-16, 1993.
Hunsicker Lawrence, Lewis Edmund, Bain Raymond, McGill Janet and
The Collaborative Study Group (S. Goldfarb, Site P.I.) Outcome of A
Multi-Center Clinical Trial of ACE-Inhibition in Diabetic Nephropathy.
Iowa City, IA, Chicago, IL, Washington, DC and St. Louis, MO, Diabetes
Vol. 42, Supplement 1:98A, 1993.
Rodby R, Rohde R, Sharon Z, Pohl M, Lewis E and The Collaborative
Study Group (S. Goldfarb, Site P.I.), The Urine Protein to Creatinine (P/C)
Ration as a Predictor of the 24 Hour Urine Protein (24 up) Excretion in
Type 1 Diabetics with Overt Nephropathy. Rush Medical Center, Chicago,
IL. Submitted to American Society of Nephrology Conference, 11/93.
Breyer Julie, McGill Janet, Nahman N Stanley, Lewis Edmund, Bain
Raymond, Cooper Melissa, Berl Tomas and The Collaborative Study
Group (S. Goldfarb, Site P.I.), Predictors of the Rate of Progression of
Renal Insufficiency in Patients with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes and
Overt Diabetic Nephropathy. Rush Medical College, Chicago, IL and
George Washington University, Washington, DC. Submitted to American
Society of Nephrology Conference, 11/93.
Herbert L, Lewis E, Tolchin N, Cattran D, Whittier F and The
Collaborative Study Group (S. Goldfarb, Site P.I.). Remission of Nephrotic
Range Proteinuria (NRP) in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes and
Nephropathy: Experience of the NIH Multicenter Controlled Clinical Trial
of Captopril (CAP) Therapy in Diabetic Nephropathy. Submitted to
American Society of Nephrology Conference, 11/93.
Lewis EJ, Bain RP, Rohde RD, Hunsicker LG and The Collaborative
Study Group (S. Goldfarb, Site P.I.), A Controlled Clinical Trial of
Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibition in Type 1 Diabetic
Nephropathy. Rush Medical College, Chicago, George Washington
University, Washington, DC, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA. Submitted
to American Society of Nephrology Conference, 11/93.
Nawarskas J J, Boyce, EG., Connors, JE., Charland, SL, Goldfarb, S,
Spinler, S A. for the Iohexol Cooperative Study. Predictive performance of
eleven methods for calculating creatinine clearance in cardiac patients
with stable renal function: effects of age Submitted to 1997 Spring
Practice and Research Forum American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Spinler, S A.,Nawarskas J J, Boyce, EG., Connors, JE., Charland, SL,
Goldfarb, S, for the Iohexol Cooperative Study... Predictive performance
of eleven methods for calculating creatinine clearance in cardiac patients
with stable renal function: effects of low serum albumin. Submitted to
1997 Spring Practice and Research Forum American College of Clinical
Spinler, S A.,Nawarskas J J, Boyce, EG., Connors, JE., Charland, SL,
Goldfarb, S, for the Iohexol Cooperative Study for the Iohexol Cooperative
Study. Predictive performance of nine methods for calculating creatinine
clearance in cardiac patients with stable renal function: effects of age:
effects of renal insufficiency Submitted to 1997 Spring Practice and
Research Forum American College of Clinical Pharmacy
Spinler, S A.,Nawarskas J J, Boyce, EG., Connors, JE., Charland, SL,
Goldfarb, S, for the Iohexol Cooperative Study. Predictive performance of
eleven methods for calculating creatinine clearance in cardiac patients
with stable renal function: effects of serum creatinine Submitted to 1997
Spring Practice and Research Forum American College of Clinical
Spinler, S A.,Nawarskas J J, Boyce, EG., Connors, JE., Charland, SL,
Goldfarb, S, for the Iohexol Cooperative Study. Predictive performance of
nine methods for calculating creatinine clearance in cardiac patients
with stable renal function: effects of obesity . Submitted to 1997 Spring
Practice and Research Forum American College of Clinical Pharmacy