WOMEN’S HEART HEALTH WEAR WOMEN’S HEART RED for HEALTH Women & Heart Disease Fact s Heart Disease is the #1 Killer of American women Over ¼ (27%) of all female deaths yearly are from heart disease: 6 times as many women as will die from breast cancer Of 500,000 annual deaths from heart disease, 267,000 are women more than 53% More women than men die from congestive heart failure yearly Heart disease is more likely to strike and kill more American women than men Within one year of a heart attack, 38% of women will die compared to 25% of men. Of those who survive, 35% of women will have a second heart attack compared to 18% of men. Heart disease is more likely to be treated accurately in men than women Heart disease includes heart attacks, congestive heart failure, high blood pressure, stroke, & other cardiovascular diseases Risk Factors for Heart Disease smoking high blood pressure (140/90 or higher) low “good” (or HDL) cholesterol (below 40mg/dL) family history of early heart disease age diabetes Do You Know Your Numbers? Total cholesterol: under 200mg/dL LDL “bad” cholesterol: optimal- less than 100mg/dL good- 100-129 mg/dL, borderline high- 130-159 mg/dL high- 160-189 mg/dL, very high- 190 mg/dL or higher HDL “good” cholesterol: 50 mg/dL or higher Triglycerides: under 150 mg/dL Blood pressure: under 120/80 mmHg Fasting glucose: under 100 mg/dL Body Mass Index (BMI)- under 25, (35 for men) Waist Circumference: under 35 inches (40 inches for men) Criteria for the extra effort: Create a decorated, cut out heart with the following information appearing on the front of the heart . YOU MUST…. 1. Identify February as Women’s Heart Health Month 2. Think about your lifestyle and what you need to change, what you may be tempted to do in the future and your family history. THEN write the following, and fill in the rest of the sentence with 2 ways you will work to have a healthy heart… Dear Heart, I love you, and I pledge to keep you healthy by #1 and #2. 3. Explain about Women’s Heart Health to an adult female. 4. Have a signature line for her to sign indicating she listened. 5. Write 2 facts about women’s heart health beneath her signature line 6. Have her write a comment close to the signature line 7. Have a signature line for you…. sign it and put your period 8. Decorate the heart in any then return it to school. way you wish and If you do all the above you can earn 10 extra effort points. The deadline for turning them in will be _____________________. RUBRIC: Women’s Heart Health Month Name pd Heart is decorated colorfully Heart is easy to read and obvious care was taken to create it Identified February as Women’s Heart Health Month Dear Heart, I love you and I pledge to keep you healthy by---1st way 2nd way Have adult female you explained facts to sign on signature line Write heart health facts beneath her signature—1st fact 2nd fact Have adult female write a comment about facts close to signature Create signature line for yourself-Sign it and put your period on RUBRIC: Name Women’s Heart Health Month pd Heart is decorated colorfully Heart is easy to read and obvious care was taken to create it Identified February as Women’s Heart Health Month Dear Heart, I love you and I pledge to keep you healthy by---1st way 2nd way Have adult female you explained facts to sign on signature line Write heart health facts beneath her signature—1st fact 2nd fact Have adult female write a comment about facts close to signature Create signature line for yourself-Sign it and put your period on RUBRIC: Women’s Heart Health Month Name pd Heart is decorated colorfully Heart is easy to read and obvious care was taken to create it Identified February as Women’s Heart Health Month Dear Heart, I love you and I pledge to keep you healthy by---1st way 2nd way Have adult female you explained facts to sign on signature line Write heart health facts beneath her signature—1st fact 2nd fact Have adult female write a comment about facts close to signature Create signature line for yourself-Sign it and put your period on