eAccounts User Guide - London Market Group

Version 0.5 (DRAFT)
Revision Date
Summary of Changes
1st Draft (Alternative version – as agreed at EAIG Meeting on
Updated following comments received from EAIG members
Updated following a further review by EAIG members
Updated with additional material – as requested by EAIG.
Updated following Process Group review on 25/05/11
Author: John Semple
Owner: Xchanging
eAccounts User Guide
New Version 0.1
Date: 12/02/2016
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Copyright Information
© Xchanging 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of
This document is confidential to Xchanging and may not be disclosed to third parties in whole or part.
Note only signed hard copies and electronic masters of documents will be controlled. Any other copy may not be
Trademark Information
Company, product, or brand names mentioned in this document, may be the trademarks of their owners.
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INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................................... 4
eACCOUNTS PROCESS OVERVIEW ................................................................................................................. 9
PROCESSING PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................................... 14
SETTLEMENT ..................................................................................................................................................... 20
SIGNING & SETTLEMENT DATA (Messages and Reports Available to Brokers) ....................................... 24
POLICIES & ENDORSEMENTS ......................................................................................................................... 26
GROUPING ITEMS FOR PROCESSING AND/OR SETTLEMENT ................................................................... 28
QUERIES & CORRECTION PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 33
LEGACY BUSINESS .......................................................................................................................................... 39
10 USE OF A&S FACILITIES .................................................................................................................................. 41
11 MISCELLANEOUS ............................................................................................................................................. 42
Appendix A – Technical Account Process Map .................................................................................................... 46
Appendix B – Financial Account Process Map ..................................................................................................... 48
Appendix C – Data Not to be Changed by Xchanging .......................................................................................... 49
Appendix D – ACORD Acknowledgement Messages & XAG Processing .......................................................... 50
Appendix E – ACORD Technical Account Message Data Fields ......................................................................... 53
Appendix F – Adding or Removing Documents (Use of DRI Messages) ............................................................ 58
Appendix G – Technical Standards ........................................................................................................................ 59
Appendix H – Service Availability & SLA’s ............................................................................................................ 60
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................................ 61
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Background and Context
This document is intended to provide business users (i.e. staff in brokers’ offices who submit work packages
to XIS) with information and guidance regarding Release 1 of eAccounts. eAccounts is based upon the
adoption of ACORD-compliant back-office processes. Release 1 of eAccounts involves:
Brokers submitting premium transaction data via ACORD Technical Account messages;
Brokers triggering the settlement of delinked transactions via use of ACORD Financial Account
messages (optional);
Separate Technical and Financial Account messages being submitted for each carrier (as happens
for ‘non-bureau business’);
Supporting documentation being loaded to the Insurers’ Market Repository via the use of DRI
Automatic loading of broker-supplied data into Xchanging’s mainframe processing systems for
certain types of transactions;
Use of ACORD Level 4 Acknowledgement messages to advise brokers of Signing Numbers & Dates
and Actual Payment Dates OR to inform brokers that queries have been raised by XIS technicians.
Staff in brokers’ offices should also review User Guides (or similar documents) that their software suppliers
have produced for advice on how to use the applications that have been developed to generate eAccounts
work packages. Readers of this document should also refer to the Accounting and Settlement Repository
User Guide (version 5.1 dated 12/1/2010). Technical information regarding the use of ACORD messages
can be accessed via the London Market Group website at www.londonmarketgroup.co.uk. Technical and
Financial Account Interface Specifications and an eAccounts Introduction paper can be obtained from
Xchanging or LIIBA.
NB: There are some references to Technical and Financial Account message fields within this User Guide.
Users should note that the data fields that they will use within their eAccounts applications may have been
given different names.
(Release 2 of eAccounts, which is expected to be implemented in 2012, will introduce the XIS Carrier
Accounting Entries Service to create any ‘non-fundamental’ accounting entries required for reporting to
carriers, thereby allowing brokers to optionally submit at the ‘fundamental’ accounting level.)
Comparison vs. A&S Processes
eAccounts builds on the application infrastructure of Accounting & Settlement (A&S) and shares a number of
common processes. The table below describes the common features and the points of difference between
these two methods of electronic submission.
Accounting & Settlement
Documents are delivered to the Market Repository
using ACORD DRI messages or the Direct Load
Brokers will only be able to submit documents via
DRI messages.
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Cash Submissions – Brokers have to submit
LPANs that do not show the words ‘IPC Delinked’.
Brokers will submit Technical Account messages
and indicate that payment is to be triggered
LPANs - Accounting details are delivered as LPAN
For in-scope transactions, accounting details are
delivered as ACORD Technical Account messages.
The message data will be used to construct LPANs
and these will be stored on the Market Repository
as XML documents. Therefore, the requirement for
the broker to submit LPANs is removed.
(Where data has been auto-loaded, the LPANs that
appear on the IMR will be coloured pink.)
Work Orders - The broker also has to submit an
additional document, known as the Work Order, in
order to trigger XIS processing.
The Work Order will be automatically generated by
XIS using data that is provided in the Technical
Account messages.
The requirement for the broker to submit a Work
Order is removed (except for non-accounting
submissions – please refer to section 1.5).
For work packages submitted via ‘Direct Load’ an
automated email is returned to the broker when
the work package is successfully loaded on to the
An ACORD Acknowledgement message containing
the Work Package Reference will be sent to the
The action of storing the Work Order on the
repository triggers the creation of an XIS Workflow
Same process as A&S
XIS technicians access the documents on the
Market Repository in order to complete their
Same process as A&S
Processing - The XIS technician keys the LPAN
details into the XIS mainframe systems for signing
and settlement.
Some of the data that brokers supply within the
Technical Account messages will be automatically
loaded to the XIS mainframe processing systems.
(This is not possible under A&S as the accounting
details are not delivered as structured data.)
Settlement - Brokers release de-linked signings for
settlement using the XIS on-line trigger system or
by submitting a RESETT message.
Brokers will also be able to use the ACORD
Financial Account messages to release de-linked
signings for settlement.
Signing Messages – Details of transactions that
have been processed are supplied within BSM and
IPCBSM messages.
Brokers will also be able to receive details of
signing numbers and payment dates via ACORD
Acknowledgement messages.
The benefits that eAccounts delivers are, therefore, as follows:
A reduction in ‘Londonisms’ through the elimination of broker-supplied Work Orders and LPANs.
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Reduced keying errors for key data fields;
A reduction in the time taken to key data;
Improved broker reconciliation;
Process Maps
Two high-level process maps are contained in Appendices A and B.
Business Scope and Exclusions
eAccounts Release 1 will support the processing of premium accounts for the following types of
Direct Insurance, Facultative Reinsurance, Excess of Loss Reinsurance, Binding Authorities, Bulking
Lineslips, Non Bulking Lineslips and Covers
FDOs, Original Premiums, APs and RPs
Premium Adjustments (including nil premium adjustments)
LIRMA and ILU simultaneous reinstatement premiums (single UMR)
Non-simultaneous reinstatement premiums (single UMR)
Deferred premium instalments payable as APs
Set-up and release of premium reserves
Premium portfolio transfers
Annual re-signings
Mid-term broker changes
Mid-term market changes
Signing & Accounting submissions
Delinked and non-delinked transactions (refer to section 1.5.4)
The following accounting transaction types are currently excluded from the scope of eAccounts Release 1
and brokers should continue to process these using existing A&S practices - refer to the Accounting and
Settlement Repository User Guide (version 5.1 dated 12/1/2010):
Proportional Treaty Reinsurance business;
London Market Deferred Scheme items;
Simultaneous settlements across more than one UMR;
Lloyd’s simultaneous reinstatement premiums;
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Declarations on balanced binders (as these have the same format as proportional treaty
Planned Settlement Date (PSD) Scheme items (refer to section 4.5.3);
Claims (CLASS or paper-based);
Lloyd’s Outwards Reinsurance transactions (LORS) ;
International Traffic in Arms Regulations (transactions involving the export of arms – refer to section
The following non-accounting submissions are also excluded from the scope of eAccounts Release 1 and
brokers should continue to process these using existing A&S practices:
Non Premium Endorsements (NPEs) other than by inclusion with a subsequent AP/RP;
Stage 2 policy requests;
Post-signing amendments to settlement due dates and premium payment warranty dates;
‘Non-material changes’ such as post-signing carrier reference corrections;
Cancellation and replacement submissions where there is no movement of funds.
Legacy Business
Brokers should also note that certain restrictions apply regarding the processing of ‘legacy business’ – i.e.
additional and return premiums on business that was originally submitted to Xchanging via either A&S or
paper. Further information is contained in section 9.
Transactions that Cannot be De-linked
Although the ACORD process is inherently de-linked, there are some transactions that cannot be
de-linked and there are others which the broker may not wish to submit as de-linked entries (due to
business or XIS legacy system constraints):
Proportional treaty statements (which are also currently out-of-scope of eAccounts);
Nil premiums (FDOs and nil premium adjustments);
Premiums that are ‘paid by cheque’;
Transactions requiring simultaneous settlement;
Reinstatement premiums;
Lloyd’s premium reserves.
Please refer to the De-linking User Guide, March 2010 for further details of these exclusions. (This Guide
will be updated in the near future.) For these transactions, the broker will need to indicate in the Technical
Account message that no Financial Account will be sent and that the Technical Account is for immediate
settlement or is being ‘paid by cheque’ (refer to section 4).
Current Problem Areas (June 2011)
Brokers should note that solutions are currently being sought for problems in the following areas:
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a) Settlement Blocks – There are certain situations when brokers are unable to automatically release
delinked premiums into settlement. Examples include transactions that are subject to premium payment
warranties or prompt payment discounts and convertible currency entries where the exchange rate used by
the broker is outside of the 10% tolerance that is applied by XIS’ mainframe processing systems.
It is not currently possible to use Financial Account messages to release such items into settlement.
Therefore, in the short-term it is suggested that brokers should either submit such transactions as cash
entries or continue to use A&S.
b) Lloyd’s Transactions that Include Non-UK IPT – It is not currently possible for brokers to release
Lloyd’s delinked premium transactions into settlement when the net premium figure (including IPT) exceeds
the gross premium. Brokers should continue to submit such transactions via A&S until a solution has been
c) Non-Bulking Lineslips – XIS is currently unable to process original premiums submitted via eAccounts
on Non-Bulking Lineslips. Brokers should continue to submit such transactions via A&S until this problem
is resolved.
d) ‘Rejected’ Work Packages – Brokers are currently unable to add or remove documents on work
packages that have been given a status of ‘rejected’ on Xchanging’s systems.
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This section provides an overview of the end-to-end business process – from the creation of transactions
within a broker’s in-house systems through to the allocation of bureau signing numbers and dates. (The
settlement of eAccounts transactions and the data that is subsequently forwarded to brokers is covered in
sections 4 and 5.)
Creating & Submitting Premium Transactions
Document Submission
The broker will submit supporting documents for the premium transactions to the Insurers’ Market
Repository. Documents will be submitted using ACORD Document Repository Interface (‘DRI’) messages.
Documents will be loaded to the Insurers’ Market Repository (‘IMR’) in the same way as for A&S
submissions. A confirmation message will be returned to the broker’s system when the documents have
been successfully loaded to the IMR.
Brokers should note that they will not be able to use the A&S ‘Direct Load’ facility to submit documentation
to support eAccounts transactions (as this not a standard ACORD process).
Creating Premium Transactions
Brokers will use their in-house systems to create and transmit premium submissions. The process requires
associated documents to be submitted to the IMR via DRI messages first. When receipt of documents is
acknowledged the broker’s system can then transmit the transactional data (i.e. the Technical Accounts).
Submitting Technical Account Messages
The messages carrying details of the eAccounts transactions are forwarded to XIS. A separate Technical
Account message will be sent to XIS for each carrier that participates on the contract. Separate messages
are also generated for each carrier when, for example, the premium is to be paid in multiple currencies or
in instalments. Details of how the carrier-level messages are grouped together for processing and/or
settlement purposes are provided within section 7.
Each message has to contain a reference to the documents that have been loaded to the IMR in support of
the transaction.
Processing Incoming Message Data
Upon receipt of the Technical Account messages that have been generated by the broker’s systems, the
Xchanging ACORD Gateway / XIS Workflow System will:
a) Accumulate all messages required to construct the transaction;
b) Validate each message;
c) Confirm receipt of the messages and/or provide details of any message errors to the broker via
ACORD Acknowledgement messages;
d) Construct the LPAN(s) and load these onto the IMR;
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e) Generate the Work Order;
Assign a Work Package Reference and create an entry on the XIS Workflow System.
(Refer to Appendix A.)
Work Package References and Presentation Dates
Details of Work Package References and Presentation Dates will be returned to brokers within the ACORD
Level 3 Acknowledgement messages. (The creation date of the Level 3 Acknowledgement Message is
deemed to be the Presentation Date.)
Providing Processing Instructions
It is recommended that, where a broker submits more than one Technical Account for a carrier’s line other
than for different currencies or different instalment due dates, a description of what the Technical Account
is in respect of should be provided as narrative. Narrative explanations can be provided within the
‘Explanation’ field in the Technical Account message. There is no separate ability within the Technical
Account message to provide additional notes at the work package level.
However, the Explanation field in the Technical Account message must be used to explain any ‘nonfundamental’ accounting splits where the Technical Accounts are being submitted at that level. Unless the
broker’s system is capable of accommodating these descriptions and any other narrative in the same
Explanation field, it is recommended that narrative explanations are provided in a separate document
referenced by the Technical Accounts.
Staff in brokers’ offices should, if necessary, seek guidance from their software providers regarding how to
populate the ‘Explanation’ field. Further information is provided in Appendix E.
Use of Broker-Supplied Data
Creation of LPANs and Work Orders at Xchanging
As mentioned above, data supplied via Technical Account messages will be system-validated by the
Xchanging ACORD Gateway. Details of any errors that are detected within these messages will be
returned to brokers via Acknowledgement messages. If an error is detected in any of the messages then
the whole group of messages will be rejected. If the messages contain no errors they will be grouped
together for processing purposes. LPANs will be generated from the data that the broker has provided
within the Technical Account messages. The Technical Account data will also be used to automatically
generate an XIS Work Order.
The system-generated LPANs and Work Orders will both be loaded on to the Market Repository. Staff in
brokers’ offices will be able to view the system-generated LPAN’s on the Repository. The LPANs will
contain details of the carriers’ lines.
Data Auto-Loading
For certain types of transactions, data will be auto-loaded on to the XIS mainframe processing systems
(‘PoSH’ and ‘LIDS’). The data elements shown in Appendix C will be protected in PoSH & LIDS to prevent
XIS technicians from changing the data that the broker has supplied (and thus avoiding any potential
reconciliation issues). LPANs that are generated for auto-loaded transactions will be coloured pink.
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For all other types of eAccounts transactions that are not auto-loaded, XIS will run a daily data comparison
process to ensure that any Technical Account data keyed by XIS technicians matches the data that was
supplied by the broker. This will remove the risk of brokers encountering reconciliation issues – i.e. if data
returned in the BSM message differed from that submitted by the broker in the Technical Account
Data for the following types of transactions will not be auto-loaded onto the processing systems under
Release 1 of eAccounts:
Work packages that contain multiple Lloyd’s original premium transactions;
Work packages that contain multiple ILU / LIRMA Excess Loss original premium transactions;
Transactions for declarations off facilities (non-bulking lineslips);
Mixed OP and AP/RP packages;
Original premium instalments;
Partial market transactions;
Mixed cash / delinked premium packages;
Same day, same UMR company market packages (direct insurance and facultative reinsurance);
Premium transfers and annual re-signings;
Transactions for consortium stamps.
Signed Lines and Rounding
Carrier signed lines are provided within the ‘(Re)Insurer Share Percentage’ field within the Technical
Account message. Brokers can use up to 7 decimal places when calculating signed lines.
The number of decimal places that the broker uses when calculating signed lines can affect the accuracy of
the 100% gross premium figures that Xchanging generates and displays in box 18 on LPANs that are
placed on the IMR.
Xchanging calculates the figures by grossing-up the carrier-level amounts using the carrier signed lines. If
the broker has, say, submitted carrier signed lines to 3 or 4 decimal places then there can be
circumstances under which this can adversely affect the 100% Gross Premium figure that is displayed on
the LPAN – e.g. the gross premium may be displayed as USD10,001.00 instead of USD10,000.00.
Therefore, it is recommended that brokers should, wherever possible, calculate signed lines to 7 decimal
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XIS Business Processing
Viewing Work Packages
A Work Package1 view will be built in the Market Repository to enable XIS technicians to access all of the
related documents for that submission. A record will also be created in the XIS Workflow system. Each
work package will be allocated to an XIS technician, who will access the submission via their desktop and
carry out normal technical checking using the documentation held on the Market Repository.
If there is a business query regarding the submission, the query will be recorded on the ‘Tracker’ system
and an email will be sent to the person named in the Broker Contact field within the Technical Account
message to advise them of the detail of the query. An ACORD Level 4 Acknowledgement message will
also be sent to the broker to advise that the submission has been queried. The broker must then follow the
pre-signing amendment procedure described in section 8.
If the query is resolved before 17:00 hours UK-time on the next working day then the same Presentation
Date will be retained for the submission. Otherwise a new Presentation Date will be assigned when the
query is resolved and the XIS technician is able to complete the processing of the transaction. (Brokers
will, as normal, be able to apply for an extension to this deadline by contacting the XIS technician who
raised the query.)
Signing Number Allocation
Once processing has been completed, overnight batch processing will result in bureau signing numbers
being allocated to the transactions and signing and settlement data being forwarded to brokers and
carriers. Signing number details will be supplied within both the current BSM messages and the ACORD
Level 4 Acknowledgement messages. Signing numbers and transaction details will also be displayed on
Xchanging’s on-line signing enquiry facilities (i.e. Lloyd’s Account Enquiry and the ‘LPC’ Signings Enquiry
Information Available on the IMR
Users will be able to review the status of their work packages on the IMR. This will show users how far the
package has progressed – e.g. ‘Work In Progress’, ‘Queried’, ‘Rejected’ or ‘Completed’. Once items have
been processed, signing number details will be displayed on the IMR. Further information is provided
within the A&S User Guide. As mentioned earlier, brokers will also be able to view system-generated
LPANs on the IMR.
A Work Package is formed of a Work Order and the necessary and supporting information to enable Xchanging to carry out premium and/or
policy processing activities on behalf of its customers.
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Technical Account Process Summary
Broker Business
Prepare Account
Broker System
Send Technical
Receive Level 3
Update Status of
Technical Account
eAccounts – Technical Accounts Process (Error-Free Submission)
Receive and
Validate Technical
Send Level 3
Valid Technical
Receive Level 4
Send Level 4
Message + BSM
Process via
‘LIDS’ / ‘PoSH’
Allocate Signing
Update Status of
Technical Account
Business Checks
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This section provides details of procedures that need to be adopted for different types of transactions and
in different business scenarios.
Different Transaction and Business Types
Simultaneous Submission of APs/RPs With Original Premiums
Brokers normally need to provide an Original Premium Signing Number & Date (OSND) on AP and RP
submissions. However, where an endorsement has been agreed before the original premium has been
submitted, the broker may submit an AP/RP at the same time as the original premium. The transactions
must be grouped together in these situations (refer to section 7 regarding the use of Group References
In circumstances whereby the OSND is missing and the broker has not submitted an original premium with
the AP/RP, a warning message will be presented to the XIS technician when they are processing the
AP/RP transaction. If the XIS technician establishes that an original premium entry has not yet been
received then they will query the AP/RP submission with the broker.
A nil balance Technical Account message must be submitted (for each carrier) in order to process an FDO
for bureau signing. (Further information is provided within section 2 of Appendix E.)
Nil Premium Adjustments
Where a nil premium adjustment is to be processed, a nil balance Technical Account must be submitted for
each carrier.
Simultaneous Reinstatement Premiums
Lloyd’s Simultaneous Reinstatements - Lloyd’s simultaneous reinstatement premiums should not be
submitted to Xchanging via eAccounts. These transactions must be processed via ECF in line with the
Lloyd’s SP&P Guide. This enables XCS to process the simultaneous reinstatement when in receipt of the
claim, triggered by the XCS claim agreement role.
Lloyd’s Non-Simultaneous Reinstatements - Lloyd’s non-simultaneous reinstatement premiums can be
submitted via eAccounts. (These transactions are processed by XIS technicians.)
Company Market Business (LIRMA and ILU Transactions) – Both simultaneous and non-simultaneous
reinstatement premiums are processed by XIS technicians and can be submitted via eAccounts.
Mixed-Market Contracts – As Lloyd’s simultaneous reinstatement premiums cannot be submitted via
eAccounts, brokers should consider the approach that they will adopt on contracts that involve carriers
from both markets.
The ‘Early CLASS Scheme’ - Brokers are able to submit LIRMA and ILU simultaneous reinstatement
premiums via eAccounts before the associated claim has been agreed - thus meaning that the settlement
of the claim is not delayed due to the reinstatement premium needing to be submitted and checked.
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Once checked and processed by an XIS technician, the premium transaction is held in a 'pended' state on
the system until the associated claim has been agreed. At the point when the claim has been fully
authorized, both the claim and reinstatement premium are automatically signed and released into
settlement. The transaction will only be rejected if the claim amount that is finally agreed does not match
the figure that has been used in the reinstatement premium calculation
Supplying Claim Figures and Claim References - Where a reinstatement premium relates to a single claim
entry on the CLASS system, the claim figure must be included within the Technical Account message as
an informational amount. The Unique Claim Reference (UCR) and Transaction Reference (TR) must also
be provided.
Where a reinstatement premium relates to multiple claim entries on CLASS, or to a claim that has not been
submitted via CLASS, it will not be possible to provide a UCR & TR. In these circumstances, evidence of
the claim transaction(s) must be provided in a supporting document.
Premium Transfers
Premium transfers will be processed via the submission of return premium and original premium
transactions. Both transactions must be submitted and grouped together (refer to section 7) and the net
result of the RP and the OP must be zero.
Details of the calculation of the premium transfer and, where applicable, evidence of agreement to the
transfer should be provided as supporting documents.
Binding Authorities
Declarations on non-balanced binders (i.e. those where premiums and claims are processed separately)
can be submitted as any other AP or RP. However, declarations on balanced binders used in the company
market (i.e. those where both premiums and claims on a single bordereaux are settled on a balance of
account basis) are excluded from the scope of eAccounts Release 1.
Bulking Lineslips
An FDO entry should initially be submitted to establish the market for the contract. Thereafter, additional
premium entries should be submitted for the total amount of each periodic set of declarations, supported by
a bordereau.
Non-Bulking Lineslips (also known as Facilities)
An FDO entry should initially be submitted to establish the market for the contract. Thereafter, an original
premium entry should be submitted for each individual item that is to be processed. (Current Problem
Where the Lineslip is supplemented by other bureau carriers that are not part of the Lineslip, XIS will
process two transactions – one for the Lineslip market and one for the open market. In these cases the
Technical Accounts for the open market carriers should not contain the OSND of the Lineslip FDO.
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Variable Deductions
Where premiums are payable on binding authorities and bulking lineslips on a monthly or quarterly basis
and premiums for individual declarations are subject to different brokerage or commission figures, brokers
will need to calculate a consolidated brokerage figure and provide this within the Technical Account
Deferred and Reserve Premiums
London Market Deferred Scheme Items
Release 1 of eAccounts does not support the London Market Deferred Scheme - i.e. where multiple
premium instalments are included in a single transaction and are automatically settled on their respective
due dates. If an XIS technician determines that a submission should be processed using the Deferred
Premium Scheme (i.e. there is no agreement for instalments to be paid via APs) then the submission will
be queried.
Deferred Premium Instalments Payable by AP’s
Where the broker has obtained underwriters’ agreement to process deferred premium instalments via
additional premium signings, each instalment should be submitted as a separate Technical Account.
Technical Accounts for instalments must be submitted at the same time by grouping them together (refer to
section 7).
The broker must allocate a different Broker Reference 1 and/or Broker Reference 2 to each premium
instalment along with a different Due Date. (Refer to the example contained in section 7.4.) Each
instalment will receive a separate Signing Number & Date.
For original premium submissions, all of the instalments can be submitted as original premiums. However,
it should be noted that although the first instalment will be signed by XIS as an original premium, the
subsequent instalments will be signed as APs. Brokers should consider whether this could have any
impact upon their BSM reconciliation processes.
The first instalment may be submitted as either a delinked or a non-delinked transaction. Subsequent
instalments should always be submitted as delinked transactions – otherwise they will be settled
immediately. Technical Account messages for deferred instalments should be submitted at the same time
and grouped together for processing purposes (refer to section 7).
Setting-Up Premium Reserves
Where a premium reserve is being set-up at the same time that the premium is being accounted, brokers
can include the reserve amount in the Technical Account as a deduction from the premium.
Lloyd’s Premium Reserves
If a premium reserve is submitted with the premium in the same Technical Account for a Lloyd’s carrier,
XIS will need to process this as two signings. This is due to a legacy system processing constraint. Only
the Signing Number & Date for the premium signing will be returned in the Level 4 Acknowledgement for
each Technical Account. If the signing is an original premium then this will be the OSND that must be
provided with subsequent AP/RP submissions.
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However, it should be noted that both the premium and the premium reserve signings will be included in
the BSM. The premium reserve signing will not itself be settled, as this is only a book entry. When the
reserve is to be paid a release of reserve AP will be submitted as described below.
Releasing Premium Reserves
The Technical Account message for the release of the reserve premium may also include amount items for
interest received on the reserve and for tax on that interest.
Processing Reserve Premiums as Deferred Instalments
Where the contract specifies that a premium reserve is to be paid by a particular date, the reserve element
may also be processed as an instalment premium. (This method is commonly used on aviation business.)
In these cases, where the contract so allows, the reserve premium may be processed as a de-linked AP.
However, reserve premiums that are payable using the Deferred Premium Scheme cannot be processed
via eAccounts, as the Deferred Scheme is out-of-scope for Release 1.
Insurance Premium Tax
UK and Non-UK IPT Figures
Insurance Premium Tax figures can be identified within the Technical Account messages via use of the
‘Amount Item Type’ field.
A description must always be provided with an IPT amount. The ‘Tech Account Amt Item Type –
Description’ field within the Technical Account message can be used for these purposes – i.e. to
differentiate between UK IPT and non-UK IPT. For UK IPT the description must contain the value
‘insurance premium tax’. For non-UK IPT the description may contain any other value, such as the country
for which the tax applies.
In cases where a premium has been incorrectly signed without IPT, the broker must process a cancellation
for the original transaction followed by a replacement transaction for the premium plus the IPT.
Use of the Premium Tax Rate Field
The Premium Tax Rate Percentage field in the Technical Account message is an optional field that can be
used by brokers to provide the tax rate for taxes that are deducted from premiums (e.g. US Federal Excise
Tax) and/or taxes that are added to premiums (e.g. UK IPT). Xchanging uses figures provided by brokers
within the tax amount field to calculate the figures that are displayed in boxes 17 and 20 on the systemgenerated LPANs that are loaded on to the Market Repository.
Lloyd’s Non-UK Premium Tax
If a Technical Account for a Lloyd’s carrier includes a non-UK IPT amount that is greater than the premium
deductions then XIS will need to process this as two separate signings. This is due to a legacy system
processing constraint.
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Only the Signing Number & Date for the premium signing will be returned in the Level 4 Acknowledgement
messages. If the signing is an original premium then this will be the OSND that must be provided with
subsequent AP/RP submissions. However, it should be noted that both the premium and the IPT signings
will be included in the BSM. (Current Problem Area.)
U.S. Federal Excise Tax (Company Market Business)
Where some carriers that participate in a transaction are liable to pay US Federal Excise Tax (‘FET’) and
others are exempt, XIS have to process two separate transactions. The signing number quoted in the
Level 4 Acknowledgement message will be the reference that is applicable to the individual carrier. If the
signing is an original premium then this will be the OSND that must be provided for that carrier with
subsequent AP/RP submissions.
Both of the signings will be included in the BSM messages. (FET amounts should be included in the
Technical Account message as an Amount Item Type of ‘premium_tax_fet’.)
Specific Business Scenarios
Cancellation From Inception
Where a transaction needs to be cancelled from inception the broker should submit a reversal transaction.
(Refer to section 8 for information on correction processing. Brokers should also note the instructions
contained in section 9 regarding the processing of ‘legacy business’.)
Mid-Term Market Changes
In line with the IMR Security Model, any change to the subscribing (re)insurers to a risk will require the
submission of a return premium transaction to cancel the un-used proportion of the premium for all of the
insurers within the affected bureau market (i.e. Lloyd’s, LIRMA or ILU) and an original premium transaction
for all of the ongoing bureau market (including carriers who are not changing their lines) to establish the
premium for the remaining period of the contract.
The RP and the OP must be submitted and grouped together (refer to section 7).
Brokers should note that the RP and OP transactions should only include carriers in the affected bureau
market. For example, a mid-term market change involving Lloyd’s syndicates should not affect the
transactions for the ILU or LIRMA carriers (unless the incoming carrier is a bureau company).
(Refer to section 9 for information regarding the processing of ‘legacy business’.)
Mid-Term Broker Changes
The procedures agreed for A&S for the handling of mid-term broker changes should also be followed by
brokers for eAccounts. In line with the IMR Security Model, if there is any change to the handling broker for
a risk, the assuming broker should, where possible, continue to use the original broker’s Unique Market
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Where a broker that uses eAccounts replaces a broker that uses A&S, the new broker will be able to
submit all future accounts on the contract via eAccounts. However, corrections to transactions that were
processed by the original broker will need to be processed via A&S.*
Where a broker that uses eAccounts replaces a broker that also uses eAccounts, the new broker will be
able to submit all future accounts on the contract via eAccounts. However, where corrections need to be
made to transactions that were processed by the original broker, the cancellation entries will need to be
processed via A&S.*
(* The new broker will not have a Referred Technical Account UUID to quote on the cancellation entries.)
The table below summarises the position:
The new broker can submit all new transactions via eAccounts. However,
corrections to transactions processed by the original broker should be
submitted via A&S.
The new broker can submit all new transactions via eAccounts. However,
corrections to transactions processed by the original broker should be
submitted via A&S.
The new broker will, obviously, need to submit future transactions and
corrections to previous transactions via A&S.
Further information regarding the processing of ‘legacy business’ is provided within section 9.
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Cash Submissions
Transactions that are not submitted as delinked items will be released into settlement immediately following
the successful processing of the Technical Account messages (i.e. as per today’s A&S processes whereby
signing numbers are allocated to non-delinked or ‘cash’ LPANs and the transactions are moved into
settlement as soon as they are processed). There will be no need for brokers to submit Financial Account
messages for non-delinked transactions.
Delinked Submissions
It is envisaged that most eAccounts transactions will be submitted on a delinked basis. Brokers will first
submit Technical Account details to Xchanging so that the transaction can be checked and processed.
Settlement of the transactions can subsequently be achieved via a number of different options – one of
which is the use of ACORD Financial Account messages.
Triggering Settlement of Delinked Transactions
Use of Financial Account Messages
As mentioned above, brokers will be able to trigger the settlement of delinked transactions submitted via
the eAccounts process via use of ACORD Financial Account messages. However, brokers should only
submit Financial Account messages if:
A Technical Account message was previously submitted to establish the premium details and was
successfully processed (signed);
The transaction was submitted on a delinked basis – i.e. the Technical Account indicated that the
premium was to be released into settlement via the submission of a Financial Account message;
The Technical Account balance is not zero.
Brokers need to send one Financial Account message for each Technical Account message that was
previously submitted. Each Financial Account message has to contain the UUID, Broker Reference,
Currency and Balance of the Technical Account to which it relates. If there is more than one participating
carrier then the Financial Accounts for all of those carriers must be sent together.
Brokers will not need to provide any explicit grouping within the Financial Account messages but, if XIS
does not receive all of the messages for the transaction within one hour, then those that have been
received will be rejected.
Xchanging will also reject Financial Account messages when the associated Technical Account message
indicated that the item was not going to be settled via the submission of a Financial Account message.
Brokers should note that XIS technicians are not normally involved in the Financial Account process – i.e.
the processing of Financial Account messages is an automated process. If brokers encounter any
problems they should, therefore, contact the Xchanging Service Centre (refer to section 11).
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Matching Financial Accounts to Technical Accounts
Upon receipt of the Financial Account messages, Xchanging will:
a) Validate each message;
b) Attempt to match each message against a previously processed Technical Account message;
c) Accumulate all of the related messages and check that a complete set of Financial Account
messages has been submitted by the broker for the signing.
Each group of Financial Accounts will be automatically matched against items on the Delinked Signings
Database. The status of the de-linked signing record will be updated to ‘released’.
Timing of Release into Settlement
Brokers will be able to release a transaction into settlement as soon as they have received a Level 4
Acknowledgement message from XIS for the related Technical Account.
Other Options for Triggering Settlement
Brokers can also trigger the settlement of delinked eAccounts submissions via use of the on-line settlement
trigger facility or via use of RESETT messages. (Further information can be found in the Delinking User
Guide.) Brokers should note that Acknowledgement messages will not be generated when they use these
alternative methods for triggering the settlement of delinked entries and they should, therefore, consider
whether they could encounter any reconciliation issues in their systems.
‘Grouped’ and ‘Ungrouped’ Premium Transactions
With regard to work packages that contain multiple transactions, the default position on eAccounts is that
items are ‘ungrouped’ for settlement purposes. Brokers will, therefore, be able to release individual
premiums to carriers as and when client monies are received. For example, on a multiple currency
contract, the US Dollar premium might be paid early with the Sterling premium funds being received a few
days later. The broker will be able to initiate the payment of these premiums to carriers as the premium
funds are received by submitting the Financial Account messages at different times.
This equates to the A&S process of tagging LPANs with the words “DO NOT GROUP”. (Further information
can be found in Xchanging market communication 2010/038 dated 17th February 2010.)
If the carriers require that payment is collected together they can specify this on the slip. The XIS
technician will check that the grouping has occurred as per the slip instructions. Transactions that have not
been grouped as per the carriers’ instruction will be queried. Grouping of the subsequent Financial
Account messages will be enforced. If one or more Financial Accounts for the required grouping are not
submitted then the messages will be rejected. (TO BE CONFIRMED)
Deferred Premium Transactions
Where brokers obtain carriers’ agreement for deferred premium instalments to be processed via additional
premium signings and the broker submits these transactions on a delinked basis, the broker will be able to
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release each instalment into settlement via the use of Financial Account messages (or via one of the other
methods mentioned above) as and when funds are received from the client. In these cases, the broker
may submit the first instalment as either delinked or cash.
Actual Payment Dates
Once items are released into settlement, the Actual Payment Dates for delinked transactions will be
supplied within the ACORD Level 4 Acknowledgement message that is returned when a Financial Account
message is processed. For non-delinked items, the Actual Payment Dates will be confirmed with the
ACORD Level 4 Acknowledgement message that is returned when a Technical Account message is
Actual Payment Dates will also be provided within the BSM messages (refer to section 5).
Planned Settlement Dates
The ACORD process does not support the use of Planned Settlement Dates. Brokers should instead use
the de-linking process and submit a Financial Account to settle a premium three working days prior to the
Settlement Due Date.
Convertible Currency Items
For delinked transactions where the original currency differs from the settlement currency, the broker must
supply premium figures within the Technical Account in both currencies. (A rate of exchange does not need
to be supplied under the ACORD process.) If the broker needs to apply a revised exchange rate when the
premium is released into settlement, then a new settlement currency figure can be provided within the
Financial Account message.
In these circumstances, the transaction details held on the delinked signings database will be updated with
the revised bureau settlement currency figure. The rates of exchange that are used to calculate the
settlement currency figure will be validated at both the Technical Account and Financial Account stage
against rates that are held on Xchanging’s currency tables. (A 10% tolerance will be applied.) (Potential
problem area.)
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Financial Account Process Summary
Broker Business
Broker Releases
Broker System
Send Financial
Receive Level 3
Update Status of
Financial Account
eAccounts – Financial Accounts Process (Error-Free Submission)
Receive and
Validate Financial
Send Level 3
Financial Account
Matched to
Delinked Signings
Receive Level 4
Update Delinked
Signings Record
Send Level 4
Message + BSM
Update Status of
Financial Account
Transaction(s) into
Direct Settlement
Items Paid Outside of Central Settlement
For Lloyd’s submissions, where it is known at the time of submitting the Technical Accounts that the
payment of premium to all insurers is to be made outside of central settlement (i.e. ‘paid by cheque’), the
broker should indicate this via use of the ‘Payment Means’ field in the Technical Account message. In
these cases, no Financial Account messages should subsequently be submitted.
Please note that this option is not available for company market submissions. The only workaround that is
available here is for the broker to submit a nil premium transaction with a narrative explanation to advise
that the payment is being made direct.
If the client decides to directly settle after the broker has submitted Technical Account messages for a
delinked premium then the broker will need to cancel the original Technical Account.
Non-Central Settlement Carriers
Where carriers have ceased their involvement in central settlement, the broker should submit Technical
Accounts as normal. If the broker indicates in the Technical Account messages that settlement of the
transaction is to be triggered via the submission of a Financial Account message, then the broker will
subsequently need to submit a Financial Account message.
In these situations, the Level 4 Acknowledgement message will not contain an Actual Payment Date for the
carrier involved. The XIS central settlement system will ensure that payment is not automatically made
to/from any carriers that are not in central settlement.
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5 SIGNING & SETTLEMENT DATA (Messages and Reports
Available to Brokers)
Brokers are able to receive the following messages and reports from Xchanging. These messages and
reports are all produced as part of Xchanging’s overnight batch processing and will, therefore, be available to
customers before 09:00 hours UK-time on each business day.
BSM Messages
The IPCBSM and BSM messages have not been changed as a result of the introduction of the eAccounts
service. Details of eAccounts transactions will be supplied within the daily signing messages. Therefore,
these messages will include details of signings that are also advised by means of the ACORD Level 4
Acknowledgement messages.
The BSM messages provide details of the bureau signing numbers, net premium amounts and actual
payment dates, etc. Transactions will be included within these messages on the following basis:
De-linked signings will be included in the IPCBSM on the day when they are signed.
De-linked signings will be included in the BSM on the day when they are released into settlement.
Signings that are not de-linked will be included in the BSM on the day when they are signed.
Separate IPCBSM and BSM messages are output for Lloyd’s and company market signings. These
Lloyd’s and company market versions of the messages are derived from separate legacy systems and their
content and timing are different.
ACORD Messages
ACORD Level 4 Acknowledgement messages will be used to:
Advise brokers that business queries have been raised OR
Provide brokers with bureau signing number details AND
Confirm the Actual Payment Dates for the transactions.
Further information on ACORD Acknowledgement messages is contained in Appendix D.
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Message Delivery Summary
The tables below illustrate the stages at which details of delinked and non-delinked premium entries are
provided within the messages mentioned above.
Level 4 Acknowl. Message
Delinked Transaction Processed
Delinked Transaction Released into
Non-Delinked Transaction Processed (and
automatically released into settlement)
(* A Level 4 Acknowledgement message will only be received if the broker has released the transaction
into settlement via the use of a Financial Account message.)
Emailed Reports (CSV files)
Brokers can also register to receive a number of different emailed reports – such as the Daily EPA
Signings Report (DL5089) and the Delinked Signings Advice Report (DL5080). (Factsheets and registration
information can be obtained from the Xchanging Insurance Business Intelligence Services team – email
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This section provides brokers with information regarding the submission of policies / wordings and nonpremium endorsements.
Signing & Accounting (S&A)
Where the premium transaction(s) and policy are submitted together (known as ‘S&A’ processing), the
broker should include a Policy Control Form and the policy documentation as supporting documents in the
work package.
Xchanging’s systems will use the presence of the Policy Control Form as a trigger to initiate the policy
process in parallel with the premium processing.
However, brokers should note that the Level 4 Acknowledgement message (query or acknowledgement)
that will be returned by XIS will only relate to the premium entry. The policy process will operate outside of
eAccounts and any queries there will be communicated via email.
Queries on S&A Submissions
If the accounting entry is queried then the broker will need to cancel and replace the Technical Accounts. If
the accounting entry is accepted but the policy request is queried or rejected then the broker will need to
update the document set on the Market Repository using the pre-signing amendment procedure described
in section 8.
If both the policy and the premium component of an S&A work package are queried at the same time,
eAccounts S&A items will be impacted by an existing constraint within the XIS Workflow System. Brokers
might respond to the premium and policy queries separately. If a response is received for the premium
only, then the XIS Workflow System will re-trigger both premium and policy processing. Should the broker
subsequently try to edit the policy component of the queried work package, the request will be rejected as it
appears as work-in-progress. Similarly, if the response to the policy query is received prior to the response
to the premium query, brokers will be unable to edit the premium component.
Consequently, if both the policy and the premium components of an S&A work package are queried at the
same time, it is recommended that the broker responds to the premium query in eAccounts but submits the
amended policy via A&S, as a new Stage 2 request. In this case the broker should include a crossreference to the eAccounts query with the A&S policy submission in the ‘Additional Details’ area of the A&S
Work Order.
Policy Rejections
If the policy has been rejected then a new Work Package Reference and Presentation Date will be
assigned to the policy submission. Brokers will need to revert to use of A&S in these circumstances.
Stage 2 Requests
Brokers cannot use the eAccounts process to submit Stage 2 policy requests separate from the associated
premium transaction. These should continue to be processed using A&S. However, policy requests can
be submitted together with an accounting transaction (as covered in section 6.1 above).
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Non-Premium Endorsements
The eAccounts process cannot be used to submit processing requests for non-premium endorsements.
Non-premium endorsements (i.e. contractual changes that do not affect the premium) can, however, be
loaded on to the Market Repository at any time, in order to keep the Repository file up-to-date.
(There is an A&S process that allows the broker to load non-premium endorsements onto the IMR and
then submit a Work Order to instruct XIS to check the endorsement. On completion of XIS business
processing an email is automatically sent to the broker to confirm that the endorsement has been checked
by XIS - the equivalent of button stamping in the paper world. Alternatively brokers may store-up NPEs
and submit them as supporting documents with the next AP or RP.)
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This section provides information regarding the grouping of eAccounts messages and transactions.
Items That Need to be Grouped
Separate Technical Account messages have to be submitted for a number of different reasons – for
For each carrier that participates in a contract;
For each currency in which a premium is to be settled;
For each deferred premium instalment (i.e. when instalments are being paid via additional premium
For each fundamental accounting split (e.g. where a carrier’s exposure varies over different risk
For each non-fundamental accounting split (e.g. where the Lloyd’s Leader has applied multiple
Lloyd’s risks codes to the contract).
These messages often need to be ‘grouped together’ for XIS processing purposes. This is needed in the
following circumstances:
So that the bureau transactions (LPAN’s) that are generated by Xchanging’s systems include all of
the carrier lines for that contract;
So that associated transactions are processed at the same time (e.g. on multi-currency contracts
or where deferred premium instalments are being processed);
So that transactions for non-fundamental splits are processed together;
So that cancellation and replacement entries are processed simultaneously.
In A&S terms, grouping related Technical Account messages aims at achieving LPAN level or Work
Package level processing.
How Items Can Be Grouped Together
Data fields are available in the ACORD Technical Account message that enable users to group Technical
Account messages together for processing and/or settlement purposes.
‘Service Provider Group Reference’
Use of this reference allows the broker to group related Technical Account messages for Xchanging to
process together as a single business case – i.e. a work package. This is required when more than one
carrier participates in a transaction and/or when more than one Technical Account is submitted for a
Grouping is achieved by giving the same value in the ‘Service Provider Group Reference’ field for each of
the messages to be grouped. In addition each message must also contain the number of Technical
Account messages that are included in the group in the ‘Service Provider Group Items Total’ field.
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‘Group Reference’
Use of this reference allows the broker to group related transactions for an individual carrier for a reason
other than settlement (e.g. when deferred premium instalments are submitted).
Grouping is achieved by giving the same value in the ‘Group Reference’ field for each of the messages to
be grouped. In addition, each message must also contain the number of Technical Account messages that
are included in the group in the ‘Items in Group Total’ field.
Deferred Premium Instalments
Where a premium is being paid by deferred instalments and the instalments are being processed as
separate AP’s, the broker must use the Group Reference field to link the Technical Account messages for
the instalments for processing together. The number of instalments must also be given in ‘Items in Group
Total’ field.
The business example shown below demonstrates how group references should be applied. The example
Two carriers that subscribe to the same contract;
Premiums being paid in two separate currencies;
Premiums being paid in 4 deferred premium instalments.
Group Reference
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Items Total
Reference 1
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(Note - The references do not require any particular format or structure - the values used here are for
illustration purposes only.)
In this example, the broker’s system would need to send 16 separate Technical Account messages
to XIS.
The messages would be grouped together for processing purposes by use of the Service Provider
Group Reference. Xchanging’s systems determine how many messages are to be submitted by
referring to the Service Provider Group Reference Items Total.
Messages for the same carrier are grouped together via use of the Group Reference.
The end result is that 8 transactions would be signed by Xchanging (due to the 2 nd and subsequent
deferred instalments being signed as separate additional premiums).
If any one of the messages failed the systems validation then all of the messages would be
If Xchanging does not receive all of the messages within one hour then those that have been
received would be rejected
Mixed-Market Submissions
For business cases in which both Lloyd’s and the company market carriers participate, the broker can
submit the Technical Accounts separately for each market or, alternatively, the broker can submit them as
a combined package with a single ‘Service Provider Group Reference’.
Where the broker submits a combined Lloyd’s and company market package:
a) Submissions for Facultative Reinsurance and Excess of Loss Reinsurance business types will be
processed by XIS as a combined work package, which will be either be accepted and signed in full,
or queried/rejected in full.
b) Submissions for other types of business will be automatically split by XIS into two work packages –
one for Lloyd’s and one for the company market carriers. These two work packages will be
processed independently and it is possible that one package may be signed, while the other is
Therefore, it is important to note that if brokers provide mixed-market submissions for any type of business
other than Facultative Reinsurance and Excess of Loss Reinsurance, they must be able to correct one
market independently without impacting the other.
Brokers will be able to determine whether XIS has split a mixed-market submission into two work packages
as the combined set of Level 3 Acknowledgement messages returned for the Technical Accounts in that
Service Provider Group will contain two XIS Work Package References (i.e. some Acknowledgement
messages will contain one Work Package Reference whereas others will contain two such references).
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Multi-Section and Multi-Layer Contracts
Where separate premium transactions need to be processed for premiums on multi-section or multi-layer
risks, brokers need to consider the use of the Service Provider Group Reference. As mentioned above,
this reference is used to group all of the Technical Account messages that are to be processed together as
a single business case. Grouping is achieved by providing the same value in the Service Provider Group
Reference field for each of the messages to be grouped.
The example below demonstrates the impact of using single or multiple references:
2 layers of coverage are included on the same contract (slip).
Section 1 – Limit USD 5,000,000. Excess of USD 5,000,000.
Section 2 – Limit USD 15,000,000 Excess of USD 10,000,000
Separate premiums are quoted for each section.
2 carriers are involved, one from the Lloyd’s market and the other being an IUA company that uses
a ‘LIRMA’ stamp code.
The underwriters involved have applied separate stamp references for each section. Therefore,
XIS need to process 4 separate original premium entries (2 Lloyd’s transactions and 2 LIRMA
a) Single Reference – If the broker quotes the same Service Provider Group Reference on all 4 Technical
Account messages then a single work package will be created by XIS’ systems. The submission will
usually be processed as a combined work package and queries raised on the Lloyd’s transactions will also
delay the processing of the LIRMA transactions, and vice versa. (Further details are provided in section
b) Two References – If the broker applies different Service Provider Group References on the Technical
Account messages for the Lloyd’s and company market carriers then two separate work packages will be
created. The work packages will be processed independently – i.e. queries raised on one work package
will not delay the processing of the other.
c) Four References – If the broker quotes different Service Provider Group References on all 4 Technical
Account messages then the XIS systems will generate 4 separate work packages. This may result in the
items being allocated to 4 different technicians at XIS and queries may, therefore, be raised because it will
appear to the technicians that the broker has submitted an incomplete set of transactions.
(The situation on a multi-section contract that involves different types of coverage - e.g. property, liability
and war risk cover - would be similar to that on the multi-layer contract example shown above.)
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Financial Account Messages
Brokers do not need to provide any explicit grouping within the Financial Account messages but, if XIS
does not receive all of the messages for the transaction within one hour, then those that have been
received will be rejected.
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This section provides details of procedures that need to be followed to correct the contents of eAccounts
work packages. This involves the use of Technical Account messages to reverse incorrect transactions and
the use of DRI messages to submit additional documents or to remove incorrect documents.
Correction Scenarios
It will sometimes be necessary for brokers to correct/replace Technical or Financial Accounts. Brokers
may also need to submit additional documents and/or remove documentation that has previously been
submitted. This section defines the business processes that need to be adopted in the following scenarios:
a) Pre-Processing - The broker realises that a Technical Account needs to be corrected or that
supporting documents need to be added or removed before XIS has started processing the work
b) Responding to Queries - The broker realises that a Technical Account needs to be corrected or
that supporting documents need to be added or removed following the receipt of a query from an XIS
c) Post-Signing Corrections - It only becomes apparent that a work package needs to corrected
after the transactions have been processed (signed).
Pre-Processing Corrections
Withdrawing an XIS Work Package
If a Technical Account is incorrect and the broker decides to withdraw a work package in its entirety, the
broker should submit a second set of Technical Account messages to cancel (reverse) the original
transaction. The broker should at the same time, or subsequently, submit a new set of Technical Account
messages. The replacement Technical Accounts can refer to an updated list of referred documents.
Brokers can only withdraw a work package up to the point where XIS business processing has started - i.e.
when the work package status is either ‘New’ or ‘TRK’ (Tracked-In). If brokers attempt to reverse or
replace a work package once XIS business processing has started then the reversal / replacement
messages will be rejected. Brokers should also note that a work package can only be withdrawn in its
entirety. Therefore, the reversals for all Technical Accounts relating to the work package must be
submitted together.
Adding or Removing Documents (Timing)
As for A&S, documents can only be added or removed from a submitted work package up to the point
where the work package is ‘opened’ by an XIS technician. After that time the work package will be ‘locked’
and the broker will need to wait for a query to be raised by an XIS technician before they are able to amend
the work package. Alternatively, the broker can ask the XIS technician to query the work package so that it
becomes available for amendment.
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Responding to XIS Queries
Updating the Accounting Details Following an XIS Query
When an XIS technician determines that the broker’s submission is incorrect they will raise a query via the
‘Tracker’ system. A Level 4 Acknowledgment message will be sent to the broker for each Technical
Account message that formed part of the group to advise the broker that a query has been raised. (This will
contain the UUID of the Technical Account to which it refers and the XIS Work Package Reference.) An
email will also be sent from ‘Tracker’ to the broker technician to provide the details of the query.
The broker should first submit a second Technical Account to cancel (reverse) the original Technical
Account. XIS will return a Level 3 Acknowledgement with a status of “acknowledged”.
The broker should then send a new Technical Account. This may be submitted together with the reversal
or separately. (The reversal Technical Account will refer to the original Technical Account by inclusion of a
‘Referred Technical Account UUID’.)
The XIS Workflow System entry will be automatically updated to re-start the business process. The broker
will not need to contact the XIS technician. Assuming that business processing then completes
successfully, a Level 4 Acknowledgement message with a status of ‘acknowledged’ will subsequently be
sent to the broker, as described in Appendix D.
(NB: Brokers should note that any document updates must be completed before any further Technical
Accounts are submitted.)
If the replacement Technical Account is submitted at the same time as the reversal (i.e. in the same
‘Service Provider Group’) then, provided that the query is resolved in the agreed timeframe (normally
before 17:00 hours UK-time on the next working day) and no critical data has been changed:
a) The XIS Workflow System will derive the Work Package Reference from the original Technical
Account and will automatically update the Workflow entry to re-start the business process. The
broker will not need to contact the XIS technician.
b) The original Presentation Date will be preserved.
In this case the original XIS Work Package Reference will be returned to the broker in the Level 3
Acknowledgement message.
If the query is not resolved in the agreed timeframe, or some critical data was changed, or the replacement
Technical Account is not submitted at the same time as the reversal, then a new work package will be
created with a new Presentation Date. In this case, the new XIS Work Package Reference will be returned
to the broker in the Level 3 Acknowledgement message.
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Process Summary (Query Raised on Technical Account)
Broker Business
Prepare Account
Broker System
Send Technical
Receive Level 3
Update Status of
Technical Account
eAccounts – Technical Accounts Process (Query Raised by XIS Technician)
Receive and
Validate Technical
Send Level 3
Valid Technical
Amend Account
Receive Level 4
Send Reversal +
Tech Accts
Send Level 4
Receive Reversal
+ Replacement
Tech Accts
Update XIS
Business Checks
Raise a Query on
Resume Business
Adding or Removing Documents Following an XIS Query
The processes adopted here are similar to those outlined in section 8.3.1 above. When an XIS technician
determines that the broker’s submission is incorrect they will raise a query via the ‘Tracker’ system. A
Level 4 Acknowledgment message will be sent to the broker for each Technical Account message that
formed part of the group. (This will contain the UUID of the Technical Account to which it refers and the XIS
Work Package Reference.)
An email will also be sent from ‘Tracker’ to the broker technician to provide the details of the query.
The technician in the broker’s office will add documents to (and/or remove documents from) the Market
Repository as required. A DRI message will be generated from the broker’s system quoting the XIS Work
Package Reference.
The XIS Workflow System will automatically update the XIS Workflow entry to re-start the business
process. The broker will not need to contact the XIS technician.
If the query is resolved in the agreed timeframe, normally 17:00 hours UK-time on the next working day,
then the original Work Package Reference and Presentation Date will be preserved. In this case the
original XIS Work Package Reference will be returned in the DRI response message.
If the query is not resolved in the agreed timeframe then the submission will receive a new Work Package
Reference and Presentation Date. In this case a new XIS Work Package Reference will be returned in the
DRI response message. (Potential problem area.)
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Process Summary (Adding New Documents)
Broker Business
Prepare Account
Broker System
Send Technical
Receive Level 3
Update Status of
Technical Account
eAccounts – Technical Accounts Process (Query Raised – Documents to be Added)
Receive and
Validate Technical
Send Level 3
Valid Technical
Review Query
Details on Tracker
Add Document(s)
Receive Level 4
Send DRI
Message with
Work Package
Send Level 4
Load Document to
the IMR
Update XIS
Business Checks
Raise a Query on
Resume Business
Post-Signing Corrections
Broker-Initiated Corrections
Where an accounting correction is initiated by the broker, correction of a transaction that has been signed
by XIS must be processed via the submission of cancellation and replacement transactions. The broker
should first submit a Technical Account to cancel (reverse) the original transaction. The broker will then
send a new Technical Account. This will be processed as a new submission. The transactions should be
grouped together and the correct values should be shown in the Corrections Indicator field (‘C’ for
cancellations and ‘R’ for re-submissions / replacements). (Brokers should note the guidance provided in
section 9 regarding the processing of ‘legacy business’.)
Multiple Transactions
If it is necessary to cancel an original premium against which one or more AP/RP transactions have
already been signed, those subsequent signings must be cancelled before the original premium can be
cancelled. To enable this to happen, the broker must submit the AP/RP cancellations together with the
original premium cancellation.
Non-Accounting Corrections
Non-accounting corrections (i.e. post-signing corrections that do not affect the accounting details, such as
a carrier reference change or an SDD amendment) are out-of-scope for eAccounts. Brokers should submit
such corrections by using existing A&S processes.
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Correction Forms
It will not be necessary for brokers to submit correction forms, as required for A&S corrections. However,
brokers are requested to provide a free-text description of the reason for the correction in the reversal
and/or replacement Technical Accounts in the ‘Explanation’ field. Brokers that are unable to use the
Explanation field for these purposes should continue to use Correction Forms. The absence of an
explanation may result in the submission being queried by the XIS technician if the reason for the
correction is not clear.
XIS Corrections
Corrections initiated by XIS are out-of-scope for eAccounts – i.e. such corrections will be processed as if
they were submitted via A&S. Brokers will receive details of these correction entries via the BSM
A&S Facilities
Amending the Document Contents of an XIS Work Package
Brokers are reminded that the A&S Direct Load facility cannot be used in conjunction with eAccounts
Edit Work Package
Brokers should note that an eAccounts work package can only be edited using eAccounts functionality (the
enhanced DRI functions or reversing and replacing Technical Accounts). The A&S Edit Work Package
functionality will be blocked for eAccounts work packages.
Financial Accounts
Financial Account messages are either accepted or rejected by Xchanging’s applications. If Financial
Account messages are rejected then replacement messages must be submitted. There is no query and
correction / re-submission process for Financial Account messages.
Simultaneous Reinstatements
There are three scenarios that require an adjustment to be made to a simultaneous reinstatement
A. Where the value of the claim transaction in CLASS has changed;
B. Where the claim transaction is correct but where the reinstatement premium has been calculated
C. Where both the claim and the reinstatement premium amounts are incorrect.
Scenario A) - As part of the end of day batch process at Xchanging, the claim amount in CLASS will be
automatically cross-checked against the claim amount referenced in the simultaneous reinstatement
premium. In this case, as the amounts do not match, the premium work package will reappear in the
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technician’s workbasket to query. The XIS technician will follow the standard query process and the broker
will need to cancel and replace the transaction.
Scenario B (Pre-Signing) - The premium amount is calculated incorrectly in relation to the claim amount.
The XIS technician will follow the standard query process and the broker will need to cancel and replace
the transaction.
Scenario B (Post-Signing) - As the claim amount will not mismatch the premium will continue through
processing and will be signed. When the error is identified, the broker should submit an AP/RP to correct
the premium amount.
Scenario C – This situation will be caught pre-signing in either scenario 1 or scenario 2.
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This section provides details of processes to be followed on business that was originally processed via
A&S or that was submitted via paper.
A&S Submissions
eAccounts can be used to submit AP and RP transactions on contracts for which the original premium was
processed via A&S. However, brokers should note the restrictions detailed below.
Paper Submissions
eAccounts can also be used to submit AP and RP transactions in respect of contracts for which the original
premium was submitted on paper and was signed after 01/01/2000.
Prior to submitting an electronic transaction in respect of a contract for which the original premium was
processed on paper, the broker will need to ensure that the Market Repository file is brought up-to-date by
submitting an electronic copy of the XIS signed slip and all XIS signed endorsements to-date. Failure to
provide all of the required documentation may render the XIS Business Operations technician unable to
process the AP/RP submission and may result in a rejection. (Further information is contained in the A&S
User Guide.)
Post-Signing Corrections
It is not possible to cancel / correct an A&S transaction via eAccounts. If it is necessary to correct a
transaction that was previously submitted via A&S (or paper) then this must be performed using existing
A&S functions. The principle that should be followed is that corrections to transactions that have already
been processed should be submitted in the same manner in which the transaction was first presented to
Mid-Term Broker Changes
When a broker that uses eAccounts replaces a broker that uses A&S, the processes summarized in
section 9.4 should be followed – i.e. any transactions that need to be cancelled / corrected should be
submitted via A&S. The same rule applies where a broker that uses A&S replaces a broker that uses
eAccounts. However, transactions that are still ‘in-progress’ should be completed via the original
submission method.
Settlement of A&S and Paper Submissions
Brokers should also note that delinked transactions that were submitted via A&S or paper cannot be
released via use of Financial Account messages. Brokers should continue to use the Delinking Settlement
Trigger facility or the RESETT message in these circumstances.
Unique Market References – OSND Validation
On contracts where the broker processed the original premium via A&S (or paper), it is possible that the
XIS technician may have captured an incorrect UMR. Although brokers receive details of the reference
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that Xchanging have captured via the BSM message, it is rare for brokers to subsequently inform XIS of
the error and, therefore, the UMR may not be corrected.
The following rules are applied within the XIS mainframe processing systems to additional and return
premium entries:
a) Lloyd’s Business – The UMR that was captured when the original premium entry was processed
is quoted on all future transactions (irrespective of the reference that the broker quotes on
subsequent transactions);
b) Company Market Business – The UMR that is captured when an AP/RP is processed is validated
against the UMR that was captured when the original premium entry was signed.
These rules could result in a conflict with the eAccounts principle that broker-supplied data cannot be
amended. Therefore, the following additional validation will be applied to eAccounts submissions on
legacy business:
When a broker submits an AP or RP via eAccounts, validation will be applied to ensure the UMR that is
quoted matches that previously captured by XIS when the original premium transaction was processed. If
the reference combination does not match then the eAccounts submission will be rejected.
Brokers are, therefore, asked to check that the UMR that they intend to quote within their eAccounts
submission matches the UMR that was captured by Xchanging when the original premium transaction was
submitted via A&S or paper.
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10.1 Continued Use of A&S
Brokers will need to continue to use A&S for all types of business and transaction types that are out-of-scope
for eAccounts Release 1. These transaction types and business scenarios are summarized below.
Proportional Treaty Reinsurance business;
London Market Deferred Scheme items;
Simultaneous settlements across more than one UMR;
Declarations on balanced binders (as these have the same format as proportional treaty
Planned Settlement Date (PSD) Scheme items;
Non Premium Endorsements (NPEs) other than by inclusion with a subsequent AP/RP;
Stage 2 Policy requests;
Post-signing amendments to settlement due dates and premium payment warranty dates;
‘Non-material changes’ such as post-signing carrier reference corrections;
Cancellation and replacement submissions where there is no movement of funds.
10.2 Reverting to Use of A&S
There will also be other circumstances where brokers initially submit items via the eAccounts process but
subsequently have to revert to A&S. Examples are provided below.
Policies that are initially submitted as S&A’s but are subsequently queried / rejected (refer to section
Certain mid-term broker change scenarios (refer to section 9).
Settlement Due Date amendments (refer to section 11.3).
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11.1 Urgent Processing
In exceptional circumstances, if there is a requirement for XIS to process an eAccounts submission
urgently, the broker should contact the appropriate XIS Team Leader quoting the UMR and the Work
Package Reference that has been returned in the Level 3 Acknowledgement message.
The request for urgent processing must be made on the day of submission.
11.2 Late Payment Reporting and Premium Warranties
11.2.1 Presentation Dates
The Presentation Date is used for a variety of purposes. The main purposes are to monitor Xchanging’s
performance against processing service levels and to determine whether premiums have been paid ‘ontime’. It is, therefore, important to understand how a certain Presentation Date is established.
In the eAccounts environment, although the Xchanging ACORD Gateway may be available to receive
brokers’ submissions outside of normal working hours, the allocation of the Presentation Date will follow
the existing A&S procedures.
The validity of a Technical Account is determined by the return by Xchanging of a positive Level 3
Acknowledgement message to the broker. This message also confirms the date of receipt and the Work
Package Reference of the Technical Account message. Between the time when the submission of a
Technical Account is made and Xchanging return a Level 3 Acknowledgement, there are a number of
technical validation steps that need to occur. Validation may, therefore, occur after 5pm.
Therefore, the Presentation Date will be established as follows:
a) Where a Technical Account is received by XIS by 17:00 hours UK-time and that Technical Account
subsequently proves to be valid, as confirmed by return of a positive Level 3 Acknowledgement, a
Presentation Date of the day of receipt will be allocated.
b) Where a Technical Account is received by XIS after 17:00 hours UK-time and that Technical
Account subsequently proves to be valid, as confirmed by return of a positive Level 3
Acknowledgement, a Presentation Date of the next working day will be allocated.
11.2.2 PPW and SDD Judged Met
A Premium Payment Warranty or Settlement Due Date will be judged to have been met for eAccounts
submissions only when all required Financial Account messages are received for a previously submitted
delinked signing or all Technical Account messages with a payment means of ‘cash’ are received on or
before the due date in accordance with the Presentation Date rules mentioned above.
** Need to add details of the procedures that should be followed when premium warranty dates are
breached **
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11.3 Out-of-Scope Transactions
11.3.1 SDD and PPW Amendments
The eAccounts process cannot be used to amend Settlement Due Dates and Premium Payment Warranty
dates after a transaction has been signed by XIS. In these cases, the correction must be processed via
If the broker wishes to apply an SDD or PPW correction before XIS processing has been completed then
the pre-signing amendment procedure described in Section 8 should be used.
11.3.2 Carrier Reference Corrections
The eAccounts process cannot be used to amend carrier references after a transaction has been signed by
XIS. If a correction is necessary this must continue to be actioned via the current A&S processes.
If a broker wishes to amend a carrier reference before XIS processing has been completed then the presigning amendment procedure described in Section 8 should be used. (XIS will use the carrier reference
recorded against the original premium in the advising of all subsequent AP/RP and claim signings to the
11.3.3 International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
All parties have obligations to ensure that processing of transactions involving the export of arms is carriedout within a country that has signed up to the ITAR regulations. The number of transactions involved is
small and it would not be possible to identify these in the Technical Account messages unless a new
indicator was added to the Technical Account message. These transactions are, therefore, out-of-scope
for eAccounts.
11.4 Contracts Subject to Confidential Terms (Aviation Verticals)
Contracts where carriers write lines on differing terms (e.g. ‘aviation verticals’) should be presented as
multi-section risks. Separate Technical Account messages need to be submitted for each carrier but the
broker needs to ensure that these messages are not grouped together for processing purposes (as
separate LPANs will need to be generated for the carriers). This should be achieved by quoting different
references within the Broker Reference 1 or Broker Reference 2 field.
(Guidance on the submission of confidential documents can be found in the A&S User Guide.)
11.5 ‘Lloyd’s Companies’
Where a transaction includes both Lloyd’s syndicates and ‘Lloyd’s companies’ (syndicate numbers 4309
and 8000-8999 – e.g. Berkley), XIS will process these as two separate signings. Only the Signing Number
& Date applicable to the individual carrier will be returned in the Level 4 Acknowledgement message for
each Technical Account. If the signing is an original premium then this will be the OSND that must be
provided for that carrier with subsequent AP/RP submissions.
Details of both signings will be included in the Lloyd’s BSM message.
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11.6 Early Signings
Brokers are reminded that, although it is possible to process Lloyd’s delinked premiums in the preceding
calendar to which they incept, it is not possible to release such premiums into settlement until the year in
which the risk incepts. This restriction is in-place because of the Lloyd’s Year of Account Scheme rules.
11.7 Emergency Procedures
There may be circumstances whereby brokers are unable to submit eAccounts work packages to
Xchanging. Some of the possible scenarios are as follows:
The IMR is Unavailable – Brokers cannot submit new documents or view files that have
previously been loaded. XIS technicians cannot access eAccounts data and documentation;
XAG-Related Problems – Xchanging cannot process any Technical Account, Financial Account or
DRI messages that are received from brokers;
Problems in Brokers’ Offices – The broker cannot create or submit Technical Account, Financial
Account or DRI messages because their Gateway is down or because the broker has other internal
systems problems.
The A&S User Guide provides information regarding how Xchanging will communicate details of such
incidents to customers and of the procedures that brokers should follow in these circumstances.
11.8 Fault Logging & Process Queries
Brokers that experience problems on eAccounts submissions should follow the procedures detailed below:
a) Contact the Xchanging Service Centre - The broker should forward an email to the Xchanging
Service Centre (servicecentre@xchanging.com). It is important for the email heading to contain a
reference to eAccounts – for example:
'eAccounts - Production Issue' OR
‘eAccounts – Process Query’
b) Call Logging - The Service Centre will log the call and forward the details on to the appropriate
support team. The user will be advised of the call reference.
c) Supporting Information – For Production issues, brokers are asked to supply the following
Problem Details – A brief explanation of the problem that has been encountered (e.g. “Some
of our Technical Account messages have been rejected”, “We have not received any Level 3
Acknowledgement messages”, etc.)
Contract and Work Package References – The Unique Market Reference that the broker has
allocated to the contract along with the XIS-generated Work Package Reference. Alternatively,
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if the transaction has already been processed, the user could provide the bureau signing
Message References – Where possible, brokers (or their software suppliers) should provide
UUID details for the Technical or Financial Account messages that have been submitted to
Screen Shots – There will also be circumstances when it may be useful for brokers to supply
screen shots – e.g. to provide the XIS support team with details of rejection messages that
have been generated.
11.9 Further Information and Help
Customers should contact:
Their Xchanging Customer Relationship Manager for any general questions;
The Xchanging Service Centre for any system problems with the Insurers’ Market Repository or
the Xchanging ACORD Gateway. The IMR core service hours are Monday to Friday 07:00 to
19:00 UK-time on Business Days. Any user related queries and problems reported to Xchanging
Service Centre outside of the IMR core hours will only be actioned during the core service hours.
Service Centre contact details are as follows:
+44 (0)870 380 0830
+44 (0)1303 854854
email: servicecentre@xchanging.com
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Appendix A – Technical Account Process Map
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Broker’s Systems
T/A Message
T/A Message
T/A Message
T/A messages
will be validated
for technical
LPANs and
Work Orders
LPANs and
Orders will
be systemgenerated
are loaded
onto the
data will be autoloaded to these
systems whenever
possible (via
XIS technicians
will check and
transactions as
NB: Only nondelinked (‘cash’)
items will be
moved into
settlement at this
NB: Supporting documents have
to be loaded to the IMR before
transaction details are submitted.
Output to Carriers
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Appendix B – Financial Account Process Map
Broker’s Systems
F/A Message
F/A Message
F/A Message
F/A messages
will be validated
for technical
XIS technicians
are not involved
in this process
trigger file is
Items will be
against the
delinked signings
Actual Payment Dates
are allocated to the
transactions and are
advised to brokers
Output to Carriers
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Appendix C – Data Not to be Changed by Xchanging
XIS technicians will be prevented from changing the following data that is supplied by the broker in the
Technical Account messages, or that is derived by Xchanging from the data in the Technical Account
XIS Data Element
Source of Data
TA <Contract><BrokerReference>
Work Package Reference
Generated by the XIS application
Presentation Date
Generated by the XIS application
Slip Type
Derived from the combination of TA <Contract><TreatyFac> and
<Contract><ContractNature> and
Class of Business (M, A, NM)
Derived from the TA <JVClassOfBusiness>
Transaction Type (PM, AP, RP)
Derived from the TA <AccountTransaction Type>
Broker Number
TA <Broker><PartyId>
Broker Pseudonym
Derived by reference table look-up using broker number
Broker Contact Name
TA <Subaccount><Broker><Contact><PersonName>
Broker Reference 1
TA <Subaccount><Description> characters 1-12
Broker Reference 2
TA <Subaccount><Description> characters 13-24
TA <Insurer><PartyId Agency> or <Reinsurer><PartyId Agency>
Company/Syndicate Code
TA <Insurer><PartyId> or <Reinsurer><PartyId>
Company/Syndicate Signed Line
TA <Subaccount><ContractSection><InsurerSharePercentage>
or <Subaccount><ContractSection><ReinsurerSharePercentage>
Original Currency
TA <ReferenceCurrency>
Settlement Currency
TA <TargetCurrency>
Rate of Exchange
Calculated by the XIS application
Net Premium for Settlement
TA BalanceAmtItem in target currency (if given)
De-linked Indicator
TA <PaymentMeans>
Please note that if the Technical Account data has not been auto-loaded to Xchanging’s mainframe
processing systems then the above information will be copied and pasted into the relevant fields and
a reconciliation report will be run to identify any variances between the data supplied by the broker
within the Technical Account message and the data that the XIS technician has captured.
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Appendix D – ACORD Acknowledgement Messages & XAG
1) Processing DRI Messages – DRI messages are used to load supporting documentation onto the IMR. The
process is as follows:
The broker establishes a synchronous connection between their ACORD gateway and the Xchanging
ACORD Gateway (XAG). A DRI message is sent whilst the connection is open.
A synchronous receipt will be provided by Xchanging for DRI messages within one Core Service
Minute to confirm receipt by the Xchanging ACORD Gateway.
An asynchronous receipt will be issued within one Core Service Hour of the issue of the synchronous
receipt to either confirm that the documents have been loaded onto the IMR (and have been accepted
for processing) or to provide details of message errors.
2) Validation of Technical & Financial Account Messages
The Xchanging ACORD Gateway (‘XAG’) will validate each Technical Account and Financial Account
message for technical compliance.
XAG will accumulate all messages required to complete the Service Provider Group (refer to section
7). If, after one hour, a group of messages remains incomplete then all messages relating to that
group will be rejected.
It should be noted that if any message within a Service Provider Group is rejected then all of the
messages making up that group will also be rejected.
Once a complete group of valid messages has been received a further level of application validation
will be applied.
3) Responses to Technical & Financial Account Messages
Xchanging will return the following ACORD Acknowledgement messages:
a) Synchronous Response
Xchanging will issue an ACORD synchronous response to Technical and Financial Account messages
within one Core Service Minute of their receipt by the Xchanging ACORD Gateway.
b) Level 2 Acknowledgement Messages
Xchanging will validate Technical and Financial Account messages for technical compliance and return
ACORD Level 2 Acknowledgement Messages to brokers with details of any errors. (These messages
are only issued if errors are detected.)
Level 2 Acknowledgement Messages will be issued within one Core Service Minute of receipt of the
Technical and Financial Account messages by the Xchanging ACORD Gateway.
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c) Level 3 Acknowledgement Messages
If the submission passes the Level 2 validation then Xchanging will apply further systems validation to
the incoming Technical and Financial Account messages and will return ACORD Level 3
Acknowledgement messages to brokers.
The Level 3 Acknowledgement messages will either confirm receipt of the Technical and Financial
Account messages or will provide details of data content errors.
For Technical Account messages, if no errors are found, the messages will contain the Work Package
Reference and the Presentation Date that has been allocated to the work item. (The Work Package
Reference can be used in any subsequent dialogue with XIS prior to a Signing Number & Date being
The Acknowledgement messages will be issued within one Core Service Hour of receipt of a complete
set of line-level Technical Account messages by the Xchanging ACORD Gateway and within two core
service hours of receipt of a complete set of Financial Account messages.
d) Level 4 Acknowledgement Messages Issued in Response to T/A Messages
Following the successful processing of eAccounts transactions, an ACORD Level 4 Acknowledgment
message will be sent to the broker for each Technical Account message that formed part of the
signing. These messages will be forwarded to brokers as part of the overnight batch processing.
The message will contain the UUID and Broker Reference of the Technical Account to which it refers
and the Signing Number & Date.
For non-delinked submissions, the Level 4 Acknowledgement message will also contain the date on
which settlement will occur – i.e. the Actual Payment Date.
For delinked transactions, brokers will be able to release a transaction into settlement as soon as they
have received a Level 4 Acknowledgement message from XIS for the related Technical Account.
Brokers may use the ACORD Level 4 Acknowledgment message as an alternative to the IPCBSM /
BSM messages – i.e. to update their records with Signing Numbers & Dates and APDs for eAccounts
Level 4 Acknowledgement messages are also used to notify brokers when business queries are raised
by XIS technicians.
e) Level 4 Acknowledgement Messages Issued in Response to F/A Messages
Where brokers use Financial Account Messages to release delinked transactions into settlement, a
Level 4 Acknowledgment message will be sent to the broker for each Financial Account message that
formed part of the signing.
This message will contain the UUID and Broker Reference of the settlement to which it refers and the
date on which the funds will be transferred to or collected from the carrier (i.e. the Actual Payment
These Level 4 messages should be received by brokers before 09:00 hours UK-time on the next
working day (as long as the Financial Account Messages are received before 18:00 hours UK-time on
the previous working day).
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4) Matching Financial and Technical Account Messages
Xchanging will attempt to match each Financial Account message against a previously submitted Technical
Account. Further validation will be applied to ensure that the details of the Financial Account match those of
the previously submitted Technical Account. At this point an ACORD Level 3 Acknowledgement message will
be sent to the broker for each Financial Account message received to either confirm that the de-linked signing
has been released into settlement or to advise the reason why it could not be released.
(It is possible that the broker may receive an error message because of an apparent breach of a premium
payment warranty or because a rate of exchange that has been applied is outside of the tolerance level applied
by XIS’ mainframe processing systems. Brokers should refer to the Delinking User Guide for details of the
actions to take in these circumstances.) (Potential problem area.)
5) Corrections
a) Withdrawing an XIS Work Package – When a broker withdraws an XIS Work Package, XIS will return a
Level 3 Acknowledgement with a status of “acknowledged”. No level 4 Acknowledgement messages will be
issued. (Potential problem area.)
b) Correcting a Technical Account – When a broker corrects a Technical Account, XIS will return a Level 3
Acknowledgement message with a status of “acknowledged”. No level 4 Acknowledgement messages will be
issued. (Potential problem area.)
6) Non-Receipt of Acknowledgement Messages
If brokers do not receive Acknowledgement messages within the expected timeframes, they should contact the
Xchanging Service Centre (refer to section 11).
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Appendix E – ACORD Technical Account Message Data Fields
This attachment provides details of a small number of the key data fields that are contained within the ACORD
Technical Account message. NB: Brokers should note that the fields within the eAccounts applications that
feed these message fields may be named differently.
1) Use of the ‘Explanation’ Field
Brokers may need to provide narrative explanations in the following circumstances:
a) Accounting Splits – Where a broker needs to submit more than one Technical Account for a carrier’s
line for a reason other than for different currencies or instalment due dates. Examples are provided below.
Where the broker is submitting separate closing sections due to different carrier exposures or due
to separate direct and reinsurance coverage being provided on the same contract;
Where the broker is submitting Technical Accounts at the ‘non-fundamental’ accounting split level.
b) Processing Instructions - To provide XIS technicians with additional notes or processing instructions.
Brokers that intend to submit eAccounts transactions at the non-fundamental accounting split level should
primarily use the ‘Explanation’ field in the Technical Account message to provide a description of the nonfundamental split to which each Technical Account relates. There is no separate ability within the Technical
Account message to provide additional notes at the work package level.
If the broker’s system is not capable of accommodating these descriptions and any other narrative information
within the same Explanation field, then it is recommended that narrative explanations are provided in a
separate document referenced by the Technical Accounts.
Brokers are encouraged to use the Explanation field and/or supporting documents in order to prevent XIS
technicians from needing to raise queries and to avoid processing delays. Staff in brokers’ offices should, if
necessary, seek guidance from their software providers regarding how to populate the ‘Explanation’ field.
The notes below provide details of situations in which details of non-fundamental splits may need to be
a) Lloyd’s Risk Codes
One Technical Account for each Lloyd’s carrier for each risk code, including the proportion of their
premium for that risk code.
Identification of the risk code is to be given in the ‘Explanation’ field.
b) Multiple Territories
One Technical Account for each carrier for each territory, including the proportion of their premium for
that territory.
Identification of the territory is to be given in the ‘Explanation’ field.
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c) Lloyd’s FIL Codes
One Technical Account for each carrier for each FIL code, including the proportion of their premium for
that FIL code.
Identification of the country of origin is to be given in the ‘Explanation’ field.
d) Lloyd’s US or Canadian Trust Funds
One Technical Account for each carrier for each trust fund, including the proportion of the premium for
that trust fund.
Identification of the country of origin is to be given in the ‘Explanation’ field.
e) Lloyd’s NAIC Codes
One Technical Account for each carrier for each NAIC code, including the proportion of the premium
for that NAIC code
Identification of the NAIC code is to be given in the ‘Explanation’ field.
f) Lloyd’s Canadian Province Regulations
One Technical Account for each carrier for each province, including the proportion of the premium for
that province.
Identification of the province to be given in the ‘Explanation’ field.
g) FET and Non-FET Carriers
One Technical Account for each carrier.
An amount type of ‘premium_tax_fet’ is to be included in the Technical Account messages for those
carriers that are liable to pay the tax
h) Company US Premiums and TRIA
One Technical Account for each carrier for the premium.
One Technical Account for each carrier for TRIA premiums, with identification of TRIA to be given in
the ‘Explanation’ field.
i) Multiple Tax Jurisdictions
One Technical Account for each carrier for each tax jurisdiction, including the proportion of the
premium for that tax jurisdiction and the applicable tax(es) – as per the existing procedures.
Identification of the tax jurisdiction to be given in the ‘Explanation’ field.
Identification of an individual tax amount to be given in the amount description, if multiple tax amounts
are included.
j) Different Carrier References
One Technical Account for each carrier for each carrier reference, including the proportion of the
premium for that reference
2) Use of the ‘Payment Means’ Field
This field is used to indicate how the transaction is to be released into settlement. For example, where
transactions are to be settled via the submission of Financial Account messages, the Payment Means field
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should be set to ‘as per financial account’. The Payment Means field should also be set to “as per financial
account” for nil premium adjustments but no Financial Account messages will need to be sent.
Specific code values are allowed in Payment Means to denote that the Technical Account is to be settled
without a Financial Account being submitted. These are to allow for situations where:
a) The transaction cannot currently be de-linked (refer to section 1.5.4);
b) Where the broker wants to trigger settlement immediately – i.e. ‘cash’ (for example, because of the
proximity of a Premium Payment Warranty date);
c) The client wants to settle the premium directly to the carriers.
With regard to FDO transactions, the Payment Means field should be set to ‘in cash’ or ‘as per financial
account’. One Technical Account message amount item with a value of zero (0.00) must be included within the
message. Any of the amount item fields within the Technical Account message can be used for these
purposes. No Financial Account message should be sent. (Xchanging will reject any Financial Account
messages that are inadvertently submitted for FDO transactions.)
For direct settlement transactions, the Payment Means field should be set to ‘settled direct’.
3) Reserve Premiums
To establish a reserve premium, the Technical Account message must have an amount type of ‘deposit
retained premium fund’. To release a reserve premium, the Technical Account message must have an amount
type of ‘deposit released premium fund’.
4) Reinstatement Premiums (referencing claim transactions)
Where a reinstatement premium relates to a single claim entry on CLASS, an additional Individual Claim
Amount Item must be included within the Technical Account with a status of ‘informational’. The references for
the claim to which the reinstatement premium relates should be contained in the following fields:
The Unique Claim Reference (UCR) should be referenced in the ‘Claim Broker Reference’ field.
The Transaction Reference should be referenced in the ‘Claim Entry Broker Reference’ field.
5) Corrections
Post-Signing Corrections – Reversal transactions should contain the field ‘Correction Indicator’ set to “reversal”
and should also reference the original Technical Account by including ‘Referred Tech Account UUId’ and
‘Referred Tech Account Broker Reference’.
If a document needs to be removed from a work package then the broker will send a DRI Notify Request
message with the XIS Work Package Reference suffixed by the word “IGNORE” or ‘REMOVE’ in ‘Referred
Tech Account / Service Provider Reference’. For example, ‘EBACDEXIGNORE’.
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6) eAccounts Applications
Staff in brokers’ offices should contact their software suppliers if they have got questions relating to how their
applications populate these fields within the Technical Account messages that are forwarded to Xchanging.
7) Reference Fields
a) Unique Market Reference
The Contract Broker Reference field should be used to provide the Unique Market Reference. The
standard UMR validation rules apply – i.e. the reference must have the format B9999XXXXXXXXXXXX
B is a constant;
9999 is a 4-digit broker number;
XXXXXXXXXXXX is the broker’s reference.
(The reference can be up to 12 characters in length with no embedded spaces.)
b) Broker References 1 and 2
Broker References 1 and 2 are not explicitly catered for in the Technical Account message. Therefore, the
Sub Account Description field should be used by brokers to provide Broker References 1 and 2.
The two references must be concatenated in the Technical Account message. Characters 1-12 should be
used for Broker Reference 1 and characters 13-24 should be used for Broker Reference 2.
Brokers should note different references must be quoted in this field on Technical Account messages that
are submitted for deferred premium instalments. This will result in separate LPAN’s being generated for
each instalment and separate transactions being processed. (Refer to section 3.2.)
(N.B. Broker Reference 1 and Broker Reference 2 can only contain characters A-Z, 0-9, / and space.
Broker References 1 and 2 will, as normal, be quoted in the BSM and IPCBSM messages.)
c) Original Premium Signing Number and Date
The Contract Service Provider Reference field should be used on additional and return premium entries to
provide the Original Premium Signing Number & Date (OSND). On declarations off non-bulking lineslips, it
should also be used to record the OSND of the associated FDO signing.
Validation is applied to ensure that the OSND that is supplied is present on the XIS database as a valid
original signing number & date.
d) Service Provider Group Reference
This reference is used to group all of the Technical Account messages that are to be processed together.
Grouping is achieved by providing the same value in the Service Provider Group Reference field for each
of the messages to be grouped. In addition each message must also contain the number of Technical
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Accounts that are included in the group, in the Service Provider Group Items Total field. Further details are
provided in section 7.
e) Group Reference
This reference can be used to group related transactions for an individual carrier (e.g. to link Technical
Account messages for processing deferred premium instalments together). Grouping is achieved by giving
the same value in the Group Reference field for each of the messages to be grouped. In addition each
message must also contain the number of Technical Accounts that are included in the group, in the Items
In Group Total field. Further details are provided in section 7.
f) Work Package Reference
Work Package References are generated by XIS. For eAccounts transactions, the Work Package
Reference should be quoted in the Referred Tech Account Service Provider Reference field within the
Technical Account message(s) when pre-signing cancellation (reversal) entries are submitted.
g) Reinstatement Premiums
When submitting reinstatement premiums, brokers should provide the Unique Claim Reference and
Transaction Reference in the following fields:
The UCR should be referenced in <Claim><BrokerReference>
The TR should be referenced in <ClaimEntry><BrokerReference>
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Appendix F – Adding or Removing Documents (Use of DRI
1) Adding New Documents
If an additional document needs to be added to a work package then the broker will load that document to
the IMR. Documents can be loaded onto the IMR via use of one of the following two methods:
a) Brokers upload documents to the IMR (‘push’) – In which case DRI Upload Request messages are
b) Xchanging downloads documents from the broker’s own document management system (‘pull’) - In
which case DRI Notify Request messages are used.
Therefore, the broker’s system will generate either a DRI Upload Request message or a Notify Request
message in these circumstances.
2) Removing Documents
If a document needs to be removed from a work package then the broker’s system will send a DRI Notify
Request message quoting the XIS Work Package Reference. In this case, Xchanging will return a DRI
Notify Response message to confirm that the document has been removed from the technician’s view of
the work package. (Brokers should note that the ability to remove a document is not available in the Upload
Request message.)
3) Adding or Removing Multiple Documents
Where it is necessary to add more than one document, or to add and remove one or more documents,
those operations must be contained within a single DRI Notify Request message. Xchanging will load
those documents to the Market Repository as normal, and in addition will associate them with the specified
work package.
A DRI Notify Response message will be returned to the broker to confirm that all additions and removals
have been completed.
4) Mixed-Market Submissions
If XIS has split a mixed-market submission into two work packages (refer to section 7.4) and it is necessary
to update the documents in both, the broker will need to send a DRI message for each work package.
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Appendix G – Technical Standards
Repository Client Environment
The supported desktop client environments for the Market Repository are the same as for Accounting &
Settlement. Details of supported Java versions for the Market Repository are available at the London Market
Group website at www.londonmarketgroup.co.uk
Document Formats
Whilst the Market Repository can support a wider range of document formats, for eAccounts the allowable
document formats will be limited to those that can be supported by the standard Xchanging technician’s
desktop environment. These are the same as for Accounting & Settlement.
The following documents formats are currently supported:
 MS Word (XP and all previous versions)
 MS Excel (XP and all previous versions)
 PDF (version 7 and all previous versions)
 Standard ASCII text files
Encrypted and zipped files will not be supported.
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Appendix H – Service Availability & SLA’s
1) Xchanging ACORD Gateway – The XAG will usually be available to receive incoming messages from brokers
on a 24*7 basis. The Gateway is supported between 07:00 hours and 19:00 hours UK-time on Business Days.
2) Loading Documents to the IMR – 98% of documents loaded to the Market Repository via DRI messages will
be made available for viewing by permitted viewers within one Core Service Hour of receipt by Xchanging (unless
the message was legitimately rejected during the message validation process). The IMR Core Service Hours are
07:00 hours to 19:00 hours UK-time on Business Days. The IMR will be available 98% of the time between 07:00
hours and 19:00 hours UK-time on Business Days.
Further information regarding IMR availability can be found in the A&S User Guide.
3) Premium Processing – Existing XIS service levels will apply to the processing of eAccounts premium
4) Service Centre – The Xchanging Service Centre will be available to log and/or respond to queries regarding
eAccounts services between 07:00 hours and 19:00 hours UK-time on Business Days. The Service Centre will
pass service queries or details of system problems onto the appropriate business or application support team within
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The Association for Cooperative Operations Research & Development
Accounting & Settlement
Core Service Hours
Monday to Friday 07:00 hours to 19:00 hours UK-time (excluding public
and bank holidays)
Document Repository Interface
Electronic Premium Accounting
For Declaration Only
Federal Excise Tax
Foreign Insurance Legislation
The Institute of London Underwriters. (A processing bureau and trade
association that used to provide services to marine and aviation
The Insurers’ Market Repository
Insurance Premium Tax
The London International Insurance & Reinsurance Market Association.
(A processing bureau and trade association that used to provide
services to non-marine companies.)
National Association of Insurance Commissioners
Original Premium Signing Number & Date
US Terrorism Risk Insurance Act
Unique Claim Reference
Unique Market Reference
Universally Unique Identifier
Xchanging ACORD Gateway
Xchanging Distribution Hub
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