D:\612889668.doc Wong Lab Protocols: Coating Polyacrylamide with conjugated BSA: (Preparation of coverslips adapted from Yu-Li Wang et al.) Cover Slip Glass Activation & Polyacrylamide Preparation see: "Wong Lab substrate prep protocol" 1. 2. 3. Wash polyacrylamide gels in buffer with a pH 7 Activate the polyacrylamide surface with Sulfo-Sanpah according to previously mentioned protocol Prior to activation of surface: measure out desired BSA and conjugated BSA dilutions. notes: conjugated BSA (albumin from bovine serum, tetramethyl-rhodamine conjugate) from molecular Probes: 3.6moles dye/mole molecular weight for BSA = 66,000 daltons buffer with PBS pH 7.4 store at 4C with addition of sodium axide (2mM) for longer storage keep at -20C 4. 5. Stock solutions are stored in .5mg/ml aliquots for both conjugated and unconjugated BSA Desired concentration of BSA should be around (.045mg.ml -.1mg/ml) Experiment: Part 1 (Specific attachment): .1mg/ml final concentration React each gel with Sulfo- Sanpah x1 for 10 minutes Place 200 ul BSA solution on each gel allow to absorb for 6-12 hrs. Percentage BSA 0% 50% 75% 90% Percentage BSA* 100% 50% 25% 10% Number of Samples 3 3 3 3 volume BSA volume BSA* Volume Hepes (pH 8.5) D:\612889668.doc Part 2 (Non-Specific Attachement): DO NOT activate surface with Sulfo Sanpah Percentage Percentage Number of volume BSA BSA* Samples BSA 0% 100% 3 50% 50% 3 75% 25% 3 90% 10% 3 volume BSA* Volume Hepes (pH 8.5)