Guidelines for the handover of archaeological bone to the National

National Museum of Iceland Guidelines on
Archaeological Bone
First edition; July 2012
These guidelines refer to both human and animal skeletal material recovered
from archaeological excavations.
Worked bone, other than bone with butchery or simple cut marks, should be
classified as artefactual material and dealt with as outlined in the National
Museum´s Guidelines on the Care of Archaeological Artefacts for
All samples of bone must be clean and dry, bagged and labelled before being
handed over to the National Museum and must be accompanied by a list.
Before washing, bone can be stored in well perforated plastic
polythene finds bags.
Bones should be cleaned with warm water and a soft brush.
Use water from the cold tap which has been heated, as the hot water
contains many impurities.
Do not immerse the bone in water.
Do not attempt to clean if the bone is very friable.
Bones should be laid out to dry away from direct heat and light.
Bones should be packed in clean, perforated finds bags for storage at
the National Museum.
Human skeletal material can be cleaned on site with warm water and a
soft brush.
Store bone in perforated finds bags. Use padding as necessary to
protect delicate bones. Acid free tissue paper can be used in direct
contact with bones and polyethylene Jiffy foam1 is suitable for use
outside bags for long term storage at the National Museum.
Human skeletal material: pack the bones of an individual together; do
not place different individuals in the same box.
Store in a cool dark place; away from direct heat and light.
Polyethylene foam also known as Jiffy foam or Polynorm is avaiable at Byko and office supply stores.
All lists and labels should be in Icelandic.
All artefacts and samples should be recorded using the same list of
consecutive numbers. However, samples must be clearly identified as
such. On packaging, the word Sýni2 should be written after the
individual find number. It must also be indicated on the finds list (an
Excel spreadsheet) with a column which identifies each number as
either an artefact or a sample.
Lýsing/ Tegund
# 647787
# 647787
Bags must contain a label with the Þjms. number (year, site excavation
code and find number); for example:
2012-56-001 Sýni.
It must be clearly labelled as a sample with the word Sýni after the
individual find number.
The label should be Tyvek1 and marked with a pigment pen4. Alternatively, a
paper label in a small sealed find bag can be used.
Paper labels on their own are not sufficient as they
disintegrate quickly.
Bags should be labelled with the Þjms. number3;
for example: 2012-56-001 Sýni.
It must be clearly labelled as a sample with the
word Sýni after the number. A permanent
marker5 should be used to mark find bags.
 If you wish to include further information on
labels or bags, such as context number, please
ensure that it is clearly identifiable what the number is referring to.
Sýni is Icelandic for sample.
Þjms númer is the museum find number in the format: year-site code-find number; 2012-56-001
For example; Artline Drawing System Pigment Ink Pens available from Eymundsson.
5 For example; Artline Permanent Markers available from Eymundsson.
Acid-free boxes6 must be used for bone samples for handover and
storage at the National Museum.
Boxes should not be overfilled. Larger, heavier bags should be placed
in the base of the box and smaller, lighter bags on top.
Contact the museum for advice on packing oversized bones.
Boxes should be packed according to either context number, then
species; or vice versa. Other systems should be approved by the
museum first.
Boxes must be labelled on two ends with: Þjms number, brief
description of contents and box number. Use a pencil to label boxes.
2012-56 Sýni: Dýrabein Kassi 1/6
All boxes must contain a paper list of contents. This list should have
the following information:
Sýni: Dýrabein
Kassi 1/6
Þjms númer
# 647787
A digital copy of the same list, as an Excel spreadsheet, must also be
sent to the National Museum prior to handing over the samples. They
will not be accepted without a complete list containing this information.
The National Museum is currently developing the database, Sarpur, to accept
information on samples. Therefore some changes regarding the format for the
recording of samples may occur in the near future.
Bags labelled clearly: 2012-56-001 Sýni
Tyvek label in bag:
2012-56-001 Sýni
Box labelled on two ends: 2012-56- 001 Sýni: Dýrabein Kassi 03/15
Box contents list: Þjms. #; Tegund; Context #; Lýsing/Tegund; Kassi #/#
Digital finds list: Þjms. #; Tegund; Context #; Lýsing/Tegund; Fjöldi beina í poka;
Kassi #/#
Can be purchased from the National Museum. Contact for details.