Erythropoietin and the ICU Introduction Anemia is a ubiquitous condition in the ICU with almost 95% of patients being anemic by their third day 4. Studies of the last two decades have showed that around 50% of all ICU patients and 85% of those with a stay lasting longer than a week were being transfused at some point during their stay 4. But every transfusion has risks associated with it and RBC transfusions specifically have been independently associated with worsened clinical outcomes 4. The recombinant form of the natural hormone erythropoietin has been proposed as a possible way to both treat anemia in the ICU while also decreasing the use of blood transfusions. Natural Physiology Erythropoietin is the primary hormone responsible for stimulating erythropoiesis . It is a glycoprotein of 165 amino acids and four oligosaccharide chains 1. It acts on the bone marrow to increase the diversion of sensitive stem cells into the erythrocyte lineage 1 . It has little effect in states in which there are few sensitive stem cells to act on such as in aplastic anemia and erythropoietin levels are naturally elevated in these patients 3. The plasma concentration of erythropoietin shows a nearly linear response to the hematocrit level unless renal disease is present 1. 1 Erythropoiesis is not the only physiological action of erythropoietin. EPO receptors have been found on endothelial cells and within the CNS 11. This discovery led to increased research towards the discovery of erythropoietin’s extra-hematological roles 11 . Erythropoietin was found to counter cellular apoptosis, antagonize proinflammatory cytokines (such as tumor necrosis factor) and promote healing in tissues 11. The majority of erythropoietin (about 85%) is synthesized by the kidneys in the interstitial cells of the peritubular capillary beds 1. The liver also plays a role by synthesizing the remaining 15% in perivenous hepatocytes 1. The synthesis of erythropoietin is stimulated by low O2, cobalt salts, androgens, catecholamines, and alkalosis 1. The low O2 sensor appears to be a dimeric transcription factor called hypoxiainducible factor (HIF)-1 5. HIF-1 consists of an α and β chain 5. The α chain is degraded quickly in normoxic cells via the ubiquitin system 5. But in hypoxic cells the ubiquitin system does not degrade this protein as effectively, and the α and a β chains combine to form the functional HIF-1 transcription factor. This then upregulates the transcription of the EPO gene 5. Erythropoietin is inactivated by the liver. Its half-life is about five hours. The recombinant form of erythropoietin was developed by Drs. Adamson and Eschbach and approved by the FDA in 1989. Below is a listing of conditions in which the endogenous erythropoietin levels can be elevated or depressed 2. Elevated Depressed Tumors (renal cell, hepatoma) Secondary polycythemia (high altitude, COPD) Polycystic Kidney Disease Bone Marrow unresponsiveness Primary polycythemia Bilateral nephrectomy Anemia of chronic disease Pharmacology Two forms of recombinant erythropoietin are available: human erythropoietin (rHuEPO or epoetin alpha) and darbepoetin alfa. The sole difference is that darbepoetin alfa is glycosylated giving it a longer half-life 3. Pharmacokinetics After the administration of erythropoietin the reticulocyte count can be expected to increase in about 10 days 3. An increase in hematocrit follows in two to six weeks 3. Patients may require concurrent iron and folate supplementation for an erythropoietic response to erythropoietin to occur 3. Whether this type of supplementation would be necessary to obtain the anti-apoptotic effects of erythropoietin is a question I did not find answered in the literature. Anemia, EPO and the ICU Anemia in the ICU As stated in the introduction to this paper, 95% of ICU patients will become anemic by day 3 of their ICU stay 4. It is beneficial before addressing the treatment of a problem to assess what is causing the problem in the first place. There are several mechanisms that may explain anemia in the ICU. An obvious source of blood loss in the ICU is phlebotomy. Studies have found that an average of 65 ml/day are drawn from ICU patients 4. One study stated that of those ICU patients receiving transfusions, almost half had been phlebotomized of more than 1 unit of blood 4. Yet, phlebotomy is probably a minor player in the cause of ICU anemia. The physiology of ICU patients differs from healthy individuals in many ways and erythropoiesis seems to be no different. Anemia of critical illness seems to have its own peculiar set of lab values such as decreased serum iron, decreased total iron binding capacity (TIBC), decreased iron/TIBC ratio, and increased ferritin 4. EPO levels have been shown to be higher in ICU patients than in healthy adults, but lower than in patients outside the ICU with iron-deficiency anemia and a similar hematocrit 4. Inflammatory cytokines seem to play a role in blunting erythropoiesis in the ICU patient by inhibiting RBC production within the bone marrow and altering iron metabolism 4. This anemia of underproduction is very similar to anemia of chronic inflammatory disease 10. Other possible sources of blood loss and underproduction include surgical procedures, trauma preceding ICU admission, B12/folate deficiency and blood loss from erosive gastrointestinal mucosal disease or tissue trauma 5. Transfusions have been the primary method of overcoming this anemia and increasing oxygen delivery to tissues 10. There are problems with transfusions though. Transfusions have not been demonstrated to consistently increase organ oxygen use 10. Stored RBCs also have a reduced p50 and a reduced 2,3-DPG content 10. Thirdly, the ABC and CRIT studies both showed that transfusions were independently associated with worsened outcomes in critically ill patients 10. Adverse Reactions of Transfusions Transfusions have many adverse reactions associated with their use. These can range from simple febrile reactions to viral infection to transfusion-associated circulatory overload and transfusion-related acute lung injury 7. Aside from direct reactions, the use of blood transfusions may increase the mortality in critically ill patients 8. These issues have driven erythropoietin research. EPO’s Affect on Transfusion Rates and ICU Outcomes Zarychanski published a meta-analysis of erythropoietin trials in critically ill patients this year. In his analysis of 9 studies of erythropoietin use in the ICU, no significant decrease in mortality was seen, especially in “studies of high methodologic quality” 7. Erythropoietin use did not shorten a patient’s length of stay in the ICU, nor did it decrease ventilator use 7. Whether the administration of erythropoietin decreases the use of blood transfusions may depend on what criteria is used to define the need for transfusion 7. Due to the ABC and CRIT trials, transfusions are being held until hemoglobin levels are lower than would have been thought safe before. When a more restrictive transfusion protocol was considered (transfusion at a hemoglobin of less than or equal to 8.0 g/dL) there was no decrease in transfusion rates in patients given erythropoietin 7. Corwin from Dartmouth-Hitchcock published a new erythropoietin trial this year in which he conducted a randomized controlled trial of 1460 ICU patients who were either given erythropoietin or placebo on study days 1, 8 and 15 (corresponding to at least ICU days 3, 10 and 17) 8. Patient randomization was stratified according to three groups: trauma, surgical non-trauma, and medical non-trauma because his prior research had hinted that there may be a difference between them 8. Corwin showed that at day 29 there was a statistically significant rise in the absolute hemoglobin concentration from 10.8±1.7 g/dL in the placebo group versus 11.2±1.8 g/dL in the erythropoietin group 8. Although statistically significant, I am not convinced of the clinical significance of this increase. The clinical benefit may be better observed in the mortality data that showed that mortality at day 29 was significantly lower in the epoetin alfa group at 8.5% versus 11.4% in the placebo group 8. Erythropoietin did not decrease the length of stay either in the ICU or in the hospital, nor did it decrease the median duration of mechanical ventilation 8. Overall there was no reduction in the use of transfusions between the erythropoietin group and placebo 8. This finding was inconsistent with the results Corwin had obtained during previous trials and the authors proposed that this may be due to a lowering of the mean pretransfusion hemoglobin concentration from 8.5 g/dL in prior studies to 8.0 g/dL in the more recent study 8. Because of the stratification of participants into trauma, surgical non-trauma, and medical non-trauma groups, Corwin was able to tease out the affect of erythropoietin on mortality better than in prior studies 8. This study discovered that the decreased mortality associated with erythropoietin use was found in the trauma group but not in the surgical or medical non-trauma groups 8. Of note is also the fact that the trauma group had a significantly different makeup than the other two groups in regards to other characteristics such as age 8. Corwin suggests that the reduced mortality in this group was not due to the erythropoietic effect of erythropoietin, but possibly due to its antiapoptotic activity 8. Adverse Events with EPO use Since erythropoietin is an endogenous hormone, adverse reactions and allergies are limited 3. The two most common adverse reactions are hypertension and thrombosis 3. In Corwin’s study of 1460 ICU patients a significant increase in thrombotic vascular events was seen in patients given erythropoietin 8. Participants in the erythropoietin groups had 120 thrombotic vascular events as compared to 83 in the placebo group 8. This led the authors to suggest that prophylactic heparin could be considered for ICU patients who receive erythropoietin 8. This problem has also arisen in other trials such as a study of erythropoietin use in patients scheduled for orthopedic surgery with showed an increase in deep venous thrombosis 9. There have also been reports of chronic renal failure patients using erythropoietin developing anti-EPO antibodies that have led to pure red cell aplasia 10. EPO and Stroke It is interesting that there has also been much recent interest in using erythropoietin and other colony stimulating factors as neuroprotective agents since it was discovered that the CNS was one of the sites outside the bone marrow in which EPO- receptors can be found 12. Several small trials of stroke patients have shown that erythropoietin and colony-stimulating factors may reduce brain damage, improve outcome and lead to the release of stem cells into the circulation that could possibly help in the post-stroke repair process 12. Further research is currently being done to clarify the roles of erythropoietin and other colony stimulating factors use in stroke 12. Summary Decreased transfusion rates in critically ill patients using erythropoietin has not been well established when restrictive transfusion protocols are in place. There are signs that there may be a mortality benefit with erythropoietin use in select patients. Any benefit in outcomes that may be established would also require further investigation to discover whether the benefit was derived from increased erythropoiesis, antiapoptotic activity or a decreased transfusion rate 10. Also, the cost-effectiveness of erythropoietin use would also need to be defined for these benefits 10. References 1. Ganong, William. Review of Medical Physiology 22nd Edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2005 2. Gomella, Leonard. Clinician’s Pocket Reference 11th edition. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2007. 3. Shander A. Understanding the Consequences of Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury. Chest 2005; 128; 598-604 4. Corwin H. Anemia and blood transfusion in the critically ill patient: role of erythropoietin. Critical Care 2004; 8 (Suppl 2); S42-S44 5. Fink, M. Pathophysiology of intensive care unit-acquired anemia. Critical Care 2004; 8 (Suppl 2); S9-S10 6. Givens, M. Is there a place for epoetin alfa in managing anemia during critical illness? Clinical Therapeutics 2004; 26; 6; 819-828 7. Zarychanski, R. Erythropoietin-receptor agonists in critically ill patients: a metaanalysis of randomized controlled trials. CMAJ 2007; 177(7): 725-734 8. Corwin, H. Efficacy and safety of epoetin alfa in critically ill patients. New England Journal of Medicine 2007; 357; 10: 965-976 9. Thomas J. Blood conservation in the critically ill. Am J Health-Syst Pharm 2007; 64 (Suppl 11): S11-S18 10. Corwin, H. The role of erythropoietin therapy in the critically ill. Transfusion Medicine Reviews 2006; 20; 1: 27-33 11. Brines M. Discovering erythropoietin’s extra-hematopoietic functions: biology and clinical promise. Kidney International 2006; 70; 246-250 12. Bath PMW. Colony stimulating factors (including erythropoietin, granulocyte colony stimulating factor and analogues) stroke (Review). Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2007, Issue 2.