MINUTES of the MEETING of the TOWN COUNCIL held in the Council Chamber, 15, Station Road, Stone on TUESDAY 10TH DECEMBER 2013. PRESENT Councillor M Williamson in the Chair and Councillors H Brunt, Mrs M Goodall, M Green, Mrs J Hood, T Jackson, P Jones, R Kenney, Mrs J Price, M Shaw, Mrs S Shaw and Miss A Tomlinson C14/044 Apologies Apologies were received from Councillors Mrs C Collier, G Collier, Mrs J Farnham, Mrs C Hearing, Miss J Nelson and Mrs J Piggott C14/045 Declarations of Interest None received. C14/046 Minutes RESOLVED a) that the Minutes of the Town Council Meeting held on the 29th October, 2013, copies having been circulated to the members, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. C14/047 Committee Minutes RESOLVED a) that the Minutes of the Planning Meeting held on the 29th October, 2013, copies have been circulated to the members, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. b) that the Minutes of the General Purposes Meeting held on the 21st November, 2013, copies have been circulated to the members, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. The clerk reported that since this meeting, further advice has been sought with regard to VAT on market stalls (GP14/070). Price Waterhouse Coopers have advised, via Stafford Borough Council, that in the particular circumstances of the Town Council’s market, the letting of stalls could be treated as exempt from VAT. On this basis, the proposed increase in stall rentals has not been implemented. The Clerk asked the Council to confirm this decision. Councillor Jones proposed this and it was seconded by Councillor Brunt and agreed by the Council. Councillor H Brunt and the Clerk thanked Mrs Parton for her work on this. c) that the Planning Meeting held on the 21st November, 2013, copies have been circulated to the members, be signed by the Chairman as a correct record. C14/048 Schedule of Accounts RESOLVED that the Schedule of Accounts totalling £32,645.70, copies having been circulated to the Members, be approved. With respect to Christmas Lights payments, it was reported that half of the Plane Tree lights are not working. This has been reported to the supplier and is being looked at. C14/049 Civic Announcements The Mayor’s Civic Announcements, which are attached to these minutes at appendix 1, were circulated. The Deputy Mayor wished to draw Councillors attention to the late night shopping on Thursday 12th December, which includes free parking from 5pm. He encouraged Members to support this. C14/050 Town Mayor’s and Deputy Town Mayor’s Announcements The Mayor’s report of her recent engagements were circulated (see appendix 2). The Deputy Mayor reported that he and the Consort had attended the Mayor’s Charity Games Night on Friday 8th November, Remembrance Services at Walton and the Cenotaph on Sunday 10th November, Remembrance at the Cenotaph on Monday 11th November, Christmas Light’s Switch-On on Thursday 14th November, U3A AGM on Friday 29th November and Coffee Morning at Uttoxeter Town Council on Wednesday 4th December and Walton Community Centre Carols on Sunday 8th December. Thanks to Councillor Mrs J Hood and Rev I Cardinal for an excellent service. TOWN MAYOR Appendix 1 STONE TOWN COUNCIL MEETING 10TH DECEMBER, 2013 CIVIC ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Tuesday 10th December Aston & Little Stoke Scouts Carols and Awards Thursday 12th December Uttoxeter Cracker Night Sunday 15th December Civic Carols at St Michael’s & St Wulfad’s Church Monday 16th December Pantomime at Stafford Gatehouse Theatre Tuesday 17th December Trinity Skills for Life Carol Concert Thursday 19th December Choral Society Concert at Christ Church Sunday 22nd December Stafford Borough Council Carols Service Wednesday 25th December St Mary’s Nursing Home Deputy Mayor Wednesday 25th December St Mary’s Nursing Home Appendix 2 Mayor’s Announcements 10th December 2013 Sunday 20th October We attended with Stafford Mayor Angela Loughran, Eccleshall Civic service at Holy Trinity Church. It was a lovely service, readings given by Cllr Gordon Dale and Cllr Graham Garner. At the end of the service we were invited to have a cup of tea with members of the congregation. PM We attended Ashbourne Civic Service which was held at St Oswalds Church in Ashbourne. It was a lovely drive to Ashbourne through stunning views of the countryside. The Mayor & Mayoress Stephen & Sue Bull welcomed us all and we all had photographs taken. Ashbourne Town Band played us in - it was a great sound conducted by Cannon Geraldine Pond. The Mayor gave his declaration for his mayoral year and the councillors gave theirs. We were then entertained by songs sung by Norbury School children and tunes by Ashbourne Town Band, also Josh Short 13yrs played the piano. The service was refreshing - we sang lovely hymns which included Give Me Joy In My Heart and We Plough The Fields. We were played out by the band playing I Vow To Thee My Country. We then were invited to a buffet in the church hall, a great afternoon had. Tuesday 22nd October The Girlguiding Stone Outward Division held their AGM in Barlaston and we attended. The guides gave a presentation of how guides may appear in the future. Instead of sitting around an open camp fire and toasting marsh mellows which in health and safety may be very dangerous, maybe it would be safer sitting around an artificial iPad fire? The presentations were very well done. Friday 1st November Sporting Fit invited us to attend and to judge the children's guy competition, which was held at St Dominic’s Primary School. The winning guy was going to be placed on top of the bonfire at Westbridge Park on Saturday 2nd November. Sporting Fit is an organisation which helps children from 4 - 16 years get more active. They are running from schools mainly in term holiday times and after school clubs. They are even getting into the nursery's to get young children into the active way of life; this must be a good thing for all children. The children were very excited to see us and they even had made story's to go with their guys. It was very hard to judge but after speaking to the children and listening to their story's I was able to pick a winner - the guys three of them made from super characters we had SuperDaddy, SuperMummy and SupperBruv. My vote went to SuperBruv, so well done to all the children that took part and thank you for inviting us. Saturday 2nd November We attended Stone Bonfire & Firework Display on Westbridge Park. We were lucky with the weather after it had been raining all day, the clouds moved on and we were left with a great dry evening. There was a great turn out for the event all wearing their wellies (which were a must). It was a great honour to be asked to light the bonfire again this year, after everyone did a count down the button was pressed and the bonfire lit up. It was good to see the guys which we judged on the Friday on top of the bonfire. The fireworks were amazing - they danced in the sky along to sci-fi music. Stone Town shone in the black sky. We must say a big thank you to Richard Stevens and all of the helpers that make this event every year a success, a great community event. Friday 8th November We held my charity games evening at Stone Station, we had a total of 72 that attended. It was a very enjoyable and entertaining evening, Debbie & John Wakefield presented the quiz and very good it was too. Councillor Frank James presented the Irish bingo and this was very entertaining. Mark Johnson created a food hamper for every table. Included in the hamper was Scrumptious Ham Hock Terrine Tartlets with Wild Cucumber Pickle, Staffordshire Sausage & Cheese Pop Overs with Caramelised Red Current Relish to name but a few; it was something different but very tasty. We raised £450.00 for my chosen charities, a great evening was had by all. My thanks go to John & Debbie Wakefield, Cllr Frank James, Mark Johnson, Mike for doing the PA system and Jackie, Christine and Claire from the office, and not forgetting everyone that came to support the charities. Saturday 9th November St Michaels Choir invited us to their concert at Christ Church of Commemoration and Remembrance. It was a wonderful entertaining evening. Conductor Harriet Johnson lead the choir singing songs from Edward German, Edward Elgar, Lux Aeterna, Da Pope, Benjamin Britten and Karl Jenkins. The music was from the Edwardian period, this reflects the contrast between England before the First World War and the post war; going from people enjoying themselves to realising the horrors of War. Many thanks to Jim Davis who looked after us so well and also to all of the choir - can't wait to see them again at their Christmas concert. Sunday 10th November At 9.50 we attended the Remembrance service at Walton, after we layer wreaths Rev Abbotts held the service; it was very well attended. We then made our way to Stone High Street where we marched up to the cenotaph. After a number of wreaths were laid Rev Ian Cardinal held the Remembrance Service. Stone was filled by men, women and children in all different uniforms and also a huge amount of members of the public. It was amazing to see all of Stone community come together to remember and thank all service men and women. We then proceeded to St Michaels Church for a moving service. Let us never forget. Wednesday 13th November I was asked to attend Christchurch Academy for a photo shoot (this was a first). Holly, a young girl from the School was also asked to attend as she was going to sing in front of everyone in Stone on Thursday evening; followed by us turning the Christmas lights on. Well we both looked very festive in Santa hats and tinsel. Thursday 14th November The big switch on in Stone for the Christmas lights, well done to Holly for giving an amazing performance and all the schools that attended. It was great to see Stone High Street full of people all very happy enjoying the night. After the count down the lights were switched on and wonderful they look. Well done to Cllr Charlotte Hearing and all the office staff, as these events do take time and effort to organise. Friday 15th November We attended Lichfield Mayors and Sheriffs charity dinner, held in the Town Hall. It was a lovely evening, a great menu followed a very entertaining band, all money raised goes to their charities. Thursday 21st November The Samaritans held their annual general meeting. This year they are celebrating 50 of listening. In the last year they have received 21,158 calls 963 emails 18 face to face calls, they have a total of 60 volunteers in Stafford and are looking for more. Throughout the year they have fund raised to keep the service going including street collections they held a summer supper, held a concert at the Gatehouse. They thank everyone who has given donations and grants. The Samaritans will be taking calls from Children (child line) from 1st January 2014, all have gone through extensive training. I wish them well for the next year; no one knows when you may need to make a call and have someone on the other end not to judge you just to listen. Friday 22nd November We attended Clive Barks & Friends concert which was held at St Michaels & Wulfads Church in aid of the bells and clock appeal. Churnet Valley Male voice choir also performed and they sounded wonderful. We were entertained with songs Diamonds are Forever, Handbags and Glad Rags and Music of the Night by singers Richard Wiseman, Mark Hewitt, Lydia Manley, Amanda Manley and Jayne Bond. It was a wonderful concert and very good value for money, a great night out.