Six plus one traits for Writing- Sentence Fluency Trait Smooth and Expressive Sentence Fluency- Sentence fluency refers to the way that individual words and phrases sound together within a sentence, and how groups of sentences read one after the other Variety in Sentence Beginnings - We can’t start every sentence the same way. We can’t expect people to read our writing if we do. We can’t do this because it makes the writing hard to understand. The repetition of the same phrase takes away from the actual meaning of the words. Variety in Sentence Length and Structure - Using sentences with different lengths and different structures helps make writing more interesting as well. Easy to Read with Expression; sounds great when read aloud - To understand and enjoy our writing, people need to read it expressively. Expressive reading involves reading a text with the appropriate changes in pitch, rhythm, volume and tone that we hear in normal speech. Good readers do this because it improves their comprehension. When writing flows smoothly from word to word, phrase to phrase and sentence to sentence, we can easily match our expression to the writer’s meaning. Sentences are structured so they are easy to understand Look at the following sentences: 1. One of the interesting properties of sentences in most languages is that their parts can often be rearranged without the meaning being changed. 2. In most languages, one of the interesting properties of sentences is that they can often be rearranged without changing their meaning. 3. Without changing their meaning, in most languages, sentences can often be rearranged. *The same idea has just been stated in three different sentences. The only difference is sentence structure. Sentences can be arranged in simple or complex structure. A short note on Sentence Structure - In our writing, sentence structure is incredibly important. In order to become better more effective writers, it is essential that we become conscious of how sentences are put together. This means that we must read other people’s writing and take note of the sentence structure and style. Taken from: Teaching That Makes Sense- Sentence Fluency Rubric Levels 3-4 - The writing sounds natural, with one sentence flowing effortlessly into the text. - Varied sentence beginnings guide the reader from one sentence to the next. - Variation in sentence structure and length adds interest to the text. - Fragments, if used at all, work well. Most sentences are complete. - Dialogue, if used, sounds like people talking. Levels 2-3 - Simple sentences make sense but compound and complex sentences do not. - The sentences make sense but they are not skilfully written. - There is some variety in sentence beginnings, length and structure. - Fragments do not work and are the result of error. - The reader has to hunt for clues to see how one sentence should flow into the next. - Some parts of the text sound good when read aloud; others sound choppy and sound awkward when read aloud. Level 1 or below - The sentences do not sound natural. - The reader may have to pause or read the sentences again to understand what is meant. - There is no variety in sentence beginnings, length or structure. - There are several fragments. - No clear connections are made between the sentences. - The reader cannot make sense of the connections between the sentences. Peer Response for Sentence Fluency For each section below, highlight the sentence that best describes your partner’s sentences Sentence Flow - Flows nicely, almost musical - Some flow to the paper but it is not graceful - Sounds funny, awkward or jarring Reading sentences aloud - Easy to read aloud - Some parts are easy to read aloud whereas others are difficult - Difficult to read aloud Sentence Length - Different sentence length - Some variety in sentence length - Sentences are all short or all long Sentence Variety - Different sentence structures - Some variety in sentence structure - Sentences have the same pattern Sentence Beginnings - Different sentence beginnings - Some variety in sentence beginnings - No variety in sentence beginnings