Chapter 4 Study Guide

Chapter 4 Study Guide
SC History
Read each sentence and complete with the missing word(s).
1. What do we call those people who travel from another country into
a new country in search of gold and riches? explorers
2. Which continent did many of the explorers come from?
3. What three countries did the European explorers come from?
Spain, France, and England.
4. Which European country tried to claim SC land for their “king and
country” first? Spain
5. For whom did explorers from Spain, France, and England claim
land? their king and country
6. What does for “king and country” mean? This meant that when
explorers found land, it belonged to their king and country.
7. Name two reasons why Europeans explored South Carolina:1.) to
claim new lands 2.) to get riches and gold
8. The Spanish tried to capture the Natives of South Carolina
because they wanted the Natives to lead them to gold.
9. Juan Pardo built a fort on Parris Island called Santa Elena
10. Which explorer first claimed part of South Carolina for Spain?
Hernando De Soto
11. Which explorer built Charlesfort near Port Royal?
Jean Ribault
12. Which Native American group do you think the Ribault and Pardo
may have met along their journey?
The Yemassee
13. Which explorer explored the native village of Cofitachiqui?
De Soto
14. Why was Ribault sent to the New World?
to start a settlement
15. Why did Pardo come to South Carolina?
1. to meet Native Americans and start a good relationship
2. to find gold and silver
3. to learn more about the land beyond the coast
16. Which explorer came from France? Jean Ribault
17. In your own words, describe De Soto’s journey in Cofitachiqui.
***Be able to identify the routes of the three European Explorers who
explored South Carolina on a map.