A lecture about beauty in a world today where

Lectures & Responding to the Public Conversation
One of the Midwest USA Summit's round table conversations focused on the subject of Lectures & Responding to
the public's search for spirituality.
The thought-starter questions considered included:
Where is the cry, what are the universal needs in your community, and how should our church
respond to them?
What barriers prevent us from responding?
How have you and your church prayed about steps that meet the need?
What role would you like the Lectures to play in the mission of church in your community?
Does anyone have any good examples: Lecture, footwork, conversations (with individuals),
participation (ecumenical, interfaith activities, community celebrations, helping to feedpeople etc),
visits (business groups, institutional work – all varieties), articles in newspapers.
Below this introduction is a compilation of all the ideas shared on the subject at the Summit. Please feel free to use
these ideas as a source of inspiration for your reflection and action.
Some underpinning references about "Lectures & Responding" we considered included:
Metaphysical healing, or Christian Science, is a de mand of the times. Every man and every woman would desire and
demand it, if he and she knew its infinite value and firm basis. Mis 232
Church Manual Duty of Lecturers. Sect. 2.It is the duty of the Board of Lectureship to include in each lecture a true
and just reply to public topics condemning Christian Science, and to bear testi mony to the facts pertaining to the life
of the Pastor Emeritus. Each member shall mail to the Clerk of this Church copies of his lectures before delivering
them. Page 93
Church Manual No Disruption of BranchChurches. Sect. 3. The Board of Lectureship is not allowed in any wise to
meddle with nor to disrupt the organiza tion of branch churches. The lecturer can invite
churches within the city whither he is called to unite in their attendance on his lecture, and so make for their churches
a less lecture fee; but the churches shall decide their action. Receptions. Sect. 4. As a rule there should be no
receptions nor festivities after a lecture on Christian Science, but there may occur excep tions. If there be an
individual who goes to hear and deride truth, he should go away contemplat ing truth; and he who goes to seek truth
should have the opportunity to depart in quiet thought on that subject. 94
From the Directors. Section1. When the need is apparent, the Christian Science Board of Directors of The Mother
Church may call on any member of this Board of Lectureship to lecture at such places and at such times as the cause
of Christian Science demands.
Annual Lectures. Sect. 4.The Mother Church and the branch churches shall call on the Board of Lectureship annually
for one or more lectures.
From Societies. Sect. 3. If called for, a member of the Board may lecture for a Society.No Wednesday Evening
Lectures. Sect. 6. The Board of Lectureship shall not appoint a lecture for Wednesday evening. Lecture Fee. Sect. 7.
The lecture fee shall be left to the discretion of the lecturer. Expenses. Sect. 8. The lecturer's traveling expenses and
the cost of hall shall be paid by the church that employs him. Exceptional Cases. Sect. 9.If a lecturer receive a call to
lecture in a place where he sees there is special need, and the local church is un able to meet the expense, he is at
liberty to supply that need and trust to contributions for his fee. Page 95
Great charity and humility is necessary in this work of healing. The loving patience of Jesus, we must strive to
emulate. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" has daily to be exemplified; and, although skepticism and
incredulity prevail in places where one would least expect it, it harms not; for if serving Christ, Truth, of what can
mortal opinion avail? Cast not your pearls before swine; but if you cannot bring peace to all, you can to many, if
faithful laborers in His vineyard. Mis. 6
Know ye not that he who exercises the largest charity, and waits on God, renews his strength, and is exalted? Love is
not puffed up; and the meek and loving, God anoints and appoints to lead the line of mankind's tri umphal march out
of the wilderness, out of darkness into light. Mis 130
"Charity sufferethlong and is kind," but wisdom must govern charity, else love's labor is lost and giving is un kind. My
Notes from Midwest Church Alive Summit – April 2011
 Start with love for the community- and enough love that you actually pray about the
 Identify a need in the community and pray about it; Read the local news, talk to police
department, keep in contact with a ministerial alliance, be aware of school issues/needs
 Target a particular group in the community i.e. youth, the homeless
 Partner with the community (i.e. anti-violence campaign group)
 Respond to a request from the community.
Specific issues to be addressed
health issues
self-improvement and exercise
economic hardship, financial problems and unemployment
moms and kids
community violence, safety
Fear, anxiety, depression
the environment and weather issues
Specific locations for targeted lectures
Schools, i.e. comparative religion classes
Theological seminary
Assisted living places
Community shelters, drug and rehab centers
Medical schools
Community/ecumenical/interfaith centers
Youth centers
In churches of other denominations
In lower income neighborhoods
In Hispanic or other ethic neighborhoods
Homeless shelters
Health expos
Police department
Universities, partnering with CSO
Outdoors with youth activities
on-line (email invitations, blasts)
notices in local grocery stores,
social networking sites
In "safe havens",
At soup kitchens
In bulletins or boards of churches of other "faith traditions"
Person contact/invitation
With radio interview w/lecturer
Practical deeds – serve at a soup kitchen, shelter, etc. and share the lecture in person
Go to community events and talk to others
Visit coffee shops
Share at Yoga studios
Post at grocery stores
Develop your web site
Develop a blog
Talk to local businesses
Mail invitations and offer a ride to newcomers
Join the Chamber
Join the ministerial group
Problem with 1 hr lecture -- too long
Lectures need more humor
The word “lecture” can be a turn off
Lectures need to be more interactive
More understandable word choices - not CS terminology
Church members don’t know needs/challenges in their communities
Overcoming resistance to new ideas
Lack of money to pay for lecture
Are we just fulfilling a Manual directive or loving the community?
Is the purpose of a lecture to give to the community or to give to our own members, or
Why don’t we invite someone to come to lecture? - afraid it will ruin the friendship
won’t be able to answer their questions; not sure they would understand my answer
Some churches no longer have lecture committees
Most people who attend a lecture are Christian Scientists
Is our generous and sincere humanitarian aid separate from the Christian Science
Church and should it be associated with the individual rather than the church?
Some people feel that we should be doing community outreach (such as serving in soup
kitchens), whereas others feel that – since we have the spiritual means to cure beliefs of
disease, poverty, etc. – we shouldn’t be involved in other, non-spiritual means.