Underground to Canada Study Guide Questions

Underground to Canada - By Barbara Smucker
Chapter 1
1. How did Julilly get her name?
2. Where did Julilly and Mammy Sally -live?
3. How did Julilly's dad die?
4. What time do slaves get up for work?
5. Why was there whispering and tension on the Hensen plantation?
Chapter 2
6. What happened to Julilly and Willie?
7. What did Mammy Sally tell Julilly before she left the fieldhand line?
Chapter 3
8. How did the "fat oily man" treat the slaves as they travelled? 9. What were the "sheets
of falling water" and why did it scare the slaves?
10. Who was Mr. Fox?
Chapter 4
11. What were the uses of the drinking gourd?
12. What did Lester help Julilly remember?
Chapter 5
13. Describe the slave quarters and people at the Riley plantation.
14. Where is Julilly sent to live?
15. Who did Julilly meet at her new cabin?
Chapter 6
16. How long had Liza been at the Riley plantation?
17. Why were Liza's back and legs all beat up?
18. What was Liza's dad's occupation?
19. Liza's dad said this to Liza: "The soul's all black and white pending on the man's life,
not his skin." What does the statement mean?
20. What sight astonished Julilly her first morning at the Riley's?
21. Explain the laundry ritual?
22. How long had Julilly picked cotton?
Chapter 7
23. How much does Julilly's basket of cotton weigh each day?
24. "It was a fearful business to tote the baskets of cotton to the gin house for weighing
and have Sims find them short." What happened to old people if they didn't pick their
share of cotton?
25. What lies did some slaves hear about Canada?
26. Who came to the cotton field with Massa Riley?
27. Where was Massa Ross from?
28. What did Massa Ross look like?
29. What was his occupation?
30. Why was Julilly angry and afraid?
31. What significance does the arrival of Massa Ross have?
Chapter 8
32. Why did Julilly feel hope after meeting Mr. Ross?
33. What is Liza's explanation of finding the North Star?
34. What secret did Liza share with Julilly the night Mr. Ross came to the plantation?
35. What decision did Julilly make before she went to sleep that night?
Chapter 9
36. What did Lester talk to Julilly about on Sunday afternoon?
37. What instructions did Julilly receive?
38. Where was the meeting held?
39. Why did Lester choose Julilly and Liza to come to the night meeting?
40. Who really is Mr. Ross?
41. What instructions and orders are given about escape?
Chapter 10
42. Why did Julilly question whether or not they'd leave as planned?
43. How did Julilly feel as she lay on the floor waiting to leave?
44. What will happen to Mr. Ross if he was caught helping slaves escape?
45. What directions are given by Mr. Ross while the four are in the Piney Woods?
46. What did Mr. Ross give Lester?
47. What did Mr. Ross give each slave before going? 48. Where did Mr. Ross go after the
night meeting and the next day?
49- Where did the slaves decide to sleep the first day?
50. How were they to cook their fish so they wouldn't get caught?
51. While Julilly kept watch what unexpected thing happened?
Chapter 11
52. Who charted the escape course?
53. What secret about himself did Lester share with the slaves?
54. What happened to Liza's dad when he was found with a spelling book he bought?
55. Who taught Lester to read and where did it happen?
56. What are they to do when they reach Tennessee?
57. What are they to do if Mr. Ross doesn't show?
58. Why didn't Mr. Ross meet the fugitives?
59. What did the new Fugitive Slave Act state?
Chapter 12
60. What did the Abolitionist give the slaves?
61. In point form, list the directions of escape given while in the barn.
62. Who is Levi Coffin and where does he live?
63. What happened when Lester and Adam went fishing?
Chapter 13
64. Where did the girls sleep their first day in the mountains?
65. Why couldn't the girls go on travelling over the mountains after they slept?
66. Who finally helped the girls?
67. How did the village people react to the arrival of the girls?
68. Why did tears roll out Liza's eyes while eating her first meal at the village?
69. What language did the villagers speak?
70. Where are the girls at the end of this chapter?
71. What religion area the villagers?
Chapter 14
72. Why did the girls have to make a make-shift shelter on their first night in the
73. What directions did Joe, the old black man from Lexington, Kentucky, give Julilly?
74. Who was in a small log cabin along the Ohio river?
75. What news did the Browns share with the girls?
76. How did the escape take place?
77. Explain the "Underground Railway",
78. Explain "dry-goods" and "hardware".
79. Where did the Browns aim to send the girls?
Chapter 15
80. What unexpected event occurred during the night at the Browns? 81. What would
happen to the Browns if they were caught hiding fugitive slaves?
82. What did Julilly and Liza do after that frightening encounter?
83. Why didn't the girls know how to swim?
84. Who did the girls meet on the other side of the Ohio River and how were they
85. Where was the white man taking the girls?
Chapter 16
86. Describe Levi Coffin.
87. List who were at the Coffin's home.
88. Where did the girls hide when the sheriff arrived?
89. How did Levi and Kate act around Sheriff Donnelly?
Chapter 17
90. Explain in point form the events that take place.
91. Where is the train going?
92. Who picked up the "dry-goods"?
93. What happened to Lester and Adam?
94. What other name is given to the Mayflower?
95. Where will the boat take the girls?
96. What is the magic password?
97. What instructions did the Captain give the girls once they were on the Mayflower?
Chapter 18
98. What danger follows the girls onto the boat?
99. Where did the girls hide on the boat?
100. Explain the statement: "See those trees" he shouted, "they grow on free soil."
101. What instructions do the girls receive from the "conductor"?
Chapter 19
102. Why did Liza want to hide in the bushes until dark?
103. Who met the girls once they got off the boat?
104. How long will it take for the girls to get to St. Catherines?
105. What is the main problem blacks have in Canada?
106. Where did the girls meet Lester?
107. What surprise awaited Julilly in St. Catherines?