מפגשי ירושלים בפילוסופיה

‫מפגשי ירושלים בפילוסופיה‬
Philosophy of History and Action: Papers Presented at the First Jerusalem
Philosophical Encounter, December 1974. Edited by Yirmiahu Yovel. Dordrecht:
Reidel, Jerusalem: Magnes, 1978.
Meaning and Use: Papers Presented at the Second Jerusalem Philosophical
Encounter, April 1976. Edited by Avishai Margalit. Dordrecht: Reidel, Jerusalem:
Magnes, 1979.
Spinoza: His Thought and Work. (The Third Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter,
September 1977.) Edited by Nathan Rotenstreich and Norma Schneider. Jerusalem:
Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities,1983.
The Philosophy of Franz Rosenzweig. (The Fourth Jerusalem Philosophical
Encounter, April 1980.) Edited by Paul Mendes-Flohr. Hanover and London:
University Press of New England, 1988.
Nietzsche as Affirmative Thinker: Papers Presented at the Fifth Jerusalem
Philosophical Encounter, April 1983. Edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel. Dordrecht:
Nijhoff, 1986.
Maimonides and Philosophy: Papers Presented at the Sixth Jerusalem Philosophical
Encounter, May 1985. Edited by Shlomo Pines and Yirmiyahu Yovel. Dordrecht:
Nijhoff, 1986.
Kant's Practical Philosophy Reconsidered: Papers Presented at the Seventh
Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, December 1986. Edited by Yirmiyahu Yovel.
Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1989.
Papers Presented at the Eighth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter on the Philosophy
of Mathematics, June 1987. Iyyun: A Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 39, January
Art, Interpretation, and Reality: Papers Presented at the Ninth Jerusalem
Philosophical Encounter, January 1992. Iyyun: The Jerusalem Philosophical
Quarterly 42, January 1993.
Toleration: An Elusive Virtue. (The Tenth Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter,
January 1993.) Edited by David Heyd. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Reasoning Practically. (The Eleventh Jerusalem Philosophical Encounter, January
1996.) Edited by Edna Ullmann-Margalit. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.