FY 2007 UPK RFR Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Pilot Program Classroom Quality Grants Request for Response (RFR) January 16, 2007 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 1 FY 2007 UPK RFR PART I – OVERVIEW, PURPOSE, TIMELINE, ELIGIBILITY, FUNDING, CONTACT INFORMATION, SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS Background: Early Education and Child Care services for preschool aged children in Massachusetts are currently delivered through a mixed delivery system which includes child care centers, family child care homes, public preschool programs, and Head Start programs. EEC is responsible for licensing early education and child care programs throughout Massachusetts and for providing financial assistance to low-income families for child care services, in addition to information and referral services, inclusive programming for children with special needs, parenting support, and professional development opportunities for staff in the early education and care field. These efforts affect thousands of early education and care providers, who serve more than 140,000 preschool aged children. In addition, in its broadest role, EEC serves as a source of child care information to over 500,000 families in Massachusetts with young children. Chapter 139 of the Acts of 2006, Item 3000-5075 provides $4.6 million in new funding to EEC for pilot implementation grants to provide preschool programs and services to children from the age of 2 years and 9 months until they are kindergarten eligible in the community in which they live, through a mixed service delivery system, including cities, towns, regional school districts, educational collaboratives, Head Start programs, and licensed child care providers. EEC has developed this Request for Response (RFR) for these pilot implementation grants for Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) services. In preparation for this RFR, EEC issued a Request for Information (RFI) in November of 2006 to survey providers about their preschool programming. This information was used to analyze the administration and delivery of UPK services, to help identify the characteristics of high quality preschool programs and to determine ways to ensure that UPK services meet the needs of working families. The RFI was purely for informational purposes. Providers who did not respond to the RFI may still apply for this grant. There are two types of grants available during this UPK Program Pilot Year: 1) UPK Classroom Quality Grants, as described in this RFR; and 2) UPK Assessment Planning Grants, which will be available to programs that meet all of the UPK Quality Criteria (see Eligibility section of this RFR), with the exception of the use of one of the four EEC approved assessment tools. The purpose of the UPK Assessment Planning RFR is to support programs in meeting the UPK criteria so that they will be positioned to participate in the UPK Program in subsequent years. The UPK Assessment Planning RFR will be posted on the EEC website and on Comm-PASS on Tuesday, January 23, 2007. Purpose: 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 The purpose of the UPK Pilot Program is to: promote school readiness and positive outcomes for children participating in UPK Pilot Classrooms; define measurable quality program characteristics that lead to school readiness; support and enhance the quality of services for all children in qualifying classrooms and especially for children at-risk of school failure and/or poor developmental outcomes; maximize parent choice by ensuring participation from all program types within a mixed public and private service delivery system; support program’s use of child assessment systems/tools to effectively measure children’s progress across all developmental domains and improve program quality; identify the scope of data collection and technology needs at the program and 2 FY 2007 UPK RFR Timeline for RFR Process: Grant Eligibility: system level to inform the development of a state-wide system of child assessment; and inform the longer-term implementation of a program of universally accessible, high-quality early childhood education. RFR posted on Comm-PASS and EEC website: 1/16/2007 Submission of written questions - due date: 1/23/2007 Response to written questions posted on EEC website: 1/30/2007 RFR due: 2/9/2007 Evaluation of responses: 2/10- 3/8/2007 Awards posted week of: (estimated) 3/9/2007 Eligible applicants may include: Licensed center-based programs; Licensed independent family child care programs; Licensed family child care system affiliated programs (family child care Systems must apply on behalf of all eligible providers wishing to participate); Public school preschool programs; Head Start programs; and Licensed-exempt programs, including private schools. All grant applicants must be serving preschool aged children (age 2 years 9 months to Kindergarten eligible in the community in which they live). UPK Pilot Program – Classroom Quality Grants Required Criteria Eligible classrooms must meet all of the following criteria. If a program has multiple classrooms, funding is available only to those classrooms within the program that meet all of these criteria: 1. Serve or be willing to serve EEC subsidized children; 2. Provide or be willing to provide access to full-day, full-year services for working families; 3. Provide a minimum number of hours of a developmentally appropriate program as evidenced by: a. Use of Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences; b. Use of one of four EEC approved assessment tools, since January 2006: Work Sampling, High Scope Child Observation Record (COR), Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum, or Ages and Stages; c. Having access to a qualified professional to ensure appropriate administration of developmentally appropriate program. 4. Meet two out of three additional quality criteria: a. Be EEC Licensed* or License-Exempt; b. Have a teacher/provider with a bachelor’s degree (BA/BS) in any subject along with specialized training in early childhood education for each EEC qualifying classroom/family child care home; c. Have National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) accreditation for group child care programs OR have a Child Development Associate (CDA) credential or National Association for Family Child Care (NAFCC) accreditation for family child care. *Please note: Licensed programs must have a license which is in good standing. 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 3 FY 2007 UPK RFR Funding: A total of up to $2.8 million in funding is available in FY 2007 for grants to qualifying UPK classrooms, a portion of which will be one-time funding not continuing into FY 2008, and a portion of which will be funded on a six-month basis from January-June 2007. Subject to appropriation, a total of $4.6M will be available in FY 2008 for fullyear continuation grants to qualifying programs/classrooms. Awards will be made directly to programs based on the number of classrooms meeting the UPK quality criteria. Award amounts will be based on a combination of total classroom enrollment and the number of subsidized pre-school aged children served. Qualifying programs will also receive a portion of the FY 2007 funds for one-time “start-up” expenses associated with the implementation of UPK at the program or classroom level. The proposed funding formula is anticipated to be as follows: Total Classroom Enrollment X $500 (A) + Total Classroom Subsidized Enrollment* X $1,500 (B) + One-Time Start-Up Funds = Total UPK Classroom Quality Grant** X 20% of (A+B) (C) (A+B+C) *For the purposes of this RFR, award level calculations will be based on the following definitions of "subsidized enrollment:” EEC subsidized children (Community Partnerships for Children (CPC), contract, voucher) Head Start funded children For public school programs only, classroom-based enrollment multiplied by a factor of the school's participation rate in the federal free/reduced lunch program. EEC is also collecting information through this RFR about children whose enrollment is funded by private scholarships. If private scholarship eligibility is equivalent to EEC income eligibility, these children may also be included in award level calculations. **Classroom grants will be prorated depending on the total number of hours the qualifying classroom meets all UPK quality criteria. Priority for selection of grantees will be given to programs with the highest concentration of subsidized enrollment, as defined above. For the purposes of ensuring adequate geographic and program type representation, EEC reserves the right to do the following: to modify the priority criteria for selection of actual grantees; to limit the number of classrooms for which a given applicant may receive quality grants; and to modify the above funding formula. Use of Funds: UPK Classroom Quality Grants (A+B from formula above) may be used to*: 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 increase teacher salaries; enhance program’s ability to interpret and use assessment data to improve program quality; 4 FY 2007 UPK RFR purchase hardware, software, or training to fully implement the electronic component of the assessment tool currently in use; enhance developmentally appropriate practice; provide staff professional development opportunities; incorporate comprehensive services into the program needed to meet children’s social-emotional or physical health needs; and provide or facilitate access to wrap-around services for working families. First Year Start-Up Funds (“C” from formula above) may be used to: upgrade technology systems to enable electronic collection and submission of assessment data including the purchasing of hardware associated with one of the four EEC approved assessment tools; provide one-time training for staff or program administrators in administering child assessments associated with one of the four EEC approved assessment tools; and improve classroom materials or purchase program supplies/equipment needed to support the delivery of UPK quality level services. *Continuation funding for UPK Classroom Quality Grants in FY 2008 is subject to state budget appropriations and budget language. Please Note: If recipients do not currently have the capacity to submit assessment data electronically to EEC in required form, funds must be used for that purpose first. Grant Duration: Grant funding will be awarded upon approval through June 30, 2007. Contact: Nicole Yacovone Nicole.Yacovone@massmail.state.ma.us or 617-988-7822 Written Questions and Answers: Written questions may be submitted to EEC by January, 23, 2007 to: eecgrants@massmail.state.ma.us (please put “UPK RFR Questions” in the subject heading of the email) or Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care 51 Sleeper Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02210 Attn: UPK RFR Questions EEC will post responses to questions by January 30, 2007 on the website at www.eec.state.ma.us and on Comm-PASS. RFR Due Date February 9, 2007 Required Forms: Part II: UPK Classroom Quality Grant Questionnaire Part III: UPK Classroom Quality Grant Criteria Documentation Part IV: Fiscal Documentation 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 Proposals must be received at the Department of Early Education and Care by 4:30pm on the due date. Proposals mailed, but not received by the date and time specified, will not be reviewed. 5 FY 2007 UPK RFR Other Requirements Once grantees are selected and actual grant amounts determined, grantees will be required to submit a detailed budget page supplied by EEC, which must be reviewed and approved by EEC before funding will be awarded. Appendix A – Grant Negotiation, Payment Terms, and Deliverables Additional Information: Appendix B- Grant Expenditures, Termination, Recoupment of Funds, and Relevant Laws PART II– UPK CLASSROOM QUALITY GRANT QUESTIONNAIRE Bidders must complete and submit the UPK Classroom Quality Grant Questionnaire with their RFR response. Questionnaires may be submitted to EEC by either: 1. Completing the on-line version (available starting January 22, 2007) through the EEC website www.eec.state.ma.us. Completing the on-line version of the survey is strongly encouraged, but not required. Waiting for the application to become available on-line will not penalize the applicant in any way. 2. Emailing a completed copy of the questionnaire to eecgrants@massmail.state.ma.us Please include “UPK RFR” and the name of your Program in the subject line of the email message. 3. Mailing - Applicants who are unable to complete the on-line survey or submit the questionnaire electronically may submit 4 paper copies of the questionnaire, as well as the required forms, in a sealed envelope clearly identified with the respondent’s name and address, and the name of the Request for Responses. If applicants need to submit paper copies of the questionnaire, they should submit it on plain 8 ½ x 11 inch paper, single-spaced, twelve point font or greater, two sided copies. Please note: Separate applications have been created for each program type responding to this RFR. Please ensure that the questionnaire is the appropriate document for your program type. Questionnaires are available for the following five program types: 1. Licensed Center Based Programs; 2. License Exempt, Private School Programs; 3. License Exempt, Public School Programs; 4. System Affiliated Family Child Care Programs; and 5. Independent Family Child Care Programs. PART III – UPK CLASSROOM QUALITY GRANT CRITERIA DOCUMENTATION Bidders must complete and submit the following required criteria documentation with their RFR response: A. Copy of current CPC, or Voucher agreement, or statement of willingness to serve EEC subsidized children. B. Copy of partnership agreement(s) for full-day, full-year care (if full-day, full-year care is not already provided directly) or detailed statement of plan to enter into such an agreement(s) or to expand program hours, including timeframes for when such a plan will be implemented. 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 6 FY 2007 UPK RFR C. Copy of degree or final transcript with degree noted for each teacher with at least a BA degree (see Part III, Question 7.) D. Sample of redacted copies of actual assessments for children in the family child care home or program. E. Statement that the program agrees to aggregate classroom child assessment data, submit it to EEC, and maintain individual child assessment data over the next five years for monitoring purposes. F. Statement agreeing to submit two sets of eligible classroom assessment data for the Fall and the Spring of FY 2007 to EEC by June 2007. G. If applicable to document enrollment in your program subsidized through private scholarships, a copy of the application form for private scholarship funding for your program, including income eligibility levels and other requirements. PART IV – FISCAL DOCUMENTATION Applicants must complete and submit the following required forms with their RFR response: Standard Contract Form (with original signature); An executed Commonwealth Terms and Conditions for Health and Human Services (unless a respondent is registered in MMARS as having one already executed and on file; if so, please note this in your response); Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification (unless already on file with the Commonwealth; if so, please note this in your response); (W9) Contractor Authorized Signatory Listing (unless already on file with the Commonwealth; if so, please note this in your response); Authorization for Electronic Funds Payment (EFT) Form (unless already on file with the Commonwealth; if so, please note this in your response). The forms listed above are also listed within the Forms tab and Specifications tab of the Comm-PASS Solicitation record for this RFR. These forms are also available at www.mass.gov/osd under the Related Links section. PART V – SUBMISSION CHECKLIST AND INSTRUCTIONS SUBMIT ON-LINE at http://www.eec.state.ma.us/ beginning 1/22/07 or MAIL TO EEC PART II– UPK CLASSROOM QUALITY GRANT Electronic submission of Part II- UPK Classroom Quality Grant QUESTIONNAIRE Questionnaire is strongly encouraged, but not required. The on-line version of the UPK RFR application and directions will be available on 1/22/07 and will allow applicants to respond to the RFR via the EEC Web Site at http://www.eec.state.ma.us/ Waiting for the application to become available on-line will not penalize the applicant in any way. MAIL TO EEC (with original signatures on all documents requiring a signature) PART III – UPK CLASSROOM QUALITY GRANT Hard copies must be mailed to EEC with original signatures on CRITERIA DOCUMENTATION all documents requiring a signature. PART IV – FISCAL DOCUMENTATION 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 7 FY 2007 UPK RFR Please include contact information on all hard copy documents mailed to EEC. Mailed copies of applicable portions of the RFR must be received at the following address by February 9, 2007 by 4:30 pm: Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care 51 Sleeper Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02210 Attn: UPK Pilot RFR APPENDIX A – GRANT NEGOTIATION, PAYMENT TERMS, AND DELIVERABLES EEC will negotiate with the selected Grantee(s) the specific deliverables and timeline for their completion prior to the commencement of this project. Payments will be made according to the final negotiated terms. EEC will have sole discretion to determine whether a deliverable has been successfully completed by a Grantee thereby triggering a payment. If during the project, a Grantee would like to request a change in the required services, deliverables, or timeline, the Grantee may propose such changes to EEC who may agree to implement such changes. The parties may mutually agree to such change(s) through a written memorandum. A formal grant amendment will not be required. Grantees are encouraged to use Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT). EFT allows for payments to be made from the Commonwealth to grantees electronically and is the preferred method of payment for all payees doing business with the Commonwealth. Use of EFT significantly reduces payment delays through a reduction in processing and mailing time. Registering a grantee for EFT payments requires completion of an Electronic Funds Transfer form by the Grantee and submission to EEC as part of contract execution. To initiate any grant payments, grantees must submit a Request for Funds Form for the appropriate fiscal year. Throughout the grant term, grantees must seek EEC’s approval for any budget changes by filing EEC Amendment Forms. Within sixty (60) days of the termination of a grant, a grantee must submit an FR1 Final Financial Report and repay the Commonwealth for any unexpended funds. These forms are available at EEC’s website, www.eec.state.ma.us. Forms must be sent to the following address: Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care 51 Sleeper Street, 4th Floor Boston, MA 02210 Attn: Sandra Fortier-Hollow, Associate Commissioner of Accounting APPENDIX B – GRANT EXPENDITURES, TERMINATION, RECOUPMENT OF FUNDS, AND RELEVANT LAW All grant recipients must use the grant monies in accordance with the terms and requirements set forth in this Request for Responses, in addition to applicable EEC policies, regulations and/or state or federal laws. EEC reserves the right to recoup any and all monies which are not spent in accordance with such terms and/or laws. EEC further reserves the right to discontinue grant funding to any recipient who violates any of the grant terms and/or conditions which are incorporated into this Request for Responses. The selected Grantee must comply with all applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws, State Finance Law, 815 Code of Massachusetts Regulations 2.00 et seq. (regarding grants), and the Office of the State Comptroller’s policies and procedures regarding grants. 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 8 FY 2007 UPK RFR 1/16/07 amended 1/19/07 9