City of Sheffield

MAIN PAY SCALE + TLR2b (£4268)
To provide professional leadership and management for
DPS for Autism to secure high quality teaching, effective
use of resources and improved standards of learning and
achievement by learners on the autistic spectrum.
To work alongside the SENCO to ensure the academic
progress of all pupils within the Integrated Resource/
To ensure that all staff receive the appropriate INSET
regarding meeting the needs of pupils in our Integrated
Resource Unit.
The Job Description should be read alongside the range of professional duties
of Teachers as set out in Part X11 of the Teachers’ Pay and Conditions
Document, sections 48 to 50. The postholder will be expected to undertake
duties in line with the professional standards for qualified teachers and uphold
the professional code of the General Teaching Council for England.
The post holder will:
Make a significant contribution to the development of school policy and
Lead and manage the DSP for autism so that it meets the aims and
objectives of the school
In collaboration with the Headteacher and Inclusion / SENCO manager,
to be responsible for the provision for autism
In collaboration with the Headteacher and Inclusion / SENCO manager,
to be responsible for the development, implementation, review and
evaluation of the DSP for autism
To be responsible for building the capacity and confidence of
mainstream staff to include AS pupils successfully through effective
communication with staff and a repertoire of strategies including
modelling exemplary practice, providing advice and staff training
To be proactive in developing and maintaining good liaison with
parents and carers and all relevant external agencies and network
To work with other relevant staff to ensure compliance with statutory
SEND (Special Educational Needs & Disability) regulations and DDA
To advise mainstream staff regarding effective curriculum and
assessment procedures to meet the needs and aspirations of learners
on the autistic spectrum in order to raise standards of achievement at
the school so that the staff ensure that AS learners achieve the best
possible attainment and progress given their relative starting point
To advise and model for mainstream staff how to secure high
standards of learning and teaching for learners on the Autistic
To establish and lead a team of AS support staff
To advise and support how to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness
of learning and teaching for learners with AS to inform future priorities
and targets
To be responsible for the quality of resources for learning and the
learning environment for learners on the Autistic Spectrum in the areas
allocated for the DSP for autism
With Reference to Learners in the DSP for Autism
Work with the Inclusion/ SENCO Manager to track the progress of
learners in the DSP for Autism, to report their progress and to make
recommendations for effective intervention if needed to the
Headteacher and Governors
With the Inclusion /SENCO Manager and teaching staff , to manage
the Annual Reviews of Statements of Special Educational Need for
pupils on Autistic Spectrum and to maintain high quality records in line
with school procedures
With our Learning Mentor, provide high quality support to parents in
addition to the annual review process and to work in partnership with
parents to ensure excellent home‐school liaison
To play a key role in ensuring all transitions are well planned and
implemented effectively
To play a key role in ensuring appropriate curriculum access and
choice as well as access to school visits, extended school activities
and, where appropriate, links with other providers
To ensure personalised learning is in place for each pupil in the DSP
for autism in all areas of the curriculum, including meeting their social,
communication and interaction needs and advising staff on appropriate
approaches and differentiation
Work with the teaching staff/ Learning Mentor to ensure that each
learners’ pastoral care is individually planned and provided for,
particularly at unstructured times of the day
To have overall responsibility for the effective planning and deployment
of all resources and in particular the supervision and deployment of
learning assistants reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that their
intervention impacts on learner progress
To participate in and contribute to professional networks to extend their
professional expertise and share good practice
Leading and Managing Staff
Provide the support, challenge, information and development
necessary to sustain motivation and secure improvement in teaching of
members of Year 7 transition programme
Help staff to achieve constructive working relationships with learners
and associate support staff on behaviour matters
Establish clear expectations and constructive working relationships
among staff involved in the DSP for autism
Participate in and lead agreed appraisal procedures and use the
process to develop the personal and professional effectiveness of staff
in the DSP for autism team
Ensure that trainee teachers and NQTs are trained, monitored,
supported and assessed where appropriate
Ensure that senior colleagues are well informed about policies, plans
and priorities, the success in meeting objectives and targets and
related professional development plans
Support the induction and development of colleagues in the DSP for
Ensure that the school guidance on safeguarding is implemented
across the DSP for autism
Efficient and Effective deployment of resources
Identify appropriate resources for the DSP for Autism and ensure that
they are used efficiently, effectively and safely
Identify staff and resource needs for the DSP for autism and advise the
Headteacher and Business Manager of priorities for expenditure
Allocate available resources with maximum efficiency to meet the
objectives of the school and to achieve value for money
Manage the DSP for autism budget and produce accounts for audit as
Ensure the efficient and effective management and organisation of
learning resources within the DSP for autism
Use accommodation to create an effective and stimulating environment
for learners in the DSP for autism
Provide expertise on the development of resources for areas of
learning so that they can meet the needs of learners who are on the
autistic spectrum
Account for the effectiveness of DSP for autism to the DPL Learning
Development and Intervention
Provide information, advice and support to the Senior Leadership
Team to enable them to meet their responsibilities for securing
effective learning and teaching and improved standards of
achievement, and for achieving efficiency and value for money.
Support the DPL Learning Development and Intervention to create and
develop the DSP for autism in which all staff recognise that they are
accountable for the success of the school
Conditions of employment
The above responsibilities are subject to the general duties and
responsibilities contained in the written statement of conditions of
employment (the Contract of Employment).
Work across the school to support and encourage the school’s ethos
and its objectives, policies and procedures as agreed by the Governing
To uphold the school's policy in respect of Safeguarding
Be aware of and comply with policies and procedures relating to health,
safety and security, confidentiality and Data Protection, reporting all
concerns to an appropriate person.
Perform any other reasonable tasks after consultation with the
This job description allocates duties and responsibilities but does not
direct the particular amount of time to be spent on carrying them out
and no part of it may be so constructed.
The above duties are not exhaustive and the postholder may be
required to undertake tasks, roles and responsibilities as may be
reasonably assigned to them by the Senior Leadership Team.
All staff participate in the school’s appraisal system
This job description will be kept under review and may be amended via
consultation with the individual, Governing Body and/or other Senior
Leadership Team as required. Trade union representation will be
welcomed in any such discussions.
April 2014