Curriculum vitae PERSONAL INFORMATION NAME: HUDA ABDULLAH. ABDULLATIF AL-ABD ULKARIM. CITIZENSHIP: SAUDI PLACE OF BIRTH: SAUDI ARABIA SEX: FEMALE MARITAL STATUS: MARRIED WITH FOUR CHILDREN. PRESENT ADDRESS: KING KHALID UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL Department of medicine (38) Hematology/oncology unit. P.O. BOX 2925 RIYADH 11461, K.S.A. CONTACT PHONE: FAX: E-MAIL: 966-1-467-2377 966-1-467-9488 966-504788979 966-1-467-9487 h_alkareem@hot QUALIFICATION: MBBS COLLAGE OF MEDICINE KING SAUD UNIVERSITY 1991 GRADE: VERY GOOD KING SAUD DIPLOMA COLLAGE OF MEDICINE KING SAUD UNIVERSITY 1994. ARAB BOARD INTERNAL ARAB BOARD FOR MEDICAL SPECIALIZATION (S.A.) 20th March 1996. ONCOLOGY SPECIALIZATION: BRITISH COLOMBIA CANCER CERTER. VANCOUVER.CANADA.2000. PROFESSIONAL TRAINING/EXPERIENCE: 1) INTERNSHIP KING KHALID UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AND AFFILIATED HOSPITAL. RIYADH. SAUDI ARABIA. ROTATION THROUGH INTERNAL MEDICINE, PAEDIATRICS, OBSTERERICS, GYNAECOLOGY AND GENERAL SURGERY GRADE: EXCELLENT. 2) MEDICAL RESIDENCY JOINED ARAB BOARD RESIDENCY TRAINING PROGRAM AT KING KHALID UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL AND AFFILIATED HOSPITAL RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA. 3) SUBSPECIALIZATION TWO YEARS AT KKUH IN THE HEMATOLOGY/ONCOLOGY DEVISION AND TWO YEARS AT VANCOUVER CANCER CENTER IN BRITISH COULOMBIA IN CANADA. 4) PRESENT POST CONSULTANT ONCOLOGY & assistant professor of internal medicine at king khalid university hospital since year of 2000. Head of hematology oncology unit at king khalid university hospital year of 2006. Main organizer of course 341(the main medical course for 3rd year student) since year of 2000 . academic advisor for 3rd year students(females) since year of 2002. Active member of the American society of clinical oncology since year of 2002. PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE: I have been working as consultant oncology at the unit of hematology /oncology unit from January 2001 till now and have been promoted five years ago to assistant prophessor in the college of medicine. I have worked as medical oncology fellow in the BC cancer agency at Vancouver in British Columbia in Canada for total of twenty eight month . The BC-cancer center is the main cancer center out of four other centers, which are serving the British Columbia. It is the center where patient admission, radiation therapy and chemo-protocol develop. The total number of admission per year is 2030. There is sixteen medical oncology clinic running per week with parallel number of radiation oncology clinic covering all different oncology specialty with total of 6,450 new pts per year and 39,400 clinic visit per year. I have worked as registrar/senior registrar in internal medicine from 1994 to 1998 during this post in addition to having exposure to internal medical problems; I gained very good experience in dealing with different hematological and oncology problems. I also gained experience in looking at bone marrow aspirate and biopsies along with other hematology laboratory techniques. I worked as Resident internal medicine from Dec 1991 to Jan 1994 at King Khalid University Hospital, Riyadh, which is an 800, bedded teaching hospital and this job included rotation in different subspecialties of medicine. During this post I gained widespread experience in general medicine and its different branches including infectious disease unit ,Nephrology &Rheumatology. I was also responsible for taking care of patients in dialysis unit for some time and Intensive care unit during my Residency training . I got KSU diploma from first attempt in Dec.1994. I was selected the best Resident of the year in May 1995. My internship has been done from 23 October 1990 to 24 October 1991 .It was in King Khalid University Hospital ,Riyadh as well as in RMC and this job included rotation in different subspecialties of Medicine. Publications: 1-Huda Al-abdulkarim, Abdulkareem AL-momen in 1994 in the effect potentiation of the Action of Warfarin by Bezafibrate in patients with Nephrotic syndrome which was published in Saudi Journal of Kidney Disease and Transplant. 2-Al-karim HA .Tan KE. Chi KN. Bryce CJ. Murray NR. Coppin c. ut Carboplatin and Vinblastine for the treatment of metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of the urothelial tract. Am J clin oncol (CCT) 25 (5) : 515-519 2002. 3-AL-karim HA .Bryce CJ.Mulhall P. Coppin c. repeated AFP surge : an unusual and potentially misleading tumor marker phenomenon. Clinical oncology (royal college of radiologist ) 14(4): 294-5,2002 aug. 4-chollangiocarcinoma with metastasis to the brain .published in the neuorosince journal 2004. Reference : 1) DAHISH S .AJARIM MD FRCP( C ) Associate Professor & Consultant Oncologist At KFSH 2) ABDULKAREEM AL MOMEN ,MD,FRCPC, FACP Professor & Consultant Hematologist Department of medicine (38 ) College of Medicine & KKUH P.O Box 2925, Riyadh 11461,Saudi Arabia. 3) AHMED MITWALI ,MD.FRCP, Professor & Consultant Nephrologist Department of medicine ( 38) College of medicine & KKUH P.O Box 2925 ,Riyadh 11461,Saudi Arabia ,