7 Simple Steps to Clean Water

Clean Up After Your Pet
What’s the issue?
Most of us pick up after our pets to be a good neighbor and to keep our yard clean. But there's
another important reason. Pet waste contains bacteria that are harmful to us and our water.
Leaving it on the sidewalk or lawn means harmful bacteria will be transported into the storm
drains and then into our lakes and streams.
What are some helpful tips?
Here are some simple steps you can take to carefully dispose of pet waste and help keep our
water clean. Give them a try. A few simple changes can make a big difference!
Dispose of it promptly and properly. Promptly dispose of your pet's waste in the trash or
down the toilet where it will be properly treated. When pet waste is left behind, it washes into
storm drains and ditches. From there it heads straight to your local lakes and streams taking
harmful bacteria with it.
Watch instead of feeding. Feeding ducks and geese may seem harmless but, in fact, can be
a nuisance to people and harmful to our water. Feeding waterfowl causes them to become
dependent on humans. This, in turn, creates unnaturally high populations and problems in our
parks and lakes. Waterfowl waste can pollute our water with harmful bacteria.
Spread the word. Tell others how they can help protect our lakes and streams. Also, work
cooperatively with your local government to install signs, bag dispensers, and trash cans in
convenient public places to remind visitors to clean up after their pets.