Tees Valley Minerals and Waste DPDs Adoption


Template for Impact Assessment Level 1: Initial screening assessment

Subject of assessment: Tees Valley Joint Minerals and Waste Core Strategy and Policies and Sites Development Plan Documents


This is a decision relating to:

It is a:

It is driven by:




Organisational change

New approach:



Other (please state)



Revision of an existing approach:




Live date:


Legislation: Local or corporate requirements:

The Minerals and Waste Core Strategy Development Plan Document (DPD) contains the long-term spatial vision and strategic policies needed to achieve the key objectives for minerals and waste developments in the Tees Valley. The Minerals and Waste

Policies and Sites DPD identifies specific sites for future minerals and waste development, and contains policies which will be used to assess related planning applications.

Key aims, objectives and activities

The identification of waste management and minerals recycling and processing facilities needed to meet the requirements of the

Regional Spatial Strategy; the allocation of appropriate land and sites for development; and a policy framework that provides an effective means of controlling any proposals coming forward.

Statutory drivers (set out exact reference)

There is a statutory duty for all local planning authorities to adopt and keep under review the development plan for their respective areas. Under the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, DPDs should include minerals and waste policies.

Differences from any previous approach

Not applicable.

Key stakeholders and intended beneficiaries (internal and external as appropriate)

The Council, minerals and waste operators, and the local community.

Intended outcomes

The Council adopting both DPDs as part of the Local Development Framework (LDF).

Upon adoption.

When adopted, the DPDs will form part of each authority’s LDF and cover the period until 2026.

Date of next review:

No review is planned at present.

The need for any review will be informed by the Annual Monitoring Report produced every December, which assesses the effectiveness of policies and establishes whether they require amendment .

Screening questions

Human Rights

Could the decision impact negatively on individual Human Rights as enshrined in

UK legislation? *


Could the decision result in adverse differential impacts on groups or individuals with characteristics protected in UK equality law? Could the decision impact differently on other commonly disadvantaged groups? *


No Yes Uncertain


Both Tees Valley Minerals and Waste DPDs have been subject to several rounds of extensive public consultation, undertaken in accordance with the

Council’s Statement of Community Involvement


Following the Public Examination of both DPDs by an Independent Planning Inspector, the Inspector declared them to be sound i.e. justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

In light of the above and given the topics covered in the DPDs (minerals and waste), it is considered their adoption as part of the Middlesbrough LDF will not have any negative impact on individual human rights.

Both Tees Valley Minerals and Waste DPDs have been subject to several rounds of extensive public consultation, undertaken in accordance with the

Council’s SCI.

Following the Public Examination of both DPDs by an Independent Planning Inspector, the Inspector declared them to be sound i.e. justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

In light of the above and given the topics covered in the DPDs (minerals and waste), it is considered their adoption as part of the Middlesbrough LDF will not have any adverse impact on different groups or individuals in terms of equality.


Consult the Impact Assessment further guidance appendix for details on the issues covered by each of theses broad questions prior to completion .

Screening questions Response

Community cohesion

Could the decision impact negatively on relationships between different groups, communities of interest or neighbourhoods within the town? *

Sustainable Community Strategy objectives

Could the decision impact negatively on the achievement of the vision for

Middlesbrough? Does the decision impact on statutory duties associated with these key objectives? *


Both Tees Valley Minerals and Waste DPDs have been subject to several rounds of extensive public consultation, undertaken in accordance with the

Council’s SCI.

Following the Public Examination of both DPDs by an Independent Planning Inspector, the Inspector declared them to be sound i.e. justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

In light of the above and given the topics covered in the DPDs (minerals and waste), it is considered their adoption as part of the Middlesbrough LDF will not have any negative impact on relationships between different groups, communities of interest or neighbourhoods within the town.

Both Tees Valley Minerals and Waste DPDs have been subject to several rounds of extensive public consultation, undertaken in accordance with the

Council’s SCI. No objections have been received at any stage from the Middlesbrough Partnership, who endorsed the policies and proposals within the

DPDs following a presentation to their Executive

Board on 20 April 2009.

Following the Public Examination of both DPDs by an Independent Planning Inspector, the Inspector declared them to be sound i.e. justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

In light of the above and given the topics covered in the DPDs (minerals and waste), it is considered their adoption as part of the Middlesbrough LDF will not have any negative impact on the achievement of the vision for Middlesbrough set out in the Sustainable Community Strategy or on statutory duties associated with key objectives.

Screening questions Response Evidence

Organisational management / transformation

Could the decision impact negatively on organisational management or the transformation of the Council’s services as set out in its transformation programme? *

Next steps:

If the answer to all of the above screening questions is No then the process is completed.

If the answer of any of the questions is Yes or Uncertain, then a Level 2 Full Impact Assessment must be completed.

Assessment completed by: David Marjoram Head of Service:

Both Tees Valley Minerals and Waste DPDs have been subject to several rounds of extensive public consultation, undertaken in accordance with the

Council’s SCI.

Following the Public Examination of both DPDs by an Independent Planning Inspector, the Inspector declared them to be sound i.e. justified, effective and consistent with national policy.

In light of the above and given the topics covered in the DPDs (minerals and waste), it is considered their adoption as part of the Middlesbrough LDF will not have any negative impact on organisational management or the transformation of the Council’s services set out in its transformation programme.

Sharon Thomas

Date: 22/7/11 Date: 22/7/11
