NORTH HINKSEY PARISH COUNCIL MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMITTEE, HELD ON THURSDAY 10th JANUARY 2013, AT 7.45pm, IN THE SEACOURT HALL, BOTLEY. Present: Councillors: A. Pritchard (Chairman), Mrs. P. Allen, R. Clark, Mrs. A. Dykes, A. Hardiman, D. Kay and Mrs. J Hammett. Others Present: A. J. Stone (Parish Clerk). 1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence. 2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 3. MINUTES The minutes of the Planning Committee held on 13th December 2012, were AGREED as an accurate record. 4. PLANNING ISSUES a). Applications for Consideration North Hinksey Parish New Plans P12/V2459/A Proposed Signage: Church of St. Peter & St. Paul, 1 West Way Botley. No objections P12/V2525/FUL Change of use from residential to two self-catering holiday lets: Greenedge, Vernon Avenue, North Hinksey. No objections P12/V2559/HH Proposed two storey side extension with single storey side/rear extensions: 5 The Garth, North Hinksey. Councillors were concerned that as development at 4 The Garth was already built up to the boundary line with 5 The Garth, then it was not physically possible to build as close to the boundary line as indicated in the development plans, nor would it be possible for access to the side of the building for maintenance. The Garth was built on a clay based hill. The foundations for the proposed two storey extension would have to go down some considerable distance, which ran the risk of further ground movement. The sewer from 5 The Garth actually goes under the boundary line with 4 The Garth, with possible complications arising from the proposed extension. Councillors believed that a two storey extension amounted to an overdevelopment of the site and along with the issues associated with the proximity to the boundary line with 4 The Garth, voted by 6 votes to 0 votes, (Councillor Mrs. P. Allen abstained from voting), to OPPOSE the application. P12/V2620/A Erection of new fascia signage: Homebase Unit, Seacourt Towers, West Way, Botley. No objections P12/V2644/HH Hip to gable loft conversion, demolition of rear conservatory and erection of rear extension. Erection of detached single storey garden building: 80 North Hinksey Lane, North Hinksey. No objections b). Decision Notices North Hinksey Parish P12/V1725/FUL Retrospective application for demolition of floor slab and foundations. Cover demolition layer with recycled tarmac planings to allow access for maintenance and overflow car park. (Re-submission of withdrawn application P11/V1531: Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, 1 Yarnells Hill, North Hinksey. REFUSED, as in the opinion of the Vale of White Horse District Council, the location, design and layout of the proposed access, landscape and onsite manoeuvring and parking areas provide insufficient sight clearance to the junction of Yarnells Hill and Westminster Way; inadequate manoeuvrability for vehicles accessing the site from the north; and poor definition between routes to be travelled by vehicles and areas designated for car parking and pedestrian use. This is contrary to highway safety and convenience; policy DC5 of the Vale of White Horse Local Plan; and government guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework promoting sustainable transport and healthy communities. The development is of a poor quality design which is contrary to local character and distinctiveness; and fails to incorporate adequate hard and soft landscape measures to protect and enhance the visual amenity of the site and its surroundings. This is contrary to policies DC1 and DC6 of the Vale of White Horse Local Plan; and government guidance contained in the National Planning Policy Framework relating to good design. P12/V2171/HH Proposed two storey side extension, single storey rear extension, front porch extension, alterations including replacement roof over existing rear extension, related alterations to ground floor windows and doors: 121 Southern By Pass, North Hinksey. Granted. P12/V2208/A Proposed Signs on side of building: Ideal Eyes Ltd., 76 West Way, Botley. Granted. P12.2380/FUL Variation of Condition 2 of Planning Permission P11/V2894 for an amendment to the front elevation of House B: Greenacre, Stanton Road, Harcourt Hill. Granted, subject to 9 specified conditions. P12/V2394/O Outline application for the erection of a two storey building to form 2x2 bed flats, with parking spaces and refuse bin/cycle storage areas. (Re-submission following refusal of application P12/V1498/O): 22 Raleigh Park Road, North Hinksey. REFUSED, as in the opinion of the Local Planning Authority, the overall design, scale and massing of the proposed building on garden land would result in a poor quality and visually harmful development which is not compatible with or sympathetic to the character of the surrounding area. Furthermore, the proposal is an overdevelopment of the site and detrimental to residential amenity. As such the proposal is contrary to policies H10, DC1 and DC9 of the adopted Vale of White Horse Local Plan, to the council’s adopted residential design guide and to advice contained in the National Planning Policy Framework. c). Notices of Appeal North Hinksey Parish There were no notices of appeal as at 10th January 2013. d). Appeal Decisions North Hinksey Parish There were no appeal decisions as at 10th January 2013. 5. OTHER PLANNING ISSUES The Chairman, Councillor A. Pritchard asked the Parish Clerk to contact the Department for Communities and Local Government to enquire why the Parish Council had not been asked for its views on the recent consultation papers in relation to ‘Extending permitted development rights for homeowners and businesses: Technical consultation’. Action: The Parish Clerk to contact the Department for Communities and Local Government. 6. ANY OTHER BUSINESS There was no further business. 7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING 31st January 2013 The meeting closed at 8.25pm