Cultural-Historical Heritage of the City of Kargopol and Kargopolye

D. V. Tormosov
Cultural-Historical Heritage of the City of Kargopol and Kargopolye
Each district of the Russian North has its own distinctive features. But together they all
have something common we might call “a presentation card” – a rich historical and cultural
heritage. The town of Kargopol and the Kargopol area (the area of its influence in history) are in
the south-west of the Arkhangelsk Region. Among other territories of the Barents Region the
Kargopol area takes a special place. The heritage of the past is diverse and preserved well here. It
makes an entire complex which includes two of the main parts of traditional territorial tenor of
life in Russia:
- the town of Kargopol is an ancient trading, administrative and cultural centre of the vast
area, part of the River Onega valley (The Kargopol Area). The Kargopol historic complex of
buildings comprises more than 30 monuments of cult and civil architecture, 10 of which are
of federal importance. The town has a building plan which goes back to the middle of the 18th
century, numerous monuments and objects of material and spiritual culture.
- the system of rural settling in the Kargopol area of the 15th century has preserved cultural
landscapes on the area of 36 former “volosts” (districts) with more than 300 traditional
settlements – villages where one can find more than 5000 traditional objects of cult and civil
architecture, monuments and objects of material and spiritual culture.
One of the priority tasks of the Kargopol State History, Arts and Architecture Museum is
to assist the development of the Kargopol area which truly is a treasury of history and culture in
the Russian North. The Kargopol State Museum founded in 1919 is a custodian of the rarest and
most valuable objects of the heritage. This imposes a special responsibility upon the Museum
for keeping and preserving them for future generations, for including them into contemporary
cultural and economic life. The Museum comprises 16 monuments of cult architecture of federal
importance situated in Kargopol and in the town outskirts, museum collection numbers more
than 36 thousand items.
The Kargopol historical and cultural heritage resource
Potential of the historical and cultural heritage of Kargopol can become a huge resource
for future development of the region, including social and economical aspects. At present the
resource does not work properly because the evaluation and financing priorities are elsewhere, it
could have brought more benefits under more effective storage and use. In this situation the
Museum should become a base and an initiator of realizing the potential the area posesses. When
evaluating the historical and cultural heritage resource of the Kargopol area it is important to
have in mind its stronger sides and local peculiarities:
The image of an ancient Russian town with well preserved historical and cultural
Kargopol, of the same age as Moscow, situated at the border of influence of the
Novgorod Boyar Republic and Belozero Principality has developed all the features of a Russian
Middle Age town ( its plan is orientated to the river, a picturesque combination of
architecturally dominating churches and low wooden buildings).
Kargopol for a long period was an important crossing in the system of water routes, and
later of roads and highways vital for the Russian North. Development and stability of trade were
the reasons of the town’s growth and the population’s stamina. The Kargopol merchants were
known in every big town of Russia, they traveled as far as Siberian fairs. The Kargopol Land is a
native place of the first governor of the Russian America, Aleksandr Andreyevich Baranov, the
developer of the first oil field in Russia Fyodor Savelyevich Pryadunov.
In modern times Kargopol is known for its architectural legacy first of all. Researchers
call the town ‘The Kargopol Architectural School’ where the influence of both Novgorod and
Moscow are combined. Twelve stone temples make a unique ensembles of the Cathedral and Old
Trading Squares (today the latter is called Red Army Square), and at the same time they are the
dominating centres of historical buildings in the north and south parts of the town. The Museum
owns seven town monuments - stone cult buildings of federal importance. Among them the best
and the most important are the Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ (built in 1562), the
Annunciation Church (built in 1692) and the Cathedral bell-tower (built in 1778). The core of
historic buildings is formed by the church ensembles together with living quarters with some
workshops and household buildings, more than 100 wooden and stone objects of civil
architecture. 21 of them have an architectural monument status.
The image of a Russian Northern village, a distinctive centre of folk culture developed
Mutual inter- penetration of pagan and Christian religions.
The system of rural settlements in the Kargopol Area is a material form of social system,
an integral part of history and culture of the Northern peasantry. The process of forming the
settlements took place in the 14th-15th centuries. Up to the middle of the 20th century the
settlement system was developing step by step without any transformations. In spite of the losses
suffered under the Soviet government policy it survived till our days in a traditional form and
preserved major part of its peculiarities. Its inimitable quality is characterized by the absence of
alien elements – factory housing estates or workmen’s settlements near the centres of industry.
We can say with confidence that this combination of an ancient Russian town and traditional
system of rural settlements is unique. This is the only example in the Russian North where a
traditional territorial complex is preserved in its entirety and not just some of its parts.
Thanks to its situation in the watershed of three big water basins of Europe –the Baltic
Sea (the Lake of Onega), the White Sea (the River of Onega) and the Kaspian Sea (the Beloye
Lake), the network of settlements in the Kargopol Area has absolutely individual features. It is
here that ancient portages were situated, which were outposts of developing the North by the
Slavs. In the Kargopol Area there exist all the three types of northern villages – near the lake,
near the river, at the watershed – which define the diversity of cultural landscape. Culture and
landscape complexes of the Kargopol Area consist of villages with traditional agricultural lands
and historical road and path network.
The Kargopol settlements have preserved thousands of wooden objects, creations of
people’s architecture such as churches at the grave-yards, churches and chapels, dwelling places
with a complex of household objects – bathhouses, barns, threshing places, and engineering
hydrotechnical objects - bridges, dams and water mills. Many of these have a status of
architectural monuments. The Museum branches are in the church ensembles of Ovenskoye (the
18th century) and Sauninskoye (the 17-18th centuries) grave-yards, the Chapel of St. George (the
19th century) in the village of Niz, they belong to the monuments of federal importance and
present the most vivid features of the Onega River architecture. The ensemble of the Lyadino
grave-yard is one of the four surviving classic wooden three-object ensembles, of which the
Museum is very proud. It is one of the best in its proportions, space and volume as well as in
technical methods of building, among the monuments of wooden architecture of the Russian
North of its golden age.
The existence of centres of folk crafts and arts specific for the Russian North, among
which clay toys known all over the world are the unique example of people’s art.
The Kargopol Area has always been famous for its joiners, stone-masons, brick-makers
and smiths. The rich variety of crafts connected with daily life of peasants survived till the
middle of the 20th century. The Kargopol clay toys became a pottery brand of several potters’
dynasties. The most famous are the toys made by Ulyana Ivanovna Babkina, the Museum
opened a memorial - workshop at her native village. The most beautiful and specific for
Kargopol are gold needlework and embroidery. At present old traditions of folk arts are revived
at the “Bereginya” and “Belomorskiye Uzory” centres.
Geography and natural environment.
It should be mentioned the geographical situation of Kargopol as a part of the Barents
Region. Here is a unique point called “Atleka” where two ocean basins (of the Arctic and the
Atlantic Oceans) and the biggest intra-continental system of the Caspian Sea meet. There are
other two such points on the Earth; one is situated in the Mediterranean area (Turkey), another in
the North America (the USA).
The ancient highways at the crossing of which Kargopol stood for centuries at present are
transforming into federal (Arkhangelsk –Saint-Petersburg) and international (Finland – Karelia –
the Komi Republic) routes, the latter being almost ready for use.
The Kargopol Area is situated among the beautiful landscapes. Some of them thanks to
the high value of natural components and esthetic qualities are of federal importance. Two
national parks (Kenozero and Vodlozero) are also situated on the territory of Kargopol Area and
not far from the town.
Collection, information and intellect potential of the Museum.
The Museum has the area of 7,55 hectares. It comprises 18 monuments of cult and civil
architecture, 16 of them are of federal importance. The Museum collection has more than 36
thousand items. The most important are the collections of ancient Russian fine arts, sculpture,
handwritten and first printed books, gold needlework, ethnography (embroidery, folk costume
and headwear). The collection is exhibited at thematic permanent expositions, such as “Ancient
Kargopol Legacy” (ancient Russian painting), “Magic of Folk Arts” (ethnography).
Regular are temporary interactive exhibitions devoted to history and culture of the
Kargopol Area: “Kargopol of Merchants”, “Gold Needlework of Kargopol”, “Folk Costume
Parade”, “Doll’s House”, “The Kargopol Wedding”, “To Have a Horse Shoed”, “We Were Born
in a Village”, “Fenix of the Indigo Colour”. The Museum takes part in joint exhibition projects
held by the museums of Arkhangelsk, Severodvinsk, Moscow, Saint Petersburg and
Since 1996 the Museum holds regular conferences in which researchers and scientists
from many regions of Russia take part. The conference themes are directly connected with
history and culture of the Kargopol Area. We publish our works, collection catalogues, as well as
popular science literature and advertising materials.
The Museum has acquired a very interesting experience in working with children and
youths audience. We have many educational programmes which are realized in the framework of
the “Museum for Children” Project. At the Museum there exists a quire of spiritual music
“Svetilen” and a folk ensemble “The Olonets Gubernia”.
Some functional models of possible directions of Kargpol development
The results of the heritage evaluation determine some functional models of possible
directions of Kargpol development, the effective use of the heritage being the main condition:
- the model of the town as a museum and research centre, specializing in researches,
presenting, preserving and developing the cultural aspects of the Russian North;
- the model of the town as a centre of toys, jewelry and other applied arts objects production
in the best Russian folk traditions;
- the model of the town as a centre of tourism specializing in elitarian, conference tourism,
pilgrimage and educational tourism;
- the model of the town as an educational centre of exclusive educational services.
All these models are actual only on condition the historical and cultural heritage is
preserved well.
The Kargopol Museum is an initiator of cooperation in a complex mutually beneficial
activity in preservation and restoration of the entire historic and cultural sphere of Kargopol and
the Kargopol Area.
Realization of federal preservation programmes of special purpose, of projects which are
backed out of budget has been a priority with the Museum for a long time. Restoration and
maintenance work of the architectural monuments are being done since 2001. As a result we
have the Cathedral Bell-tower restored in Kargopol, and a St. George Chapel finished in the
village of Niz in the Oshevensk District, besides we have done some anti- crash works in the
Lyadiny architectural ensemble, conservation of the roof and window frames in the
Annunciation Church, strengthening of foundations of the Nativity of Christ Cathedral. In spite
of some positive changes and tendencies in general, the situation in preservation of historical and
cultural heritage is still very serious. Much apprehension is exited by the architectural
monuments which are dangerously ruined. The money the Museum receives for restoration is
usually sent to preserve the most important monuments where the works have already started.
These are the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Christ, Annunciation Church and the Lyadiny
grave-yard ensemble.
When restoring the collections the priority is given to the rarest and valuable objects
which are often exhibited, presented, researched or photographed by museum staff. Such are the
collections of icons, traditional folk costume, gold needlework, church cloths and women’s
headwear. They present the truest impression of the culture of the Russian North and must be
restored first.
There exists an urgent problem of good storing and exhibiting of the restored objects
from the collections. The most effectively the problem is solved when they are stored in the
opened for visitors’ rooms. The Museum is searching for money to arrange such open storage.
Our dream is to construct and equip a building of special design in the traditions of the Kargopol
wooden mansions in ‘the red line’ of the cathedral Square of Kargopol, in the place where once
stood the house of the merchant Lavrentyev. If the dream is fulfilled the town will benefit
threefold: the traditional style of buildings in the main square of the town will be preserved,
visitors and tourists will be able to see the unique collections, all the collections will be
collected in one place unlike now when they are dispersed and kept in building not meant for
Heritage preservation is closely connected with its wide use. The Museum makes certain
efforts to integrate into some social and economic structures of different levels, to find new
forms and methods of heritage use. These efforts are impossible to realize without local
community consolidation, at the same time the Museum activities are all directed to benefit the
community. The heritage use can help solve the present-day problems and those of the nearest
future such as:
- heritage use urgency for different age, education and profession categories of people;
- lack of joint information system on the District heritage;
- difficulties in supplying operative data on the heritage to Museum visitors and tourists;
- low level of cultural services to the provincial population.
The main problem though lies in the fact that the community’s historical memory is
disappearing. The activities of local community in the processes connected with preservation and
use of the heritage are temporary and depend on the general situation in society and economy.
Villages which for a very long period of time determined the ‘face’ of Russia are still dying out.
As a result historical monuments and cultural landscapes are dying, too. For the Kargopol
Museum the process is very topical, because it is in the villages that the Museum has its
branches, and their activities are directly connected with the sad process. The future of both
social, economical, cultural development of the area as well as attractiveness of the Kargopol
Area for guests and tourists and local population directly depends on the solution of the abovementioned problems and the character of the above-said processes.
Planning of any Museum event of importance begins with evaluation of its effectiveness
and interest of different categories of the population. Agreements are signed on joint use of the
museum objects for the mutual benefit of the Museum and the local community with the Russian
Orthodox Church. Restoration priorities are given to the objects which will be used jointly by the
local congregation and the Museum. One of the new methods of effective working with the
heritage is a bigger number of parties interested in its use. The example of it was the festival
“Cristal Bells” (of bells’ music) which was timed to the Holiday of Epiphany. In this project the
interests of the population, the Museum, the Church, the Administration, and tourists meet which
help consolidate the local community with the idea of revival of spirituality.
Not long ago an exhibition “We were born in the village” was opened; it was the result of
the research made in the framework of the project on research of the social closeness of the
village settlers of the Kargopol Area held by the Russian Foundation of Fundamental Research.
The task of the exhibition was to inspire local people, the major part of which are from the
villages, to direct communication on many disappearing villages and people’s destinies. This
information is few, the Museum database on the settlement system in Kargopol and the Kargopol
Area is just being compiled and nevertheless the demands of the local people and guests from
afar are numerous. It is evident that there is a vital necessity to publish the information we
possess in “the general list of the Kargopol settlements” and later to issue a truly communicative
product based on the research materials of the Museum on definite territories of the Kargopol
Area. As a result of the idea realization there should be computerized research information
centre with special software, at present the Museum tries to find the money for it.
Excursion services for visitors comprise different forms of exhibiting the heritage
including interactive ones. The example how the demands for services grow is our excursion
“Being a Guest of a Samovar” where numerous samovars are exhibited. Unlike the former
variant of the excursion when the visitors were given an interesting lecture on samovars, their
traditional types and forms, a new variant of the excursion includes drinking tea made in an old
samovar. The excursion is being bought by visitors well and gets good responses. In an answer
to the latest appearance of beer bars in some protected Kargopol zones the Museum tries not
only to interfere with the process but to find money for building a non-alcoholic cafe in the
Cathedral Square in accordance with the regulations in the protection laws.
For seven years the Kargopol Museum has been realizing a long-term programme
“Children’s Museum». Educational programmes, interactive exhibitions, excursions, events of
all kinds allow the children visiting the Museum to become active participants in preservation of
the cultural heritage of the Kargopol Area. Thanks to these activities different categories of our
visitors and tourists have shown more interest to the development of museum and education
activities in Kargopol. At present the programmes and projects the Museum is planing need to be
united under one roof. The Centre “Children’s Museum” will give a possibility to coordinate,
direct and develop the museum and education activities. The Centre will be built in the historic
centre of the town of Kargopol, on the territory of the former estate of a Norwegian timber
merchant Otto Vager. In the framework of the Programme devoted to small provincial towns the
Vager’s estate is being reconstructed. After the reconstruction there will an information agency
at the “Children’s Museum”, creative workshops, exhibition halls and playrooms. There also will
be a memorial devoted to the former owners of the mansion, a small hotel. Visitors will be able
to get virtual and interactive information thanks to the multi media electronic equipment and
special programmes.
To make the historical and cultural heritage of Kargopol and the Kargopol Area a
working tool for future development of the territory as part of the Barents Region we need time,
money and concrete actions. We have enough experience and are looking for reliable partners to
do all this.