NTI 2013 National Adult Education College and Career Readiness Standards: to prepare state Adult Eduation Programs to meet higher standards Decision Points 08/28/13 State staff members face a number of decision points when planning, developing, implementing and evaluating a standards-based state initiative including: 1. Assessing your current state of readiness 2. Deciding what standards you will use 3. Assess needed changes to your current teacher, program, and program manager standards 4. Developing the message to convey the change to the local programs 5. Deciding what teachers need to know and be able to do to teach to the higher standards 6. Developing the implementation plan 7. Deciding what PD resources to include 8. Deciding what policy and procedure changes are needed to support the initiative 9. Deciding how to upgrade current teachers content knowledge vis a vis the new higher standards 10. Preparing a sustainability plan for long term support The first draft of this document was developed for an institute spronsored by NAEPDC in the spring of 2013 by the CCR Professional Development Design Team: Cheryl Brueggeman, Ohio State Adult Education Office, Meryl Becker, NCFL; Sharon Darling, NCFL; Donna Elder, NCFL; Lennox McLendon, NAEPDC; Jane Miller, Colorado State Adult Education State Office; Reecie Stagnolia, Kentucky; Marsha Taylor, Arkansas with input and contributions from colleagues across the country. NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 1 The Decision Point Matrix below includes more details on those decision points along with resources to inform your decisions. The matrix will be posted on our web site (www.naepdc.org) in hopes that you will contribute resources you develop to inform your colleagues across the country. Send those resources to Lennox McLendon at lmclendon@naepdc.org; (202) 624.5250 Decision Points Matrix Decision Points 1. Assessing your current readiness Options/Resources Completion Date 1.0 Self-assessments: 1.0.1 Becoming Standards Based 1.1 What standards will you use? 1.1.1 Adopt the Common Core 1.1.2 Adopt OVAE’s National College and Career Adult Education Standards 1.1.3 Align your current standards with the Common Core or the National College and Career Adult Education Standards or 1.1.4 Develop a new set of standards 1.1.5 Use your own state’s standards 1.2 Based on 1.1 above, what do you plan to do about Teacher Standards, Program Manager Standards, Program Standards to provide clear expectations: 1.2.1 Create Standards 1.2.2 Adapt current standards 1.3 To what extent have all teachers been trained 1.3.1 to use standards to develop instruction 1.3.2 to assess and upgrade their own content knowledge in math and ELA/writing 1.4.1 To what extent have local program managers been trained to support SBE, conduct classroom observations and provide assistance to teachers 1.5 What kind of resources and supports do you have in place or want to create: 1.5.1 Web-based lesson plan clearinghouse 1.5.2 Support for learning communities 1.5.3 State-wide or regional curriculum development workgroup(s) NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 2 1.5.4 Financial incentives to pilot professional development, develop/pilot curriculum, and/or develop/pilot performance 1.6 What policies and procedures do you have in place or want to add that support SBE 1.6.1 managed intake/entry 1.6.2 managed enrollment 1.6.3 priorities/incentives in the funding applications and rfps 1.6.4 clear expectations and guidance (policy) in teacher standards, program manager standards and program standards 1.7 Evaluation plan for the 8 month and 2 year initiatives 1.7.1 clear goals and benchmarks 1.7.2 delineation of the evidence you will need to collect to convince everyone that the initiatives are a success 1.8 What teachers will need to know and be able to do Depth of Knowledge if using the GED ® Test Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy if using Common Core content knowledge o higher order math strategies and methodology o English language arts with emphasis on evidence-based writing o Social Studies o Science Computers/technology Understanding of the types of test questions A Mid-Term Standards Based Education Plan 2.0 Develop the 2-Year SBE PD plan 2.1 Clarify the vision 2.2 Set goals and benchmarks 2.0.1 A Process Guide for Establishing State Adult Education Content Standards” from OVAE’s Standards in Action Project: http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/howto2.asp 2.0.2 KY Three Year Plan at a glance http://kyae.ky.gov/NR/rdonlyres/78FC7E19-890E-4327-9FB827573964B2CA/0/SIA_Jan13_General.pdf 2.0.2 Arkansas’s Six Month Plan 2.1.1 SIA Chapter 2 http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/howto2.asp NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 3 2.2.1 Phase 1-2.2.2 Phase 2-2.2.3 Phase 3-2.2.4 Sustainability Plan 2.3. Messaging to bring the locals along in making the transition to standards-based instruction. The message should include: Sharing the vision (Why) How it aligns with what we are already doing Assuring a long-term commitment from the state Committing resources to support local implementation Identify the state lead person Identify the state leadership group Setting specific expectations 2.4 Designing the 2-Year SBE Professional Development 2.4.1 Understanding the Standards 2.4.2 Unpacking Standards 2.3.1 Excellent Example: Ohio’s Standards’ Overview 2.3.2 A Process Guide for Establishing State Adult Education Content Standards” from OVAE’s Standards in Action Project: http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/howto2.asp Chapter 2: Setting the Stage for the Standards-Based Initiative o Create a vision and a strategic plan o Develop policies and procedures o Secure funding and allocate resources o Develop RFPs and Grant Applications o Involve key stakeholders 2.3.2 Standards in Action “Field Resources” http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/field_resources.asp Start-up strategies Standards Development Strategies Implementation and Rollout Strategies 2.3.3 OH. Creating self-assessments for teachers, program managers and support staff vis-à-vis your program standards http://uso.edu/network/workforce/able/reference/development/pd-planningguide.pdf NCFL online course Example of a cross walk between a state’s current standards and the CCSS Ohio 2011 Standards Crosswalk for Math and English https://www.ohiohighered.org/files/uploads/able/reference/standards/ABE%20to%20CCSS% 20Crosswalk_7-27-11%20-%20Copy.pdf UNPACKING STANDARDS KET Video training on Unpacking Standards NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 4 http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/ccaded.pd.decon.unpack/ KET Facilitators Guide for Unpacking Standards http://tdcms.ket.org/deconstandards/facilitatorsguideforunpackingstandardsela.pdf SIA Videos of SBE in action: http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/ObsSIAVideos.asp 2.4.3 Aligning Resources to the Standards 2.4.4 Aligning Assignments to the Standards ALIGNING RESOURCES KET video training Aligning Resources to Standards http://www.teachersdomain.org/resource/ccaded.pd.decon.align/ KET Facilitator’s Guide for Aligning Resources http://tdcms.ket.org/deconstandards/facilitatorsguideforaligningresourcesela.pdf 2.4.5 Developing local instructional leadership KET Local Program Manager’s Orientation http://tdcms.ket.org/deconstandards/facilitatorsguideforprogramdirectorrsrientationela.pdf SIA= classroom observation form (see 3.4 below) Ohio – Curriculum Specialist Position to support Program Improvement Consultation PlanXXXXXX 3.0 PD Delivery Options 3.1 Distance Options 3. 2 Technology Instruction for teachers 3.1.1 KY—KET (available nationally) http://kyae.ky.gov/educators/PD201213.htm (see 2.4) 3.1.2 www.OhioABLE.org Video announcement http://www.ohioable.org/GED2014 3.1.3 SIA Contents Warehouse http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/standardsInAction.asp 3.1.4 Illinois Moodle Modules 3.2.1 KY KET http://kyae.ky.gov/educators/PD201213.htm 3.2.2 OH Resource Guide https://www.ohiohighered.org/sites/ohiohighered.org/files/uploads/able/reference/policies/Technolo gy%20Guide%20for%20ABLE%20-%20FINAL%20-%20May%202012.pdf OH Technology Standards – Level One https://www.ohiohighered.org/sites/ohiohighered.org/files/uploads/able/reference/policies/Level%20 NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 5 1%20Technology%20Standards%20-%20FINAL%20FY13%206-20-2012.pdf 3.3 PD for part-time teachers re: unpacking standards and aligning resources 3.2.3 SC technology academy: http://edtheturtle.com/pages/HorryCountyAdultEducation/9070537492842945858/2013_Conference _Presenters 3.3.1 NCFL online course Part 1. Getting Started with Standards Based Education Part 2. Using Standards in Education 3.3.2 Using your current state PD system KY—Morehead, UK KY—KET videotaped pd 3.3.3 VT: regional face to face followed with conference calls 3.3.4 IL: Moodle http://www.cait.org/ciaesc/profDev/modules/module2/p2.jsp 3.3.5 CO: Preparing Teachers for Standards 3.4 Expectations and Observations 3.4.1 SIA classroom observation protocol Unit 4, Page 21 http://www.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov/howto2.asp Xx 3.4.2 OK classroom observation guide 4.0. Program structures, policies and procedures that support Standards-Based Programs 4.1 managed intake 4.2 managed enrollment 4.3 funding priorities 4.4 local grant application (RFP) priorities 4.5 professional development for ALL staff on unpacking 4.1.1 Managed Intake PD package: Power Point, agenda, packet 4.2.1 KY Managed enrollment http://kyae.ky.gov/NR/rdonlyres/568FB8EC-E7BC-4A29-9F3AC55B0C26C9BA/0/Managedenrollmentmodels.pdf 4.2.2 WV Adult Teacher Handbook: http://wvde.state.wv.us/abe/tcher_handbook_pdf/ 4.2.3 TX GED: ten week classes; x% oral, x% reading; x%writing; compare to activities in the text. Lesson plan model; classroom monitoring based on lesson flow (%s). 4.3.1 OK: Performance based funding 4.3.2 OK: Teachers need time and structure 4.4.1 managed intake, managed enrollment, partnerships, teacher planning, etc. See 3.3 NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 6 standards and aligning resources 4.6 Communities of Practice: 5 for part-time teachers 6 for full-time teachers 7 for program managers and leaders 4.6.1 NCFL online course Part 1. Getting Started with Standards Based Education Part 2. Using Standards in Education 4.8 Incentives for participating in PD 4.6.2 Community of Practice Design Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide for Designing and Cultivating Communities of Practice in Higher Education, Cambridge, D., Suter, V., 2005 http://www.educause.edu/library/resources/community-practice-design-guide-step-step-guidedesigning-cultivating-communities-practice-higher-education 4.8.1 Ohio Teacher Credentialing/Coaching – (to be modeled after Project KNOTT FY14) http://knottt.net/ 4.9 Web based resource library 4.9.1 OH Online Central Library 4.9.1 Ohio Transitions Repository - http://mercury.educ.kent.edu/database/uso/resources_search.cfm 4.10 Providing local instructional leadership 4.10.1Program Directors (KY) KY Facilitators Guide: http://kyae.ky.gov/educators/CCSPD.htm 4.10.2 Lead Instructors (OK) 4.10.3 OH: State staff consultation service to local programs to assist them infusing SBE OH examples pending access from programs 4.11 Syllabi for larger programs 4.12 Learning plans for multilevel classes 5. Sustainability Plan 5.1 Maintaining prioritized funding 5.2 Orientation for newly hired program managers, teachers and other staff 5.3 Challenge: maintaining local instructional leadership 5.4 Hire teachers with math and writing specialist (OK) TX GED: ten week classes; x% oral, x% reading; x%writing; compare to activities in the text. Lesson plan model; classroom monitoring based on lesson flow (%s). 5.0.1 Four Stage Sustainability Plan from SIA NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 7 6.0 Pilot testing 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.0.1. SIA pilot testing guide 6.0.2 NAEPDC’s Going to Scale Guide o http://naepdc.org/GTScorrected3.11.doc Funding for pilot tests Selecting pilot test sites Training pilot test staff Conducting Pilots and tweaking process 7.0 Implementing/Going to Scale 7.0.1 NAEPDC’s Going to Scale Guide o http://naepdc.org/GTScorrected3.11.doc 7.1 Messaging: vision, goals, and expectation 7.2 SIA PD 7.2.1 Communities of Practice for part time and full time teachers 7.3 Implementing structural changes (3.0 above) 7.4 Communities of Practice 7.5 Web-based resource library 8.0 Monitoring and Evaluation 8.1 designed around yearly goals and benchmarks (2.0 above) 8.0.1 OH PD Evaluation Framework Developing the Short-Term Plan to prepare teachers 9.0 Upgrading Teachers Content Knowledge and Instructional Methods 9.1 Assessing teachers’ learning 9.1.1 Ohio Self-Assessment Guide needs; http://uso.edu/network/workforce/able/reference/development/pd-planning-guide.pdf 9.1.2 Colorado Teacher Self-Assessment NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 8 9.2 Teacher learning resources ABE ASE instruction Self-Assessment Working with Adult Learners Self-Assessment 9.1.3 innovation 4, SIA observation guide https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CDMQFjAA&url=http %3A%2F%2Fwww.adultedcontentstandards.ed.gov%2FReferenceFiles%2FGuide%2FSIA%2520Unit%25 204.doc&ei=vf1vUafENIO8ATZ3IDIBA&usg=AFQjCNFg6ifyNAg38LnXEmi43BWGDe2kAQ&sig2=2tFdGC1ba9Itj_eYIN2VYw&bvm=b v.45368065,d.eWU 9.2.1 Jane’s MAP: Resource developed by Jane Miller, CO 9.2.2 LINCS resources: contact your regional center http://lincs.ed.gov/lincs/regionalresources/regional_centers.html Adult Numeracy Initiative (ANI) Three 2-day F2F institutes—geared more to ABE than ASE level math Finding Everyday Opportunities to Think Algebraically: ½ day or full day F2F raining Preparing Students for college-level Math: ½ day F2F training Engaging Adult Learners in Science (Coming Soon): An online, self-paced course to teach science in adult education. Teaching Adults to Read: online self-paced based: http://lincs.ed.gov/publications/reading_components 9.2.3 TEAL Teaching Excellence in Adult Literacy https://teal.ed.gov/ (differentiated learning, selfassessment, independent learning, and writing. 9.3 Technology in the classroom 10.0 Rogers and Shoemaker 9.2.4 OK webinar on thinking skills: “Metacognitive Processes: The critical role in successful learning http://vimeo.com/57557156 9.3.0 LINCS resources: contact your regional center http://lincs.ed.gov/lincs/regionalresources/regional_centers.html Integration of Technology into the Adult Ed Classroom: facilitated online training, 12 hours Rogers and Shoemaker Communication of Innovation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusion_of_innovations NAEPDC www.naepdc.org April 29, 2013 Page 9