Chapter 33 Terms & Questions – The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920

Chapter 33 Terms & Questions – The Politics of Boom and Bust, 1920 - 1932
Herbert Hoover
Andrew W. Mellon
Warren G. Harding
Albert Fall
Calvin Coolidge
Douglas MacArthur
General Terms
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Hawley-Smoot Tariff
Good Neighbor Policy
Dawes Plan
Washington Disarmament Conference
Teapot Dome
Bonus Army
Veterans Scandal
Black Tuesday
Japanese embargo
1. In what way was Harding like Grant in the Presidency?
2. List 3 examples of the "best minds" that Harding installed in his Cabinet. (3 points)
3. Give 2 examples of the "worst men" that Harding installed in his Cabinet. (2 points)
4. What was the Republican "new attitude" about the relationship of government and business?
5. List 3 progressive reforms that the Supreme Court cut into in the 1920s. (3 points)
6. What was the situation for organized labor and unions in post-war America?
7. Where did the issue of racism re-ignite in post-war America?
8. What did the American Legion become notorious for in the 1920s?
9. Why was the U.S. still technically at war with Germany in 1921?
10. In what area of international issues did Harding seize the initiative?
11. What were the 2 issues on the table at the Washington Disarmament Conference? (2 points)
12. What did the 5-5-3 ratio cover?
13. What 2 concessions to the Japanese were made to get them to accept the 5-5-3 ratio?
14. What was the Kellogg-Briand Pact supposed to do?
15. List 2 reasons the Kellogg-Briand was ineffective. (2 points)
16. What did the Fordney-McCumber Tariff Law do to tariffs?
17. What 2 economic goals of European nations were crushed by Fordney-McCumber? (2points)
18. List 3 major scandals that occurred during Harding's administration. (3 points)
19. How did Harding escape paying the price for the indiscretions of his appointees?
20. What was Calvin Coolidge's personality like?
21. What was Coolidge's attitude in dealing with business?
22. What 2 factors had combined to create a surge in farm production by 1920?
23. What happened to farm prices after European markets returned to post-war normality?
24. Why did the Democrats have such a difficult time nominating a candidate in 1924?
25. What part of the country backed La Follette's Progressive campaign?
26. Where was the only place in the world where the U.S. did not practice isolationism?
27. What were the European countries' 3 complaints about the U.S. demand that European war debts be paid to the U.S.? (3 points)
28. What was the response of Germany and France to U.S. pressure for loan repayment?
29. What did Charles Dawes arrange for Germany?
30. What did the U.S. gain from its high pressure repayment tactics?
31. List 3 of Al Smith's handicaps in the 1928 presidential election. (3 points)
32. List Hoover's 3 fundamental beliefs about America. (3 points)
33. Why did many Southerners shy away from voting for Smith?
34. Which 2 groups of Americans were not sharing in the prosperity of the 1920s? (2 points)
35. What was the purpose of the Federal Farm Board?
36. What was the intention of the Hawley-Smoot Tariff?
37. What did the Hawley-Smoot Tariff seem like to foreigners?
38. What did most people think the future held for Americans when Hoover was inaugurated?
39. What happened to the Stock Market in October of 1929?
40. By the end of 1932, how many Americans were jobless?
41. Who did most Americans blame for their economic troubles?
42. What was the basic cause of the Great Depression?
43. List 3 other factors which made the Great Depression the worst in U.S. history?
44. What is a "Hoover blanket"?
45. Why was Hoover fundamentally opposed to government handouts to people suffering from the effects of the Depression?
46. What did Hoover think would happen as a result of restoring the health of the industries at the top of the financial pyramid?
47. What did Hoover's attempts to correct the Depression paved the way for what future program?
48. What was the Reconstruction Finance Corporation designed to do?
49. What did the "Bonus Expeditionary Force" want?
50. How was the Bonus Army finally dispersed?
51. How did Japan take advantage of the worldwide economic depression?
52. What was Japan's response to the League of Nations' condemnation of the seizure of Manchuria?
53. What was the U.S. response to Japan's invasion of China?
54. List 2 ways in which U.S. actions over Manchuria precipitated World War II. (2 points)
55. What happened to American investments in Latin America as a result of the worldwide depression?
56. What was Hoover's goal for American foreign policy regarding Latin America?