Board of Supervisors Agenda Room 301, Hall of Records 2281 Tulare Street Fresno, California 93721-2198 Telephone: (559) 488-3529 Toll Free: 1-800-742-1011 Chairman Vice Chairman Judith G. Case Phil Larson Susan B. Anderson Henry Perea Bob Waterston 4th District 1st District 2nd District 3rd District 5th District Bart Bohn Dennis A. Marshall Bernice E. Seidel County Admin. Officer County Counsel Clerk ACTION SUMMARY MINUTES TUESDAY MAY 3, 2005 9:00 AM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE NOTE: Any item that is pulled from the morning consent agenda for discussion will be set aside until the department can be notified and its representative is in the board room. Morning 1. Morning Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 34 - 48 - (These matters are routine in nature and are usually approved by a single vote. Prior to action by the Board, the public will be given the opportunity to comment on any Consent Item) - Items to be removed from Consent for Discussion - Approval of Morning Consent Agenda - Discussion/Action on Items removed from Consent Agenda APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED PLAnWC Chairman Case 2. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Richard Albert - Public Works and Planning Department, 23 years of service PRESENTED 3. Presentation of Retirement Plaque to Phillip Sanchez - Public Works and Planning Department, 30 years of service PRESENTED 4. AnLPWC R-05-201 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED 5. LAnPWC Adopt resolution recognizing the week of May 6th through 12th as National Nurses Week in Fresno County Proclaim the month of May 2005 as Veterans Appreciation Month in Fresno County APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED Equal Employment Opportunity - Affirmative Action - Disabled Employer Internet R-05-202 Page 2 6. Proclaim the month of May 2005 as Older Americans Month in appreciation of the invaluable contributions made by seniors to their respective communities R-05-203 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED WLAnPC 7. Adopt a resolution supporting the Agriculture Industry Standards for the Mexicana International Flights into Fresno Yosemite Airport R-05-204 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED LAnPWC 8. Discuss and reaffirm Board of Supervisors’ position in opposition of Senate Bill (SB) 999 (Machado) R-05-205 MOTION TO SUPPORT LEGISLATION TO ADD EXPERTISE (PARTICULARLY IN THE URBAN TRANSPORTATION, PLANNING AND HEALTH AREAS),TO INCLUDE INPUT FROM THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS FROM EACH COUNTY ON APPOINTMENTS, AND ADD HEALTH EXPERT SEATS TO THE COMMUNITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE; ADDITIONALLY TO DESIGNATE SEATS FOR THE SAN JOAQUIN VALLEY ON THE CALIFORNIA AIR RESOURCES BOARD - FAILED TO PASS; AnP LWC/no PAnC LW/no CONTINUED ITEM TO MAY 17, 2005, FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION Supervisor Perea 9. Proclaim May 2005 as National Mental Health Month in Fresno County R-05-206 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED PAnLWC Supervisor Waterston 10. WLAnPC Adopt resolution designating May 2005 as Water Safety Month and present resolution to Water Safety Council Members R-05-207 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED Sheriff 11. LAnPWC Conduct first hearing to consider amending the Fresno County Master Schedule of Fees, Charges and Recovered Costs Ordinance by amending Section 2609 of Title 2600 relating to Sheriff Contract Service fees; waive reading of ordinance in its entirety and set second hearing for May 17, 2005 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED 12. Accept verbal update on an offer by the California Highway Patrol to increase traffic enforcement on rural roads RECEIVED Administrative Office 13. LAnPWC R-05-208 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED 14. AnLPWC Proclaim May 9 through 13, 2005, as Juror Appreciation Week Proclaim May 2005 as Foster Parent Appreciation Month R-05-209 APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED Page 3 15. Accept the Board of Retirement's recommended rates of contribution in accordance with the actuary's recommendation included in the actuarial valuation report as of June 30, 2004 APPROVED EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTION RATES AND CONTINUED EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTION RATES FOR FURTHER DISCUSSION TO MAY 17, 2005 AnLPC W/ab 16. Approve the use of County Current Service Reserve to fund the Supplemental Cost of Living Benefits at their current level RECOMMEND TO THE RETIREMENT BOARD THAT COST-OF-LIVING BENEFITS FOR A SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME BE FUNDED WITH THE EXCESS RETIREE HEALTH BENEFIT FUNDS OR SALE OF OTHER ASSETS INCLUDING REAL PROPERTY AND THAT RETIREES BE NOTIFIED OF THE SPECIFIC PERIOD OF TIME FOR BENEFITS TO CONTINUE AnLPWC 17. PAnLWC Adopt Board Policy No. 54 - Centralized Personnel Services and Related Transfer of Personnel Functions APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED 18. Receive verbal status report from the ad-hoc committee to review and advise the Board regarding Adult and Children Mental Health and Health Department strategies for the current year and 2005-06 DIRECTED STAFF TO FILL THE INTERIM POSITIONS FOR MENTAL HEALTH DIRECTOR AND BEHAVIORAL HEALTH DIRECTOR WITH CONCURRENCE OF THE AD-HOCCOMMITTEE AND TO INCLUDE THE 10 PERCENT TRANSFER OF MENTAL HEALTH FUNDS IN THE PROPOSED BUDGET CONSENSUS 19. Adopt Salary Resolution, Appendix “C”, adding two Defense Attorney I positions (Range 1600) and one Office Assistant II (Range 843) position to Public Defender Org. 2880 CONTINUED ITEM TO THE NEXT BOARD MEETING CONSENSUS 20. Adopt budget resolution transferring FY 2002-03 and FY 2003-04 appropriations in the Capital Projects Org. 1910 to the FY 2004-05 Alternate Indigent Defense Org. 2875 in the total amount of $199,000 for extraordinary costs associated with a capital case (4/5 vote) APPROVED AND DIRECTED STAFF TO BUDGET APPROPRIATELY FOR LINE ITEM 7295 IN BUDGET UNIT 2875 FOR FY 2005-06 AnLWC P/no County Counsel 21. Conduct workshop on conflicts of interest and related issues CONTINUED ITEM TO MAY 10, 2005 CONSENSUS 22. Board of Supervisor's Committee Reports - Receive and provide direction (This item reserved for committee reports by members of the Board of Supervisors) CONTINUED ITEM TO THE NEXT BOARD MEETING CONSENSUS 23. Board Appointments - (List attached in packet and posted on bulletin board outside of Board Chambers) CONSENSUS S-05-022 CONTINUED ITEM TO THE NEXT BOARD MEETING R-05-210 Page 4 24. Closed Session - Closed Session - a. Conference with legal counsel - Existing Litigation, Government Code section 54956.9(a) - NMSBPCSLDHB v. County of Fresno, Fresno Superior Court Case No. 02 CE CG 02025 b. Conference with legal counsel - Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9(a) - John M. Sobaje v. Fresno County Board of Supervisors, Fresno Superior Court Case No. 05 CE CG 00979 c. Conference with Labor Negotiator (GC 54957.6): Agency Negotiator: Ralph Jimenez; Employee Organization: All Bargaining Units and Management and Unrepresented Employees - Hours, Wages and Terms and Conditions of Employment d. Conference with legal counsel - Significant Exposure to Litigation Government Code section 54956.9(b) - No. of Cases: 2 HELD NOON RECESS Page 5 2:00 PM 25. Afternoon Consent Agenda - Item Numbers 49 - 57 - (These matters are routine in nature and are usually approved by a single vote. Prior to action by the Board, the public will be given the opportunity to comment on any Consent Item) - Items to be removed from Consent for Discussion - Approval of Morning Consent Agenda - Discussion/Action on Items removed from Consent Agenda APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED WITH CORRECTION TO ITEM NO. 57 PAnLWC Administrative Office 26. CONSENSUS 27. Receive presentation and provide input on proposed uses of Selma-KingsburgFowler (SKF) County Sanitation District-owned land for various community activities RECEIVED REPORT AND SUPPORTED THE STUDY Authorize and allocate $35,000 to hire MuniFinancial to conduct County-wide analysis and prepare report for County-wide application of Mello-Roos tax rate on new development; and authorize use of tax formulation method used for Community Facilities District No. 2005-01 (Tract No. 5100) for Tract Nos. 4773, 5218, 5506 and 5322 for additional Mello-Roos Community Facilities Districts prior to completion of County-wide tax rate study AnLPWC APPROVED RECOMMENDED ACTION NO. 1 OF AGENDA ITEM PWLC An/no APPROVED RECOMMENDED ACTION NO. 2, WITH EXCEPTION OF UTILIZING THE PROPOSED TAX FORMULATION METHOD FOR TRACT NO. 5322; CONTINUED DISCUSSION OF PROPOSED TAX FORMULATION METHOD FOR TRACT NO. 5322 TO MAY 10, 2005; AND DIRECTED STAFF TO DEVELOP POLICY OPTIONS RELATED TO FUNDING OF LAW ENFORCEMENT SERVICES FOR AFFORDABLE HOUSING PROJECTS 28. RECEIVED REPORT AND DIRECTED STAFF NOT TO PROCEED WITH THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT (EIR) FOR PROPOSED RECONSTRUCTION WITH A BYPASS ALTERNATIVE ALIGNMENT WPAnLC 29. PWAnLC Receive report from staff regarding deprogramming of Federal funds for reconstruction of Huntington Lake Road and get direction regarding the preparation of environmental impact report for proposed reconstruction with a bypass alternative alignment Consider presentation and request from City of Clovis for modification to City/County Memorandum of Understanding for proposed Harlan Ranch annexation and direct staff accordingly CONSIDERED PRESENTATION AND REQUEST FROM THE CITY OF CLOVIS (CITY) AND DIRECTED STAFF TO WORK WITH THE CITY TO NEGOTIATE A SEPARATE TAX SHARING AGREEMENT FOR THE ANNEXATION OF THE PROPOSED HARLAN RANCH PROJECT. PART OF THE TAX SHARING AGREEMENT SHALL REQUIRE CITY TO DEVELOP A PLAN TO ADDRESS THE EXISTING UNINCORPORATED PROPERTIES THAT INTERVENE BETWEEN THE CURRENT CITY-LIMIT BOUNDARY AND THE PROPOSED HARLAN RANCH ANNEXATION, AS DEPICTED IN EXHIBIT "4" OF THE AGENDA ITEM. TOPICS TO BE ADDRESSED IN THE PLAN SHALL INCLUDE FUTURE ANNEXATION AND POTENTIAL DELIVERY OF FIRE, POLICE, WATER/SEWER AND ROAD MAINTENANCE SERVICES TO THESE PROPERTIES Page 6 30. Consider request from Clovis Unified School District and determine that proposed acquisition of 18.80-acre site for new elementary school does not conform to Fresno County General Plan CONSIDERED REQUEST FROM CLOVIS UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT AND DETERMINED THAT THE PROPOSED ACQUISITION OF 18.80-ACRE SITE FOR NEW ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DOES NOT CONFORM TO FRESNO COUNTY GENERAL PLAN WLAnPC 31. CONSENSUS 32. CONSENSUS 33. Receive verbal update on project status of State Route 180, Hughes-West to Brawley; and recommend course of action to Fresno County Transportation Authority CONTINUED ITEM TO MAY 10, 2005 Receive verbal progress report from Tom Jones (WORx) on review and analysis of certain Department of Public Works and Planning functions CONTINUED ITEM TO MAY 10, 2005 Public Presentations - (This portion of the meeting reserved for persons desiring to address the Board on any matter not on this agenda - Pursuant to Administrative Policy No. 29, presentations are limited to 5 minutes per person and no more than 15 minutes per topic) HELD ADDENDUM Administrative Office Provide direction to staff regarding the following proposed actions for management of American Avenue Disposal Site ("Site") Enterprise Fund; Authorize redemption of outstanding Site revenue bonds in approximate amount of $12,005,400; authorize staff to work with Auditor-Controller to validate proposed reduction in general refuse tipping fee from $28.80 per ton to $21.25 per ton; and authorize staff to develop a process to refund approximately $25,059,600 from reserves to cities /County that delivered waste to the Site Placement on Agenda: To Follow Item 32 AnLPC W/ab APPROVED RECOMMENDED ACTION NOS. 1 AND 2 OF AGENDA ITEM. CONTINUED RECOMMEND ACTION NO. 3 OF AGENDA ITEM TO MAY 17, 2005 Supervisor Perea Proclaim May 3, 2005, as Fresno County Peace Officers’ Memorial Day and the week of May 15 through May 21, 2005, as National Police Week Placement on Agenda: To Follow Item 9 PLAnWC APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED; DATES WERE REVISED ON THE RECORD TO DATES NOTED ABOVE. DATES FOR NATIONAL POLICE WEEK SHOULD BE MAY 13 THROUGH MAY 21, 2005 INSTEAD OF MAY 8 THROUGH MAY 14, 2005 Administrative Office Receive verbal report on Community Medical Center Placement on Agenda: To Follow Item 21 RECEIVED REPORT R-05-217 Page 7 SPECIAL ITEM NOT INCLUDED ON POSTED AGENDA APPROVED REQUEST TO TAKE ACTION ON CLOSED SESSION ITEM NOT INCLUDED ON POSTED AGENDA, FINDING THE NEED FOR ACTION AROSE AFTER POSTING OF THE AGENDA WLPAnC AnLPWC Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Gov. Code, Sec. 54956.8) Properties: Proposed Juvenile Delinquency Courthouse for the County's Juvenile Justice Campus at 3333 E. American Avenue, Fresno ("New Courthouse"); and Juvenile Courthouse at 742 S. 10th Street, Fresno ("Existing Courthouse"). County's negotiator: Bart Bohn, County Administrative Officer Negotiating parties: County and the Judicial Council of California, Administrative Office of the Courts (the "AOC"). THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS, BY UNANIMOUS VOTE, TOOK ACTION TO ADD TO THE REGULAR P.M. SESSION THE ABOVE CLOSED SESSION ITEM CONSIDER AND TAKE ACTION ON PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO JUVENILE DELINQUENCY COURTHOUSE TERM SHEET AnLPWC APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED LCAnP W/ab ADJOURNED NEXT MEETINGS: May 17, 2005 - 9:00 A.M. May 24, 2005 - 9:00 A.M. Requests for disability-related modification or accommodation needed in order to participate in the meeting must be made to the Clerk to the Board of Supervisors (559) 488-3529 no later than Monday at 9:00 a.m. Page 8 MORNING CONSENT AGENDA – Item Numbers 34 - 48 (Any Board Member may pull any consent item for discussion or separate vote) APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED PLAnWC Supervisor Case 34. Adopt resolutions recognizing the 2005 Nurse of the Year Award Winners from the Central Valley Coalition of Nursing Association: a. b. c. d. 35. Cindy Joy-McCoy in the category of Administration Bernice Algots in the category of Clinical Practice Andrea Lee in the category of Advanced Practice Louise Layous Paulsen RN, MSN, CNP in the category of Education Proclaim April 29, 2005, as Eva Rosenbuam Day in Fresno County in Recognition of her 101st Birthday R-05-192 THRU R-05-195 R-05-188 Supervisor Waterston 36. Adopt Resolutions recognizing the achievement of Eagle Scout by Tyson Freeman and Clifton McKinney R-05-192 R-05-211 37. Adopt Resolution designating Monday, May 16, 2005, as Hmong and Lao American Veterans Memorial Day R-05-197 Sheriff 38. Adopt resolution transferring unspent grant funds in the amount of $2,944.61 from the FY 2003-04 Sheriff-Grants Org. 31121306 to the current fiscal year (4/5 vote); approve and authorize Clerk to execute Budget Transfer No. 62 in the amount of $33,517 within the FY 2004-05 Sheriff-Grants Org. 31121306 for the purchase of a vehicle and equipment 39. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute the Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement setting forth requirements for the Fresno County Sheriff's Department participation in the federal equitable sharing program for three-years 40. Approve and authorize Chairman to execute agreement with Cogent Systems, Inc., for an Automated Fingerprint Identification System and Mug Photo System effective upon execution and for one year thereafter not to exceed $2,300,912.19 for implementation and $138,193.80 annually for maintenance R-05-198 A-05-129 A-05-130 Administrative Office 41. Hold second hearing on ordinance to amend Fresno County Ordinance Code Section 4.16.090 concerning the allocation of sales and use tax revenues between the County and the City of Fresno 42. Adopt Resolution Implementing Sections 31621.4, 31664.2 and 31676.16 of the County Employees Retirement Law of 1937 O-05-005 R-05-199 Page 9 43. Approve and authorize retroactive submission of a preliminary Application to the State Department of Mental Health for Federal Stewart McKinney Projects for Assistance in Transition from Homelessness (PATH) grant funds for FY 2005-06 ($296,212); and approve and authorize the Director to sign Federal Certifications and Assurances to meet State requirements 44. Approve and authorize the Director, Department of Children and Family Services, to execute a Letter of Fiscal Commitment required for the 2005-06 Federal Children's System of Care Grant Application 45. Approve the 2005-06 department Adjusted Target Budget level based on the allocation of Countywide revenues included in the 2005-06 Proposed Budget 46. Adopt resolution recognizing National Alliance for the Mentally III, "NAMIWALKS for the Mind of America" A-05-131 R-05-200 Agreements - Approve and Authorize Chairman to Execute 47. Approve and authorize Chair to execute retroactive Agreement with the State Department of Mental Health for State Psychiatric Hospital beds and services for County of Fresno residents ($683,240) 48. Application for Assistance Agreement with the California Department of Homeland Security; and approve and authorize Clerk to execute Budget Transfer No. 56 within the FY 2004-05 for the Department of Community Health's Org. 5620 in the amount of $55,000 Afternoon C ons ent Ag enda A-05-132 A-05-133 Page 10 AFTERNOON CONSENT AGENDA – Item Numbers 49 - 57 (Any Board Member may pull any consent item for discussion or separate vote) APPROVED AS RECOMMENDED WITH CORRECTION TO ITEM NO. 57 PAnLWC Administrative Office 49. 50. Adopt resolution authorizing submittal of application to USDA, Rural Development for funding under Housing Preservation Grant Program ($92,108); authorize Interim Director of Department of Public Works and Planning to execute Housing Preservation Grant application and related documents necessary for participation in Housing Preservation Grant Program; and, if selected for funding, authorize Interim Director of Department of Public Works and Planning to execute grant agreement, related documents and any amendments thereto, subject to review of County Counsel and AuditorController/Treasurer-Tax Collector Approve and authorize Clerk to execute Budget Transfer No. 57 ($4,097) in FY 2004-05 for County Service Area No. 35, Zone AG, Wildflower Village in Shaver Lake, Org. 9206, for snow removal; and adopt Budget Resolution increasing FY 2004-05 appropriations from General Reserves for County Service Area No. 35AG, Org. 9206, ($10,903) (4/5 vote) 51. Authorize Interim Director of Department of Public Works and Planning to negotiate with a licensed general contractor to construct stand-alone 80-foot antenna tower, foundation system and rack extension adjacent to Building 712 at Juvenile Justice Campus 52. Approve selection of Landscape Architectural Consultant firms to assist County in completing various capital improvement projects; and authorize Department of Public Works and Planning to negotiate agreements with these firms 53. Adopt resolution revising number of miles of maintained Fresno County roads (Exhibit B/Maps are on file with Clerk to the Board) R-05-212 R-05-213 R-05-214 Agreements - Approve and Authorize Chairman to Execute 54. Property Tax Sharing Agreement with City of Kerman for the Ken Boyd/UPRR/May Annexation A-05-134 55. Subdivision Agreement and take actions listed for Tract No. 5403, Timber Ridge II-Shaver Lake located on east side of Bretz Road, approximately two miles south of Unincorporated Community of Shaver Lake A-05-135 56. Subdivision Agreement and take actions listed for Tract No. 5345, Quail Lake Phase VIII located on south side of Shaw Avenue between McCall and Academy Avenues 57. Agreement with San Jacinto Equities, LLC; adopt Resolution of Intention for the formation of Mello-Roos Community Facilities District for Bretz Mountain Village subdivisions; and set public protest hearing for 2:00 p.m. on June 7, 2005 PUBLIC PROTEST HEARING DATE WAS REVISED ON THE RECORD TO DATE NOTED ABOVE. DATE SHOULD BE JUNE 7TH INSTEAD OF JUNE 14TH A-05-136 A-05-137 R-05-215