STUDIES INVOLVING THE EFFECT OF ORGANIC SOLVENTS ON LIPOSOME-BASED LATERAL-FLOW AND SILICA-COATED MAGNETIC BEAD ASSAYS A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School of Cornell University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering by Daniel Tse Wen Lee May 2005 © 2005 Daniel Tse Wen Lee ii ABSTRACT The ubiquitous threat of Escherichia coli (E. coli) O157:H7 as an enterohemorrhagic pathogen to humans has challenged scientists worldwide to develop a biosensor that would accurately and efficiently detect the bacteria in the environment. This research involved modifications made to the liposome-based RNA biosensor developed in Baeumner et al., 2003. The goal was to investigate the effect of alcohols on the lateralflow assay with the ultimate objective of developing a silica-coated magnetic bead biosensor based on integrated RNA isolation and detection. Both isolation and detection are carried out in the presence of 40 % ethanol, which immobilizes RNA onto silica. Detection is done through hybridization between the target RNA, reporter probe and dye-encapsulating liposome. If successful, this biosensor would be able to isolate E. coli O157:H7 mRNA for the heat shock gene and detect for viable bacteria in one step. The project was thus divided into two segments: The effect of ethanol on the lateral-flow biosensor assay was first investigated, after which the principle of bead assay was studied. Interestingly, it was found that 33 % ethanol in the hybridization buffer and 20 % ethanol in the running buffer created conditions in the lateral-flow assay that increased the overall signal to noise ratio from 1.46 to 3.66, or 2.5 times, when 50 fmol target sequence was used. Further investigations with other target analytes and over a broader range of target concentrations are needed, and will likely lead to an improved standard lateral-flow assay with significantly lowered limits of detection. Secondly, the principle of the integrated RNA isolation and detection bead-assay was proven, and the amount of background RNA and silica-coated iii magnetic beads optimized. However, the signals obtained were affected negatively by very high background noise and high standard deviations. A great deal of research into this type of assay is still needed in order to transform it into a viable assay. iv BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Daniel Lee is a citizen of Singapore. He graduated from Raffles Junior College, Singapore in 1999 and received his Bachelor of Science degree in Biological and Environmental Engineering from Cornell University in May 2004. He began the Master of Engineering Program in the field of Agricultural and Biological Engineering in August 2004. Daniel will be returning to Singapore upon completing the program to work for the Republic of Singapore Navy. v ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I would like to extend my gratitude to my advisor Dr. Antje Baeumner, for her invaluable guidance and direction, and all the members of Dr. Antje Baeumner’s Biosensors and Bioanalytical Microsystems Laboratory for their assistance throughout this research. Special mention goes out to Sam Nugen, Christina Siryk, Katie Edwards, John Connelly and Barbara Leonard for answering my incessant questions. I would also like to thank my family and friends for their continuous support and encouragement. vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Abstract iii Biographical Sketch v Acknowledgements vi List of Tables ix List of Figures x Chapters: 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Escherichia Coli O157:H7 2 1.2. Biosensors 5 1.2.1. Biorecognition Molecules and Immobilization 7 1.2.2. Transducers 14 1.3. Biosensor Assay Design 16 1.3.1. Lateral-Flow Biosensor 17 1.3.2. Silica-magnetic Beads for RNA Isolation and Detection 19 2. Materials and Methods 19 2.1. Materials and Reagents 20 2.1.1. Synthetic Target Sequence 20 2.1.2. Universal Liposomes 21 2.2. Universal Membrane Preparation 21 2.3. Background RNA Isolation 22 2.4. Lateral-Flow Assay Format 23 vii 2.5. Silica-coated Magnetic Bead Assay Format 3. Results and Discussion 25 29 3.1. Varying Ethanol and Methanol Concentrations in Hybridization Mixture for the Lateral-flow Assay 29 3.2. Reducing Synthetic Target from 500 to 50 fmol for the Lateral-flow Assay 32 3.3. Using A Different Running Buffer 38 3.4. Optimizing the Ethanol Concentrations in the Hybridization Mixture and Running Buffer for the Lateral-flow Assay 41 3.5 Investigation of Silica-coated Magnetic Bead Liposome-RNA Hybridization 48 3.5.1 Varying the Addition of Background RNA 48 3.5.2 Varying the Amount of Background RNA 51 3.5.3 Varying the Amount of Silica-coated Magnetic Beads 54 4. Conclusion 57 References 59 viii LIST OF TABLES Table 1. DNA sequences of oligonucleotides used in this research. 21 Table 2. Reflectometer readings for varying ethanol and methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture 31 Table 3. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol target. 34 Table 4. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % methanol in the hybridization mixture, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol target. 35 Table 5. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the running buffer, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol target and 0 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture. 43 Table 6. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the running buffer, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol target and 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture. 44 Table 7. Fluorometer readings for two different methods of background RNA addition, using 0, 250 and 500 fmol target in the hybridization mixture. 50 Table 8. Fluorometer readings for 0, 1, 2 and 3 μL of background RNA with 0, 250 and 500 fmol target in the hybridization mixture. 52 Table 9. Fluorometer readings for 1, 2, 3 and 4 μL of silica beads with 0, 250 and 500 fmol target in the hybridization mixture. 55 ix LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. General layout of a biosensor. 6 Figure 2. Specificity of biosensors. 7 Figure 3. NASBA amplification pathway. 11 Figure 4. The lateral-flow assay. 18 Figure 5. The silica-magnetic bead assay. 19 Figure 6. Membranes showing effect of increasing ethanol and methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture. 30 Figure 7. Graphs showing intensity of signal against varying ethanol and methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture. 31 Figure 8. Signal to noise ratios for 50 and 500 fmol of target for 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture. 36 Figure 9. Signal to noise ratios for 50 and 500 fmol of target for 0, 20 and 40 % methanol in the hybridization mixture. 36 Figure 10. Zoom up of actual membranes using 50 fmol of target for 40 % ethanol and 20 % methanol in the hybridization mixture. 38 Figure 11. Actual membranes using running buffers RB 1, RB 2 and RB 3 for 0 and 500 fmol target. 40 Figure 12. Comparing the signal to noise ratios between 0 and 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture, when 50 fmol of target with 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the running buffer was used. 45 Figure 13. Background noise for 0 and 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture and 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the running buffer. 45 Figure 14. Actual membranes using 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the running buffer, and 0, 50 and 500 fmol of target with 0 and 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture. 46 Figure 15. Mean fluorescent signals for 0, 250 and 500 fmol of target using the two manners of background RNA addition. 50 x Figure 16. Mean fluorescent signals for 0, 1, 2 and 3 μL of background RNA with 0, 250 and 500 fmol of target in the hybridization mixture. 53 Figure 17. Mean fluorescent signals for 1, 2, 3 and 4 μL of silica beads with 0, 250 and 500 fmol of target in the hybridization mixture 55 xi 1. INTRODUCTION The discovery of Escherichia coli (E. coli) in 1885 by German physician Theodor Escherich began an extensive study into one of the most researched microorganism we know of today. Classified under the Enterobacteriaceae family, E. coli is a rod-shaped, facultative anaerobe that stains gram-negative and is typically 1 – 3 μm in length. Most E. coli bacteria have peritrichous flagella which give motility, and polysaccharide capsules which provide protection against desiccation and phagocytic attacks. Therefore, although more well-known to colonize the lower intestines of warm-blooded animals, E. coli is able to survive and disseminate pervasively when released into the natural environment, and is very much an important component of the biosphere (Blattner et al., 1997). Most of the 2561 different strains of E. coli – as listed by the National Institute of Genetics in Japan – are known to be harmless, with some strains even considered to be beneficial. E. coli bacteria make up approximately 0.1 % of the intestinal microflora in adult humans (Tannock, 1995) and contribute to normal health and development. The physical presence of the bacteria and the bactericidal colicins it produces prevent other possibly harmful types of bacteria from competing for space, and intestinal E. coli is also known to synthesize vitamins B12 and K in amounts that are large enough to be valuable should the diet become deficient (Foulke, 1994). In animals, it has been demonstrated that an E. coli strain from rat feces successfully reversed the vitamin K deficiency symptoms in gnotobiotic rats (Bently and Meganathan, 1982). 1 There are also five enterovirulent classes of E. coli that can cause inflammation of the human gastrointestinal tract (Todar, 2002). Enterotoxigenic E. coli colonizes the tract by means of a fimbrial adhesin and is non-invasive, producing heat-stable Shiga toxins which cause an increase of fluid and electrolyte secretion, leading to diarrhea. Enteroinvasive E. coli penetrates and multiplies within epithelial cells of the colon causing widespread destruction, giving rise to a dysentery-like diarrhea with fever. Enteropathogenic E. coli adheres to the intestinal mucosa by means of a non-fimbrial adhesin, rearranging the ultrastructure of intestinal cells and interfering with normal cellular signal transduction. Enteroaggregative E. coli is so distinguished for its ability to attach to tissue cells in an aggregative manner, causing non-bloody diarrhea without invading or causing inflammation. Finally, enterohemorrhagic E. coli produces the Shiga toxin which causes a diarrheal syndrome characterized by copious bloody discharge and no fever. Other complications include a type of acute kidney failure known as hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) which could be fatal. This fifth class of enterovirulent E. coli is mainly represented by E. coli O157:H7, which will be discussed in further detail. 1.1. Escherichia coli O157:H7 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) first isolated E. coli O157:H7 in 1975, and in 1982 identified it as the cause of severe bloody diarrhea traced to contaminated ground beef patties during two illness outbreaks in Oregon and Michigan (Foulke, 1994). However, it was only in 1993, after a large multistate outbreak linked to undercooked hamburgers from a fast-food chain (Bell et al., 1994), 2 that E. coli O157:H7 infection was acknowledged to be a major cause for concern in the United States. Since then, an estimated 73,480 illnesses due to E. coli O157:H7 infection have been reported each year in the United States, leading to an estimated 2,168 hospitalizations and 61 deaths annually (Rangel et al., 2005). The morbidity and mortality associated with E. coli O157:H7 infection existed not only in the United States, but also all over the world in countries such as Slovakia (Liptakova et al., 2004), Japan (Ozeki et al., 2003) and Swaziland (Effler et al., 2001). Modes of bacterial transmission vary from case to case, but most have been traced back to farm animals, be it through consumption or contact. Cattle is as a major reservoir of E. coli O157:H7 (Elder et al., 2000) and the bacteria has also been found in the intestines of pigs, goats, sheep and chicken (Cobeljic et al., 2005). During slaughter and processing, the meat of the animals may become contaminated with the bacteria, and if this meat is not sufficiently cooked before eating, the consumer has a high likelihood of becoming infected. Unpasteurized milk that has been contaminated is also a source of E. coli O157:H7 (Wang et al., 1997). Another transmission method of E. coli O157:H7 is the consumption of agricultural products which came into contact with contaminated animal feces sometime during production. Examples include lettuce (Hilborn et al., 1999), alfalfa sprouts (Breuer et al., 2001) and apple juice (Cody et al., 1999). In recent years, new routes of transmission have emerged, like contact with animals during farm visits and a wide variety of environment-related exposures (Caprioli et al., 2005). In October and 3 November, 2004, an E. coli O157:H7 outbreak of 108 cases occurred in North Carolina, with the source determined to be petting zoos at the North Carolina State Fair (NC DHHS Press Release, 2004). When E. coli O157:H7 has entered the human gastrointestinal tract, it targets follicleassociated epithelium in the distal small intestine. The H7 flagellum of the bacteria induces production of chemokines such as interleukin 8, and neutrophilic infiltration of the intestinal mucosa, which in turn may enhance uptake of the Shiga toxin the bacteria produces across the intestinal epithelium (Moxley, 2004). Upon infection, syndromes caused by E. coli O157:H7 include diarrhea, hemorrhagic colitis, and HUS (Tarr, 1995). It has been observed that among Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli, O157:H7 has the strongest association worldwide with HUS (Tarr et al., 2005). HUS develops in 2-7 % of E. coli O157:H7 illnesses, when the Shiga toxin enters the patient’s blood stream and travels to the smaller arteries that supply the kidneys, and damages the vessels (Foulke, 1994). Children under 5 years of age and the elderly are most at risk, and HUS is fatal in about 3-5 % of the cases. With such a dangerous and easily transmittable pathogen existing in our world today, it is expected that there is an increasing number of methods being developed to detect the E. coli O157:H7 pathogen. In 1997, a sample treatment method based on buoyant density centrifugation which separates bacteria from food, and analysis by PCR aimed at verocytotoxin and intimin-encoding eae genes was developed. This method gave E. coli O157:H7 detection limits of 0.5 cfu/g-beef, 5 cfu/g-minced-beef, and 3000 4 cfu/ml-lettuce (Lindqvist, 1997). Another detection kit is available from Innovative Biosensors, which comprises of a sensor that uses engineered B lymphocytes to emit light within seconds of exposure to specific bacteria and viruses. The E. coli O157:H7 detection limit for this kit is 500 cfu/ml-lettuce, and the bacteria can be detected in less than five minutes (Rider et al., 2003). More recently, a composite self-excited millimeter-sized lead zirconate titanate glass cantilever with affinity purified monoclonal antibody specific to E. coli O157:H7 immobilized at the cantilever glass tip was fabricated. This gives a detection limit of 700 cells/mL. At the clinical level, the CDC recommends diagnosis of E. coli O157:H7 infection by detecting the bacteria in the stool, with testing done on sorbitol-MacConkey agar. However, there is still a pressing need to develop more accurate, cheaper and faster methods of E. coli O157:H7 detection in order to respond more quickly to suspected cases of infection, as well as to identify and take measures against potential E. coli O157:H7 reservoirs. For many years, laboratory detection of food-borne pathogens has relied on direct culture isolation which has the limitation of being time consuming and labor intensive (Khan et al., 2003). What needs then to be developed are rapid and automated analytical methods to detect E. coli O157:H7, with low limits of detection and high specificity, and the use of biosensors looks to be one promising solution. 1.2. Biosensors A biosensor is a device for the detection of an analyte that combines a biological component with a physiochemical detector component, and consists of two main parts. 5 The first is the biorecognition element which is a biological molecule that recognizes the target analyte, while the second is the transducer which converts the recognition event into a measurable signal. This integration allows a no-hassle continuous flow analysis of the sample, since the user just needs to quantify the signal obtained without having to take any intermediate steps. Figure 1 shows the simplicity of biosensors, while Figure 2 demonstrates the specificity of biosensors. Figure 1. General layout of a biosensor. The analyte interacts with the biorecognition element, which is required to be immobilized in the vicinity of the transducer, either by physical entrapment or chemical attachment. The recognition event is recorded by the transducer, which leads to the generation of a measurable signal. The signal can be merely qualitative, but a quantitative signal proportional to the amount of analyte present in the sample is usually preferred. Biosensors have a wide variety of applications, including fermentation control, pharmaceutical analysis, clinical diagnosis, military monitoring, pollution control, and of course, microbial detection. In designing a biosensor, the following considerations need to be taken: selection of a suitable biorecognition molecule, selection of a suitable immobilization method, selection of a suitable transducer, and packaging of the biosensor. These variables need to be optimized to obtain a biosensor that will not only have high accuracy, repeatability, sensitivity, resolution, response speed and 6 reliability, but must also be small (portable), inexpensive and easily mass produced. Ideally, the biosensor must perform well outside the laboratory, so that it can be taken directly to the sample source where analysis of the target analyte can take place in situ. Figure 2. Schematic showing the specificity of biosensors. Only when the target analyte is present in the sample will there be a measurable signal generated. Background noise is a common occurrence, which must always be determined and subtracted from all readings to give a more accurate analysis. 1.2.1. Biorecognition Molecules and Immobilization There are many different types of biorecognition elements that can be used in a biosensor, e.g. enzymes, receptors, channels, antibodies, oligonucleotides and whole cells or tissues (Foultier et al., 2005). Enzymes are the most commonly used sensing agents in catalytic biosensors (Davis et al., 1995), which is not surprising due to their three dimensional structure that fits only a particular substrate. Compared to cell-based biosensors, enzyme biosensors respond faster due to shorter diffusion paths without the presence of cell walls. There has also been a lot of progress made on enzyme immobilization techniques. One example is the low cost immobilization on gelatin by means of the cross-linking reactions between the free amino groups of gelatin and the 7 enzyme molecule, through cross linkers, to form a covalent linkage (Srivastava et al., 2001). However, it is expensive to isolate enzymes and keep them stable when isolated, and many enzymes require cofactors before they are functional. Using microbes as biorecognition elements has its advantages. They are present ubiquitously, are able to metabolize a wide range of chemical compounds, have a great capacity to adapt to adverse conditions, and have potential in developing the ability to degrade new molecules with time (D’Souza, 2001). Microbes can also be genetically modified through mutation or recombinant DNA technology and serve as an economical source of intracellular enzymes. Keeping the enzymes inside the cell avoids the lengthy and expensive operations of enzyme purification, preserves the enzyme in its natural environment, and protects it from inactivation by external toxicants such as heavy metals (D’Souza, 2001). On the other hand, microbial biosensors present a slow response and low selectivity due to a variety of metabolic processes occurring in a living cell (Mello and Kubota, 2002). Immunosensors act on the principle that the immune response of a microorganism to contaminants will produce antibodies. The potential use of immunosensors is due to their general applicability and to the specificity and selectivity of the antigen-antibody reaction (Mello and Kubota, 2002). Unfortunately, most immunosensors to date have a major disadvantage, in that they need extra reagents such as enzymes, fluorescent molecules and radioactive isotopes to report the affinity reaction. In view of this, there have been recent efforts to produce immunosensors with no added labels, such as the 8 ELISHA project, which is researching on fluoroquinoline antibiotics, cancer markers such as prostatic specific antigen (PSA) and prion peptides (Grant et al., 2003). As of April 2005, the ELISHA project has successfully demonstrated a labeless format immunosensor, with a calibration curve for PSA, the biomarker used to diagnose prostate cancer. PSA was electropolymerized to give a reactive conducting polymer, which was able to form a photo-activated immobilization matrix that was interrogated using impedance spectroscopy to generate the calibration curve. DNA based biosensors hold an enormous potential for environmental monitoring (Mascini, 2001). Due to the unique complementary structure of DNA as described by Watson and Crick in 1953, single stranded DNA molecules are able to reanneal and form hydrogen bonds with matching DNA strands in a process referred to as hybridization. If the target analyte is chosen to be a sequence of single stranded DNA that is already known, the complementary sequence, or probe, can be immobilized on the biosensor to “catch” the analyte. Since no two strains of bacteria have identical DNA fingerprints, a DNA based biosensor is able to single out any strain, presuming that its genome has been determined, and the sequence of analyte chosen is highly specific to the strain. The only problem left to be dealt with then is how to generate the single-stranded DNA analyte from the rest of the organism’s genetic material. One commonly used method of target amplification is the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), which has three main steps, namely denaturation, annealing and extension. During denaturation at high temperatures, the double-stranded DNA is split apart, 9 forming two complimentary single strands of DNA. Primers can then attach themselves in complementary fashion to the DNA template strand, targeting the analyte sequence, before DNA polymerase works to incorporate nucleotides into the nascent DNA strand. Thermus aquaticus (Taq) polymerase is typically used in PCR because of its thermostability at high denaturation temperatures. After the three steps are complete, the cycle is repeated again, for about 30 cycles. This will generate about 109 target analytes from one double-stranded DNA. The main disadvantage of PCR in detecting microorganisms such as E. coli O157:H7 is that it does not distinguish between living and dead organisms (Lindahl, 1993). This is unfortunate since viability is an important aspect when measuring for pathogenic organisms (Baeumner et al., 2003). Messenger ribonucleic acids (mRNA), the vehicle of transcription, is turned over rapidly in living bacterial cells, with most having a half-life of only a few minutes (Sheridan et al., 1998). Using mRNA as the target analyte in a biosensor would therefore be a good indicator of pathogenic viability in the sample. mRNA can be amplified using the nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA) technique, which is a continuous, isothermal enzyme-based method for the amplification of nucleic acid. A NASBA reaction is based on the simultaneous activity of avian myeloblastosis virus (AMV) reverse transcriptase (RT), RNase H and T7 RNA polymerase with two oligonucleotide primers (Compton, 1991). Because the NASBA reaction is maintained at 41°C, specific amplification of single stranded RNA 10 is possible if denaturation of double stranded DNA is prevented in the sample preparation procedure. It is thus possible to pickup mRNA in a double stranded DNA background without getting false positive results caused by genomic double stranded DNA (Polstra et al., 2002). Figure 3 outlines the main steps of the NASBA reaction. Figure 3. The NASBA amplification pathway with the P1 (anti-sense) – P2 (sense) oligonucleotide primer set. The straight lines represent DNA while the wavy lines represent RNA. The overhang on P1 encodes the promoter sequence for the T7 RNA polymerase. The final product is single-stranded RNA that is anti-sense to the one original strand (Cook, 2003). The NASBA reaction is initiated by the annealing of the primer P1 to the target RNA present in the sample. The 3’ end of P1 is complementary to the target, while the 5’ end (the overhang in the figure) encodes the T7 RNA polymerase promoter. After annealing, the reverse transcriptase activity of AMV-RT is engaged and a complementary DNA (cDNA) copy of the RNA target is produced. The RNA portion of the resulting hybrid molecule is hydrolyzed through the action of RNase H. This 11 permits P2, which is complementary to an upstream portion of the RNA target, to anneal to the cDNA strand. This permits the DNA-dependent DNA polymerase activity of AMV-RT to be engaged again, producing a double stranded cDNA copy of the original RNA target with a fully functional T7 RNA polymerase promoter at one end. This promoter is then recognized by the T7 RNA polymerase, which finally produces anti-sense, single stranded RNA transcripts corresponding to the original RNA target. A different method of mRNA amplification makes use of the heat-shock response. When cultured cells or whole organisms are exposed to elevated temperatures, they respond by synthesizing a small number of highly conserved proteins, the heat-shock proteins. This response is universal (Lindquist, 1986). The implication of this is obvious but thrilling: a biosensor that is modeled for detecting the heat-shock response can be used for virtually any organism currently known to man. In E. coli, the heatshock response is expressed at a temperature of 42 °C, during which the heat-shock mRNA will increase greatly in number, and can thus be easily detected. The immobilization of the nucleic acid probe onto the biosensor should lead to a welldefined probe orientation that makes it readily accessible to the target analyte (Foultier, 2005). Various procedures can be done to attach the probe, for instance (i) the use of thiolated DNA for self assembly onto gold electrodes or gold-coated piezoelectric crystals; (ii) covalent linkage to a gold surface via functional alkanethiolbased monolayers; (iii) the use of biotinylated DNA for complex formation with a 12 surface-confined avidin or streptavidin; (iv) covalent coupling to functional groups on carbon electrodes; and (v) a simple adsorption onto carbon surfaces (Wang, 2000). One of the immobilization procedures involves the forming of the biotin-streptavidin complex. This system has one of the largest free energies of association observed for noncovalent biological interaction between a protein and small ligand in aqueous solution, with a Ka value of 1015 M-1. The large equilibrium binding minimum and the high barrier to dissociation is constructed by an extensive set of hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions, as well as two surface binding loops that become ordered when biotin is bound (Stayton et al., 1999). The bond formation between streptavidin and biotin is thus rapid and essentially non-reversible, and is unaffected by most extremes of pH, organic solvents, and denaturing reagents. Biotinylation, which is the simple method of tagging the probe with a biotin sequence, will allow the probe to strongly bind to any streptavidin-coated surface. Use of this intermediary is beneficial as it moves the capture probe away from the biosensor surface, preventing steric hindrance (Valk et al., 2003). At the other side, streptavidin is known to covalently bind to polyethersulfone membranes by adsorption under suitable conditions (Baeumner et al., 2004). The binding of DNA in the presence of chaotropic agents NaI or NaClO4 to silica is well known, and both DNA and RNA have been purified using this principle (Boom et al., 1990). Several nucleic acid purification kits available in the market such as Qiagen’s RNeasy Mini Kit and Machery-Nagel’s NucleoSpin® RNA II utilizes the 13 binding of nucleic acids to silica in the presence of ethanol to separate nucleic acids from the other components of the cell. Even though repulsion does occur between the negatively-charged nucleic acid and the negatively-charged silica surface, the presence of high concentrations of chaotropic salts or ethanol creates a dehydration effect, which drives the unsolvated nucleic acids to stick on the silica surface for entropic considerations (Balludar et al., 1997). Therefore, if the appropriate concentration of ethanol was to be present in the biosensor at all times, the target analyte will stay attached to the silica, and is essentially immobilized. 1.2.2. Transducers As with biorecognition molecules, there are many possible transducers that can be used in a biosensor, e.g. optical, electrochemical and piezoelectric transducers (Junhui et al., 1997). Some optical transducers make use of fluorescence together with the total internal reflection in optical fibers to give a measurable detection signal. The fluorescent DNA stain ethidium bromide is a commonly used dye for the detection of DNA (Monaco and Hausheer, 1993). The ethidium cation strongly associates with double stranded DNA by intercalation into the base stacking region, allowing the amount of target present to be determined by measuring the fluorescence intensity using UV-visible spectrometry (Junhui et al., 1997). A different optical transduction based on evanescent wave devices offers real-time label-free optical detection of DNA hybridization. These biosensors rely on monitoring changes in surface optical properties resulting from the surface binding reaction, combining the simplicity of surface plasmon resonance with the sensitivity of wave guiding devices (Wang, 2000). 14 Electrochemical biosensors are chemically modified electrodes, on which the electronic conducting, semiconducting or ionic conducting material is coated with a biofilm (Thévenot et al., 1999). These biosensors use DNA probe molecules attached to an electrically active surface and measure current or resistance changes caused by hybridization of target DNA (Vercoutere and Akeson, 2002). Recently, a new type of electrochemical biosensor based on oligonucleotide-functionalized polypyrrole was developed (Korri-Youssoufi and Yassar, 2001). In the presence of a noncomplementary oligonucleotide, the cyclic voltammogram of the polypyrrole remains unmodified, whereas a significant modification of the voltammogram is observed upon addition of a complementary oligonucleotide "target" to the electrolytic medium, which can be quantitatively determined by amperometric methods. The detection limit of this electrochemical biosensor is about 10-11 mol without any signal processing, which is considerably low. The third group of piezoelectric transducers is based on the principle that resonant frequency of an oscillating piezoelectric crystal can be affected by a change in mass at the crystal surface (Kumar, 2000). Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) biosensors consist of an oscillating crystal with the DNA probe immobilized on its surface. The increased mass, associated with the hybridization reaction, results in a decrease of the oscillating frequency (Wang, 2000). In general, piezoelectric transducers offer the advantages of a solid-state construction, chemical inertness, durability, and ultimately the possibility of low cost mass production. However, the detection limit of mass bound to the electrode surface is only about 10-10 to 10-11 g, and each crystal has to be 15 calibrated since its frequency depends on the crystal geometry and the uniformity of the probe immobilized on the surface (Rogers and Mascini, 2004). In Dr. Antje Baeumner’s Biosensors and Bioanalytical Microsystems Laboratory, the main bulk of research involves the use of liposomes as a form of signal generation and amplification for optical and electrochemical transducers. Liposomes are closed spherical vesicles with a membrane composed of a phospholipid bilayer surrounding an aqueous cavity that can encapsulate a wide variety of molecules (Park, 2004). In biosensors, liposomes can be used in many ways, e.g. encapsulating enzymes to protect against denaturation and proteolytic enzymes while retaining full functionality of the enzymes (Nasseau, 2001). Our focus, however, is on the dye or electrochemical marker-encapsulating ability of liposomes. One liposome can contain hundreds of thousands of markers, which amplifies the signal considerably for easier detection. It is possible to attach oligonucleotide tags to the outer surface of liposomes, so if the complementary sequence of the target analyte – otherwise known as the reporter probe – is attached to the liposome, the liposome will bind to the single stranded target mRNA. The amount of target mRNA is then directly proportional to the amount of dye that remains bound to the target. 1.3. Biosensor Assay Design The goal of this research was to study the effect of organic solvents on two separate biosensor technologies, with the eventual intention of developing a successful biosensor based on RNA isolation directly integrated with the detection. The two 16 technologies examined were (1) a lateral-flow assay for the determination of assay conditions on the RNA/DNA hybridization and (2) a silica-coated magnetic bead assay for the isolation of RNA from complex mixtures. As discussed in chapter 1.2.1, the use of ethanol with silica surfaces to isolate RNA has been extensively developed, with ethanol shown to have minimal effect on the integrity of RNA under optimal conditions. However, it is unknown if hybridization of single stranded nucleic acids and detection of RNA using the above technologies can still occur unhindered in the presence of organic solvents. One potential problem that could occur is the rupturing of marker-encapsulating liposomes by the solvents, since extraction of liposome contents with ethanol and methanol is a typical practice (Lutsiak et al., 2002). Fortunately, this effect varies with the exact components and conditions, so the liposomes used in this research may not necessarily be affected by organic solvent presence. In addition, the polyethersulfone membranes used in the lateral-flow assay are chemically resistant to methanol and ethanol (Mitsui Chemicals, Inc., 2004), and thus are expected to retain their adsorption properties if these organic solvents are present in the assay. 1.3.1. Lateral-Flow Biosensor In the lateral-flow biosensor, a DNA/RNA sandwich hybridization reaction is detected using dye-encapsulating and reporter-probe tagged liposomes. The biotinylated capture probe is immobilized via streptavidin onto a polyethersulfone membrane (Figure 4). In this assay, the effect of ethanol and methanol on the DNA/RNA binding and the liposome amplification was investigated. This assay has been developed 17 successfully previously for a number of different analytes, including E. coli (Baeumner et al., 2003). In brief, a hybridization mixture containing sample (which may or may not have the target mRNA), reporter probes, capture probes, dyeencapsulated liposomes and a buffer is allowed to migrate along the membrane strip. The membrane strip has a capture zone containing streptavidin, such that when the hybridization mixture passes through the capture zone, self-assembly of the “sandwich” occurs if target mRNA is present. The hybridization mixture continues to migrate, leaving behind only the liposomes that have been bound in the sandwich. The intensity of the dye coloration at the capture zone can then be measured with a reflectometer to determine the amount of target mRNA that was present in the sample. Figure 4. The lateral-flow assay. The hybridization mixture migrates up the membrane and self-assembly occurs in the capture zone. The magnified portion shows an immobilized nucleic acid sandwich. Figure not drawn to scale. 18 1.3.2. Silica-magnetic Beads for RNA Isolation and Detection In this part of the project, the immobilization of RNA on silica-coated magnetic beads was investigated with the focus on leaving the RNA immobilized after isolation for direct liposome hybridization and detection. Therefore, RNA is first isolated from cell extract and then subjected to a modified protocol of the liposome assay: A hybridization mixture of sample, silica beads, reporter probes, dye-encapsulated liposomes and an ethanol-containing buffer is placed in a well and incubated, after which the beads are washed several times with ethanol-containing buffer to remove the unbound liposomes. The magnet keeps the beads immobilized, while the presence of ethanol keeps the mRNA attached to the silica beads. In this case there is likely to be other RNA coating the beads, but the reporter probe-liposome complex will only bind to the target mRNA. The amount of mRNA present can then be determined by measuring the amount of dye left with a fluorometer. This silica-coated magnetic bead assay is shown in Figure 5. Figure 5. The silica-coated magnetic bead assay. Hybridization occurs in the presence of ethanol, which keeps the mRNA bound to the silica bead. The bead is in turn immobilized by the magnet. The figure is not drawn to scale. 19 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS 2.1. Materials and Reagents General laboratory chemicals, organic solvents and buffer reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Corp., St. Louis, MO, USA and VWR Scientific Products, West Chester, PA, USA. Polyethersulfone membranes were purchased from Pall/Gelman Company, Port Washington, NY, USA. Superparamagnetic silica beads were purchased from chemicell GmbH, Berlin, Germany. Lipids were purchased from Avanti Polar Lipids, Inc., Alabaster, AL, USA. Streptavidin and sulforhodamine B were purchased from Molecular Probes, Inc., Eugene, OR, USA. The RNeasy Mini Kit was purchased from Qiagen, Inc., Valencia, CA, USA. 2.1.1. Synthetic Target Sequence The target analyte used in this research is a synthetic sequence of a portion of the E. coli O157:H7 heat shock gene, labeled C456-R600. Table 1 above shows the DNA sequence of C456-R600 and its corresponding reporter and capture probes. These single stranded oligonucleotides were purchased from Operon Biotechnologies, Inc., Huntsville, AL, USA, and stored in 50 mM phosphate buffer with 1 mM EDTA, pH 7.8. 20 Table 1. DNA sequences of oligonucleotides used in this research. C456-R600 is the target analyte for the biosensor assays. The gggggTgggggTgggggTgg sequence of the reporter probe anneals to the universal liposome, while the capture probe binds to streptavidin with a biotin sequence attached to its 5’ end (not shown in table). Name DNA sequence (5’ – 3’ orientation) C456-R600 TAC Tgg ATg ATg ggC gTC TgC TTg gTg C Reporter probe CAg ACg CCC ATC ATC CAG TAg ggg gTg ggg gTg ggg gTg g Capture probe gCA CCA Ag 2.1.2. Universal Liposomes Liposomes entrapping 150 mM sulforhodamine B with a diameter of 0.6 m and an osmolality of 612 mmol/kg were provided by Barbara Leonard from Dr. Antje Baeumner’s Biosensors and Bioanalytical Microsystems Laboratory. These liposomes had 5’ – 3’ sequences of CCA CCC CCA CCC CCA CCC CC attached to the surface for hybridization with the reporter probe. 2.2. Universal Membrane Preparation The polyethersulfone membranes were first cut into strips of 80 × 4.5 mm, then 1 μL of 20 pmol/μL of streptavidin in 0.4 M sodium carbonate buffer with 5 % methanol, pH 9 was spotted on each of the membranes. This spot defined the capture zone and was positioned approximately 20 mm from one end of the strip. The membrane strips were then dried for 1.5 hours in a vacuum oven at 15 psi and 52 °C. Following that, the membrane strips were immersed in a blocking reagent of 0.015 % casein and 0.2 % polyvinylpyrrolidone in Tris buffer saline (TBS), which contained 0.02 M Trizma base, 0.15 M sodium chloride and 0.01 % sodium azide, pH 7. This immersion took 21 place at room temperature for 30 minutes on a shaker, after which the membranes were taken out, blotted dry and finally dried for 3 hours in a vacuum oven at 15 psi and 30 °C. The membranes were vacuum-packed and stored at 4 °C. 2.3. Background RNA Isolation Background RNA used in the silica-coated magnetic bead assay was isolated from an E. coli K12 strain using the Qiagen RNeasy Mini Kit. Colonies of the bacteria were grown at 37 °C on agar plates and stored at 4 °C. 12 hours before an extraction, 4 mL of Lennox Broth (LB) was innoculated with the E. coli and placed in a shaker at 37 °C, 175 RPM. At the start of extraction, 1 mL of the innoculated LB was placed into a microcentrifuge tube. This was centrifuged at 6500 RPM for 5 min to concentrate the bacteria cells into a pellet, after which the supernatant was decanted. 100 L of TE buffer (10 mM Tris-Cl, 1 mM EDTA, pH 8.0) containing 40 g of lysozyme was added and the tube was vortexed for 5 min to allow the lysozyme to break open the bacteria cells. Next, 350 L of Buffer RLT containing -mercaptoethanol was added before the tube was vortexed again. -mercaptoethanol is an antioxidant which stabilizes RNA, and Buffer RLT also contains highly denaturing guanidine isothiocyanate (GITC) which immediately inactivates RNases. 250 L of 100 % ethanol was then added to allow RNA to bind to the silica-gel membrane in the RNeasy Mini column. After allowing the mixture to flow through the RNeasy Mini column by centrifuging for 15 seconds at 10000 RPM, the eluent was discarded. The column was then washed 22 three times, using 700 L of Buffer RW1 the first time, and 500 L of Buffer RPE for the next two times. The first two washes were done by centrifuging for 15 seconds at 10000 RPM, while the third was for 2 min at 10000 RPM, and the eluent discarded each time. Buffer RW1 and Buffer RPE contains ethanol which keeps RNA bound to the silica-gel membrane while washing away impurities. Finally, 50 L of RNase-free water was passed through the column by centrifuging at 10000 RPM for 1 min, and the RNA-containing eluent collected. The concentration of RNA was evaluated using a DU520 Beckman spectrophotometer at wavelengths of 260 and 280 nm and the absorbance for a mixture of 10 μL of RNA-containing eluent and 90 μL of RNase-free water was measured and recorded. The RNA was stored at -80 °C. The concentration and purity of the RNA can be determined with the absorbance at 260 nm (A260) and at 280 nm(A280) using the following equations: (a) concentration of RNA = (40 × A260 × dilution factor of 10) μg/mL (b) purity of RNA = A 260 A 280 Note: Pure RNA would give a purity of 1.8 – 2.0. 2.4. Lateral-flow Assay Format Experiments conducted using the lateral-flow assay involved varying ethanol and methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture and the running buffer to determine their effects. Specific information about the components used in each experiment are given in Chapter 3, but the general assay format is outlined here. The 23 hybridization mixture used in successful assays during pre-analysis of the target sequence and probes had the following components: 1 μL of 1 pmol/μL capture probe 1 μL of 2 pmol/μL reporter probe 1 μL of 0.5 pmol/μL target sequence 2 μL of liposomes, A532 nm = 0.380 5 μL of master mix (20 % formamide, 4× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) In order to accommodate up to 40 % of alcohol in the hybridization mixture, the concentrations of the different components had to be adjusted to the following: 1.5 μL of the following mixture: o 1 μL of 3 pmol/μL capture probe o 1 μL of 6 pmol/μL reporter probe o 1 μL of 1500 fmol/μL synthetic target sequence 2 μL of liposomes, A532 nm = 0.380 2.5 μL of 2× master mix (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.4 % Ficoll, 0.4 M sucrose) 4 μL of 100 % alcohol or dH2O The hybridization mixtures were incubated for 20 min at 41 °C, allowing the sandwich hybridization between the capture probe, synthetic target, reporter probe and dyeencapsulating liposomes to occur. After that, the mixtures were placed in individual 10 × 75 mm culture tubes and a membrane strip inserted into each tube, initiating adsorption of the hybridization mixture on the membrane. 35 μL of running buffer was then added to allow the hybridization mixture to fully migrate up the membrane. 24 Similar to the hybridization mixture, the running buffer had to be adjusted to accommodate the addition of ethanol. Four different running buffer compositions were used in this research: RB 1 (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) RB 2 (20 % formamide, 4× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) RB 3 (40 % ethanol, 20 % formamide, 4× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) RB 4 (20 % ethanol, 20 % formamide, 4× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) A running buffer containing 40 % ethanol, 40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose was attempted to be made, but the salts would not dissolve completely. RB 3 also had to be prepared fresh before each experiment as crystallization would occur in the solution if left to stand. After migration of the hybridization mixture up the membrane had been completed, the capture zone of the membrane strip was analyzed with a BR-10 reflectometer purchased from ESECO, Cushing, OK. The reflectometer measures the intensity of the color in the capture zone, which is directly proportional to the amount of synthetic target detected in the sample. For an internal negative control, a reading was also taken just below the capture zone. 2.5. Silica-coated Magnetic Bead Assay Format In this research, the experiments involving the silica-coated magnetic bead assay was limited to target detection. Preparation of the hybridization mixture involved three main steps, done in individual wells of a clear, round-bottom, 96-well Corning 25 reaction plate (#3795) from Corning, NY. In the first step, the synthetic target was incubated with the beads for 5 min at room temperature in the presence of 40 % ethanol to allow the target RNA to bind with the beads. In the second step, background RNA extracted from E. coli was added to the mixture to cover up the remaining free surfaces of the beads. It was hypothesized that this would prevent the universal liposomes and reporter probes from binding to the silica in addition to binding with the synthetic target. This mixture was incubated for 5 min at room temperature. The third step involved the addition of liposomes, reporter probes and master mix. The resulting hybridization mixture was incubated for 20 min at 41 °C to allow the sandwich hybridization between the synthetic target, reporter probe and dyeencapsulating liposome to occur. In general, the mixtures were mixed by pipetting 10 times, and the components used in each step were: Step 1 (7.5 μL liquid volume) o 1 – 4 μL of 60 % beads o 1.9 – 3.1 μL of dH2O o 3 μL of 100 % ethanol o 1 μL of synthetic target Step 2 (additional 7.5 μL liquid volume) o 0 – 4 μL of background RNA o 1.5 – 4.5 μL of dH2O o 3 μL of 100 % ethanol Step 3 (additional 15 μL liquid volume) o 1 μL of liposomes 26 o 0.5 μL of 4 pmol/μL reporter probe o 7.5 μL of 2× master mix (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.4 % Ficoll, 0.4 M sucrose) o 6 μL of 100 % ethanol Subsequently, the reaction plate was placed onto a ring magnet plate (SPRIPlate 96R from Agencourt, Beverly, MA) for 5 min to separate the beads from the solution. The solution was then aspirated and discarded while the reaction plate was still on the ring magnet plate. This was followed by two washes with running buffer containing ethanol to remove unbound liposomes, each carried out in the following steps: Separate reaction plate from ring magnet plate Add 40 μL of RB 3 (40 % ethanol, 20 % formamide, 4× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) to each well, mixing by pipetting 10 times Place reaction plate onto ring magnet plate for 5 min Aspirate and discard solution The reaction plate was once more separated from the ring magnet plate, and 30 μL of dH2O was added to each well, mixing by pipetting 10 times. The reaction plate was placed back onto the ring magnet plate for 5 min, before the solution from each well was aspirated and transferred to a black, flat-bottom, 96-well Corning microplate (#3915) from Corning, NY. 30 μL of 60 mM n-Octyl-Beta-D-Glucopyranoside (OG) was then added to each well to break open the liposomes, freeing the Sulforhodamine B dye, and the wells were immediately covered in aluminium foil to prevent light from entering. Finally, the samples were analyzed using a Packard Bioscience fluorometer 27 (#426000) at 540 nm excitation and 580 nm emission. The Fusion Instrument Control version 3.5 software was used and additional fluorometer settings were as follows: well read time: 1 second number of times to read each well: 3 expected sample activity: high level light source intensity: 1 top fluorescence The reading obtained from the fluorometer is directly proportional to the amount of Sulforhodamine B dye present in each well, which gives an indication of the amount of synthetic target detected in the assay. A standard curve was plotted each time the fluorometer was used to quantify the amounts of Sulforhodamine B present. 28 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Varying Ethanol and Methanol Concentrations in Hybridization Mixture for the Lateral-flow Assay As discussed in Chapter 1.2.1, nucleic acids will bind to silica beads in the presence of ethanol. However, it is not known what effect ethanol would have in the hybridization process between the target analyte, reporter probe and dye-encapsulated liposome. Therefore, the first step of the project was to observe the effect of different concentrations of ethanol on the lateral-flow biosensor, with changes made to the hybridization mixture. Methanol was also investigated as an alternative organic solvent. The hybridization mixture was adjusted to include between 0 to 41.7 % of ethanol or methanol. The assay format was as follows: Hybridization mixture components: o 1 μL of 3 pmol/μL capture probe o 1 μL of 6 pmol/μL reporter probe o 1 μL of 1.5 pmol/μL synthetic target o 6 μL of liposomes, A532 nm = 0.351 o 7.5 μL of 2× master mix (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.4 % Ficoll, 0.4 M sucrose) o 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 10, 11, 12.5 μL of 100 % ethanol or methanol o topped up to 30 μL with dH2O Incubate 10 μL of hybridization mixture at 41°C for 20 minutes Place universal membrane strip into mixture to initiate adsorption 29 Add 35 μL of running buffer RB 1 (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) The results of the actual membrane strips are shown in Figure 6, while the reflectometer signals are reported in Table 2 and plotted in Figure 7. Figure 6. Membranes showing effect of increasing ethanol (left) and methanol (right) concentrations ranging from 0 - 41.7 % (top-down direction) in the hybridization mixture. The control did not contain any ethanol or synthetic target. Table 2 gives details about the amounts of ethanol or methanol used for each membrane. 30 Table 2. Reflectometer readings for varying ethanol and methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture. 500 fmol synthetic target was analyzed using the lateralflow assay with solvent concentrations ranging from 0 – 41.7 % under otherwise optimal assay conditions. Label Alcohol % Ethanol Reflectometer Reading Methanol Reflectometer Reading control 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.5 0 0.0 3.3 6.7 10.0 13.3 16.7 20.0 23.3 26.7 30.0 33.3 36.7 41.7 15 55 60 72 51 56 65 74 65 77 78 94 86 65 19 61 77 70 72 78 83 84 87 99 99 110 101 91 Reflectometer Reading vs Alcohol % Reflectometer Reading 120 100 80 Methanol 60 Ethanol 40 20 0 0.0 10.0 20.0 30.0 40.0 50.0 Alcohol % Figure 7. Graphs showing intensity of signal against varying ethanol and methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture. 500 fmol synthetic target was analyzed using the lateral-flow assay with solvent concentrations ranging from 0 – 41.7 % under otherwise optimal assay conditions. 31 From Figure 6, Figure 7 and Table 2, it can be seen that the presence of ethanol and methanol in the hybridization mixture does not prevent detection of the target sequence using the lateral-flow biosensor. This indicates that alcohols do not hinder the hybridization process, at least for concentrations up to 41.7 %. In fact, increasing alcohol concentrations seem to increase the intensity of the signal obtained, peaking at 33.3 % for both alcohols, with methanol providing in general higher signals than ethanol additions. For example, the signal at 33.3 % for ethanol was 70.9 % higher than with no ethanol, and at 33.3 % methanol was 80.3 % higher than without methanol. Whereas the signal in the capture zone is evenly circular at low alcohol concentrations, the signal at higher concentrations becomes more linear, concentrating at the base of the capture zone. Since nucleic acids are known to precipitate at high ethanol concentrations in certain conditions (Shapiro, 1981), it is postulated that the higher alcohol concentrations are causing the nucleic acids to aggregate, slowing down the speed of migration up the membrane, such that most of the capture probes are caught by the streptavidin at the base of the capture zone. This observation suggests the potential use of alcohol to lower detection limits for the lateral-flow biosensor, particularly methanol which gives stronger signals than ethanol. 3.2. Reducing Synthetic Target from 500 to 50 fmol for the Lateral-flow Assay The next step was to investigate the effect of alcohol on the detection of a smaller amount of target sequence. 0, 50 and 500 fmol of target sequence were used, against 0, 32 20 and 40 % of ethanol or methanol in the hybridization mixture. The assay format was as follows: Hybridization mixture components: o 1.5 μL of the following mixture: 1 μL of 3 pmol/μL capture probe 1 μL of 6 pmol/μL reporter probe 1 μL of 0, 150 or 1500 fmol/μL synthetic target 1.5 μL of dH2O o 2 μL of liposomes, A532 nm = 0.408 o 2.5 μL of 2× master mix (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.4 % Ficoll, 0.4 M sucrose) o 0, 2 or 4 μL of 100 % ethanol or methanol o topped up to 10 μL with dH2O Incubate hybridization mixture at 41°C for 20 minutes Place universal membrane strip into mixture to initiate adsorption Add 35 μL of running buffer RB 1 (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) The results of the reflectometer signals are reported in Tables 3 and 4, and plotted in Figures 8 and 9, for ethanol and methanol studies, respectively. 33 Table 3. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol synthetic target. The signal to noise ratio was calculated by dividing the capture zone reading by the average capture zone reading of the negative control. The means and standard deviations given are for the signal to noise ratios. Ethanol Target (%) (fmol) 0 0 50 500 20 0 50 500 40 0 50 500 Reflectometer Reading Before Capture Zone Capture Zone 19 19 20 19 21 21 17 25 20 23 19 25 18 81 24 70 19 79 26 26 21 23 22 20 22 31 28 35 21 27 34 106 21 82 31 93 31 32 27 29 28 27 35 39 36 47 19 25 24 32 25 51 37 78 34 Visual Signal To Mean Standard Noise Ratio Deviation +/+/+/+ ++ + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ - - - 1.27 1.17 1.27 4.12 3.56 4.02 - 1.24 0.06 3.90 0.30 - - 1.35 1.52 1.17 4.61 3.57 4.04 - 1.35 0.17 4.07 0.52 - - 1.33 1.60 0.85 1.09 1.74 2.66 1.26 0.38 1.83 0.79 Table 4. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol synthetic target. The signal to noise ratio was calculated by dividing the capture zone reading by the average capture zone reading of the negative control. The means and standard deviations given are for the signal to noise ratios. Ethanol Target (%) (fmol) 0 0 50 500 20 0 50 500 40 0 50 500 Reflectometer Reading Before Capture Zone Capture Zone 25 23 20 21 18 17 26 29 22 28 23 30 25 96 16 76 24 87 24 20 20 19 25 25 23 33 22 35 22 31 23 129 27 132 22 104 27 27 25 24 27 31 28 35 25 28 22 64 30 103 26 67 35 Visual Signal To Mean Standard Noise Ratio Deviation +/+/+ ++ + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ + +/+ + ++ + ++ + ++ - - - 1.43 1.38 1.48 4.72 3.74 4.28 - 1.43 0.05 4.25 0.49 - - 1.55 1.64 1.45 6.05 6.19 4.88 - 1.55 0.09 5.70 0.72 - - 1.22 1.37 1.10 2.51 4.04 2.63 1.23 0.14 3.06 0.85 Signal To Noise Ratio Varying Ethanol % in Hybridization Mixture 5.00 4.00 0% Ethanol 3.00 20% Ethanol 2.00 40% Ethanol 1.00 0.00 50 500 Synthetic Target (fmol) Figure 8. Bar graphs showing the signal to noise ratios for 50 and 500 fmol of synthetic target for 0, 20, 40 % ethanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture. The error bars are also given to show the spread of the readings. The graphs indicate that adding 20 % and 40 % ethanol does not reduce the signal for low amounts of synthetic target (50 fmol). Also, the discrepancy between 20 % and 40 % ethanol seen for 500 fmol is greatly reduced when synthetic target is 50 fmol. Signal To Noise Ratio Varying Methanol % in Hybridization Mixture 7.00 6.00 5.00 0% Methanol 4.00 20% Methanol 3.00 40% Methanol 2.00 1.00 0.00 50 500 Synthetic Target (fmol) Figure 9. Bar graphs showing the signal to noise ratios for 50 and 500 fmol of synthetic target for 0, 20, 40 % methanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture. The error bars are also given to show the spread of the readings. The graphs indicate that reducing the target from 500 to 50 fmol does not give unexpected results, i.e. the relative signals between 0, 20, 40 % remain approximately the same. 36 The analysis of the reflectometer readings indicate that for both ethanol and methanol, reducing the amount of synthetic target from 500 fmol to 50 fmol still gives signals for 0, 20 and 40 % alcohol concentration in the hybridization mixture. In addition, in the case of the 50 fmol signals, higher signal to noise ratios are obtained for the 20 % alcohol concentrations which correlates well with the data shown in Figure 7. Thus, it can be proposed, that a 33.3 % ethanol or methanol concentration would also be optimal for low concentrations. In the case of ethanol, measuring a smaller amount of synthetic target also reduces significantly the discrepancy between using 20 % and 40 % ethanol. Readings taken by the reflectometer suggest that methanol gives better signals than ethanol for 50 fmol of target sequence. For example, the signal to noise ratio for 40 % ethanol is 1.26, whereas the signal to noise ratio for 20 % methanol is 1.55. However, these results do not agree with observations taken by visually assessing the actual membrane strips that were used in the experiment. Looking at Figure 10 below, it can be seen that using 40 % ethanol in the hybridization gives clear distinct signal lines in the capture zone, while practically no signal can be observed for 20 % methanol. This disagreement between the reflectometer readings and the visual assessment is possibly due to the reflectometer measuring the total color intensity of a circular area, rather than the color intensity at a line or a point. This means that the reading taken for a dark distinct line may be lower than a faint circular smear, when in fact the distinct line will give a more obvious positive detection signal. Due to this limitation of the reflectometer, the visual assessment of the actual membranes hold more weight, and 37 thus the conclusion is that at lower amounts of target RNA, addition of ethanol to the hybridization mixture gives a stronger signal than if methanol was added and if no alcohol was added. Figure 10. Zoom up of actual membranes using 50 fmol of synthetic target for 40 % ethanol (left) and 20 % methanol (right) concentrations in the hybridization mixture. The arrows indicate the capture zones of the membranes. Visually, the left membranes give better signals than the right, but the mean signal to noise ratio derived from reflectometer readings is 1.26 for the left membranes and 1.55 for the right membranes. 3.3. Using a Different Running Buffer Now that it had been established that adding 40 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture will still result in successful hybridization giving rise to a positive signal, the next step was simply to dissolve the working running buffer RB 1 into 40 % ethanol and move on to the silica-coated magnetic bead assay. Unfortunately, the running buffer containing 40 % ethanol, 40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose could not be made as the salts were unable to dissolve completely. As a result, the running buffer had to be adjusted to reduce the amount of salts present, and the new buffer tested with the lateral-flow assay to ensure that hybridization will not be significantly 38 affected. Two running buffers were tested against the original RB1 buffer: RB2 (20 % formamide, 4× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose) and RB3 (40 % ethanol, 20 % formamide, 4× SSC, 0.2 % Ficoll, 0.2 M sucrose). The assay format was as follows: Hybridization mixture components: o 1.5 μL of the following mixture: 1 μL of 3 pmol/μL capture probe 1 μL of 6 pmol/μL reporter probe 1 μL of 0 or 1500 fmol/μL synthetic target 1.5 μL of dH2O o 2 μL of liposomes, A532 nm = 0.408 o 2.5 μL of 2× master mix (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.4 % Ficoll, 0.4 M sucrose) o 4 μL of 100 % ethanol Incubate hybridization mixture at 41°C for 20 minutes Place universal membrane strip into mixture to initiate adsorption Add 35 μL of RB 1, RB 2 or RB 3 Figure 11 below shows the effect of reducing the formamide and SSC concentrations of the running buffer. Reducing the formamide from 40 to 20 % and SSC from 8× to 4×, i.e. changing the running buffer from RB 1 to RB 2, did not prevent the assay from giving a positive result when target was present. However, when 40 % of ethanol was added to RB 2, the new running buffer RB 3 was unable to give a positive result even when synthetic target was present. One possible explanation for this is that the 39 hybridization mixture was unable to fully migrate up the membrane strip due to the high concentration of ethanol (40 % ethanol in both the hybridization mixture and running buffer). The adsorption properties of the nucleic acids onto the membrane strip could have been changed by the ethanol, resulting in a false negative signal. However, visual assessment of the membranes suggest that the ethanol present in RB 2 seemed to “clean” the background of the membrane strips. This would have the potential to reduce background noise, but at a lower concentration of ethanol than 40 % in the running buffer assuredly. RB 1, 0 fmol RB 1, 500 fmol RB 3, 0 fmol RB 3, 500 fmol RB 2, 0 fmol RB 2, 500 fmol Figure 11. Actual membranes using running buffers RB 1, RB 2 and RB 3 for 0 fmol and 500 fmol synthetic target. RB 1 and RB 3 gave positive signals when target was present, but RB 2 gave a negative signal even when target was present. 40 3.4. Optimizing the Ethanol Concentrations in the Hybridization Mixture and Running Buffer for the Lateral-flow Assay The observations made in chapters 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3 suggested the possibility of an optimal combination of ethanol concentrations in the hybridization mixture and running buffer that would result in a much improved signal over not using ethanol in the assay. Although it was found that methanol in the hybridization mixture generally gave higher signals than ethanol in chapter 3.1, this seemed to be applicable only for larger amounts of target (500 fmol), as discussed in chapter 3.2. Therefore, it was decided that ethanol would be used instead of methanol, since it is more crucial to detect for lesser amounts of target. Moreover, the use of ethanol in an RNA extraction procedure makes it more useful in an RNA biosensor. From chapter 3.1, it was determined that 33 % of ethanol should be in the hybridization mixture to give the highest signal. For the running buffer, chapter 3.3 indicated the potential of using ethanol to lower the background noise, thereby enhancing the signal in the capture zone. However, 40 % was too high a concentration. It was then hypothesized that 20 % ethanol in the running buffer would reduce background noise sufficiently without giving a false negative signal. Two sets of experiments were thus conducted to test this postulation. The first used 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol in the running buffer with 0, 50 and 500 fmol synthetic target and no ethanol in the hybridization mixture. The second also used 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol 41 in the running buffer, but had 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture. The assay format was as follows: Hybridization mixture components: o 2.2 μL of the following mixture: 1 μL of 3 pmol/μL capture probe 1 μL of 6 pmol/μL reporter probe 1 μL of 0, 150 or 1500 fmol/μL synthetic target 3.6 μL of dH2O o 2 μL of liposomes, A532 nm = 0.408 o 2.5 μL of 2× master mix (40 % formamide, 8× SSC, 0.4 % Ficoll, 0.4 M sucrose) o 3.3 μL of 100 % ethanol or dH2O Incubate hybridization mixture at 41°C for 20 minutes Place universal membrane strip into mixture to initiate adsorption Add 35 μL of RB 2, RB 3 or RB 4 The results of the reflectometer signal readings are reported in Tables 5 and 6, and plotted in Figures 12 and 13. The actual membranes are shown in Figure 14. 42 Table 5. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol concentrations in the running buffer, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol synthetic target and 0 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture. The signal to noise ratio was calculated by dividing the capture zone reading by the average capture zone reading of the negative control. The means and standard deviations given are for the signal to noise ratios. Ethanol Target (%) (fmol) 0 0 50 500 20 0 50 500 40 0 50 500 Reflectometer Reading Before Capture Zone Capture Zone 21 21 18 19 16 17 25 33 19 30 16 20 20 108 20 85 10 64 13 13 11 11 9 9 20 37 14 28 12 27 14 102 10 105 20 119 5 7 6 7 3 3 1 4 1 3 1 7 6 41 6 38 3 42 43 Visual Signal To Mean Standard Noise Ratio Deviation +/+ +/+ ++ + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ +/+/+/+ + + + + + - - - 1.74 1.58 1.05 5.68 4.47 3.37 - 1.46 0.36 4.51 1.16 - - 3.36 2.55 2.45 9.27 9.55 10.82 - 2.79 0.50 9.88 0.82 - - 0.71 0.53 1.24 7.24 6.71 7.41 0.82 0.37 7.12 0.37 Table 6. Reflectometer readings for 0, 20 and 40 % ethanol concentrations in the running buffer, using 0, 50 and 500 fmol synthetic target and 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture. The signal to noise ratio was calculated by dividing the capture zone reading by the average capture zone reading of the negative control. The means and standard deviations given are for the signal to noise ratios. Ethanol Target (%) (fmol) 0 0 50 500 20 0 50 500 40 0 50 500 Reflectometer Reading Before Capture Zone Capture Zone 50 48 51 49 46 45 45 73 46 85 43 81 46 137 43 146 37 150 19 19 20 21 19 18 18 77 15 63 14 72 15 122 17 116 15 111 15 18 15 17 14 12 18 38 14 40 14 61 17 65 14 63 16 66 44 Visual Signal To Mean Standard Noise Ratio Deviation + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ + + + + ++ + ++ + ++ +/+ + + + + + + + - - - 1.54 1.80 1.71 2.89 3.08 3.17 - 1.68 0.13 3.05 0.14 - - 3.98 3.26 3.72 6.31 6.00 5.74 - 3.66 0.37 6.02 0.28 - - 2.43 2.55 3.89 4.15 4.02 4.21 2.96 0.81 4.13 0.10 Signal To Noise Ratio Comparison Between 0 % and 33 % Ethanol in Hybridization Mixture for 50 fmol Target 5 4 0% Ethanol in RB 3 20% Ethanol in RB 2 40% Ethanol in RB 1 0 0 33 Ethanol % In Hybridization Mixture Figure 12. Bar graphs comparing the signal to noise ratios between 0 and 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture, when 50 fmol of target with 0, 20, 40 % ethanol in the running buffer (RB) was used. The error bars are also given to show the spread of the readings. The graphs clearly show that using 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture and 20 % ethanol in the running buffer gave the best signal to noise ratio. Also, the change from 0 to 33 % ethanol in the hybridization significantly increased the signal for 40 % ethanol in the running buffer. Reflectometer Reading Background Noise for Varying Ethanol % in Hybridization Mixture and Running Buffer 50 40 0% Ethanol in RB 20% Ethanol in RB 40% Ethanol in RB 30 20 10 0 0 33 Ethanol % In Hybridization Mixture Figure 13. Bar graphs comparing the background noise for 0 and 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture and 0, 20, 40 % ethanol in the running buffer (RB). There is a clear indication that increasing the ethanol concentration in the running buffer reduced the background noise. 45 Figure 14. Actual membranes using 0, 20, 40 % ethanol in the running buffer, and 0, 50, 500 fmol of synthetic target and 0 % (left) and 33 % (right) ethanol in the hybridization mixture. It can be seen that 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture does increase the signal significantly for 50 fmol of target, and that 20 % ethanol in the running buffer does reduce background noise significantly. Among the strips with 50 fmol target, the combination of 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture and 20 % ethanol in the running buffer gives the best signal. The results show that the hypothesis postulated earlier on in this chapter was correct, i.e. 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture combined with 20 % ethanol in the running buffer indeed gave an improved signal to noise ratio over not using ethanol in 46 the assay. In fact, two main observations were made from the data collected. The first was that adding 20 % ethanol in the running buffer reduced the background noise significantly as compared to having 0 % ethanol in the running buffer, but did not “clean” the membrane strips too much that the signal was reduced like in the cases where 40 % ethanol in the running buffer was used. In the case of 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture, addition of 20 % ethanol in the running buffer resulted in the background noise dropping from 47.3 to 19.3. The relationship between background noise and ethanol % in the running buffer can be seen in Figure 13. The second observation was that adding 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture indeed gave a big improvement to the signal in the capture zone, especially for 50 fmol of target. When 50 fmol of target was used with 20 % ethanol in the running buffer, the signal to noise ratio for 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture was 3.66 compared to 2.79 when there was no ethanol. This improvement was not as obvious for 500 fmol of target, but this could be due to the signal being at a saturation point at such a high amount of target. Furthermore, we are more concerned with reducing the lower detection limit of the later-flow assay, so the improvement at 50 fmol of target is a valuable find. As discussed in chapter 3.1, this signal enhancement is suspected to be due to nucleic acid aggregation in 33 % ethanol. Another possibility could be liposome aggregation but that has to be explored further. Whatever the actual reason, the experimental results clearly show that adding 33 % ethanol to the hybridization mixture and 20 % ethanol to the running buffer would significantly increase the detection capabilities of the lateral-flow biosensor. 47 3.5. Investigation of Silica-coated Magnetic Bead Liposome-RNA Hybridization In chapters 3.1 and 3.2, it was determined that 40 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture did not hinder the hybridization process between the synthetic target, reporter probe and universal liposome completely. The next few experiments were therefore set up in an attempt to test the viability of an assay in which liposomes (attached to reporter probes) would directly hybridize to RNA isolated on silica-coated magnetic beads under ethanol binding conditions. The key issue was that if the universal liposomes and/or the liposome-reporter probe complexes – with their single stranded nucleic acids – remained bound to the silica beads in the presence of ethanol, a false positive would be obtained even if target were absent. The proposed solution was to add background RNA to the synthetic target, in the hope that the background RNA would completely cover up the silica surface of the beads, preventing reporter probes and liposomes from binding to the silica. Three separate experiments were thus carried out to determine the validity of this hypothesis. 3.5.1. Varying the Addition of Background RNA The first experiment was done to determine if the manner of adding background RNA to the synthetic target would have any effect on the assay. In the protocol detailed in chapter 2.6, the background RNA is added after the synthetic target is allowed to bind to the silica beads. An alternative to that would be adding a mixture of target RNA and synthetic target to the beads, allowing them to bind to the beads at the same time. 0, 250 and 500 fmol of target were used to investigate the relationship between target 48 amount and signal for both cases. The assay format given in chapter 2.6 was adjusted as follows: Protocol (step1 followed by step 2) o Step 1 2 μL of 60 % beads 2.7 μL of dH2O 3 μL of 100 % ethanol 1 μL of 0, 250 or 500 fmol/μL synthetic target o Step 2 2 μL of background RNA 2.5 μL of dH2O 3 μL of 100 % ethanol Alternative (step 1 combined with step 2) o Step 1 and 2 5.2 μL of dH2O 6 μL of 100 % ethanol 1 μL of 0, 250 or 500 fmol/μL synthetic target 2 μL of background RNA (concentration = 50.8 μg/mL, purity = 1.81) 2 μL of 60 % beads added last The rest of the assay format remained the same The results given as fluorometer readings are summarized in Table 7 and plotted in Figure 15. 49 Table 7. Fluorometer readings for the two methods of background RNA addition, using 0, 250 and 500 fmol synthetic target in the hybridization mixture. For ‘Step 1 followed by step 2’ the background RNA was added only after the synthetic target was allowed to bind with the silica beads for 5 min. For ‘Step 1 with step 2’ the background RNA and synthetic target were mixed before incubating with the silica beads. The average and standard deviations given are for the fluorometer readings. The signal to noise ratio was calculated by dividing the average fluorometer reading over the average fluorometer reading of the negative control. Method Target Fluorometer Reading (RFU) Average Standard Signal To (fmol) Sample Sample Sample Sample Deviation Noise Ratio 1 2 3 4 Step 1 0 527 657 401 746 583 151 followed 250 629 765 847 711 738 92 1.266 by step 2 500 987 934 830 887 910 67 1.561 Step 1 0 731 875 923 648 794 127 with 250 525 873 643 1175 804 286 1.012 step 2 500 858 727 787 871 811 67 1.021 Fluorometer Reading (RFU) Varying the Addition of Background RNA 1200 1000 800 0 fmol 600 250 fmol 400 500 fmol 200 0 Step 1 followed by step 2 Step 1 with Step 2 Manner of Addition Figure 15. Bar graphs showing the mean fluorescent signals for 0, 250, 500 fmol of synthetic target using the two manners of background RNA addition. The error bars are also given to show the spread of the readings taken with 4 samples. For ‘Step 1 followed by step 2’ the background RNA was added only after the synthetic target was allowed to bind with the silica beads for 5 min. For ‘Step 1 with step 2’ the background RNA and synthetic target were mixed before incubating with the silica beads. 50 Table 7 and Figure 15 suggest that it was essential for the background RNA to be added to the hybridization mixture only after the synthetic target had been allowed to bind to the silica beads. This gave fluorescent readings that were proportional to the amount of synthetic target present in the hybridization mixture, which was expected if the assay were viable. When background RNA had been mixed with the synthetic target before silica beads were added, the fluorescent readings were relatively similar for varying synthetic target amounts present, which made the assay a poor indicator of the true amount of synthetic target present. As such, ‘Step 1 followed by step 2” was used for the rest of the experiments involving the silica-coated magnetic bead assay. However, it must be noted that the error bars were reasonably large, and thus no conclusion could yet be made about the functionality of the assay. 3.5.2 Varying the Amount of Background RNA The second experiment was done to determine if the amount of background RNA used affected the assay in accurately detecting the amount of synthetic target present. The assay format given in chapter 2.6 was adjusted as follows: Step 1 o 2 μL of 60 % beads o 2.7 μL of dH2O o 3 μL of 100 % ethanol o 1 μL of 0, 250 or 500 fmol/μL synthetic target Step 2 o 3 μL of 100 % ethanol 51 o 0, 1, 2 or 3 μL of background RNA (concentration = 50.8 μg/mL, purity = 1.81) o 4.5, 3.5, 2.5 or 1.5 μL of dH2O The rest of the assay format remained the same The results given as fluorometer readings are summarized in Table 8 and plotted in Figure 16. Table 8. Fluorometer readings for 0, 1, 2, 3 μL of background RNA with 0, 250 and 500 fmol synthetic target in the hybridization mixture. These volumes of background RNA correspond to 0, 50.8, 101.6, 152.4 ng of RNA respectively. The average and standard deviations given are for the fluorometer readings. The signal to noise ratio was calculated by dividing the average fluorometer reading over the average fluorometer reading of the negative control. Backgrnd Target Fluorometer Reading (RFU) Average Standard Signal To RNA (μL) (fmol) Sample Sample Sample Sample Deviation Noise Ratio 1 2 3 4 0 0 1348 1433 1288 1213 1321 93 250 1006 1262 1014 1111 1098 119 0.832 500 1139 1223 1354 1499 1304 157 0.987 1 0 806 776 773 888 811 54 250 866 773 738 777 789 55 0.973 500 743 832 633 876 771 107 0.951 2 0 590 767 561 669 647 92 250 752 736 895 864 812 80 1.255 500 1197 1141 686 1116 1035 235 1.600 3 0 987 923 803 1008 930 92 250 1127 765 753 950 899 177 0.966 500 788 1090 813 951 911 139 0.979 52 Fluorometer Reading (RFU) Varying the Amount of Background RNA 1600 1400 1200 1000 800 600 400 200 0 0 fmol 250 fmol 500 fmol 0 1 2 3 Background RNA (L) Figure 16. Bar graphs showing the mean fluorescent signals for 0, 1, 2, 3 μL of background RNA with 0, 250, 500 fmol of synthetic target in the hybridization mixture. These volumes of background RNA correspond to 0, 50.8, 101.6, 152.4 ng of RNA respectively. The error bars are also given to show the spread of the readings taken with 4 samples. Higher fluorometer readings were obtained when no background RNA was used, and when background RNA was used, only 2 μL of RNA gave a proportional dose response. Table 8 and Figure 16 suggest that the assay was only able to distinguish between the different amounts of synthetic target that was present in the hybridization mixture when 2 μL of background RNA, corresponding to 101.6 ng of RNA, was used. However, the large standard deviations, high background noise, and low signal to noise ratios of 1.255 and 1.600 for 250 and 500 fmol of target respectively, throw much doubt on the functionality of this assay. For 1 and 3 μL of background RNA, the fluorometer readings did not change significantly when there was a change in the amount of synthetic target. When no background RNA was used, the fluorometer readings were generally higher. This was expected since the absence of background RNA would mean there was free silica surface for reporter probes and universal liposomes to bind directly to the beads. Therefore, the background RNA was indeed 53 successful in reducing the amount of direct binding between the silica beads and the liposomes. 3.5.3 Varying the Amount of Silica-coated Magnetic Beads The third experiment was done to determine if the amount of beads used affected the assay in accurately detecting the amount of synthetic target present. The assay format given in chapter 2.6 was adjusted as follows: Step 1 o 1, 2, 3 or 4 μL of 60 % beads o 3.1, 2.7, 2.3 or 1.9 μL of dH2O o 3 μL of 100 % ethanol o 1 μL of 0, 250 or 500 fmol/μL synthetic target Step 2 o 2 μL of background RNA (concentration = 50.8 μg/mL, purity = 1.81) o 2.5 μL of dH2O o 3 μL of 100 % ethanol The rest of the assay format remained the same The results given as fluorometer readings are summarized in Table 9 and plotted in Figure 17. 54 Table 9. Fluorometer readings for 1, 2, 3, 4 μL of silica beads with 0, 250, 500 fmol synthetic target in the hybridization mixture. These volumes of beads correspond to 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4 μg respectively. The average and standard deviations given are for fluorometer readings. Signal to noise ratio was calculated by dividing the average fluorometer reading over the average fluorometer reading of the negative control. Beads (μL) Target Fluorometer Reading (RFU) Average Standard Signal To (fmol) Sample Sample Sample Sample Deviation Noise Ratio 1 2 3 4 0 541 817 847 601 702 153 250 784 761 936 507 747 178 1.065 500 501 832 851 785 742 163 1.058 0 527 657 401 746 583 151 250 629 765 847 711 738 92 1.266 500 987 934 830 887 910 67 1.561 0 452 343 557 673 506 141 250 485 541 657 715 600 105 1.184 500 490 813 672 700 669 134 1.321 0 452 509 833 443 559 185 250 600 605 628 749 646 70 1.154 500 855 529 585 443 603 178 1.078 1 2 3 4 Fluorometer Reading (RFU) Varying the Amount of Silica-coated Magnetic Beads 1200 1000 800 0 fmol 600 250 fmol 400 500 fmol 200 0 1 2 3 4 Silica Beads (L) Figure 17. Bar graphs showing the mean fluorescent signals for 1, 2, 3, 4 μL of silica beads with 0, 250, 500 fmol of synthetic target in the hybridization mixture. These volumes of beads correspond to 0.6, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4 μg respectively. The error bars are also given to show the spread of the readings taken with 4 samples. Only 2 μL and 3 μL of beads appeared to give a proportional does response. 55 Table 9 and Figure 17 confirm the suspicion in chapter 3.5.2 that the silica-coated magnetic bead assay used in this research would not be a viable method for target RNA detection. While using 2 and 3 μL of beads resulted in proportional changes of signal with respect to the target concentration, the differences were not very high, i.e. an increase in signal between 0 and 500 fmol of only 56.1 % and 32.1 % for 2 and 3 μL of beads respectively. In addition, large error bars suggest a randomness and inaccuracy inherent in the assay that would not give consistent results. 56 4. CONCLUSION Investigations toward a simplified and novel on-bead RNA-liposome biosensor, based on nucleic acid binding to silica in 40 % ethanol, have shown that in general, the principle works, but much improvement is needed in order to change this into a viable assay. While optimization of the amount of background RNA and silica-coated magnetic beads resulted in clear dose-response curves when analyzing 0 – 500 fmol of target RNA, high standard deviations and background noise indicated a poor performance of this strategy. Variability introduced during the conduct of the experiments could have been reduced if more efficient experimental techniques had been applied, such as the use of multi channel pipettes to load and aspirate samples in the wells. It was also observed during pipette-mixing to wash the beads, that unnecessary abrasion between the pipette tip and the beads was occurring, which could be eliminated by using a system involving continuous but gentle flow of washing buffer. In addition, alternative methods could be investigated to ensure that only target RNA is quantified in the assay. For example, instead of the liposome-reporter probe complex, RNA-binding proteins that are specific to the target and do not bind to the silica could be used as the transducer. Another approach is to find a way to quench the exposed silica after adding target sequence to the beads, perhaps by chemically reacting negatively charged silica with high-valent cations. This would prevent direct binding of the liposomes and/or reporter probes onto the silica. 57 Amazing and interesting results were obtained in the ethanol and methanol study of the lateral-flow assay, i.e. a novel method of enhancing the signal in the lateral-flow assay was discovered during this research. It was found that adding ethanol in the hybridization mixture would increase the intensity of the signal at the capture zone by up to 100 %, with 33 % ethanol being the optimal concentration. Methanol was investigated as well but found to be less effective at low amounts (50 fmol) of synthetic target. In addition, ethanol present in the running buffer had the ability to reduce the background noise on the membrane, improving the signal even further. 40 % ethanol in the running buffer proved to be too high a concentration, but 20 % ethanol gave very well-developed and distinct signals. A combination of 33 % ethanol in the hybridization mixture and 20 % ethanol in the running buffer was established to give the greatest improvement of the signal compared to if no alcohol had been used in the assay, with signal to noise ratio improving from 1.46 to 3.66. This would no doubt reduce the lower limit of detection for the lateral-biosensor assay. Recommendations to improve the lateral-flow assay include using the Linomat to apply streptavidin onto the membranes, since the capture zone will be linear instead of a circular area, allowing for more accurate comparisons between membranes. 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