
R. Bons, F. Dignum, R. Lee, and Y.-H. Tan. A Formal Analysis of Auditing
Principles for Electronic Trade Procedures. In International Journal of
Electronic Commerce, Vol.5, Nr.1, 2000, pages 57-82.
F. Dignum and M. Greaves. Issues in Agent Communication (LNCS-1916), SpringerVerlag, 2000.
F. Dignum and M. Greaves. Issues in Agent Communication: An Introduction. In F.
Dignum and M. Greaves (eds.) Issues in Agent Communication (LNCS-1916),
Springer-Verlag, 2000, pages 1-16.
F. Dignum, B. Dunin-Keplicz and R. Verbrugge. Dialogue in Team Formation, In F.
Dignum and M. Greaves (eds.) Issues in Agent Communication (LNCS-1916),
Springer-Verlag, 2000, pages 264-280.
F. Dignum, D. Morley, E. Sonenberg and L. Cavedon. Towards Socially
Sophisticated BDI Agents. In Proceedings of the fourth International Conference
on MultiAgent Systems (ICMAS-2000), Boston, July 2000, IEEE Computer Society,
pages 111-118.
F. Dignum, B. Dunin-Keplicz and R. Verbrugge. Agent Theory for Team Formation by
Dialogue. In C. Castelfranchi and Y. Lesperance (eds.) Proceedings of ATAL-2000,
Boston, July 2000, pages 141-156.
F. Dignum. Agent Communication and Cooperative Information Agents. In M. Klusch
and L. Kerschberg (eds.) Cooperative Information Agents IV - The Future of
Information Agents in Cyberspace (LNCS-1860), Springer-Verlag, 2000, pages 191207.
F. Dignum. Information Management at a bank using agents: theory and practice.
In Journal of applied Artificial Intelligence, Vol.14, Nr.7, August 2000, pages
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Organisations and collective obligations. In M.
Ibrahim, J. Küng and N. Revell (eds.) 11th International Conference on Databases
& Expert Systems Applications (LNCS-1873), Springer-Verlag, 2000, pages 302-311.
R. Conte and F. Dignum. From social monitoring to normative influence,
In F. Bouquet (ed.) Modelling agent interactions in natural resources and
environment management, Montpellier, March 2000.
C. Castelfranchi, F. Dignum, C. Jonker and J. Treur. Deliberate Normative
Agents: Principles and Architectures, In N. Jennings and Y. Lesperance (eds.)
Intelligent Agents VI (LNAI-1757), Springer-Verlag, 2000, pages 364-378.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Collective obligation and commitment. In Proceedings
International conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law, Oslo, June 1999.
F. Dignum. FLBC: From messages to protocols. In Y-H. Tan and W. Thoen (eds.)
Proceedings of the International workshop on Formal Methods in Electronic
Commerce, Rotterdam, June 1999, pp. 15-29.
R. Conte, C. Castelfranchi and F. Dignum. Autonomous Norm Acceptance,
In J. Muller, M. Singh and A. Rao, editors, Intelligent Agents V, (LNAI-1555),
pages 319-334, Springer-Verlag, 1999.
F. Dignum. Autonomous Agents with Norms, In Artificial Intelligence and Law,
Volume 7, 1999, pp. 69-79.
F. Dignum and G.-J. Houben. Integrating Information Systems: Linking Global
Business Goals to Local Database Applications. In Transactions of the Society
for Design and Process Science, Vol.3, Nr.1, March 1999, pages 43-53.
F. Dignum and R. Kuiper. Specifying Deadlines with Continuous Time Using Deontic
and Temporal Logic, In International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Volume 3,
Number 2, Winter 1998-99, pp. 67-86.
F. Dignum and L. Royakkers. Collective Obligation and Commitment, In Proceedings
of 5th Int. conference on Law in the Information Society, Florence, December,
H. Weigand, W-J. van den Heuvel and F. Dignum. Modelling Electronic Commerce
Transactions; A layered approach. In G. Goldkuhl, editor, Third International
Workshop on Communication Modelling (LAP-98), pages 47-58, Stockholm, 1998.
R. Bons, F. Dignum, R. Lee and Y-H. Tan. A formal specification of automated
auditing of trustworthy trade procedures for open electronic commerce. In C.
Castelfranchi, editor, International workshop on Deception, Fraud and
Trust in Agent Societies, pages 21-34, Minneapolis, May 9, 1998.
F. Dignum and R. Conte. Intentional agents and goal formation. In M. Singh, editor, Intelligent Agents IV (LNAI 1365}, pages 231-244, Springer
Verlag, 1998.
F. Dignum, E. Verharen and S. Bos. Implementation of a cooperative agent
architecture based on the language-action perspective. In M. Singh,
editor, Intelligent Agents IV (LNAI 1365), pages 31-44, Springer Verlag, 1998.
F. Dignum, S. Bos and E. Verharen. Implementation of a cooperative agent
architecture based on the language-action perspective. Proceedings of the NAIC,
Antwerp, November 1997.
J.-J. Ch. Meyer, R.J. Wieringa, and F.P.M. Dignum. The Role of Deontic Logic in
the Specification of Information Systems. In J. Chomicki and G. Saake (eds.)
Logics for Databases and Information Systems, pages 71-115, Kluwer Academics
Publishers, 1998.
F. Dignum, J.-J. Meyer and R. Kuiper. An investigation into deontics of durative
actions. In Proceedings 4th Int. Conference on Deontic Logic in Computer
Science, Bologna, Italy, January 1998.
F. Dignum and R. Kuiper. Obligations and Dense Time for Specifying Deadlines. In
Proceedings of thirty-First HICSS, Hawaii, 1998.
F. Dignum and R. Kuiper. Specifying Deadlines with Obligations and Dense Time.
Proceedings of the NAIC, pages 237-248, Antwerp, November 1997.
P. De Bra, F. Dignum and G.-J. Houben. Task-Based Information Filtering:
Providing Information that is Right for the Job. Conferentie Informatie
Wetenschappen, Eindhoven, November 1997.
F. Dignum. Electronic Commerce - An overview SOBU symposium on Electronic
Commerce, Tilburg, September 1997.
F. Dignum. Social interactions of autonomous agents; private and global views on
communication. In A. Cesta and P-Y. Schobbens, editors, Proceedings of the 4th
ModelAge workshop on formal models of agents, pages 99--114, Siena, Italy, 1997.
F. Dignum and J. Dietz. Communication modeling, the language/action perspective.
Proceedings lap-97. Technical Report CSR 97-09, TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven, 1997.
F. Dignum and R. Kuiper. Combining dynamic deontic logic and temporal logic for
the specification of deadlines. In Jr. R. Sprague, editor, Proceedings of
thirtieth HICSS, Wailea, Hawaii, 1997.
F. Dignum and B. van Linder. Modelling social agents: Communication as actions.
In M. Wooldridge J. Muller and N. Jennings, editors, Intelligent Agents III
(LNAI-1193), pages 205--218. Springer-Verlag, 1997.
E. Verharen, H. Weigand and F. Dignum. Dynamic business models as a basis for
interoperable transaction design. Information Systems, 22(2/3):139--154, 1997.
E. Verharen, H. Weigand and F. Dignum. Integrated semantics for information and
communication systems. In R. Meersman and L. Mark, editors, Database
Applications Semantics, pages 500--525. Chapman & Hall, 1997.
G.J. Houben and F. Dignum. Information for organized work. In F. Baader, M.
Jeusfeld, W. Nutt (eds), Proceedings 4th Int. workshop Knowledge Representation
meets databases, Athens, 1997.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Defeasible reasoning with legal rules. In D. Nute,
editor, Defeasible deontic logic. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Giving permission implies giving choice. In E.
Schweighofer, editor, 8th International Conference and Workshop on Database and
Expert Systems Applications, Toulouse, France, 1997.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. The logic of enactment. In J. Zeleznikow,
editor, Proceedings of the sixth International Conference on AI &Law, Melbourne,
Australia, 1997.
E. Verharen and F. Dignum. Cooperative information agents and communication. In
M. Klusch and P. Kandzia, editors, Proceedings of the first international
workshop on cooperative information agents, LNAI-1202, pages 195--209, Kiel,
Germany, 1997. Springer-Verlag.
H. Weigand and F. Dignum. Formalization and rationalization of communication.
In F. Dignum and J. Dietz, editors, Second International Workshop on
Communication Modelling (LAP-97), pages 71--86, Veldhoven, 1997.
F. Dignum, J. Dietz, E. Verharen and H. Weigand, editors. Communication Modeling
- A language/Action Perspective. Electronic Workshops in Computing. SpringerVerlag, London, 1996.
F. Dignum. Autonomous agents and social norms. In R. Falcone and R. Conte,
editors, ICMAS-96 Workshop on Norms, Obligations and Conventions, pages 56--71,
Kyoto, 1996.
F. Dignum, J.-J.Ch. Meyer, and R. Wieringa. Free choice and contextually
permitted actions. Studia Logica, 57(1):193--220, 1996.
F. Dignum and B. van Linder. Modelling rational agents in a dynamic environment:
Putting humpty dumpty together again. In J.L. Fiadeiro and P.-Y. Schobbens,
editors, ModelAge-96, pages 81--92, Sesimbra, Portugal, 1996.
R. Wieringa, F. Dignum, J.-J.Ch. Meyer and R. Kuiper. A modal approach to
intentions, commitments and obligations: Intention plus commitment yields
obligation. In M.A. Brown and J. Carmo, editors, Deontic Logic, Agency and
Normative Systems (Workshops in Computing), pages 80--97. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
F. Dignum, E. Verharen and H. Weigand. A language/action perspective on
cooperative information agents. In N. van der Rijst E. Verharen and J. Dietz,
editors, International Workshop on Communication Modelling (LAP-96), pages 40-53, Oisterwijk, 1996.
F. Dignum, H. Weigand and E. Verharen. Meeting the deadline: on the formal
specification of temporal deontic constraints. In Z.W. Ras and M. Michalewicz,
editors, Foundations of Intelligent Systems (LNAI 1079), pages 243--252.
Springer-Verlag, 1996.
H. Weigand, E. Verharen and F. Dignum. Interoperable transactions in business
models: A structured approach. In J. Mylopoulos P. Constantopoulos and Y.
Vassiliou, editors, Advanced Information Systems Engineering (LNCS 1080), pages
193--209. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Defeasible reasoning with legal rules. In M.A. Brown
and J. Carmo, editors, Deontic Logic, Agency and Normative Systems (Workshops in
Computing), pages 174--193. Springer-Verlag, 1996.
J. vd. Vorst, V. Dignum and F. Dignum. Datamining in a vehicle configuration
system using prolog. In Shuichi Fukuda, editor, INAP-96, pages 43--52, Tokyo,
F. Dignum, H. Weigand and E. Verharen. A formal specification of deadlines using
dynamic deontic logic. Technical Report CSR 96-09, TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven,
J.-J.Ch. Meyer, R. Wieringa and F. Dignum. The Role of Deontic Logic in the
Specification of Information Systems. 1996. RUU report, UU-CS-1996-55.
F. Dignum and H. Weigand. Communication and deontic logic. In R. Wieringa and R.
Feenstra, editors, Information Systems, Correctness and Reusability, pages 242-260. World Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
F. Dignum and H. Weigand. Modellling communication between cooperative systems.
In K. Lyytinen J. Iivari and M. Rossi, editors, Advanced Information Systems
Engineering (LNCS-932), pages 140--153. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1995.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Actors and norms. In R. Wieringa and R. Feenstra,
editors, Information Systems, Correctness and Reusability, pages 225--241. World
Scientific, Singapore, 1995.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Collective obligation. In J. Bioch and Y.-H. Tan,
editors, NAIC 95, pages 351--360, Rotterdam, 1995.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. The idea of obligation; or: How to interpret O(p)?
In M. Cohen, J. Hage, T. Bench-Capon and H. van den Herik, editors, Legal
Knowledge Based Systems, pages 105--112, Lelystad, 1995. Koninklijke Vermande.
W. Nuijten, F. Dignum and L. Janssen. Solving a time tabling problem by
constraint satisfaction. Technical Report CSR 95-24, TU Eindhoven, Eindhoven,
F. Dignum, J.-J.Ch. Meyer, and R. Wieringa. Contextual permission. a solution to
the free choice paradox. In A. Jones and M. Sergot, editors, Second
International Workshop on Deontic Logic in Computer Science, pages 107--135,
Oslo, 1994. Tano A.S.
F. Dignum, J.-J.Ch. Meyer, and R. Wieringa. A dynamic logic for reasoning about
sub-ideal states. In J. Breuker, editor, ECAI workshop on Artificial Normative
Reasoning, pages 79--92, Amsterdam, 1994.
L. Royakkers and F. Dignum. Deontic inconsistencies and authorities. In J.
Breuker, editor, ECAI workshop Artificial Normative Reasoning, pages 93--105,
Amsterdam, 1994.
W. Nuijten, T. Kunnen, E. Aarts, and F. Dignum. Examination time tabling: A case
study for constraint satisfaction. In T. Schiex, editor, ECAI workshop on
Constraint Satisfaction issues raised by practical applications, pages 11--20,
Amsterdam, 1994.
F. Dignum. Using transactions in integrity constraints. In First International
Workshop on Applied Logic: Logic at Work, UVA, 1992.
F. Dignum and R.P. van de Riet. Addition and removal of information for a
knowledge base with incomplete information. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 1992.
R. Wieringa, H. Weigand, J.-J.Ch. Meyer, and F. Dignum. The inheritance of
dynamic and deontic integrity constraints. In Anals of Mathematics and
Artificial Intelligence 3, pages 393--428. Baltzer A.G., 1991.
F. Dignum and R.P. van de Riet. Knowledge base modelling based on linguistics
and founded in logic. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 1991.
F. Dignum and J.-J.Ch. Meyer. Negations of transactions and their use in the
specification of dynamic and deontic integrity constraints. In M. Kwiatkowska,
M.W. Shields, and R.M. Thomas, editors, Semantics for Concurrency, Leicester
1990, pages 61--80, Berlin, 1990. Springer.
F. Dignum. A language for modelling knowledge bases. Ph.D. thesis, Vrije
Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1989.
F. Dignum. Formalizing events and their effects using logic. Technical Report
IR-111, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 1988.
F.~Dignum, M. Kersten, H. Weigand, and J. Boom. Acme: A conceptual modelling
expert system. In S. Spaccapietra, editor, 5th International Conference on E-R
approach. North-Holland, 1987.
F. Dignum, H. Weigand, W. Kreuzen, T. Kemme, and R.P. van de Riet. Constraint
modelling using a conceptual prototyping language. DKE, 3(2):213--254, 1987.
F. Dignum, M. Kersten, and M. Jacques. Workbenches. een ontwerpomgeving voor
informatiesystemen. Informatie, 10(28):813--825, 1986.