Cover Page Title: Uniform Linear Array Beampattern Gain Optmization using LMS Technique Authors: Address: Farrukh Nagi, Nassar Ikram Universiti Tenaga Nasional Dept. of Mechanical Eng. Km 7, Jalan Kjang-Puchong 43009 Kjang, Selangor, Malaysia Email:, Tel: 60 -03- 89287202 Fax: 60 -03- 89263506 Contact Author: Farrukh Nagi – Dr. Topic area: Subject area: Statistical Signal and Array Processing Array Processing - Optimization 1 Uniform Linear Array Beampattern Gain Optimization using LMS Technique Farrukh Nagi Universiti Tenaga Nasional Km 7, Jalan Kjang –Puchong 43009 Kjang, Selangor, Malaysia, Radiation Pattern – Beamforming Abstract 2. The work describe here uses optimization technique to increase the gain of uniform linear array beampattern when array elements fails. The optimization criteria evaluates the weights of the remaining elements so as to restore the reference beampattern. LMS is used to optimize the error between the reference and the iterated beampattern. The error is evaluated after subtraction of failed beampattern from the optimized pattern – reducing computational overload on the optimization algorithm. In general the results are promising near the boresight of the array and are presented for different number and configuration of the failed elements. Beamforming is a process of forming an output from the weighted combination of signal from N elements of ULA [3]sensor array. The beamforming output from such array is given as 1. Introduction The performance of the beamforming process is degraded when array elements fails to work in unison. Long usage of phased array radar [1], [2] and sonar in planes, ships or submarines render array elements or its associated circuitry defective. The maintenance and repair is time consuming if not costly. The efficiency of such array can be restored by optimization techniques. Optimization techniques could be used to re-asses the weights of the remaining array elements in order to minimize the distortion of the beampattern. The effect of failed array elements on the beampattern is the overall reduction in array gain factor. Also, the sidelobes losses their symmetry due to aperiodic [3] inter-element distance between some of its elements, figure 1. The availability of powerful DSPs and their efficient computation algorithms can be exploited to implement the optimization techniques in real time sonar and radar phased array systems [2]. The optimization techniques will be demonstrated in this work for ULA but the procedure can be generalized for planar and other array configurations. N i(2n N 1) ( ) G( ) w(n) e n1 (1) Where = -90 to 90 180 d sin d sin , Scanning angle 2 , Steering angle 2 w(n)=[1,1,…..,N], Uniform weight on each element 180 d, inter-element distance between array elements Typically the quantity |G()|2 is known beam pattern, which is simply the power of beamformer as a function of . 3. Failed Pattern The array elements can be failed by zeroing the weights w(n) in array element weighting/shading in vector wf(m) as wf(m) = [1,0,1,0,0,1, M=N-l] index, m+ p = d, 2d, d, 3d, d, . (2) Where M=N-l, l is the numbers of the failed elements and p is the index of the failed elements. The beam pattern of the failed elements is evaluated from equ.(2) as M G f ( ) w f (m)e i ( 2( m p ) M 1) ( ) (3) m 1 In equ.(3) index m+p caters for increased inter-element distance in multiple of d, figure 1. The corresponding weights vector wf is described by equ. (2). 2 e(n) w(n) Effect of more than one element failure can be investigated. Failing elements at extreme ends will only reduce the aperture of array and will give effect of only reducing size N of the array. d w=0 w=0 w=0 Gf() wopt(m) f(w)=Gopt() Optimization function LMS Figure 1. Increased inter-element array distance Figure 2. Optimization process expressed in equation (5) Optimization Function and Pattern The optimization process evaluates the optimized weights wopt =[ wopt1 wop2. . . . M] for the failed beampattern function The optimization function consist of failed element beampattern f(wopt)=Gf(). The optimization algorithm then evaluates the weight wopt (m) of only working elements of the array. The optimized weights are so determined that f(wopt) is optimized to Gopt() with wopt and approaches closest to G(). M f (wopt ) Gopt ( ) wopt (m) ei ( 2( m p ) M 1) ( ) ( 4) m 1 5. GA() wf(m) 3d 2d 4. G() 6. Performance measure After completion of optimization process the comparison is made between failed and optimized beam pattern to evaluate the improvement of the optimized pattern over the failed pattern. For this purpose ratio of powers under -3db beamwidth of main beam and the rest of patterns is defined as SNR of the beam pattern , see figure 3, and (G f ( ) BW 3db) SNR f , opt 20 log 10 BW 3db (7) Optimization Function The beam pattern optimization is to based upon certain criterion. The criterion is chosen so as to restore the model-reference beampattern in the best possible way. LMS [4] is utilised to accomplish the optimized procedure -3db The optimization function in equ. (4) is used for the iterative-search of weights wopt in LMS algorithms as e(n) GA( ) 2 G f ( ) 2 wopt (m) wopt (m 1) 2G f ( , m)e(n) w f (m) ( 5) Where is the adaptation step size and wf are the weights updated to wopt in such a way as to reduce the error e(n). Figure 2 illustrates the LMS optimization procedure expressed in equ. (5) The failed pattern Gf() is subtracted from the optimized function prior to least square error e(n). GA( ) f ( w opt ) G f ( ) ( 6) Equation (6) reduces the computation burden of optimization algorithm and helps in its faster convergence to the solution Figure 3. –3db beamwidth used in SNR equ. (7) The rationale behind this SNR is that main beam is pointing toward desired direction and sidelobes give rise to undesirable noise entering in receiver from direction other than desired. 3 7. Results Sixteen element ULA optimization results were evaluated at different steering angles with different combination of failing elements, figure 3. Matlab’s optimization toolbox [5] ‘leastsq’ command was used for implementation of least square algorithm shown in Figure 2. The reference pattern is obtained from |G()| –equ. (1), failed |Gf()| –equ. (3) and optimized beampattern |Gopt()| equ.(4). Purposely-failed elements in equ. (2) are represented by ‘0.000’ in the weight column at the left of the figures 4. Figures 5-7 shows S/N vs steering angle. The S/N of the three radiation patterns in figure 4 are evaluated using equ.(5). The S/N at different steering angles were compiled and are shown in figures 5-7 Figure 6. SNR vs scanning angle of reference, optimized and failed radiation patterns. Failed elements numbers 3, 7. Figure 4. LMS optimization results - reference, failed and optimized beampatterns. Failed elements 2, 9, 14. Figure 5. SNR vs. scanning angle of reference, optimized and failed radiation patterns. The SNR in figure 4 can be read at –20 degree steering angle. Figure 7. SNR vs scanning angle of reference, optimized and failed radiation patterns. Failed element number 6. 4 8. Conclusion From figures 5-7 it can be observed that LMS optimization is effective near the boresight scanning angle, as the scanning angle moves away from the boresight the optimization fails to deliver good S/N. For single element in figure 7 the optimization is not effective. Also the distribution of the failing elements does not effects the optimization process figure 5-6. In view of above results and comments it would be wise to optimize the radiation pattern. In case of failure of the elements the best results whether failed or optimized pattern could be used for receiving/transmitting the signal. The LMS optimization algorithms is applied to ULA, the same can be applied with out losing generality on two-dimensional array [3]. Further investigation can be carried out on determining the effect of failing element distribution on the beampattern, and using other optimization techniques. References 1) Statistical and Adaptive signal processing Processing by D.G. Manolakis, V.K. Ingle and S.M. Kogon, McGraw Hill, Boston USA, 2000. 2) Phased Array Antennas by R.C. Hansen, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Newark, USA, 1998 3) Antenna Theory Analysis and Design by C. A. Balanis –2ed, Wiley & Sons, Inc. NewYork, USA, 1997. 4) Engineering Optimization by S. S. Rao, Wiley & Sons, Inc. NewYork, USA, 1996 5) Optimization toolbox for Use with MATLAB – User Guide, MathWorks, Inc. Natick, Mass. USA, 1996. 5