Major in Leisure Sciences


Department of Applied Human Sciences

Major in Leisure Sciences




It is recommended that students meet with an AHSC academic advisor at least once a year .

Required Courses (33 Credits)

21 credits






AHSC 220 Life Span Growth and Development for Practitioners

AHSC 230 Interpersonal Communication and Relationships

AHSC 241 Recreation & Leisure in Contemporary Society

AHSC 260 Program Planning, Design and Evaluation

AHSC 285 Social Psychology of Leisure (pre-req. AHSC 241 previously or concurrently)

298F or PSYC 286 may not take this course for credit

Students who have taken AHSC


------ HIST 215

SOCI 244 Sociology of Leisure.

Students who have taken SOCI 344 may not take this course for credit.

History of Recreation & Leisure in Canada . Students who have taken AHSC 298G or AHSC 215 may not take this course for credit.



12 credits



PHIL 255 Philosophy of Leisure (pre-req. 30 University credits)

AHSC 350 Leisure Education (pre-req. AHSC 241, 260)

AHSC 361 Leisure Services Leadership (pre-req. AHSC 230, 241)

------ AHSC 371 Community Recreation Planning (pre-req. AHSC 241, 260)

AHSC 427 Administration of Leisure Services (pre-req. 60 University credits including AHSC 361; 371 or 381 )

Program Electives (9 credits)

(Recommended to be chosen in consultation with an AHSC academic advisor.)

It is recommended that a minimum of 3 credits be taken at the 400 level.

------ AHSC 281 Introduction to Therapeutic Recreation

------ AHSC 310 Tourism in Canada











AHSC 311

AHSC 323

AHSC 333

AHSC 340

AHSC 360

Respecting Diversity in Human Relations (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 230) Students who have taken AHSC 245 may not take this course for credit.

Gender and Leisure (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 241 or AHSC 242)

Leisure and the Environment (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 241 or AHSC 242)

Employee Recreation Service (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 241 or AHSC 242)

Play, Adult Learning and Development (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 220)

AHSC 421

AHSC 422

AHSC 444

Political and Legal Aspects of Leisure Services (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 241)

Youth and Leisure (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 220, 241, 260)

The Older Adult and Leisure (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 220, 241, 260)

AHSC 450 Leisure Assessment and Counselling (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 281 and 350)

AHSC 460 * Health Promotion (pre-req. 30 University credits including AHSC 230)

General Electives (48 credits)

A minimum of 24 credits must be taken outside of AHSC.

General Education Requirements

Students are required to take 6 credits of General Education courses. These 6 credits are part of the 24 general elective credits that must be taken outside of AHSC.

It is recommended that at least 3 credits be completed in the first year

Since AHSC falls under the Social Sciences disciplinary sector, General Education requirements will be satisfied by the completion of:

3 credits in Humanities_________________________

3 credits in Sciences___________________________

For more information about General Education, please refer to Section 31.0004 of the Concordia Undergraduate Calendar.

(All courses are 3 credits except where * indicates a 6-credit course.)

O:\Curriculum & Programs\Undergraduate\Course Checklists\2009-10
