Student Self Test Quiz Questions Chapter 2 “How Marketing

Student Self Test Quiz Questions
Chapter 2 “how Marketing CoMMuniCations works”
1. The ‘mechanics’ of the communication process describe:
@ Pages and References: pp1, 18 Topic: The mechanics of the communication process.
a. The contexts of marketing communications.
b. People who carry out marketing communications.
*c. All the conceptual models and frameworks which underpin marketing communications
d. The agencies involved in the industry.
2. Which of these represents a traditional model of the marketing communications process? @ Pages and
References: p6 Topic: The marketing communications process
a. Communication source, signifier, media channel, receiver, message, addressee, feedback
b. Source, transmitter, signal, channel, receiver, message, code, feedback
*c. Source, transmitter, signal, channel, receiver, message, addressee, feedback
d. Source, transmitter, signifier, channel, receiver, message, referent, feedback .
3. Marketing communications helps create brands which:
@ Pages and References: p2 Topic: Effect of marketing communications on branding
a. Provide symbolic meaning to consumers and help engender long-term customer loyalty.
b. Provide functional meaning to consumers and help engender long-term customer loyalty.
*c. Provide functional and symbolic meaning to consumers and help engender long-term customer loyalty.
d. Provide neither functional nor symbolic meaning to consumers in helping to engender long-term customer
4. Branding is a means of differentiating an organisation’s offer and communicating positioning to a
@ Pages and References: p6 Topic: Branding
*a. T
b. F
5. Brand equity can be built through:
@ Pages and References: pp.6, 35 Topic: Brand equity
a. Brand associations of brand awareness and brand image.
*b. Brand associations of brand awareness and brand image, brand dominance and brand prospects.
c. Brand dominance.
d. Brand prospects.
6. A strong brand name works as a sort of halo effect because:
@ Pages and References: p7 Topic: Brand names
a. It offers benefits to the product.
*b. It has a spill-over effect which offers a perceived enhanced solution to the overall product.
c. It integrates Marketing Communications.
d. It aids brand recall.
are the foundation of brand value and marketing effectiveness.
@ Pages and References: p 9 Topic: Brand value
a. Motivations
*b. Perceptions
c. Personal capabilities
d. Products
preconditions advertisement perceptions.
@ Pages and References: p11 Topic: Advertisement perceptions
a. Motivations
b. Perceptions of advertising only
*c. Initial brand knowledge and perceptions of advertising
d. Learned brand knowledge during a campaign
is seen as the best way to achieve target audience engagement and sustainable
competitive advantage.
@ Pages and References: p12 Topic: Customer orientation
*a. Customer orientation.
b. Competitive parity.
c. Sales.
d. A better value proposition.
10. Store ambience and cleanliness of a retailer (physical evidence) are examples of implicitly
communicating image in brand encounters.
@ Pages and References: p 14Topic: Brand encounters
*a. T
b. F
11. The move to more relational communications characterises a change to a more ‘telling and selling’
managerial perspective.
@ Pages and References: p17 Topic: Brand conversations.
a. T.
*b. F.
The move to more relational communications characterises a change away from a ‘telling and selling’
managerial perspective to one of brand conversations.
12. The basic premise of Schramm’s (1954) and Shannon & Weaver’s (1963)communication frameworks is
that marketing messages are:
@ Pages and References: p 19 Topic: The communication process
a. Transmitted from a receiver to a source.
b. Transmitted from a source to a receiver.
*c. Transmitted from a source to a receiver through some sort of media conduit.
d. Transmitted from a receiver to another receiver.
13. People tend to be more affected by influential homophilous groups (family and friends) and also
heterophilous groups (outside an individual’s personal network) rather than by the mass media.
@ Pages and References: p22 Topic: The influence of intermediaries in the dissemination of information.
a. F.
*b. T.
14. A one-way, one-dimensional, linear process where communication is transmitted from sender to
receiver has been referred to as:
@ Pages and References: p 27 Topic: Different marketing communications process perspectives.
*a. This has been referred to as the ‘hypodermic needle’ approach (Klapper 1960)
*b. The ‘bullet theory of communication’ (Schramm 1971).
* Both are correct.
15. Communication objective chains which are aimed at awareness, knowledge, information gathering are
referred to as:
@ Pages and References: p 28 Topic: Approaches to how consumers process marketing communications
in making purchase decisions.
*a. Cognitive
b. Affective
c. Conative
d. Connotative
16. Ehrenberg (1997) referred to the ability of marketing communications to
quality evaluations.
@ Pages and References: p 10 Topic: Effects of advertising
a. condition.
b. change.
c. predict
*d. nudge.
17. Customers expect sincere brands to have full control in a crisis
@ Pages and References: p 11 Topic: The effect of branding on consumer evaluations
*a. T
b. F
18. Organisations put communication materials onto YouTube in order to combat uncontrolled ‘usergenerated content’.
@ Pages and References: p 15 Topic: Unplanned brand encounters
*a. T.
b. F.
19. According to Ballantyne and Varey (2006), ‘marketing’s unused potential is in
@ Pages and References: p 25 Topic: Brand conversations
a. the transactional mode
b. the relational mode.
*c. the dialogical mode
d. the transmitted mode.
20. Opinion leaders are sometimes called .
@ Pages and References: Topic:
a. psychologicals.
*b. parasocials.
c. societals.
d. transmitters.