Land to the east of Blofield Surgery - Plantation Road

Planning Committee
33483 10008
Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road,
Change of use of agricultural land to extend doctor’s surgery
for car park
Dr’s M P Miller, M A Gaskin & D J Ledward at above
David Boshier, Boshier & Company, PO Box 303, Kings
Lynn, Norfolk, PE32 1WY
Date Valid:
29 June 2005
8 Week Expiry Date: 24 August 2005
The proposal is for the change of use of the agricultural land directly to the east
of the existing doctor’s surgery to provide additional car parking space.
The site is rectangular and measures approximately 50m in length with a width
of 35m.
The applicants have stated that the change of use is required for the following
The present list size of the practice is over 5,000 and there are up to 30
members of staff who operate from this site.
The list size of the practice will grow imminently with the development of
the Little Plumstead site, which will put even more pressure on the car
park and public highway. You are no doubt aware that the public
highway is already very congested outside the surgery twice a day when
parents drop off and pick up their children from school.
A recent survey carried out by the practice concluded that over 90% of
patients attend surgery by car.
The existing car park is not big enough for the demands of the existing
staff, patients and doctors and therefore a lot of on-street car parking
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
takes place. This is unsatisfactory for a number of reasons, including
there being no on street lighting.
There are presently insufficient car parking spaces.
The crowded car park causes significant problems for emergency
vehicles attending the surgery.
The approval for a change of use will enable the practice to extend the car
parking area and assist in alleviating the above problems.
Blofield Parish Council:
No objections.
Highway Authority:
No objection.
Site notice:
Expiry date 27 July 2005
Neighbour notification:
5, 7, 9, 11, 11a and 15 Manor Ridge, Blofield
Expiry date 28 July 2005
One letter of objection received from the occupants of 9 Manor Ridge, Blofield:
I have many objections and concerns:
The privacy to my dwelling will be affected.
The security of my dwelling will be compromised as access to the rear is
currently over open agricultural land.
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
My current vista has unobstructed views over agricultural land. Any
development will compromise this.
The plans do not detail the number of parking spaces or layout..
Any or what type of fencing, landscaping.
Any or what types of security measures are to be installed.
Any reference to light, noise pollution.
Who will have access during working hours and non-working hours?
Will there be any overnight parking?
PPS1 – Delivering Sustainable Development:
Sets out the overarching planning policies on the delivery of sustainable
development through the planning system.
PPS7 – Sustainable Development in Rural Areas
Sets out the Government’s policy in rural areas including country towns and
villages and the wider, largely undeveloped countryside up to the fringes of large
urban areas.
Broadland District Local Plan.
Site located outside of but adjoining the defined development boundary
Policy GS1:
New development will normally be accommodated within the
development boundaries. Outside these boundaries, development
proposals will not be permitted unless they comply with a specific
allocation and/or policy of the Plan.
Policy GS3
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account in all new
development proposals, including access, residential amenity, the
character and appearance of the surrounding area, nature conservation,
agricultural land, building conservation and utilities and services.
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
Policy ENV1:
The Local Planning Authority will seek to protect and enhance the character
and appearance of the countryside, for its own sake and as the landscape
setting of villages and other urban areas.
Policy TRA4:
Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or
the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network.
Policy TRA6:
In new developments, adequate parking and manoeuvring space will be required.
This should accord with the Council’s parking guidelines, which have been
adopted as supplementary planning guidance.
Policy CS1:
Developments which improve the level of community services will be encouraged
and supported, and favourable consideration will be given to planning
applications for such development where it is demonstrated that a need exists.
Revised Deposit Version Broadland District Local Plan
The site is located outside of but adjoining the defined settlement limit
Policy (RD) GS1:
New development will be accommodated within the settlement limits.
Policy *(RD) GS4:
Sets out general considerations to be taken into account as well as any
specifically related to the nature of the proposal.
Policy (RD) ENV1:
The environmental assets of the district, including the character and
appearance of the countryside and towns, villages and urban areas, will be
protected and their enhancement sought.
Policy (RD) TRA6:
The parking provided in relation to a particular development will reflect the
use, location and accessibility by non car modes as determined in the
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
transport assessment for the development. In new developments parking
and manoeuvring space will be provided in accordance with the Council’s
parking guidelines, which augment the nationally applicable advice in
Planning Policy Guidance.
Policy *(RD) TRA11:
Development will not be permitted where it would endanger highway safety or
the satisfactory functioning of the local highway network. In appropriate cases,
a traffic impact study will be required.
Policy (RD) CS1:
Community facilities and services will be permitted in appropriate locations. For
proposals outside settlement limits it will be necessary to demonstrate that a
need exists. Proposals involving the loss of a community facility will only be
permitted where it has been demonstrated that the facility no longer provides a
viable community use, or its replacement is provided for.
The site is located to the rear (east) of the existing Blofield Surgery, which is
located on the eastern side of Plantation Road, Blofield. The application site is
part of a larger agricultural field that currently contains the remains of a potato
crop. However, the site itself was not planted and contains scrub vegetation.
The site is open to the fields to the north and east. The boundary between the
site and the existing surgery is marked by a 1.5 / 1.6m hedge. The southern
boundary is marked by the rear boundaries of the properties on Manor Ridge.
These are a mixture of walls, fences and hedges of varying heights and a
number of properties have views into the site from rear windows and
Blofield Surgery is a relatively modern, single storey detached building
accessed off Plantation Road. The existing site has 4-5 parking spaces for staff
to the front of the site and 20-25 spaces to the rear. The dwelling known as
Ardenholme on Plantation Road and the neighbouring properties on Manor
Ridge are detached and semi-detached bungalows or chalets. Blofield Primary
School is on the opposite side of Plantation Road.
Doctors surgery (outline). Observations. November 1989
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
Doctors surgery (outline). Observations. June 1990
Doctors surgery (reserved matters). Reserved matters approval. June 1990
20ft wide access. No objection July 1990 (County Council Observations)
Erection of new pharmacy building and additional parking. Full approval.
February 2004
The main issues to be taken into account in the determination of this application
are an assessment of the proposal against Local Plan policies, with particular
regard to the impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding
countryside and other material considerations.
The agricultural land proposed to be converted to car parking for the surgery
lies outside the development boundary in the Adopted Local Plan and the
settlement limit in the Revised Deposit Version. It is therefore recognised that
the change of use is contrary to the provisions of Policies GS1 and ENV1 of the
Broadland District Local Plan and Policies (RD) GS1 and (RD) ENV1 of the
Revised Deposit Version Broadland District Local Plan.
However, Policy CS1 states that developments which improve the level of
community services will be encouraged and supported and favourable
consideration will be given to planning applications for such development where
it is demonstrated that a need exists.
It is considered that the extension of the car park will help to improve the level
of community service provided by the surgery and that there is a proven need
for further car parking. The applicants have provided evidence (as set out in
paragraph 1.3), that the majority of visits (around 90%) to the surgery are made
by car and that the existing car park cannot cope with the numbers of staff,
patients and doctors using the site. It is stated that on-street car parking already
takes place and that the problems will be exacerbated by new patients from the
Plumstead Hospital housing development. In addition, this section of the
highway is already congested when children are coming to and from school.
There are also concerns that the current car park has insufficient disabled car
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
parking spaces and that the crowded nature of the site raises problems in terms
of access for emergency vehicles.
The information submitted by the applicants is considered to be a material
consideration demonstrating the need for an extension to the car park for
Blofield Surgery and this will improve the existing community facility for local
residents. Although the proposal will seen an encroachment into the open
countryside, it is not considered to have a significant impact upon the character
and appearance of the surrounding area, especially as the site adjoins the
development boundary / settlement limit and will not have any buildings erected
upon it. In addition, the benefit to the local community is considered to outweigh
the impact on the surrounding area.
Although the comments from the letter of objection received have been noted, it
is not considered that the proposals will have a significant impact upon the
amenities of neighbouring properties. Concerns were raised in terms of the lack
of specific details relating to the parking spaces and layout, as well as boundary
treatments and lighting. However, conditions will be placed on any planning
approval requesting these details prior to the commencement of development.
The condition requesting details of boundary treatments are also considered to
address concerns in term of loss of privacy or issues of security. With reference
to loss of views across the agricultural land, this is not considered to be a
material consideration in the determination of this planning application, whilst
any further development of the land could be controlled as planning permission
would be required. In addition, issues of who has access and the potential for
overnight parking would be controlled by the surgery itself, although the new car
park is proposed to use the existing access and it is understood that this has a
gate, which is closed outside of normal working hours.
Finally, the proposals raise no concerns from the Local Highway Authority and it
is considered that the proposals should help to ease some of the on-road
parking along this section of Plantation Road.
This application is reported to Committee as the proposal lies outside of the
development boundary / settlement limit.
APPROVE subject to the following conditions:
The development hereby permitted shall be begun before the expiration of five
years from the date of this decision.
Prior to the commencement of development, details of the boundary treatments
for the site shall be submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
The development shall then be constructed in accordance with the approved
details prior to the car park first being brought into use.
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
Prior to the commencement of development details of the layout, materials and
surface water drainage to be used for the car park shall be submitted to and
approved by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall then be
constructed in accordance with the approved details prior to the car park first
being brought into use.
Prior to the commencement of development, details of any lighting /
floodlighting shall be submitted and approved by the Local Planning Authority.
The development shall then be constructed in accordance with the approved
details prior to the car park first being brought into use.
In accordance with Section 91 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
(2-4) To ensure the satisfactory development of the site in accordance with Policy
GS3 of the Broadland District Local Plan and Policy (RD) GS4 of the Revised
Deposit Version Broadland District Local Plan.
Reasons for approval:
This application has been considered against the Development Plan for the area, this
being the Norfolk Structure Plan, the Broadland District Local Plan and the Broadland
District Local Plan Replacement Version as agreed by the Council for publication of the
Revised Deposit. The policies particularly relevant to the determination of this
application are GS1, GS3, ENV1, TRA4, TRA6 and CS1 of the Broadland District Local
Plan and policies (RD) GS1, (RD) GS4, (RD) ENV1, (RD) TRA6, (RD) TRA11 and (RD)
CS1 of the Broadland District Local Plan Replacement Version as agreed by the
Council for publication of the Revised Deposit.
Policies GS1 and (RD) GS1 state that new development will normally be
accommodated within the development boundaries / settlement limits and that outside
these boundaries, development proposals will not be permitted unless they comply with
a specific allocation or policy of the plan. Policies ENV1 and (RD) ENV1 state that the
Local Planning Authority will seek to enhance and protect the character and appearance
of the countryside for its own sake and as the landscape setting of villages and other
urban areas. Policies CS1 and (RD) CS1 state that developments which improve the
level of community services will be encouraged and supported but outside settlement
limits it will be necessary to demonstrate that a need exists. Policies GS3 and (RD) GS4
also require that the privacy and amenities of neighbours are adequately safeguarded.
Finally policies TRA4, TRA6, (RD) TRA6 and (RD) TRA11 give guidance on parking
provision and highway safety.
In terms of an assessment against Local Plan policy it is recognised that the change of
use is contrary to the requirements of policies GS1 and ENV1 of the Broadland District
Local Plan and policies (RD) GS1 and (RD) ENV1 of the Broadland District Local Plan
Replacement Version as agreed by the Council for publication of the Revised Deposit.
However policies CS1 and (RD) CS1 state that development will be permitted if it can
be demonstrated that a need exists. The information submitted by the applicant is
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005
Planning Committee
considered to demonstrate that there is a proven need for the car park extension and
that the proposal will improve this local community service in accordance with Policies
CS1 and (RD) CS1. In addition the proposals are not considered to have a significant
impact upon the character and appearance of the surrounding area given the position of
the site adjacent to the development boundary / settlement limit and the fact that no
buildings will be erected. The imposition of conditions can also reasonably control any
impact. The nature of the development also means that the proposals are not
considered to have a significant detrimental impact upon the amenities of neighbouring
properties in accordance with Policies GS3 of the Broadland District Local Plan and
(RD) GS4 of the Broadland District Local Plan Replacement Version as agreed by the
Council for publication of the Revised Deposit. Finally the proposals are considered to
improve parking provision and are likely to reduce on street parking, thereby
contributing to highway safety in accordance with Policies TRA4, TRA6, (RD) TRA6 and
(RD) TRA11.
20050973 : Land to the east of Blofield Surgery, Plantation Road, Blofield
5 October 2005