Douglas County School System – Human Resources Department I Would Like to Become a Teacher!!! How Do I Get Started???? For certification, applicants who have completed a bachelor’s degree or higher but who did not qualify for teacher certification upon graduation three types of alternate route certification programs are available: Provisional-level Non-Renewable (Test-Based Route) One-Year Supervised Practicum Program offered through Metro RESA ( (Would qualify for a Provisional-level Non-Renewable certificate.) The GATAPP Intern Route - offered through the Georgia Teacher Alternative Preparation Program (GA TAPP). The Douglas County School System participates in the Metro RESA TAPP ( (Would qualify for an IT (Intern) Certificate at the provisional salary level.) The program will re-open February 1-28, 2008. See website ( TAPP for 2008-2009 will only be for the fields of middle and high school science and math, foreign language, and special education. The subject-area content assessments must be passed before beginning the program, except for the field of special education. 1. Eligibility for Provisional-Level Nonrenewable Certification (Test-Based Route): You must have at least a bachelor level degree from a PSC approved institution with a GPA of at least 2.5 on a 4-point scale. If your graduation date was more than 10 years ago, this requirement is waived. Note: there is no GPA requirement for certain vocational fields that do not require a bachelor degree. There is also no GPA requirement for certain fields which require specific majors or degrees. For example, specific degree requirements exist for the field of school counseling. If you do not meet the 2.5 GPA requirement, you must have graduated from a Master's Degree program (or higher) or be enrolled in either a Master's degree program (or higher) or a Georgia approved educator preparation program. Information about educator preparation programs in your field is available on the PSC web site ( You must pass the basic skills test or provide documentation of exemption. The basic skills test may be exempted if high enough scores are obtained on the SAT, ACT or GRE. Exemption scores are as follows: SAT exemption: minimum combined verbal and mathematics scores totaling 1000, GRE exemption: minimum combined verbal and quantitative scores totaling 1030, ACT exemption: minimum combined English and mathematics scores totaling 43. You must pass the content assessment/s required for your certification field. Effective September 1, 2006 Georgia implemented the GACE series of educator testing. GACE (Georgia Assessment for the Certification of Educators) information on can be obtained at You would then be eligible to be considered for employment by a Georgia school system. Douglas County employs teachers eligible for these types of certificates on an emergency basis only. If offered employment with our school system, we will assist you with applying for a non-renewable, provisional-level certificate. Following employment, you would then need to complete an approved program at a college or other approved provider in order to be recommended for full renewable certification. 2. Eligibility for the One-Year Supervised Practicum Program (through Metro-RESA): For teaching fields only, you may participate in the One-Year Supervised Practicum Program if you have the following: o A degree in a field related to your area of certification; o Basic Skills Test, either passed or exempted; o Subject-area content assessment tests; o Professional pedagogy tests. Not all degree fields (majors) are well matched to certification teaching fields. Information on degree fields can be found on the PSC web site ( Douglas County participates in the One-Year Supervised Practicum Program through MetroRESA, but hires these candidates on an emergency-basis only. Program fees are the responsibility of the participant. Again, the GACE Basic Skills, the GACE Subject Area Content assessments and GACE Pedagogy assessment will be used after September 30, 2006. Information on GACE can be obtained at There are still a couple of fields which utilize the Praxis II for subject area content assessments including Speech-Language Pathology, Educational Leadership (until July 31, 2008) and Latin. 3. Certification Through Georgia TAPP (Intern Certificate) You must be accepted into a PSC approved GA TAPP program. In order to be accepted you must have a bachelor's degree or higher from a PSC approved institution in a related field, with a bachelor level grade point average of 2.5 on a 4-point scale. The only exception to having a degree in a related field is for certification in special education. Program fees are the responsibility of the participant. You must pass the basic skills tests or provide documentation of exemption. The basic skills tests may be exempted if high enough scores are obtained on the SAT, ACT or GRE. (See exemption scores on page 1 of this document.) Praxis I scores can be used until September 30, 2006. The GACE Basic Skills Test will be required after September 30, 2006. Except for the field of special education, the subject-area content assessment tests must be passed prior to entering the program. The GACE assessments are the required content assessment in Georgia, with the exceptions listed above. Information on GACE can be obtained at You must be offered employment in a Georgia school system. Georgia school system personnel are knowledgeable about the GA TAPP program and can assist you with enrollment in the most convenient GA TAPP program. As part of the application process for GA TAPP certification, the school system personnel office that hired you must submit evidence of your employment with an Employer's Assurance Form or on-line equivalent. Note: If hired by Douglas County, we will apply for your intern certification online after you have provided required basic information and materials. Douglas County hires these candidates on an emergency-basis only. Documentation Required for Provisional-Level Non-Renewable (Test-Based Certification), the One-Year Supervised Practicum or GATAPP Intern Certification Official Transcripts from all colleges you have attended. Your bachelor level transcript must show the graduation date and GPA information. The transcript showing your highest degree, regardless of major or specialization area, will be used to determine your highest certificate level and will likely affect your pay as a Georgia teacher. The Georgia Professional Standards Commission accepts credit only from colleges which are accredited by specific agencies. Accreditation information can be found on the PSC web site ( Passing Praxis I or GACE Basic Skills Test results or exemption documentation. Passing Praxis II (prior to September 30, 2006) or GACE Content Assessment Test Results for the Tests Required for your Certification Field. (Optional) Passing GACE Professional Pedagogy. (For One-Year Supervised Practicum participants.) Employment Verification. After you have been offered employment with a Georgia school system, the certification official will submit an Employer Assurance Form on your behalf. Employment is a requirement for the Provisional-level, Non-Renewable (Test-Based) certificate as well as the One-Year Supervised Practicum Program and the GA TAPP Intern Certification. A PSC Application form containing your answers to the following questions: o Have you ever been dismissed, non-renewed, terminated or resigned while under investigation for allegations of or commission of a felony, a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a violation of any profession’s code of ethics? o Do you have any charges pending against you for committing a felony, a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude or a violation of any profession’s code of ethics? o Have you ever had any adverse action (i.e. warning, reprimand, suspension, revocation, voluntary surrender, etc.) taken against any professional certificate or license by any agency (in any state) other than the Georgia Professional Standards Commission? o For any felony or for any misdemeanor offense involving moral turpitude, have you ever: Pled guilty; Been found guilty; Entered a plea of nolo contendere; Been granted first offender treatment without adjudication of guilt; Participated in a pre-trial diversion program; or Been placed under a court order whereby an adjudication or sentence was withheld? “Moral turpitude” is defined at Additional certification information, including a list of program providers, self-evaluation test, etc., is available at the Professional Standards Commission web site, (revised September 10, 2007)