on behalf of all DHBs PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES NATIONAL SCREENING UNIT SCREENING PROGRAMMES TIER LEVEL TWO SERVICE SPECIFICATION STATUS: MANDATORY Approved to be used for mandatory nationwide description of services to be provided. Review History Date Approved by Nationwide Service Framework Coordinating Group (NCG) March 2010 Published on NSFL in the Public Health Services Handbook March 2010 Review of the Public Health Screening service specifications. Amendments: inserted content into standard service specification format updated regulatory requirements, added standard Māori Health clause, Purchase Unit Code table and linking to Public Health tier one service specification and tier three service specifications for various screening programmes. February 2010 Consideration for next Service Specification Review Within five years Note: Contact the Service Specification Programme Manager, National Health Board Business Unit, Ministry of Health to discuss the process and guidance available in developing new or updating and revising existing service specifications. Web site address of the Nationwide Service Framework Library: http://www.nsfl.health.govt.nz/. Public Health Services National Screening Unit Screening Programmes tier two service specification February 2010 Nationwide Service Framework PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES NATIONAL SCREENING UNIT SCREENING PROGRAMMES TIER LEVEL TWO SERVICE SPECIFICATION This tier two service specification for Public Health Services - National Screening Unit Screening Programmes- (the Service) is linked to the overarching tier one Public Health service specification and must be used in conjunction with the following tier three screening programme service specifications: National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) specification BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) specification Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme (NMSP) specification Antenatal Human Iimmunodeficiency Virus Screening Programme (AHIVSP) specification Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme (UNHSEIP) specification. Refer to the Public Health Services tier one service specification under the following headings for generic details on: Service Objectives Service Users Access Service Components Service Linkages Exclusions Quality Requirements 1. The above heading sections are applicable to all the Service deliveryService Definition The National Screening Unit (NSU) provides health screening programmes in New Zealand and is responsible for the safety, effectiveness and quality of health and disability screening programmes. The NSU leads, oversees and co-ordinates organised screening programmes in New Zealand. The NSU is responsible for five programmes listed below: National Cervical Screening Programme - screens women for abnormal cell changes on the cervix BreastScreen Aotearoa - screens women for breast cancer Newborn Metabolic Screening Programme - screens newborn babies for certain metabolic disorders Antenatal HIV Screening Programme - screens pregnant women for HIV to reduce the chances of HIV being passed to the baby Universal Newborn Hearing Screening and Early Intervention Programme - screens newborn babies for moderate to severe hearing loss. Public Health Services National Screening Unit Screening Programmes tier two service specification February 2010 Nationwide Service Framework The NSU also undertakes quality improvement measures for antenatal screening for Down Syndrome. 2. Service Objectives 2.1 General Screening programmes specifically target and invite an otherwise healthy population to be screened, with a focus on providing a population health service. Screening programmes must be planned and delivered differently from other health services to ensure that the benefits outweigh the harms on a population basis. Screening programmes require national consistency of service provision and strong national management, co-ordination and monitoring mechanisms. There is a strong ethical responsibility on a screening programme to ensure that services are of the highest possible quality and that diagnostic and treatment services are provided in a timely manner. 2.2 Māori Health Refer to the tier one Public Health Services service specification. 3. Service Users Refer to the relevant tier three screening programme service specifications. 4. Access Refer to the relevant tier three screening programme service specifications. 5. Service Components The core functions of the NSU include: national co-ordination, leadership, and advice to government regarding screening research and development including evaluation of new evidence related to screening and evidence-based appraisal of technological advances in screening developing frameworks, standards and policy, and monitoring performance evaluating screening services coordinating, leading and developing a screening workforce administering legislation related to screening programmes identifying under-screened groups and developing effective strategies to improve their participation. Public Health Services National Screening Unit Screening Programmes tier two service specification February 2010 Nationwide Service Framework 6. Service Linkages Refer to the relevant tier three screening programme service specifications for specific linkages. Service Provider Māori Māori and Pacific providers Nature of Linkage Ensure Māori are involved in the design and delivery of services targeting Māori women and their whanau Liaison, consultation and Maintain a community development referral approach in screening programme service delivery Liaison, consultation and Ensure a continuum of care for women referral and children in the screening pathway Consultation Primary Health Organisations and General Practitioners, Nurse Practitioners Other relevant services Liaison, consultation and and providers (eg, Māori referral Health, Pacific Health and Social Work services) National Screening Unit Contractual, liaison Other non-governmental Liaison and consultation organisations Publicly funded disability or long term support Liaison services for the Service users with co existing disabilities/ conditions who meet other funding streams eligibility criteria such as: Information and advisory services (e.g. on available services and how to access these) 7. Accountabilities Ensure equitable access to a full range of services Meet contractual requirements having access to information about service delivery and raising issues with the NSU that will ensure quality service provision to meet the goals of official government strategies and policies Maintain a community development approach in screening Effective local and regional linkages are in place to facilitate appropriate referrals Service users have timely access to appropriately presented information and relevant advice. Exclusions Refer to the relevant tier three screening programme service specifications. Public Health Services National Screening Unit Screening Programmes tier two service specification February 2010 Nationwide Service Framework 8. Quality Requirements The Service must comply with the Provider Quality Standards described in the Operational Policy Framework or, as applicable, Crown Funding Agreement Variations, contracts or service level agreements. The National Screening Unit (NSU) works closely with providers and DHBs to improve coverage and the quality of the screening programmes. 9. Purchase Units and Reporting Requirements All Screening Purchase Codes and reporting requirements are detailed under the relevant tier three screening programme services specifications. 10. Tier Three Service Specifications The following service specifications for the National Screening Unit are grouped in tier three under the five categories: Title Antenatal Human Immunodeficiency Virus Screening Programme Breastscreen Aotearoa National Cervical Screening Programme Newborn Metabolic Screening Unit Universal Newborn Hearing Screening PU Code AHSP-30, AHSP-31, AHSP-32, AHSP-33, AHSPPROJ BSA-51, BSA-52, BSA-53, BSA-61, BSA-62, BSA-63, BSA-66, BSAPROJ NCSP0070, NCSP-10, NCSP-20, NCSP-41, NCSP-42, NCSP-44, NCSP-46, NCSP-47, NCSP-61, NCSP-62, NCSP-66, NCSPPROJ, NMSPPROJ, NMSP-1, NMSP-2, NMSP-3, NMSP-4 UNHS-40, UNHS-41, UNHS-42, UNHSPROJ Public Health Services National Screening Unit Screening Programmes tier two service specification February 2010 Nationwide Service Framework