On Variance-Reduced Simulations of the Boltzmann Transport Equation for Small-Scale Heat Transfer Applications Nicolas G. Hadjiconstant inou Gregg A. Radtke Lowell L. Baker We present and discuss a variance-reduced stochastic particle simulation method for solving the relaxation-time model of the Boltzmann transport equation. The variance reduction, achieved by simulating only the deviation from equilibrium, results in a Department of Mechanical Engineering, significant computational efficiency advantage compared with traditional stochastic Massachusetts Institute particle methods in the limit of small deviation from equilibrium. More specifically, the of Technology, proposed method can efficiently simulate arbitrarily small deviations from equilibrium at Cambridge, MA 02139 a computational cost that is independent of the deviation from equilibrium, which is in 1 Introduction and sharp contrast to traditional particle methods. The proposed method is developed and validated in the context of dilute gases; despite this, it is expected to directly extend to all Motivation fields (carriers) for which the relaxation-time approximation is applicable. DOI: 10.1115/1.4002028 tical error decreases with the square root of the number of samples, this often leads to computationally intractable problems Particle-mediated energy transport in the transition regime 15. between the ballistic and diffusive limits has recently received The present paper describes a particle simulation framework that significant attention in connection to micro- and nanoscale science alleviates the above disadvantages to a considerable extent while and technology 1 . Applications can be found in a variety of retaining the basic and desirablefeatures of particle methods. diverse fields such as thin semiconductor films 2,3and This is achieved by simulating only the deviation from equilibrium, superlattices 1 , ultrafast processes 4,5, convective heat a s originally proposed in Ref. 11 . Subsequent work transfer 6,7, and gas-phase damping 8,10. 16has shown that deviational methods particle methods For a considerable number of applications, a classical description simulating the deviation from equilibriumusing the original using the Boltzmann transport equation represents a good Boltzmann hard-spherecollision operator require particle compromise between fidelity and complexity 1 . However, a cancellation to prevent the number of simulated particles from numerical solution of the Boltzmann equation remains a formidable growing in an unbounded manner. A stable deviational method task due to the complexity associated with the collision operator and that does not require particle cancellationfor the hard-sphere the high dimensionality of the distribution function. Both these gas was first developed in Refs. 17,18; i n that work, it was features have contributed to the prevalence of particle solution shown that the growth in the number of simulated particles observed methods, which are typically able to simulate the collision operator in the collision-dominated regime when using the traditional through simple and physically intuitive stochastic processes while hard-sphere collision operator 16can be overcome using a employing importance sampling, which reduces computational cost special but equivalentform of the hard-sphere collision and memory usage 11 . Another contributing factor to the operator first derived by Hilbert 19. I n this paper, we exploit wide usage of particle schemes is their natural treatment of the this observation to develop a deviational method for simulating the advection operator, which results in a numerical method that can Boltzmann equation in the relaxation-time approximation. The easily handle and accurately capture traveling discontinuities in the method presented here considers the deviation from a suitably distribution function 11 . An example of such a particle defined global equilibrium distribution and appears to be stable method is direct simulation Monte Carlo DSMC 12, does not require particle cancellationfor typical deviations which has become the standard simulation method for dilute gas from equilibrium. flow. Methods that are similar in spirit have also been used for simulating phonon transport in solid state devices 13,14. One o f the most important disadvantages of particle methods for 2 Background solving the Boltzmann equation derives from their reliance on The Boltzmann transport equation is used to describe under statistical averaging for extracting field quantities from particle data appropriate conditionstransport processes in a wide variety of 13,15. I n simulations of processes close to equilibrium, thermal noise typically exceeds the available signal. When coupled fields 1 , including dilute gas flow 20, phonon 21, electron 22, neutron 23, and photon transport 24. with the slow convergence of statistical sampling statisI t may be written as where f r , c , t is the single-particle distribution function 20, df / dtr , c , t denotes the collision operator, r = x , y , z is the position vector in physical space, c = cis the molecular velocity vector, a = ax, ay, azis the acceleration due to an exterc r+a· coll f = 1 df dt coll Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF H EAT T RANSFER. Manuscript received January 21, 2009; final manuscript received April 12, 2010; published online August 13, 2010. Assoc. Editor: Kenneth Goodson. f +c· x, cy f , cz t Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 2010, Vol. 132 / 112401-1Copyright © 2010 by ASME Downloaded 22 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm nal field, and t is time. In this paper, we focus on the relaxationtime approximation 20,1 df dt t coll= 1 f - floc = df 2 + c · f r =0 5 6 f dt coll coll f t by simply advecting particles for a time step t , while the collision step integrates where flocr , c , t is the local equilibrium distribution function and is the relaxation time. 1To focus the discussion, we specialize our treatment to the dilute gas case;however, we hope that this exposition can serve as a prototype for the development of similar techniques in all fields where the relaxation-time approximation is applicable. In the interest of simplicity, i n the present paper we assume c and that no external forces are present. The first assumption can be easily relaxed, as discussed in Sec. 3.1. External fields also require only relatively straightforward modifications to the algorithm presented below. A dilute gas in equilibrium is described by a Maxwell– Boltzmann distribution, leading to a local equilibrium distribution floc= nloc3 / 2cloc 3 exp 22 c - uclocloc by changing the distribution by an amount of df / dtt . Spatial discretization is introduced by treating collisions as spatially homogeneous within smallcomputational cells of volume Vcell. Our approach retains this basic structure although it must be noted that since computational particles represent the deviation from equilibrium, they may b e positive or negative, depending on the sign of the deviation from equilibrium at the location in phase space where they reside. As in other particle schemes 12,inthe interest of computational efficiency, each computational deviaeffof physical deviational particles. Below we discuss the two tional particle represents an effective number N main steps in more detail. 3 which is parametrized by the local number density nr , t , the local flow velocity uloc= ulocloc= nlocr , t , and the most probable speed cr , t =loc2 kBTloc/ m based on the local temperature Tloc = Tlocr , t . Here, kBis Boltzmann’s constant, and m is the molecular mass. e x p c f ˜ ˆ d d 3.1 Collision Step. The varian written as ˆ f Within each computational ce twopart process. This integrati various quantities, denoted her time step by sampling the inst In the first part, we remove deleting particles with probabi c 2 0 ˜ dft + 2 In our implementation, this is acceptancerejection process, w c . In the second part, we create a acceptance-rejection process df dt coll= F 1fd 1floc- 7 3 Variance Reduction Formulation + t cct + t t + 1 = f In a recent paper 11 , Baker and Hadjiconstantinou showed that significant variance reduction can be achieved by simulating only the deviation fdr , c , t f - feefrom an arbitrary, but judiciously chosen, underlying equilibrium distribution fr , c , t .By adopting this approach, it is possible to construct Monte Carlo simulation methods 11,16,17,25that can capture arbitrarily small deviations from equilibrium at a computational cost that is small and independent of the magnitude of this deviation. This is in sharp contrast to regular Monte Carlo methods, such as DSMC, whose computational cost for the same signal-to-noise ratio increases sharply 15as the deviation from equilibrium decreases. 4 max ˆ loct - F t c ˆ loc 1 1 bound f ˆ loc c with c 1 max If f ˆ loc eIn the work that follows, the underlying equilibrium distribution fwill be identified with absolute equilibrium, feF c = is a reference equilibriumnumber density and c0 This step can be achieved by the following procedure. Let cc n03 / 2c0 3 / m is the most probable molecular speed based on the reference - F c is negligible for c be a positivevalue such that fis an L-norm. Furthermore, let c, where · c temperature T0. For small deviations from equilibrium, the choice of an appropriate reference equilibrium is straightforward but F c from above. Then, repeat Ntimes: 1. Generate necessary. I f deviations from the reference equilibrium are large, uniformly distributed, random velocity vectors c =where n2 kBT00 either due to strong nonlinearity in the problem or an inappropriate choice of reference equilibrium, the simulation method becomes less efficient than DSMC due to the large number of particles required to simulate the deviation from equilibrium. 1. 2.c - F c R , create a particle with velocity c at sgnf ˆ d3c d3r loc a randomly chosen position within the cell and sign Vcell To find N c - F c . Here, R is a random number uniformly distributed on 0,1. 2Particle methods, such as DSMC, typically solve the Boltzmann equation by applying a splitting scheme,in which molecular motion is simulated as a series of collisionless advection and collision steps of length t . I n such a scheme, the collisionless advection step integrates we note that the number of particles of all velocities and signsthat should be generated in a cell to obtain the proper change in the distribution function is c, V 1Within the rarefied gas dynamics literature, the relaxation-time approximation is known as the BGK model 20. F c e l l 2 N o t e t h a t a s y m m e t r N ef f ˆ t R Neff R 3 3 where Vcell ized algorithm typically provides h references therein. i generated by the above algo s 112401-2 / Vol. 132, NOVEMBER 2010 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 22 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license t http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm h e c e l l v o l u m e . T h e e x p e c t e d t o t a l n u m b e r o f p a r t i c l e s u l t i m a t e l y tant difference, however, i s that only the net number of -F deviational particles is sent back into the domain since pairs of d3c f ˆ R loc positive and negative particles correspond to zero net mass flux 3 and can be cancelled, i.e., By equating the above two expressions, we obtain N=8t nb d c cxfdd3c 17 maxVccellc 3/ ˆ Neffc. 3.2 Advection Step. It can be easily cx0 xbd3c = cx0 verified that when the fb underlying equilibrium distribution is not a function of space or Equation 16reveals a third contribution to the deviational time, as is the case here, population, namely, nb e- F . This contribution is associated with the molecular flux incident upon the wall due to the underb is determined from +c fd t + fd r 12 e f · f r= c· Nc 11 max8 cc 3 t cx0 lying equilibrium distribution; n cxnb e x0 xn cxbFd 3c 18 e b- F , cx time step is NF = teff 3b nb c dc = x and thus the advection step for deviational particles is identical to c e that of physical particles. As shown i n Refs. 16,18, this case can be treated by creating Boundary condition implementation, however, i s slightly more deviational particles from the distribution c0. The number of complex because the mass flux to system boundaries includes particles per unit wall surface area generated in a contributions from deviational particles as well as the underlying b- F d3c 19 equilibrium distribution. Our i mplementation is discussed in more detail below. 3.2.1 Boundary Condition Implementation. Here, we extend previous work on diffuse boundary conditions to the more general case of the Maxwell accommodation model with accommodation coefficient . According to this model, a fraction of the bound the intergrand in Eq. 19from above, cabe a Let Mmax molecules impacting the boundary are accommodated positivevalue such that the integrand is negligible for c diffusely reflected, while the remaining particles are 1ca, and A be the surface area of the boundary. The requisite specularly reflected. number of times: 1. Generate uniformly distr representLet ub and cb c the boundary velocity and the most probable speed based on the 0. 2.If cxnb ebc - F boundary temperature, respectively. Let us assume, without loss of particle with velocity c and sign sg generality, that the boundary is such that c and cx 1ca b b max parallel to the y - z plane and that the gas lies to the right x e 0 of the wall. For simplicity, let us also assume that the boundary does c -F c . Ge ner ate d par ticl es are ad ve cte d for a ran do m fra cti on of a ti me ste p. not mo ve in the dir ect ion nor ma l to its pla ne; i.e. , the x -co mp on ent of uis zer o. Un der the se co ndi tio ns, the Ma xw ell bo un dar y co ndi tio n ca n be wri tte n 26 as b f , y, cz+ cx, cy, x cx, cz n cz, cx cy b b = 1, f - c c where in order to simplify the notation we have suppressed the space and time dependence of the distribution function. Here, walls at different temperatures T0 and T1= T0 + T wh ere T = T bcx, cy, cz= is determined by mass conservation at the wall, namely, cb 2-3 / 2 cx xf c =- nb d exp- c - ub2/ cb 2; the quantity nb and a distance L apart in the x is defined as k = c00/ L , where 0is reference absolute equilibrium We start by discussing the variance reduction achieved by the present method. Validation is discussed in the following section. x0 0 c c d3c 14 We have performed extensive validations and 4 Results and Discu performance evaluations of the proposed method using a0 13 variety of test cases. Here, we present some representative transient and steady-state results involving heat exchange between two infinite, parallel 3 c x b 13can be written as fcx, cy, cz= 1- f d- cx, cy, cz+ nb dEquation b - F cx, cy, cz, cx 4.1 Relative Statistical Uncertainty. As stated above and as shown i n Refs. 11,16,18, deviational methods such as the one presented here exhibit statistical uncertainties that scale with the local deviation from equilibrium, thus allowing the simulation of 0 15 The algorithm used here for evaluating nbconsiders deviational particles and the flux of particles due to the arbitrarily low deviations from equilibrium at a cost that is independent of this deviation. Here, we demonstrate this feature by underlying equilibstudying the statistical uncertainty of the temperature in a problem rium distribution feF separately. More specifically, b y involving heat transfer. introducing nb= nb e+ nb ddin Eq. 15, we obtain fcx, cy, Figure 1 shows the relative statistical uncertainty in the cz= 1- f d- cx, cy, cz+ nb dbc+ nb temperature T/ T = T/ T0as a function of for ebcx, cy, cz- F cx, cy, czx, cy, cz, cx0 16 steady-state heat exchange between the two walls k =1, T0= 273 Using a probabilistic interpretation, this boundary condition may be K , =1; T implemented as follows: deviational particles striking the is defined as the standard deviation in the temperature measured in boundary are specularly reflected with probability 1or two computational cells in the middle of the computational dodiffusely reflected with probability . The fraction of deviational main, each containing approximately N = 950 particles. Our particles diffusely reflected corresponding to nb dcan be results are compared with those from a representative treated using an algorithm similar to DSMC; i.e., particles striking nondeviational method, namely, DSMC. The DSMC performance the wall may b e sent back to the computational domain drawn from is calculated from the theoretical result of Ref. 15obtained using equilibrium statistical mechanics assuming small deviation from equilibrium. We also performed DSMC simulations of the relaxationtime modelto verify that this theoretical result remains accurate t p h r e i a a t p e p r fl o u xal distribution here, c f n the equilibrium result o r Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 2010, Vol. 132 / 112401-3 , x b Downloaded 22 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm c x 0 . O n e i m p o r - 0 . 1 . T h e fi g u r e s h o w s t h a t t h i s i s i n d e e d t h e c a s e , p r o v i d e d t h a t i s 410 T 310 /∆ T e Fig. 1 The relative s tatistical uncertainty in temperature, / T ,asafunctionof e for s teady-state heat exchange between two parallel p lates a t d ifferent temperatures w i t h k = 1 , = 1 , a n d T 0= 273 K . Simulation r esults „ symbols w ith error bars o n solid line … are p resented and compared with the t heoretical prediction † 15 ‡ for DSMC „ dashed line … , which serves as a canonical case of a nondeviational method. Stars show actual DSMC results verifying t hat equilibrium t heory i s r eliable u p t o a t l east e É 0.3. 210 110 010 -110 2 1 0 -410 T 103 -21 -11 0 0 T T 0 = 1.5N 20 numerical solution of the linearized 1 relaxa T is interpreted as the local temperature value. Figure 1 also shows model of the Boltzmann equation 27and our sim 0 that for 0.3 the relative statistical unresults for the heat flux between the two walls, q , for the case = 1 . compares the heat flux normalized by the free-molecula ballis-2-, a s a function of k ; here, P0= equilibrium gas pressure. The agreement between the tw excellent. Figure 3 shows a comparison for = 0.826, one of t for which numerical results for 1 are readily availa The agreement is again excellent. Figure 4 shows a com between our simulation results and an analytical solution 29of the linearized coll 1 Boltzmann equation for oscillatory variation in the boun tempera- 0.9 0.8 q/q f m 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0.1 1/k ticvalue, certainty of the deviational method proposed here remains q essentially independent of , i n sharp contrast to “nondeviational” methods. Moreover, the variance reduction achieved is such that significant computational savings are expected for 0.1, particularly when considering that the cost savings scale with the square of the relative statistical uncertainty since statistical noise decreases with the square root of the number of samples. 4.2 Validation. Figure 2 shows a comparison between the Fig. 2 Comparison between the numerical solution o f t he linearized Boltzmann equation b y Bassanini et al. † 27 ‡„solid line… and simulation r esults „ circles … for t he heat flux between two parallel, infinite, fully accommodating walls. Some = P fm 0c0/ numerical solution data f or k > 1 have been transcribed from Ref. † 20 ‡ . 112401-4 / Vol. 132, NOVEMBER 2010 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 22 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm q/q f m 1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 0 0.2 1/k Fig. 3 Comparison between the numerical solution o f t he linearized Boltzmann equation b y Bassanini et al. † 28 ‡„solid line… and simulation r esults „ circles … for t he heat flux between two parallel, infinite walls with = 0 .826 valid in small regions close to the wall where the above condition is not satisfied. Our results show that sufficiently far from the wall, the agreement between theory and simulation is excellent. As shown above, although the computational advantage of the method presented here compared with nondeviational methods increases as the deviation from equilibrium decreases, the amount of variance reduction achieved is such that considerable computational savings are obtained even when the deviation from equilibrium is not small. Below, we present a comparison between our results and DSMC simulations of the relaxation-time model in this latter regime. Specifically, we simulate an impulsive heating problem where at time t = 0 the temperature of the wall at x =-L / 2 jumps from T0to T0 + T ; the gas is initially in equilibrium at temperature T0, and both / c01 29; thus, it is walls are fully accommodating =1. 0.2 not 0.2 0.1 ux 0.1 0 ρρeρ00 0 ec0 -0.1 TTeT -0.1 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 -0.2 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 -0.2 x/L 0 x/L 0.2 0.1 0 0.2 qx0.1 eρ0c3 0 0 -0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 -0.2 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 x/L x/L Fig. 4 Comparison between the p roposed method „ dots … and the t heoretical r esults of Ref. † 29‡„solid lines… for L / c=40, k =1, = 1 , and e = 0 .02. Here, 0= mn0.0 Journal of Heat Transfer NOVEMBER 2010, Vol. 132 / 112401-5 Downloaded 22 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm TT∆T 0.6 0 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 -0.1 x/L Fig. 5 I mpulsive heating p roblem for e = 0 .1 and k =10 at t = 0 .02 0, 0 . 1 0, 0 . 2 0, and 0.4 0. The solid line denotes the p resent method, and stars denote DSMC results. t = 0.2 0at k = 1 0 requires approximately 40 s. In contrast, with all discretization parameters the same and thus similar memory usage, DSMC requires approximately 150,000 s t o reach the same final time t =2 0at k = 0.1 and 65,000 s for k =10t = 0.20. The CPU times for other values of can be estimated by noting that -2 for small , these times are independent of for the proposed method, while for DSMC they scale approximately as .In steady-state problems—where continuous sampling after steady state is reached can be performed—the speedup will in general be smaller because in the low-variance calculations the time t o reach steady state becomes an appreciable part of the total simulation time. 4.3 A Comment on Linear Conditions. The algorithm described in this paper imposes no restrictions on the magnitude of 0.8 0.7 TT∆T0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 x/L Fig. 6 I mpulsive heating p roblem for e = 0 .1 and k =1 at t =0.4 0, 1 . 6 0, and 8 0. The solid line d enotes the p resent method, and stars denote DSMC results. 112401-6 / Vol. 132, NOVEMBER 2010 Transactions of the ASME Downloaded 22 Aug 2010 to Redistribution subject to ASME license or copyright; see http://www.asme.org/terms/Terms_Use.cfm TT∆T0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 x / L Fig. 7 I mpulsive heating p roblem for e = 0 .1 and k =0.1 at t =4 0, 1 2 0, and 40 0. The solid line denotes the p resent method, and stars denote DSMC results. Alternatively, Eq. 21provides a means of obtaining bounds for f- F , i.e., max, and thus reducing the number of rejections if the acceptance-rejection route is followed. locrejection. 21 5 Conclusions + c ˆ232 , and = Tloc/ T0 0.8 0.7 TT∆T0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 We have presented an efficient variance-reduced particle method for solving the Boltzmann equation in the relaxation-time approximation. The method combines simplicity with a number of desirable properties associated with particle methods, such as robust capture of traveling discontinuities in the distribution function and efficient collision operator evaluation using importance sampling 11 , without the high relative statistical uncertainty associated with traditional particle methods in low-signal problems. -0.5 -0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 - 1 . This representation can be very useful for improving the computational efficiency of update Eq. 9 . For example, for isothermal constant density flows, particles may b e generated from a combination of a normal distribution and analytic inversion of the cumulative distribution function, which is significantly more efficient than acceptance- x / L Fig. 8 I mpulsive heating p roblem for e = 0 .3 and k =1 at t =0.4 0, 1 . 6 0, and 8 0. The solid line denotes the p resent method and stars denote DSMC results. 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