MetadataSOC400T – this table contains metadata information specific to the SOC-400 UniqueID (SERIAL) (UNIQUE_ID) – a unique identification number used for indexing MetadataID (INTEGER) (METADATAID) – Metadata.MetadataID, the subject metadata item these details are associated with MeasInstrument (INTEGER) (MEAS_INSTR) – Instrument. InstrumentID code that deals with different ASD models, Cary, etc… Identifies specific instrument and configuration used to measure the spectrum for this entry, including make, model number, and serial number. 6 SOC400 Field IR spectrometer MeasOrganization (VARCHAR(25)) (MEAS_ORG) - Name of organization making the measurement on which this entry is based MeasOrganizationPOC (INTEGER)) (MEASORGPOC) Users, UserID - Party responsible for the measuring organization, including contact information, such as phone number, mailing address, email address, etc. The default is 30 for Carl Salvaggio. 30 MeasInstrumentOperator (INTEGER) (INSTR_OPER) – Users.UserID, the user who made the measurements MeasCollectionTeam (VARCHAR(30)) (MEAS_TEAM) – Identifies the team responsible for the measurement of the spectrum for this entity. Each persons’ user ID is put in a string that is seperated with spaces. Example: 2 10 13 52 MeasDate (DATE) (MEAS_DATE) – the date the measurement was made PurgeGasType VARCHAR(15) (PURGE_GAS) Nitrogen Dry Air None PurgeRate ( VARCHAR 20) (PURGE_RATE) 7 (liters/minute default) SpectralLibraryEntryType (VARCHAR(30)) (SPECLIBENT) – Identifies data table type Field or Lab Measurement. Field Reflectance Field Emissivity Laboratory Reflectance Laboratory Emissivity SubjectMeasFilename (VARCHAR(45)) (SUBJMEASFN) Filecode – the common filename for the sample. This file has a .spc file extension. Example: corrugated_siding . Should not contain any spaces. MeasComment (text) (MEAS_COMNT) anything odd about the measurement further describe the process from the norm. RefMaterial (VARCHAR(20)) (R_MATERIAL) – Material used to calibrate instrument. Specular Gold Diffuse Gold Fused Silica Aluminum Foil allow write-in material too CalOrient VARCHAR(20) (CALORIENT) SOC Calibration Orientation : Horizontal Vertical Up Vertical Down or some other defined angle RefFilename (VARCHAR(45)) (REF_FILE) – Filename for calibration measurement. Normally this is the same as the subject measurement filename with an extension, but it can be changed by the user. Example: Corrugated_siding_cal.spc ConstantSampReflectance (FLOAT) constant sample reflectance (CONSAMREFL) - Checked means a value of 0.982 is used. This is the accepted value of the reflectance for the gold reference contained within the unit. Write in unchecked means users must supply a value. This is an alternate value defined by a standard that is known by the customer. We have not used this option but it should be left available to us. 0.982 (default) allow user write-in ZeroSpectrum CHAR(1)) (ZERO_SPEC) n (default) y DataFormatSavedRef VARCHAR(75) (DATASAVE_R) - List of which chopper reference data files are saved. Note that the space is only used to separate each category. A checkbox is best used. Interferogram Single-Beam Intermediate-Inteferograms (becomes constituent spectral filenames) must be able to choose one or all Output from choosing all would be the following: Interferogram:R_corrugated_siding_i.spc Single-Beam:R_corrugated_siding_s.spc Where corrugated_siding.spc is the sample file name DataFormatSavedSample VarChar(75) (DATASAVE_S) - List of which sample data files are saved. This field is saved as a string identifying the filenames. Note that the space is only used to separate the two categories. A checkbox is best used for this. Interferogram SingleBeam Intermediate-Inteferograms (becomes constituent spec filenames) must be able to choose one or both Output from choosing both will be the following: Interferogram:S_corrugated_siding_i.spc SingleBeam:S_corrugated_siding_s.spc Where corrugated_siding.spc is the sample file name FileFormat (VARCHAR(20)) (FILEFORMAT) - Format that the spectra will be save in. Normally files are only saved as *.spc, but they can also be saved as a *.txt in an ASCII format. spc and ASCII spc Runs (INTEGER) (RUNS) - a number representing the number of runs 10 default or allow a write in ScansPerRun (INTEGER) (SCANS_RUN) - a number representing the number of scans per run 10 (default) or allow write in GAIN (VARCHAR(4)) (GAIN) auto or integer representing the instrument gain setting… 1 (default) AUTO 2 4 16 32 64 128 Resolution (FLOAT) (RESOLUTION) 4 cm-1 (default) 0.5 1 2 8 16 32 Minimum (Float)) (MINIMUM) - Value of the minimum wavelength of the associated spectrum (micrometers). 2 (default) or allow write in Maximum (FLOAT) (MAXIMUM) - Value of the maximum wavelength of the associated spectrum (micrometers). 25 (default) or allow write in ZeroFill (VARChar(4)) (ZERO_FILL) - Zero Filling none default 2x 4x Apodization (VARChAR(15)) (APOD) Triangle (default) Box Car PhaseCor VARCHAR 15 (PHASE_COR) - Phase Correction Mertz (default) Amplitude Mode VARCHAR(20) (MODE) AKA SOC Measurement Orientation: Horizontal Vertical Up Vertical Down or some other defined angle MeasTimeLocal (TIME) (MEAS_TIME) – The local time the measurement was made. Use military time. Record hours and minutes only. DigImgFlaggedArea (VARCHAR(20)) (IMG_FLAG) – a number that is located within the digital image showing the flagged area’s filename DigImgSubject (VARCHAR(20)) (IMG_SUBJ) – a number that is located within the digital image showing the subject’s filename DigImgLocation (VARCHAR(40)) (IMG_LOC) – a number that is located within the digital image showing the location’s filename DigImgTakeSample (VARCHAR(20)) (IMG_TAKE)– a number that is located within the digital image showing the sample being taken’s filename DigImgRef (VARCHAR(20)) (IMG_REF) – a number that is located within the digital image showing the calibration reference’s filename DigImgSky (VARCHAR(20)) (IMG_SKY) – a number that is located within the digital image showing the sky’s filename DigImgDescr (text) (IMG_DESCR) - describing each of the photos if necessary. WeatherSkyConditions (VARCHAR(50)) (SKY_COND) – Cloud cover and the coverage amount of cloud conditions. Be able to have combinations from each column , i.e. two drop-down menus that have their values concatenated. Cloud coverage Cloud type clear_0-10_P cirrus isolated_10-25_P cumulus scattered_25-50_P contrails broken_50-90_P obscured_condition overcast_90-100_P A string is created with one choice from each column, being separated with a space. Example: isolateded_10-25_P cumulus WeatherTemp (FLOAT) (TEMP_C) – The current temperature (in Celsius) while the sample was measured. WeatherHumidity (FLOAT) (HUMIDITY)– the current humidity while the sample was measured WeatherWindSpeed (FLOAT) (WIND)– the current wind speed (in meters/second) while the sample was measured WeatherInstrument varchar (20) (WEATHINSTR) – Instrument used to record weather data. Kestral_3000 Kestral_4000 (optional write-in) ReflectanceType (VARCHAR(25)) (REF_TYPE) – Type of reflectance used to convert to an emissivity measurement. Absolute Reflectance Percent Reflectance EmissivityFilename (VARCHAR(45)) (EMISS_FN) – Filename of emissivity measurement. Normally is the subject measurement filename with the ‘_emittance’ added to it, but the user can rename this. Currently can only output in a *.spc format. Example: corrugated_siding_emittance.spc EmissivityParameters (VARCHAR(50)) (EMIS_PARAM) - Start, End, and incriment temperatures for conversion from reflectance to emissivity. Temperature is measured in Kelvin. This is a single string that only has spaces to separate each group. Example: StartTemp:250K EndTemp:500K Increment:10K ConstituentSpectraFilenames – (text) (CON_SPECFN) - There are generally ten reference interferogram files and ten reference interferogram files saved. This is based on the number of Runs selected. The first file of each will be listed here. It is the sample filename with a “_ri_#.spc” added for reference interferograms and “_si_#.spc” added for sample interferograms. Sample output would be the following: corrugated_siding_ri_01.spc corrugated_siding_si_01.spc I may want to modify the procedure to allow us to calibrate and make several measurements before re-calibration when we are in a stabile environment. For example, when we are in the lab and we want to make iterative measurements there is often a need to see the variability of the sample without introducing the error of re-calibrating the unit. Can we accommodate this technique with the database? MeasInstrConfig (VARCHAR(40)) (INSTCONFIG) text that describes the software/hardware computer configuration (ie version of software or computer). SOC400T Ver 4.2.2 change took place April 1st, 2004 SOC400T Ver 4.2.1 MeasInstrCalibration (varchar 20) (INSTR_CAL) - filename to latest calibration cerificate soc400tcal_1.pdf InstrDescrFilename (varchar 20) (INSTR_DSCR) soc400tdsc_1.pdf MeasProcessFilename – (varchar 20) (PROC_FN) soc400tproc_0.2.pdf SubjectOrientationElevation – integer (SUBJ_ELEV) SubjectOrientationAzimuth – integer (SUBJ_AZM) SensorLookElevation – integer (SENS_ELEV) SensorLookAzimuth – integer (SENS_AZM) SunElevation – integer (SUN_ELEV) SunAzimuth – integer (SUN_AZM) AssociatedData (VARCHAR (40)) (ASSOCDATA) - Lists any instruments that have made measurements of the same subject. Must be able to select any combination of the following instruments and any write-ins. ASD CARY 500 SOC400T SOC100 D&P All of the Above (optional write-in) If All of the Above is checked, and Weather Station is added to the write-in section, the output should look like the following in a string separated by spaces: ASD CARY500 SOC400T SOC100 D&P Weather Station AssociatedDataFilenames – (VARCHAR(40)) (ASSOC_FN) File names of measurements taken with other instruments of the exact same target. IndependentVariableType (VARCHAR(20)) (INDVARTYP)- Identifies the independent variable of this entry Wavelength Wavenumber IndependentVariableUnit (VARCHAR(20)) (INDVARUNT) - Identifies the engineering units of the independent variable of this entry Micrometer for wavelength cm^-1 for “Wave number”. DependentVariableType (VARCHAR(20)) (DEPVARTYP) - Identifies the type of measurement contained in this entry. This should be automatically updated based on the Spectral Library Entry Type. Reflectance Emissivity DependentVariableLabel (VARCHAR(20)) (DEPVARLBL) - Identifies the label(s) of the data contained in the corresponding column of the data table associated with this entry Mean (default) DependentVariableUnits (VARCHAR(25)) – Identifies the engineering units of the independent variable of this entry unitless for emissivity absolute reflectance for reflectance Data Quality - (VARCHAR(10)) A subjective estimate of overall data quality, determined in accordance with the Creation Process Null High Medium Low Data Quality Comments - (VARCHAR(40)) (QUAL_COMNT) - String describing anything relevant to establishing the quality of the data for this entry. CCB Approval Status - (VARCHAR(15)) (CCB_STATUS) - CCB approval status for this entry. Null Provisional Reference DataReductionApplication (VARCHAR(25)) (REDUC_APPL) - Name and version number of application software used to reduce the data for this entry. Specman Version X DataReductionParameters - (text) (RED_PARAM) - Contains parameters used in Specman for SOC400T. Output will be in a string that contains all of the information. Each category is separated by a space. There should not be spaced anywhere else. Must contain the following in output: Check Range (CheckRange) Chi Squared Range Tolerance (ChiSqr_Tolerance) High Reflectance Limit (HighRefl_Limit) Low Reflectance Limit (LowRefl_Limit) Output Wavelength (Output) Percent Drop Tolerance (DropTolerance) default: 3-20 default: 2 default: 1.2 default: 0 default: Microns (can also be Nanometer) default: 25 Sample Output: CheckRange:3-20 ChiSqr_Tolerance:2 HighRefl_Limit:1.2 LowRefl_Limit:0 Output:Microns DropTolerance: 25 DataReductionDate – (DATE) (RED_DATE) - Date data for this entry was reduced. DataReductionTime – (TIME) (RED_TIME) - Military time data for this entry was reduced.