Interpersonal Communication

Interpersonal Communication-COMM B2
Bakersfield College- Fall 2010
Class Time:
Class Website:
Chris Cruz-Boone
MW 4:10-5:35
CRN: 71085
Phone: 661-654-2569
Required Texts:
West, R. & Turner, L.H. (2009). Understanding Interpersonal Communication. 2nd Ed.
Department of Communication course packet.
Course Objectives:
Effective interpersonal communication requires an understanding of how people interact
with each other. This course will cover the principles and processes of interpersonal
communication, including self-concept, social attraction, stages of relational development,
types of relationships, nonverbal communication, conflict resolution, and improving
communication just to name a few. We will discuss the attitudes and skills necessary for
effective dyadic communication.
Student Objectives:
With careful study and participation by the end of this course, you should be:
1. Become familiar with, and gain knowledge and skills in the areas listed above and
on the schedule at the back of this syllabus.
2. Apply ideas and theory of interpersonal communication techniques to practical real
life settings.
3. Understand how technology impacts interpersonal communication techniques.
4. Become a better communicator over all.
Academic Integrity:
Students are responsible for understanding and adhering to college policies regarding
academic honesty. Cheating in any form, or plagiarizing any part or parts of oral or written
work, is automatic grounds for receiving a failing grade on the assignment and you will
have to repeat the assignment for no credit. In addition, a report will be filed with the Dean
of Students for further possible action (including expulsion from the college). Cheating in
any form, or plagiarizing any part or parts of oral or written work, is bad. Don't do it! If
you are uncertain about what constitutes cheating or plagiarism: ask!
Excused Absences:
Absences due to illness may be excused with proper written documentation; this means
bring me a dated receipt or note from your Dr/ campus health center. Any personal crisis
such as the loss of loved one will only be excused if you provide a written notice such as an
obituary. If something is wrong please email or call no matter the hour, but do not just
disappear. If your absence is excused no percentage will be taken from your overall grade
but it is your job to provide me with written record in a timely manner.
This class focuses on communication and it is therefore necessary that there are people
here to communicate with. You must attend the first week of class or you forfeit your seat
in the class. I do take roll and if you are absent I deduct from your final course grade.
Here is the attendance policy for this class:
= no deduction
4 = 6% "
= 2% from final course grade
5 = 8% "
= 4% "
6 or more = automatic failing grade for the course
Do not be late. Any time you are more than 5 minutes late to class you will be considered
tardy. Being tardy twice will result in one unexcused absence. If you are late you must
appear within the first ¾ of the class to receive any points for that day.
Additional responsibilities:
You must have reliable internet access and email to be successful in this course. If you need
feedback on an assignments submitted online or over email it must be in Microsoft Word
format or Open Office.
Students in this course are required to access course information and content via Facebook.
Facebook course components will allow students to interact with each other and the
instructor throughout the quarter. Students are required to post messages online at least
three times a week for the entire semester, in response to prompts from the instructor.
There will be 15 discussions in full.
Special Needs:
If you have special needs (i.e. you may need material in Braille or exams taken orally) or
you have a disability that may affect your participation in class, please see me as soon as
possible so I can accommodate your needs. Students with disabilities who believe they may
need accommodations in this class are encouraged to contact Supportive Services in
Counseling Center, 395-4334. Also, please talk to me sometime during the first two weeks
of the semester.
Quizzes: Pop quizzes will be given weekly to test comprehension and understanding. Each
quiz will have 5 questions worth 2 points each. All quiz questions are taken directly from
packet chapter study guides. There are no make-up quizzes but your lowest test score will
be dropped.
Blogging/ Online Journal Assignment: During the course of the semester you will reflect on
class material in an online blog. The weekly schedule has discussion questions for you to
respond to. In addition you must write at least two comments a week in response to your
classmates blogs. Please post the link to your journal entries on our class facebook wall.
You must submit 5 of your original posts and 10 responses in for grading. More details to
follow. This assignment is worth 100 points.
Journal Entry Speech: This is an individual one-point speech. You will be required to
submit an outline before you present this 3-5 minute speech that discusses your answer to a
weekly journal question. These speeches will take place every Monday and you will select a
date in advanced on which day you will speak during the course of the semester. If time
allots you can present more than once and choose the better performance. This assignment
is worth 30 points.
Book Application Assignment: During the course of the semester, each of you should
develop an in depth understanding of at least one area of interpersonal communication. To
accomplish this, you should select and carefully read an in depth book (usually a paperback,
not a text book) that is related to your area of interest. The entire book must be read, not
skimmed. The instructor should approve the book. There will be more details to follow on
this assignment.
“Other Culture” Group Assignment: This is a group assignment. You will explore a culture
or sub-culture (other than your own) and present your findings to the class. Each group
will consist of 5-7 students that will give a formal presentation that is at least 10 minutes
per group member. You will be required to submit a formal outline with a works cited page
that corresponds to you presentation. The presentation should exhibit knowledge you have
gained about the culture and about interpersonal communication throughout the semester.
There will be more details to follow on this assignment.
Group Plan- For you final group assignment you must develop a proposal that lists and
describes the responsibilities of each group member & the culture and areas that will be
discussed by your presentation. This plan is a contract that will be used as the basis to
evaluate the effective performance of fellow group members.
Dyadic Conversation Paper: You will have a structured conversation with your same
gender best friend and answer a series of questions after the conversation. This paper will
be worth 20 points. More details to follow.
Individual Culture Outline: Each individual group member must submit a draft outline of
their section of their presentation. The outline must include a correctly formatted
introduction, body, conclusion and works cited page. This assignment is worth 20 points.
At the end of the semester you will turn in a portfolio of all of your class notes, quizzes, and
assignments. These should be organized in a binder of some kind. Please note that you are
required to take notes in class. Students who don’t take notes in class will not receive full
credit for the portfolio. You must include this page of your records (with points filled out) in
order to receive full points. Portfolio is worth 20 points.
Quiz #1 Score
Quiz #2 Score
Quiz #3 Score
Quiz #4 Score
Quiz #5 Score
Quiz #6 Score
Quiz #7 Score
Quiz #8 Score
Quiz #9 Score
Quiz #10 Score
Make-Up Quiz
Make-Up Quiz
Journal Entry Speech
Dyadic Paper
Book Application
Group Plan
Individual Outline
Group Culture Pres.
extra credit
point total
absence deductions
final class pnts
Other Assignments/Activities: Other assignments and activities may be added throughout
the semester.
Grading Breakdown:
Blogging/ Online Journal Assignment:
Journal Entry Speech
Book Application Assignment:
“Other Culture” Group Assignment
Individual Culture Outline
Group Plan
Dyadic Conversation Paper:
500-450= A
449-400= B
*If you fail to present the oral components of class via group presentation and
journal entry speech, you will receive an automatic failure in the course.
Interpersonal Communications Schedule- Fall 2010
Week 1
Aug 23
Aug 25
Chap 1- Intro to IP
Book Application Proposal assignment given
Week 2
Aug 30
Sep 1
Chap 1 How-To Online Journal
Chap 2 Comm, Perception & Self
Week 3
Sep 6
NO CLASS- Labor Day
Sep 8
Week 4
Sep 13
Sep 15
Chap 2 Con’t- Perceptions
Journal speech assignment given
Meet in class go to library
Due Online: Journal 1
Due Online: Journal 2
Due In Class: Book Proposal
Chap 3- Comm, Culture & Identity
Group Culture & Outlining
Due Online:
Group Culture assignment given
Journal 3
Week 5
Sep 20
Sep 22
Chapter 4- Communicating Verbally
Chap 4 Cont’d
Due Online:
Journal 4
Week 6
Sep 27
Sep 29
Chap 5 –Communicating Nonverbally
Chap 5- Cont’d
Due Online:
Journal 5
Week 7
Oct 4
Oct 6
Chapter 5: Cont’d
Dyadic assignment given
Chap 6-Listening
Week 8
Oct 11
Oct 13
Chap 6 : Cont’d
Chapter 7: Comm & Emotion
Due Online:
Journal 7
Week 9
Oct 18
Oct 20
Chap 7: Cont’d
Chap 8: Sharing Personal Info
Due Online:
Journal 8
Due Online: Journal 6
Due In Class: Group Plan Due
Interpersonal Communications Schedule- Fall 2010 -Cont’d
Week 10
Oct 25
Oct 27
Chap 8: Cont’d
Chap 9: Comm & Conflict
Due In Class: Book Application Paper
Week 11
Nov 1
Nov 3
Thanksgiving Break
Thanksgiving Break
Week 12
Nov 8
Nov 10
Chap 9 : Communicating Conflict
Chap 10: Comm in Close Relationships
Due In Class: Individual GC Outline
Due Online: Journal 9
Week 13
Nov 15
Nov 17
Chap 10: Cont’d
Chap 11-Tech & Comm
Due in Class; Dyadic Paper
Due Online: Journal 10
Week 14
Nov 22
Nov 24
NO CLASS- Thanksgiving
Due in Class: Blog Journal Due
Week 15
Nov 29
Dec 1
Due In Class: Portfolio Due
Week 16
Dec 6
Final Exam 4-5:50 pm
*Quizzes are not listed because they are surprises. There are no make-up quizzes and at least
one quiz will be on a day when movie clips are shown.
** Instructor reserves the right to edit schedule during the course of the semester.