IRIS Orientation GMT Script #!/bin/tcsh -f #plot_socorro_topo.gmt #a simple script to plot topography around socorrow, NM #this follows a tutorial by Andy Goodliffe from the university of Alabama and was altered by Rob Porritt from UC Berkeley. #plots topography with some illumination, then adds an inset map, and finishes with by adding a topographic profile to the top. #This script is overly commented to work as a tutorial for beginners. GMT is a paint by numbers toolkit which is powerful, but confusing. #It is usually best to start with example scripts and edit as necessary #Fundamentally gmt is a set of c tools which take options of the form "-A" where the "A" is a letter corresponding to a mapping parameter or option. #The most important options are: # -R (or region) # -B (or boundaries) # -J (or projection) #The tools then write postscript information to standard out (stdout) and are able to take in information from standard in (stdin) #In order for the script to work, the suer must have socorro.grd and socorro.cpt in the current directory. #This is an example of how to set up gmt default parameters. There's a big list so check the help for full information gmtset PLOT_DEGREE_FORMAT -ddd:mm:ssF gmtset PAPER_MEDIA letter gmtset MEASURE_UNIT inch gmtset ANNOT_FONT_SIZE 10p gmtset LABEL_FONT_SIZE 10p #The first two commands make new data files. grd2cpt takes a gridded data file and generates a color scale. grdgradient creates a gradient file for illumination from a gridded data file grd2cpt socorro.grd -Chaxby >! socorro2.cpt #take the grid, socorro.grd and make a color scale called socorro2.cpt using the haxby color pattern. look at the help for full availability of pre-defined color patterns. You can also create your own if you feel motivated. grdgradient socorro.grd -A0 -M -Nt -Gsocorro.grad #creates a .grad file from the grid file. This is essentially the spatial gradient of the data file useful as a method for illuminating topography #most gmt plot scripts set global map parameters in an early block like this. set region = "-R-107.45/-106.3/33.4/34.7" #longmin/longmax/latmin/latmax - some people set this as a variable called "R" set boundaries = "-BSWnea0.2f10m" #label South and West side of the map. annotate every .2degrees with tick marks every 10 miles set projection = "-JM5.5i" #the projection is M (mercator) with an X dimension of 5.5 inches (i) set region_inset = "-R-130/-70/26/50" #the region to be displayed in the inset map - ie the entire united states set projection_inset = "-JM2i" #projection for the inset map. Mercator projection in default gmt units. set region_profile = "-R-107.45/-106.3/34.0/34.06" #This is for a profile of topography through socorro set projection_profile = "-JX5.5i/1i" #we want a long skinny profile, so a new projection is necessary #often we use psfile or psname or PS for the post-script file name variable. This is more informative. The final output will be a .ps file with this name. set post_script_name = #####main region #creating a basemap - make a new file and put boundary information set misc = "-K -V -P -X2i" #misc is a variable I use generally for incorporating many options. This time we have -K (more plot will be appended later), -V (be verbose - ie write information to the screen), P (portrait mode), -X2 (move the base of the plot 2 default gmt units) psbasemap $region $projection $boundaries $misc >! $post_script_name #create a basemap. The >! means make a new file and overwrite if needed. Starting with a basemap is usually good practice to make sure you have boundary and background information. #Add the topography for a good background set misc = "-Isocorro.grad -Csocorro2.cpt -K -V -O " #new additions to misc: -Isocorro.grad (illuminate with file socorro.grad created earlier), -Csocorro2.cpt (use the cpt file created earlier). -O (overlay the previous plot) grdimage socorro.grd $region $projection $misc >> $post_script_name #grdimage makes a colored image for xyz data display. >> means append to file #overlay contours to better illustrate the topography set misc = "-C200 -A1000 -O -K -V" #new additions to misc: -C200 contour interval is 200. -A1000 Annotated interval is 1000 grdcontour socorro.grd $region $projection $misc >> $post_script_name #grdcontour makes a contour map with the data contained in the grid file #Add a star at the map location of socorro set misc = "-O -K -Sa0.4i -W1p/0 -G255" #new additions: -Sa0.4 create a star (a) with a size of 0.4. -W1p/0: pen size is 1 point with a color of black for the line. -G255 fill the star with white. The 0 correspondes to black and 255 to white. Using a single number between the two plots grayscale. You can use three numbers for red/green/blue psxy $region $projection $misc << END >> $post_script_name -106.903 34.0633 END #psxy is a great tool. It plots simple xy data. For this application we plot a single point defined by standard input. #add text so we know what the star means set misc = "-O -K -G255" pstext $region $projection $misc << END >> $post_script_name -106.903 34.03 14 0 1 CM Socorro END #pstext is a difficult tool. The first entry in the data part is the location (-106.903, 34.03). The next line is the font size, then the inclination (0 is horizontal, 90 is vertical), 1 is the font type (helvetica in this case), CM is the location relative to the data point (CenterMiddle), and Socorro is the text to plot #add a scale bar set misc = "-O -K -B500/:meters: -X1i" psscale -Csocorro2.cpt -D1.25/-0.5/4/0.25h $misc >> $post_script_name #psscale creates a scalebar to the location with the size defined by the -D option. #####now overly a single line to identify where a future profile is set misc = "-O -W5/255/0/0 -V -K -X-1i" psxy $region $projection $misc << END >> $post_script_name -107.45 34.06 -106.3 34.06 END #the two points defined in psxy are the end points of a line. Its connected with a line of size 5 points and color red as designated by the -W5/255/0/0 ######inset map set misc = "-O -K -G255 -Bnesw" psbasemap $region_inset $projection_inset $misc -Y6.3i >> $post_script_name #creates a new basemap over the original map #inserting a star in the inset map to designate how the main map shows socorro, NM set misc = "-O -K -Sa0.2 -W1p/0 -G0" psxy $region_inset $projection_inset $misc << END >> $post_script_name -106.903 34.0663 END #pscoast draws state/country boundaries and lakes set misc = "-Dl -Na -W1p/0 -O -K" #-N option is used to decide how many features to plot. See the help for full info. pscoast $region_inset $projection_inset $misc >> $post_script_name ###topographic profile #first extract an xyz file from the grid file along the line of interest #convert the grid file to an xyz file for the profile grd2xyz socorro.grd $region_profile > #basemap for the profile above the map set misc = "-K -O -G255 -Bnesw" psbasemap $region_profile $projection_profile $misc -Y2.0i >> $post_script_name #Here we use awk to look for proper points in the xyz file and use the | (pipe) option to send the information to psxy. Because the scale is in longitude and depth, new region and boundary information is necessary. Awk is a mini-programming language. This usage looks for all values in the second column that are equal to 34.06 (the latitude of interest). It then prints the longitude (column 1) and the elevation (column 3) from the file awk '{if ($2 == 34.06) print $1, $3}' | psxy -R-107.45/106.3/1000/3200 -Ba.2f.2:"Longitude":/a500f500:"Elevation (m)":nSeW $projection_profile -O -K >> $post_script_name #add text to the profile to designated where socorro is set misc = "-O -G0 -Y-.4i -K " pstext $region_profile $projection_profile $misc << END >> $post_script_name -106.903 34.03 8 0 1 CM Socorro END #point to socorrow with an arrow set misc = "-O -V -Si0.2 -G0 -Y-.2i" psxy $region_profile $projection_profile $misc << END >> $post_script_name -106.903 34.06 END #convert the 20+MB image file to a png convert $post_script_name ${post_script_name}.png #let the user know what happened. echo "$post_script_name and ${post_script_name}.png graphic objects created" exit