File - Mrs Yoo`s Froglets

Les Couleurs
You are going to create a children’s book based on a colour.
1. Choose a partner or to do it by yourself: _________________________________________
2. Choose a colour: ____________________________________________________________________
3. Find out the feminine form of your colour: ______________________________________
4. Choose a minimum of eight objects in your colour. Use a French-English
dictionary to research what the French translation is.
Word #1: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #2: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #3: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #4: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #5: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #6: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #7: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #8: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #9: _________________________
Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #10: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Word #11: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________
Include a cover page with your names, the colour and pictures of your items.
Include a page with the sentence, “(Your colour, Your colour). Le (your
colour) est partout.”
Include a page with the sentence, “Regarde les choses (feminine plural form
of your colour. Comptons tout!”
You will be marked on: neatness, accuracy of French translation, correct use
of feminine/masculine (le, la, l’, les) and colour, correct use of
Rubric for “Les Couleurs”
My team’s mark
My Friend’s Mark
Mrs. Yoo’s mark
Cover page with
the name of the
colour, your team’s
name, items
A minimum of
eight pages of
BONUS – up to five
more pages (if well
done, an automatic
A project)
Accurate French
Accurate use of le,
la, l’
Accurate use of
colour (m, f, plural)
Last two pages –
accurate and
If this were being graded it would be an:
33+ = A
18 + = C-
22 + = C
25 + = C+
28+ = B