Les Couleurs You are going to create a children’s book based on a colour. 1. Choose a partner or to do it by yourself: _________________________________________ 2. Choose a colour: ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Find out the feminine form of your colour: ______________________________________ 4. Choose a minimum of eight objects in your colour. Use a French-English dictionary to research what the French translation is. Word #1: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #2: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #3: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #4: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #5: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #6: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #7: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #8: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #9: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #10: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Word #11: _________________________ Translation: _______________ M/F/Pl? ________ Include a cover page with your names, the colour and pictures of your items. Include a page with the sentence, “(Your colour, Your colour). Le (your colour) est partout.” Include a page with the sentence, “Regarde les choses (feminine plural form of your colour. Comptons tout!” You will be marked on: neatness, accuracy of French translation, correct use of feminine/masculine (le, la, l’, les) and colour, correct use of plurals/agreement. Rubric for “Les Couleurs” Item My team’s mark My Friend’s Mark Mrs. Yoo’s mark Cover page with the name of the colour, your team’s /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /5 /35 /35 /35 name, items A minimum of eight pages of items BONUS – up to five more pages (if well done, an automatic A project) Accurate French translations Accurate use of le, la, l’ Accurate use of colour (m, f, plural) Last two pages – accurate and complete Neatness Total: If this were being graded it would be an: 33+ = A 18 + = C- 22 + = C 25 + = C+ 28+ = B