Color Codes on Chemicals and MSDS Lab Chemistry NOTES Color Codes on Chemicals ORANGE = tells you the chemical is caustic (indicates base) or corrosive (indicates acid) Cleaning: rinse, don’t scrub GREEN = tells you the chemical has no particular hazards overall BLUE = tells you the chemicals health hazard Cleaning: scrub YELLOW = tells you the reactivity of the chemical (oxidizer) Important: keep away from fire Important: don’t mix with anything unless told to RED/PINK = tells you the flammability of the chemical Important: keep away from heat/flame Using the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) NFPA scale FLINN Scale 0 (no risk) 4 (extreme risk) 0 (no risk) 3 (extreme risk) Whenever you work on a lab using chemicals you are required to look up the chemicals prior to working on the lab. In your actual lab report you will have a section titled “Hazards/Cautions” where you will write down the following for the chemicals you are using in the lab: chemical name, chemical formula, and health, fire, and reactivity ratings. You also need to record if the ratings you wrote down are NFPA ratings or FLINN ratings. If the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) ratings are provided then those are the ratings you must use; if there are no NFPA ratings provided then use the FLINN ratings. If a chemical’s NFPA ratings for health, fire, and/or reactivity are a 3 or a 4 than you need to record specific information. If a chemical’s FLINN ratings for health, fire, and/or reactivity are a 2 or a 3 then you need to record specific information. When referring to a MSDS sheet: 1) Formulas are found in Section 9 2) Health, Flammability, Reactivity ratings are found in Section 5 (NFPA) and/or Section 3 (FLINN) 3) Health information is found in Section 4 – record what to do if you get the chemical on your skin or in your eyes 4) Fire/Flammability information is found in Section 5 – record how to put the fire out 5) Reactivity information is found in Section 10 – record what things to avoid contact with BrassbridgeChemistry/GeneralChem/NotesPracMSDS MSDS Practice Lab Chemistry Name:_______________________________Section:____Date:_______ Using the MSDS for ethyl alcohol, glycerin, and hydrogen peroxide write in the information you would need to collect for these chemicals if you were doing a lab, which used these chemicals. Chemical Name: Ethyl Alcohol Chemical Name: Glycerin Chemical Name: Hydrogen Peroxide BrassbridgeChemistry/GeneralChem/NotesPracMSDS