AGE: in his teens/ teenage; in his early / mid/ late twenties;
newborn; middle-aged; elderly.
HEIGHT/BUILD: tall, slim, skinny, well-built, thin, muscular,
medium height and build, short, fat, plump, overweight, broadshouldered.
HAIR: straight, wavy, curly, cropped (коротко стриженный),
long, short, thick, going bald, blond(e), fair, brown, dark, black,
shoulder-length, permed (хим. завивка), dyed (крашенные), fringe.
FACE: oval, round, square, long, angular, freckled, wrinkled, heart-shaped,chubby
COMPLEXION: tanned, dark, pale.
CHEEKS: rosy, round, chubby, high cheekbones.
EYEBROWS: arched, thick, thin, bushy.
EYES: green, brown, blue, grey, big, small, almond-shape, slanting, wide apart, close
together, round, deep-set.
EYELASHES: thick, long, short.
NOSE: snub, pointed, hook, button, straight, crooked / curved, hooked, Roman, flat,
MOUTH: wide, small, full lips, thin lips, crooked teeth.
CHIN: pointed, double, square jaw.
SPECIAL FEATURES: walks with a limp, tattoo, scar, dimples, spots, a beard,
a moustache, a centre parting, sideburns, freckles, wrinkles, mole, birthmark.
FOREHEAD: high, low, wide.
EARS: small, pointed, large, prominent, sticking out.
Positive: beautiful is generally used to describe women; handsome is used to describe
men; good-looking and attractive are used for both. Pretty is another positive word to
describe a woman (often a girl), meaning ‘attractive and nice to look at’.
Negative: ugly is a negative word, plain is negative but more polite.
e.g. She’s a very smart and elegant woman, always well-dressed; her husband is
quite the opposite, very scruffy (неряшливый) and untidy looking.
He’s very good-looking, but his friend’s rather unattractive.
Do you think beautiful women are always attracted to handsome men? I think first
impressions matter most.