Reinventing Identities: The Gendered Self in Discourse TABLE OF

Reinventing Identities: The Gendered Self in Discourse
Contributors, xiii
For Nov. 7 everyone reads:
Bad Examples: Transgression and Progress in Language and Gender Studies, 3
Mary Bucholtz
For presenting Nov. 28 choose a chapter not in brackets to present to class using the template in
For homework Nov. 28 read the chapter assigned to the whole class and read one other of your
Part I
Identify as Invention
1. No Woman, No Cry: Claiming African American Women’s Place, 27
Marcyliena Morgan
Reader: Sarah V., Kim
For Nov. 28 everyone reads:
2. Coherent Identities amid Heterosexist Ideologies: Deaf and Hearing Lesbian Coming-Out
Stories, 46
Kathleen M. Wood
3. Good Guys and “Bad” Girls: Identity Construction by Latina and Latino Student
Writers, 64
Marjorie Faulstich Orellana
Presenter: Jeanne, Sarah H.
4. Constructing the Irrational Woman: Narrative Interaction and Agoraphobic Identity, 83
Lisa Capps
Presenter: Sarah V., Carrie
Reader: Molly, Nikki
5. [Contextualizing the Exotic Few: Gender Dichotomies in Lakhota, 101
Sara Trechter]
Part II
Identity as Ideology
6. Changing Femininities: The Talk of Teenage Girls, 123
Jennifer Coates
Presenter: Emily, Kim
Reader: Sarah H., Jeanne
7. [Rebaking the Pie: The WOMAN AS DESSERT Metaphor, 145]
Caitlin Hines
8. All Media Are Created Equal: Do-It-Yourself Identity In Alternative Publishing, 163
Laurel A. Sutton
Presenter: Molly, Nikki
Reader: Carrie, Justin
9. Strong Language, Strong Actions: Native American Women Writing Against Federal
Authority, 181
Rebecca J. Dobkins
Presenter: Justin, Lacy
10. [“Opening the Door of Paradise a Cubit”: Educated Tunisian Women, Embodied
Linguistic Practice, and Theories of Language and Gender, 200]
Keith Walters
For presenting Dec. 5 choose a chapter not in brackets to present to class using the template in
For homework Dec. 5 read the chapter assigned to the whole class and read one other of your
Part III
Identity as Ingenuity
11. [The Display of (Gendered) Identities in Talk at Work, 221]
Deborah Tannen
12. Gender, Context, and the Narrative Construction of Identity: Rethinking Models of
“Women’s Narrative,” 241
Patricia E. Sawin
Presenter: Sarah H., Jeanne
Reader: Lacy, Nikki
13. Language, Socialization, and the Silence in Gay Adolescence, 259
William Leap
Presenter: Emily, Justin
Reader: Molly, Kim
14. [Turn-Initial No: Collaborative Opposition among Latina Adolescents, 273]
Norma Mendoza-Denton
15. Conversationally Implicating Lesbian and Gay Identity, 293
A.C. Liang
Presenter: Kim, Carrie
Reader: Emily, Sarah V.
Part IV
Identity as Improvisation
16. Indexing Polyphonous Identity in the Speech of African American Drag Queens, 313
Rusty Barrett
Presenter: Nikki, Sarah V.
Reader: Carrie, Jeanne
17. “She Sired Six Children”: Feminist Experiments with Linguistic Gender, 332
Anna Livia
Presenter: Molly, Lacy
Reader: Sarah H., Justin
18. [Purchasing Power: The Gender and Class Imaginary on the Shopping Channel, 348]
Mary Bucholtz
19. [From Folklore to “News at 6”: Maintaining Language and Reframing Identity through
the Media, 369]
Colleen Cotter
For Dec. 5 everyone reads:
20. Constructing Opposition within Girls’ Games, 388
Marjorie Harness Goodwin
Name Index, 411
Subject Index, 417