METHODICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR INDIVIDUAL WORK OF THE STUDENTS IN PREPARATION FOR PRACTICAL CLASSES Subject NEUROLOGY Topic Professional and domestic neurointoxications. system lesions in physical factors influence. Year Faculty IV Medical Nervous 2 1. Topicality: In terms of civilization technical development environmental pollution that affects industrial variants of poisoning, both acute and chronic, possess significant weight as a component of the health of population of Ukraine as well as any other country, which predetermines the necessity of thorough research of the given topic. 2. Specific purposes: а) To analyze the clinics of lesion by industrial and domestic poisons in order to specify the intoxication factor; б) To offer an antidote and other methods of treatment. 3. Basic knowledge, skills, competences necessary for learning the topic (interdisciplinary integration ): Subject Skills Information to learn 2 Regular Physiology (neurophysiology) 3 Histology 4 Nervous diseases – clinics, diagnostics Changes in the work of the nervous system during intoxications Cellar structure of a neuron, neuron types, and pathological changes during intoxications. The clinics of intoxications by neurotropic drugs To orient in statements of mentioned subjects To orient in statements of mentioned subjects the the the the To orient in the statements of the mentioned subjects 4. Assignments for individual work during preparation for the classes: а) The list of basic terms, characteristics, which students must learn during the preparation for the classes: № Term Definition 1. Neurotoxіc Substances Neurotoxins are the substunces that cause poisoning of nervous tissue of destructive influence. They can selectively affect definite areas of the brain and spinal cord. One of the most widely spread neurotoxin sources is industial chemical compounds. 2. The list of theoretical questions: The clinics of the CNS lesion by metals, Heavy metals, Solvents, Vegetative poisons, Organic compounds, Solvents Physical factors – Vibration 3 Ionizing radiation с) The list of practical skills that are to be mastered at the classes: 1. establishment of the intoxicant types according to the poison clinics 2. choice of treatment and prophylactic evens. Topical contents: Metals. To metals defined as neurotoxins belong lead, mercury and manganese. Production conditions in which people can undergo the influence of lead include smelting furnaces, foundries, accumulator factories and paint and varnish industry. It is supposed that lead selectively influences motor neurons of the spinal cord. It was thought earlier, that lead induces mental development damages in town children, but this cause-effect relation is impossible to confidently establish. Mercury. The fungicides that restrain mercury and are used to treat seeding material served as a reason for main mercury poisonings. The wastes of mercury dichloride which take the form of methyl mercury in fish and shellfish lead to serious mercury poisonings in Japan. Initial mercury poisoning symptoms include cerebellar upsets, decrease of sight and hearing (up to their complete loss) as well as psychical damages. Managnese. In the USA the manganese intoxication was registered among workers involved into development of deposits, treatment of ore crushers and production of ferromanganese alloys. The organism undergoes the influence of manganese mostly because of inhaling dust or vapor. The toxicity can be revealed from 4 months to 15 years after the exposure. The initial symptom of manganese intoxication among miners is often a psychic upset characterized by irritability, mood variations and audial and visual hallucinations. Other symptoms include apathy, developing memory decrease, upset of gait and motor control as well as speech abnormality. Solvents. Chronic exposure to several industrial solvents can cause the NS lesions with a characteristic symptomatic pattern. To harmful solvents belong n-hexane, methyl-n-butylketone and toluene. In the cases of exposure to solvents in industrial conditions the symptoms are revealed in 2 days after their influence on organism. Muscular feebleness appears first in low extremities, and then it spreads to upper ones. Together with the feeling of numbness the tactile sensitivity was also mentioned. Relatively weak muscular atrophy develops together with the damage of leg reflexes. These chemical substances induce degeneration of nerve fibers, which is proved by slowing-down of the functions of motor and sensor nerves. Methyl-n-butylketone. For many years it has been used as a solvent and washing utility. The poisoning of the organism happens after inhaling or contact with skin as a vapor. Often, in the beginning the casualty feels tingling in hands and feet. Movement strain is revealed in a form of tiredness in feet and feebleness in hands and fingers. No lesions of CNS or cranial nerves are observed. When the exposure ends the neurological symptoms disappear within 5-16 months. Toluene is used as a cleaning utility as well as a component of repellents, solvents of rubber typography paints. It can come to the organism through inhaling or vapor, absorbing through skin. The acute poisoning symptoms include headache, nausea and poor coordination. Organic chemicals. The acrylamide is used in paper production and as a waterproof agent. In patients who underwent the influence of acryamide powder, the NS upset was registered. This upset develops for several weeks after exposure and is revealed through perspiring, extremities feebleness and loss of weight. The proofs of nerve degeneration are obtained, but however, they have reverse character: the regeneration and restoration of functions take place within 2 to 12 months. Carbon disulfide is used in production of artificial fabrics. The poisoning effects include loss of sight, muscular tremor and weak form of neuropathy. 4 Gases. Among gases, those with neurotoxic effect are carbon monoxide and methyl chloride. In the USA the carbon monoxide poisoning represents a serious problem, as it is the reason for 50% of cases of lethal intoxications. The chronic influence of carbon monoxide on the organism induces symptoms which are similar to those of parkinsonism: muscular tremor, masklike face and movement strain. The carbon monoxide exposure can also lead to peripheral nerves damages. The acute methyl chloride poisoning can induce such symptoms as somnolence, indistinct sight, confusion, unsteady gait, indistinct speech, diplopia and cramps. In the majority of cases these effects are temporary; the recovering may necessitate up to 3 months. Insecticides. There exist 39 units used as insecticides that serve the reason for a great number of poisonings among industrial and agricultural workers. The peripheral neuropathies can be induced by malathіon, methylparathіon and mіpafox. After recovering from the acute poisoning the influence on CNS can be preserved for months. It includes memory aggravations, depressions, psychotic behavior. Those who survived after dіazіnon poisoning had the signs of neuropathy with degeneration of nerve endings. Materials for self-control: А. Tasks for self-control (tables, schemes, pictures, graphics): innumerate the symptoms of poisonings by lead mercury, arsenium benzene toluene pesticides 2. to classify radiation disease according to its types. Б. Tasks for self-control: Information Sources Lecture 1. Shcrobot S.I., Hara I.I. Neurology in lecture (Selected lectures) . Ternopil, TSMU, «Ukrmedknyha», 2008. 319 p. 2. Reinhard Rohkamm. Color Atlas of Neurology © 2004 Thieme. 440 p. 3. Crash course Neurology by Anish Bahra and Katia Cikurel. Copyright 2006, Elsevier, Inc. 244 p. 4. Adams and Victors. Principles of neurology. © 2005 McGraw-Hill . Medical Publishing Division. 5. Mayo Clinic Internal Medicine Review 2006-2007. Chapter 18. Editor-in-Chief Thomas M. Habermann, MD