References - Monika Bednarek

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Aarts, Bas and Charles F. Meyer (eds.) (1995) The Verb in Contemporary English. Cambridge
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Aarts, Jan, Hans von Halteren, and Nelleke Oostdijk (eds.) (1993) English Language
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Ahmed, K., and Davies A. (1997). The role of corpora in studying and promoting Welsh.In
Wichmann et al (eds.).157-72.
Aijmer, Karin and Bengt Altenberg (eds.) (1991) English Corpus Linguistics. London:
Longman. (general book on corpora and language)
Altenberg, Bengt and Marie Trapper (eds.) (1998) The Use of Adverbial Connectors in
Advanced Swedish Learners’ Written English. In Granger (1998) . 80-93.
Ammon, U., N. Dittmar, and K. J. Mattheier (eds.) (1987) Sociolinguitics: An International
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Translators.International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 4. 281-98. (Translation)
Baker, M, Francis, G.,Tognini-Bonelli, E. (eds.) (1993) Text and Technology: In Honour of
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Barlow, M. (1996) Corpora for Theory and Practice. International Journal of Corpus
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Linguistics 4 (1). 319-27.
*Barnbrook G. (1996) Language and Computers: A Practical Introduction to the Computer
Analysis of Language. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (general book on corpora
and language)
Barth, D.(1999) Investigating the Concessive Relation in a Corpus of Spoken
EnglishDiscourse. Paper read at the BAAL/CUP seminar: Investigating Discourse
Practices through Corpus Research: Methods, Findings and Applications. University of
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---- (1992) Using Computer-Based Text Corpora to Analyze the Referential Strategies Of
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---- (1993) Representativness in Corpus Design. Literary and Linguistics Computing 8. 24157.
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---- (1996) Investigating Language Use through Corpus-Based Analyses of Association
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Biber, Douglas, Edward Finegan and Dwight Atkinson (1994) ARCHER and its Challenges:
Compiling and Exploring a Representativ Corpus of English Historical Registers. In Fries,
Tottie, and Schneider (1994). 1-13.
*Biber, Douglas, Susan Conrad and Randi Reppen (1998) Corpus Linguistics: Investigating
Language Structure and Language Use. Cambridge University Press. (general book on
corpora and language)
Biber, Douglas, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Susan Conrad, and Edward Finegan (1999)
The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. London: Longman.
Biber, Douglas and Jená Burges (2000) Historical Change in the Language Use of Women
and Men: Gender Differences in Dramtic Dialogue. Journal of EnglishLlinguistics 28 (1).
Blachman, Edward, Charles F. Meyer, and Robert A. Morris (1996) The UMB Intelligent ICE
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Botley, S. et al (2000) (ed) Multilingual Corpora in Teaching and Research. Amsterdam:
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Brill, Eric (1992) A Simple Rule-Based Part-of-Speech Tagger. Proceedings of the 3rd
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Burgess, G.J.A. (2000) Corpus Analysis in the Service of Literary Criticism: Goethe’s Die
Wahlverwandtschaften as a Model Case. In Dodd (ed.). 40-68
Burnard, Lou (1995) The Text Encoding Initiative: An Overview. In Leech, Myers, and
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Burnard, L. (ed.) (1995) User’s Guide to the British National Corpus Oxford: Oxford
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---- (1998) The Pizza Chef: A TEI Tag Selector.
Burnard, Lou and C. M. Sperberg-McQueen (1995) TEI Lite: An Introduction to Text
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Burnard Lou and Tony McEnery (eds.) (2000) Rethinking Language Pedagogy from a Corpus
Perspective. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (ELT)
Butler, C. (1998) Collocational frameworks in Spanish. International Journal of Corpus
Linguistics 3.1-32.
Carter, R. 1998 Orders of reality: CANCODE, communication and culture. ELTJ 52: 43-56.
Chafe, Wallace (1994) Discourse, Consciousness, and Time. Chigago: University of Chicago
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and Thomas (1995). 54-61.
Chafe, Wallace, John Du Bios, and Sandra Thompson (1991) Towards a New Corpus of
American English. In Aijmer and Altenberg (1991). 64-82.
Chaldas-Coulthard C. and Moon, R. (1999) Curvy, Hunky, Kinky: Using Corpora As Tools In
Critical Analysis. Paper read at the Critical Discourse Analysis Meeting, University of
Birmingham, April 1999.
Channel J. (2000) Corpus-Based Analysis of Evaluative Lexis. In Hunston and Thompson
(eds.). 38-55.
Chomsky, Noam (1995) The Minimalist Program. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Clear J. (1993) From Firth Principles: Computational Tools for the Study of Collocation. In
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Clear J., Fox G., Francis G., Krishnamurthy R. and Moon, R. (1996) Cobuild: The State of
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Collins, Peter (1991 a) The Modals of Obligation and Necessity in Australian English. In
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Coniam D. (1998) Partial Parsing: Boundary Marking. International Journal of
CorpusLinguistics 3. 229-49.
Conrad S., (2000) Will Corpus Linguistics Revolutionize Grammar Teaching in the 21st
Century? Paper read at the 2nd Northern American Symposium on Corpora and Language
Teaching, Northern Arizona University, March 2000
Conrad, S. and Biber D (eds). 2001 Variation in English: multi-dimensional studies. London:
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Cook, Guy (1995) Theoretical Issues: Transcribing the Untranscribable. In Leech, Myers, and
Thomas (1995). 35-53.
---- (1998). The uses of reality: a reply to Ronald Carter. ELTJ 52: 57-64. (ELT, challenging
use of corpora in language teaching)
Corpus Encoding Standard (2000)
Coulthard, M. (1994) On the Use of Corpora in the Analysis of Forensic Texts.
ForensicLinguistics 1: 27-44. (Forensic linguistics)
Crowdy, Steve (1993) Spoken Corpus Design. Literary and Linguistic Computing 8. 25965.Curme, G. (1947) English Grammar. New York: Harper and Row.
Davies, Mark (2001) Creating and Using Multi-million Word Corpora from Web-based
Newspapers. In Simpson and Swales (2001). 58-75.
de Beaugrande R. (1999) Reconnecting Real Language with Real Texts: Text Linguistics and
Corpus Linguistics. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 4. 243-59.
de Cock, S. (1998) A Recent Word Combination Approach to the Study of Formulae in the
Speech of Native and Non-Native Speakers of English. International Journal of Corpus
Linguistics 3. 59-80.
de Haan, Pieter (1984) Problem-Oriented Tagging of English Corpus Data. In Aarts and Meijs
(1984). 123-39.
Dodd, B. (1997) Exploiting a Corpus of Written German for Advanced Language Learning.
In Wiechmann et al. (eds.). 131-45.
Dodd, B. (2000) When Ost Meets West: A Corpus-Based Study Of Binomial and Other
Expressions Before and During German Unification. In Dodd (ed.). 69-95.
Dodd B. (ed.) (2000) Working with German Corpora. Birmingham: University of
Birmingham Press. (general book on corpora and language)
Du Bois, John, Stephan Schuetze-Cobrun, Susanna Cumming, and Danae Paolino (1993)
Outline of Discourse Transcription. In Edwards and Lampert (1993). 45-89.
Dunning, Ted (1993) Accurate Methods for the Statistics of Surprise and Coincidence.
Computational Linguistics 19 (1). 61-74.
Eckam, Fred (ed.) (1977) Current Themes in Linguistics. Washingtion, DC: John Wiley.
Edwards, Jane (1993) Principles and Contrasting Systems of Discourse Transcription. In
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Edwards, Jane and Martin Lampert (eds.) (1993) Talking Data. Hillside, NJ: Lawrence
Ehlich, Konrad (1993) HIAT: A Transcription System of Discourse Data. In Edwards and
Lampert (1993). 123-48.
Elsness, J. (1997) The Perfect and the Preterite in Contemporary and Ealier English. Berlin
and New York: Mouton des Gruyter.
Fang, Alex (1996) AUTASY: Autoamtic Tagging and Cross-Tagset Mapping. IN Greenbaum
(1996a). 110-24.
Fairclough, N. 2000. New Labour, New Language? London: Routledge (Critical Discourse
Farr F. and O’Keeffe A. forthcoming. Corpora and Linguistic Variety: Hedging The Issues. In
Reppen et al. (eds.).
Fernquest, Jon (2000) Corpus Mining: Perl Scripts and Code Snippets. http://www.
Fillmore, Charles (1992) Corpus Linguistics or Computer-Aided Armchair Linguistics. In
Svartvik (1992). 35-60.
Finegan, Edward and Douglas Biber (1995) That and Zero Complementisers in Late Modern
English: Exploring ARCHER from 1650-1990. In Aarts and Meyer (1995). 241-57.
Fitzmaurice S. forthcoming. The Textual Resolution Of Structural Ambiguity in 18 th Century
English: A Corpus-Linguistic Study of Patterns of Negation. In Reppen et al (eds.).
Flowerdew, J. (1996) Concordancing in Language Teaching. In M. Pennington (ed). The
Power of CALL. Houston: Athelstan. (ELT)
Flowerdew, J (1997). The discourse of colonial withdrawal: a case study in the creation of
mythic discourse. Discourse and society 8: 453-477. (CDA)
Flowerdew L. (1998) Integrating Expert and Interlanguage Computer Corpora Findings on
Causality: Discovery for Teachers and Students. English for Specific Purposes 17.329-45.
---- (2000) Investigating Referential and Pragmatic Errors in a Learner Corpus. In Burnard
and McEnery (eds.). 145-54.
Foucou P.Y. and Kübler N. (2000) A Web-Based Environment for Teaching Technical
English. In Burnard and McEnery (eds.). 65-74.
Francis, G. (1993) A Corpus-Driven Appoach to Grammar – Principles, Methods and
Examples. In Baker et al (eds.) 137-156.
Francis, W. Nelson and H. Kučera (1982) Frequency Analysis of English Usage: Lexicon and
Grammar. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
Fries, Udo, Gunnel Tottie, and Peter Schneider (eds.) (1994) Creating and Using English
Language Corpora. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Garside, Roger, Fligelstone S. and Botley S. (1997) Discourse Annotation: Anaphoric
Relations in Corpora. In Garside et al (eds.). 66-84.
Garside, Roger, Geoffrey Leech, and Geoffrey Sampson (1987) The Computational Analysis
of English. London: Longman.
Garside, Roger, Geoffrey Leech, and Tamás Váradi (1992) Lancester Parsed Corpus. Manual
to accompany the Lancaster Parsed Corpus. http://khnt.hit. /icame/ manuals/
Garside, Roger, Geoffrey Leech, and Anthony McEnery (eds.) (1997) Corpus Annotation.
London: Longman. (Statistics)
Garside, Roger, and Nicholas Smith (1997) A Hybrid Grammatical Tagger: CLAWS 4. In
Garside, Leech, and McEnery (1997). 102-121.
Gavioli, Laura (1997) Exploring Texts Through the Concordancer: Guiding the Learner. In
Anne Wichmann, Steven Fligelstone, Tony McEnery, and Garry Knowles (eds.) (1997)
Teaching and Language Corpora. London: Longman. 83-99.
Gillard, Patrick and Adam Gadsby (1998) Using a Learners’ Corpus in Compiling ELT
Dictionaries. In Granger (1998). 159-71.
Gledhill, C. (1996) Collocation and Genre Analysis: The Phraseology in Cancer Research
Articles. In S. Botley, J. Glass, T. McEnery and A. Wilson (eds) Proceedings of the
Teaching and Language Corpora 1996. UCREL Technical Papers 9. 108-26.
Gledhill, C. (2000). Science as collocation: phraseology in cancer research articles. In S.
Botley, J. Glass, T. McEnery and A. Wilson (eds). Proceedings of the Teaching and
Language Corpora 1996. UCREL Technical Papers 9: 108-126 (ESP)
Gledhill, C. (2000) Collocations in Science Writing. Tübingen: Gunter Narr Verlag. (ESP)
Gomez-Gonzalez M.A. (1998) A Corpus-Based Analysis of Extended Multiple Themes in
PresE. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 3. 81-113.
Granger, Sylvianne (1993) International Corpus or Learner English. In Aarts, de Haan, and
Oostdijk (1993). 75-71.
---- (1998) Learner English on Computer. London: Longman. (ESP)
---- (1998) The Computer Learner Corpus: A Versatile New Source of Data for SLA
Research.In Granger (ed.).3-18.
Granger S. and Tribble C. (1998) Learner Corpus Data in the Foreign Language Classroom:
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Granger, S. et al (eds) (2002). Computer Learner Corpora, Second Language Acquisition and
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Greenbaum, Sidney (1973) Informant Elicitation of Data on Syntactic Variation. Lingua 31.
---- (1975) Syntactic Frequency and Acceptability. Lingua 40. 99-113.
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---- (1996b) The Oxford English Grammar. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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Halteren, Hans von and Theo von den Heuvel (1990) Linguistic Exploitation of Syntactic
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Hickey, Raymond, Merja Kytö, Ian Lancashire, and Matti Rissanen (eds.) (1997) Tracing the
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Hockey, Susan (2000) Electronic Texts in the Humanities. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hoey M. (ed.) (1993) Data, Description, Discourse. London: HarperCollins. (general book on
corpora and language)
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Language Change in Progress. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics 4. 221-42.
Hunston, S. (1995a) A Corpus Study of Some English Verbs Of Attribution. Functions of
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---- (1999b) Local Grammars: The Future of Corpus-Driven Grammar?. Paper read at the 32nd
Annual Meeting, University of Edinburgh, September 1999.
* Hunston, S. (2002). Corpora in Applied Linguistics. Cambridge: CUP. (general book on
language and corpora)
Hunston S. and Francis G. (1998) Verbs Observed: A Corpus-Driven Pedagogic
GrammarApplied Linguistics 19.45-72. (ELT)
Hunston S. and Francis G. (1999) Pattern Grammar. A Corpus-Driven Approach to the
Lexical Grammar of English. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (general book on language and
corpora, focus on grammar)
Hyland, K. (1998) Hedging in Scientific Research Articles. Amsterdam: Benjamins. (ESP)
Jackson J. (1997) Corpus and Concordance: Finding Out about Style. In Wichmann et al
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Johansson, Stig and Jarle Ebeling (1996) Exploring the English-Norwegian Parallel Corpus.
In Percy, Meyer, and Lancashire (1996).
Johansson, S., Ebeling G. and Hofland K. (1996) Coding and Aligning the EnglishNorwegian Parallel Corpus. In K. Aijmer, B. Altenberg and M. Johansson (eds.)
Language in Contrast: Papers From a Symposium on Text-Based Cross-Linguistic Studies,
Lund, March 1994. Lund: Lund University Press. 87-112.
Johns, T. (1991) “Should You Be Persuaded?”: Two Samples of Data-Driven Learning
Materials. In T.Johns and P. King (eds.) 1-16 (ELT)
---- (1994) From Printout to Handout: Grammar and Vocabulary Teaching in the Context of
Data-driven Learning. In Odlin (1994). 293-313.
---- (1997a) Contexts: The Background, Development and Trialling of a Concordance-Based
Call Program. In Wichmann et al (eds.). 100-15.
---- (1997b) Multiconcord: The Lingua Multilingua Parallel Concordancer for Windows
Johns T. and King P. (eds.) Classroom Concordancing ELR Journal 4. University of
Johnson, A. (1997). Textual kidnapping: a case of plagiarism among three student texts?
Forensic Linguistics 4: 210-225. (Forensic linguistics)
Kalton, Graham (1983) Introduction of Survey Sampling. Beverly Hills; CA: Sage.
Kennedy, Graeme (1996) Over Once Lightly. In Percy, Meyer and Lancashire (1996). 253-62.
*(1998) An Introduction to Corpus Linguistics. London: Longman. (general book on language
and corpora)
Kenny, D (2000) Translators at play: exploitation of collocational norms in German-English
translation. In Dodd (ed.) 143-160.
Kettemann, Bernhard (1995) On the Use of Concordancing in ELT: Tell&Call 4-15.
Kettemann, B. et al (2002) (ed) Teaching and Learning by Doing Corpus Analysis.
Amsterdam: Rodopi (ELT).
King, P (1997) Parallel corpora for translator training. In PALC ’97: 393-402. (Translation)
King, P and Wools D. (1996) Creating and using a multilingual parallel concordancer. In
Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk and M. Thelen (eds.) Translation and Meaning, part 4:
Proceedings of the Lodz session of the 2nd International Maastricht-Lodz Duo Colloquium
on Translation and Meaning, Lodz, September 1995 Amsterdam: Benjamins. 459-466.
Kirk, John (1992) The Northern Ireland Transcribed Corpus of Speech. In Leitner (1992). 6573.
Knowles, G (1997) Using corpora for the diachronic study of English. In Wichmann et al
(eds.) 195-210.
Knowles, G, Wichmann A. and P. Alderson (eds.) (1996) Working with Speech: Perspectives
on research into the Lancaster/IBM Spoken English Corpus. London: Longman.
Koster, C. and E. Oltmans (eds.) (1996) Proceedings of the first AGFL Workshop. Nijmegen:
Kress, G (1994) Text and grammar as explanation. In Meinhof U. and K. Richardson (eds.)
Text, Discourse and Context: Representations of poverty in Britain. London: Longman.
Kretzschmar, William A., Jr. (2000) Review of SPSS Student Version 9.0 for Windows.
Journal of English Linuistics 28 (3). 311-13.
Kretzschmar, William A., Jr. and E. Schneider (1996) Introduction to Quantitative Analysis of
Linguistic Survey Data. Los Angeles: Sage.
Kretzschmar, William A., Jr., Charles F. Meyer, and Dominique Ingegneri (1997) Uses of
Inferential Statistics in Corpus Linuistics. In Ljung (1997) 167-77.
Kytö, M. (1991) Varaiation and Diachrony with Early American English in Focus. Studies on
‘can’/’may’ and ‘shall’/’will’. University of Bamberg Studies in English Linguistics 28.
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.
---- (1996) Manual to the Diachronic Part of the Helsinki Corpus of English Texts: Coding
Conventions an Lists of Source Texts. 3rd edn. Department of English: University of
Labov, W. (1972) The Transformation of Expirience in Narrative Syntax. In Language in the
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