CS-1511 Computer Science I

CS-1511 Computer Science I
Final Exam Study Guide
Fundamental Skills Test
Part I. Arrays, Searching and Sorting
Students should be able to…
Declare 1 dimensional and 2 dimensional arrays of primitive types
Typical questions
Write the code to declare a 1-d array of ______ with ten elements. pp 329-330
Write the code to declare a 2-d array of ______ with ___ rows and ___ columns. pp 345-348
Make array declarations using a value list
See: p 330, 348
Demonstrate understanding of how to use the <array> class template.
See The Array Class pp 387-390
Count items in an array (this is a variation on the sequential search pp 337-344
Typical questions
Given an initialized array of ten integer values called num, write the code to count …
the number of even or odd values
the number of occurrences of a target value
the number of values within a particular range
Explain how a binary search is conducted.
No coding. Know the algorithm on p 372
Explain the differences between selection, bubble and insertion sorting techniques
Summarized on pp 440-441
Explain the concept of Big-O as it applies to searching and sorting
See pp 386-387 and 440-441
Part II. Pointers
Students should be able to…
Declare pointer variables (and pointers to pointer variables)
Typical question:
Write the code to declare a pointer to a double pp 515-516
Capture the address of a variable See pp 516-519
Typical question:
Write the code to assign an address to a pointer variable.
Write the code to assign the contents of newly allocated memory to a pointer.
Write the code to assign the contents of another pointer variable to a pointer.
Assign a null pointer to a pointer variable See pp 516-519
Write the code to assign a NULL value to a pointer variable.
Dynamically allocate an array
Typical questions: See pp 525-526
Write the code to dynamically declare an array of 10 elements.
Declare an array of pointers
Typical questions: See pp 532-534
Write the code to dynamically declare an array of 10 pointers to....
Write the code to create and assign pointers to the elements of an array of pointers
Create methods with pointer return types
Typical questions: See pp 525-526
This method returns a pointer, how would it be called?.
Write the code for a method that returns a pointer to…
Dereference pointer variables (using single and double indirection)
Typical questions: See pp 519-522
Write the code to dereference a pointer to an int.
Write the code to dereference a pointer to a pointer to an int
Pass pointers into a method
Typical questions: See pp 522-524
Write the code to pass these pointer variables into a method that will…
Write the code for the formal parameters of a method that is passed two pointers.
Use pointer arithmetic.
Typical questions: See pp 528-530
Write a method that uses pointer arithmetic to sum up the values in an array.
Write a method that uses pointer arithmetic to do a sequential search of an array.
Write a method that uses pointer arithmetic to count particular values in an array.
Write a method that initializes (assigns pointers to) an indexed array.
Typical questions: See pp 534-539
Write code that initializes a pointer array to the addresses of elements in another array.
Write code for a method that swaps pointers
Typical questions: See pp 541-544
Write code that exchanges the contents of two pointer variables.
Part III. Data Structures
Students should be able to…
Describe the linked list data structure
Typical question: pp 578-579
Describe, or diagram and label, the linked list data structure.
Explain the advantages linked lists over static arrays
Typical question: See pp 575-578
What is the advantage of linked lists over fixed-size arrays for new element insertion?
What is the advantage of linked lists over fixed-size arrays for element deletion?
Write and explain the Node class definition.
Typical question: See p 585
What are the Node class definitions two public data members?
Describe the purpose of each data member of the Node class.
Describe how to insert a new node in a linked list
Typical question: pp 580-581
Diagram and label the process used to insert a new node in a linked list.
Describe how to delete a node from a linked list
Typical question: pp 582-583
Diagram and label the process used to insert a new node in a linked list.
Part IV. OOP, Constructors, Data Hiding, Accessors, Mutators
Students should be able to…
24. Define, know how to identify and/or know how to implement each of the following key concepts:
 abstraction
 accessor
 class
 constructor
 data hiding
 destructor
 encapsulation
 header file
 include file
 implementation file
 instance
 instance method
 instance variable
 instantiation
 mutator
 object
 preprocessor directive
 private
 prototype
 public
 static variable
25. Given class code, construct a UML diagram/ or vice versa See pp 589-591, 646 653, 656
26. Write the code for a constructor See pp 587-588
27. Write a utility method to verify input before assigning a value pp 645-646
28. Write code for a mutator method. See:pp 642-644
29. Write code for an accessor method. See:pp 642-644
30. Distinguish between class instance variables and static variables. pp 585-586, 598
31. Write code for a method in an implementation file. See pp 591-595
32. Write client code to instantiate objects from a class and use them. pp 648-650