11,2 338-343

Name: _____________________________________
Chapter 11, Lesson 2: “Athens: A City-State”, p. 338-343
The Evolution of Democracy
A. Democracy
1. Definition
B. How democracy developed in Athens
1. First type of government in Athens -- Monarchy
a. Definition
b. How the ruler is chosen in a monarchy
2. Second type of government in Athens -- Oligarchy
a. Definition
b. Problems that occurred
C. First Type of Government in Athens -- The Rule of Tyrants/Dictators
1. Definition of tyrant/dictator
2. How tyrants helped democracy to develop
3. Why people got rid of tyrants
D. The Democracy of Athens
1. How democracy began in Athens
2. The Council of 500
a. Purpose of the council
b. How its members were chosen
3. Purpose of the Citizen Assembly
4. The first juries
a. Purpose of jurors (people who serve on a jury)
5. How the poor could afford to serve in the government of Athens
E. Understanding Democracy (in the box on page 340)
1. Where the word “democracy” comes from
2. Who takes part in government in a democracy
3. Direct democracy
a. Definition
b. Why it was possible in Ancient Greece
4. Representative Democracy
a. Definition
b. Why this type is necessary in the United States
Citizenship in Athens
A. Citizens in Athens
1. Who were citizens
2. How a person became a citizen
3. Number of citizens in Athens
B. Non-Citizens
1. Who were not citizens
2. Numbers of non-citizens
145,000 people
35,000 people
3. Rights of women
4. Metics
a. Who were metics
b. What jobs metics did
c. Rights that Metics did and did not have
5. Slaves
a. Who were slaves
b. Rights that slaves did not have
c. Jobs of slaves
d. How a slave could gain his/her freedom
The Economy of Athens
A. Farming
B. Trade and Coinage
1. Bartering
2. How and why the Greeks changed the trading system
C. Redistributing Wealth
1. What was expected of wealthy people
2. Look at the coins on page 343. Why would a coin from the city of
Athens have an owl on it?
Homework Quiz
Chapter 11, Lesson 2: Athens a City-State
1. *What type of government is ruled by a few people?
2. *What type of ruler gains power by using force?
3. What was the purpose of the Citizen Assembly in ancient Athens?
4. Why were poor citizens still able to take serve in the government
of ancient Athens?
5. *What two Greek words does the term “democracy” come from?
6. Why does the United States have to have a representative
democracy instead of a direct democracy?
7. *How did a person become a citizen in ancient Athens?
8. *145,000 people in ancient Athens were not citizens. Who were
these 145,000 people?
9. What was a metic in ancient Greece?
10. How did the ancient Greeks change the trading system?
Name: _______________________________
Homework Quiz for “Athens: A City-State”
1. _____________________ is a form of government in which a small group rules.
2. A ____________________ is a ruler who seizes power by force and has total power over a
3, 4, 5, 6. In ancient Athens, what four types of people were not citizens?
7. Around 570 B.C., what did the ancient Greeks make in order to improve the trading process?
Name: _______________________________
Homework Quiz for “Athens: A City-State”
1. _____________________ is a form of government in which a small group rules.
2. A ____________________ is a ruler who seizes power by force and has total power over a
3, 4, 5, 6. In ancient Athens, what four types of people were not citizens?
7. Around 570 B.C., what did the ancient Greeks make in order to improve the trading process?