Watch Out for Trash Cans

Watch Out for Trash Cans!
Adapted from a book by Jo Windsor
Little Bird
Big Bird
Narrator 1/Fish/Garbage Man
Narrator 2/Cat/Garbage Man
Setting: Outside
(Big Bird and Little Bird fly towards each other.)
Big Bird: Hi, Little Bird!
Little Bird: Hi, Big Bird!
Big Bird: Watch me. I’ll show you how to really fly!
Narrator 1: Big Bird goes up, down, around, and…
(Big Bird crashes into window.)
Little Bird: Oops, watch out for windows!
Big Bird: Watch me! I’ll show you how to fish!
Narrator 2: Big Bird goes up, up, down, and…
(Big Bird gets bitten by Fish.)
Little Bird: Oops, watch out for big fish!
Big Bird: Watch me! I’ll show you how to land in a tree!
Narrator 1: Big Bird goes up, over, and...
(Big Bird gets bitten by Cat.)
Little Bird: Oops, watch out for cats!
Big Bird: Watch me! I’ll show you how to get food!
Narrator 2: Big Bird flies up, down, lands on a trash can, and…
(Big Bird falls in trash can.)
Everyone: Oops!
(Garbage men dump out trash and Big Bird.)
Little Bird: Thanks, Big Bird! You showed me how to fly, fish, land,
and how to watch out for trash cans!
The End